"Riot! Riot! It's a motherfucking god damn RIOT!" Speaking

"RRRRRRRRRRRRIOT!" Communications

'Play that Riot music!' Thinking.

As The Years Go By

Natsu looks at Kurome as she closes the door behind her and looks at General Esdeath.

"Ah Kurome, I would like to introduce you to your mentor, General End, you two are both new to the Empire so I saw it best to pair you two together so you can both grow together," Esdeath explains.

Kurome nods her head and walks up to Natsu and looks up to him, compared to Natsu she was really short that she has to look up to see him. She holds out her hand, "Kurome," She mumbles, normally she wasn't this open to talk but since he is a GENERAL she has to make a good first impression.

Dragneel smiles brightly and gives her a firm handshake, "You can call me Natsu," He assures.

Kurome and Esdeath look at him with shock, Esdeath didn't like other people knowing Natsu's real name but it's his choice to tell whoever is worthy to know his name so she'll let this pass. Kurome on the other hand was confused on why Natsu is such a nicer person than what she was expected, with the only clue that she was being assigned to a Ex-Murderer she thought he would be more...imitating.

Kurome nods her head, "General Natsu," She whispers.

Dragneel only laughs, making the two blush for having a cute chuckle, "No just Natsu, we're both new so we'll be partners!" He cheers then smiles brightly.

The small girl's eyes widen of the word partner, so kind and such a goody-two-shoes aura it actually made her think of her sister, the traitor. At first she wants to distance herself from Natsu being a lot like her sister but his cheerful expression and big smile makes her feel so loved. They just met but she feels like she knew Natsu since the day she was born. He was like...he was like a big brother.

'Big Brother?' She finds herself staring at Natsu with such passionate eyes like she found her long lost brother.

Natsu thinks that she is opening up to him so he pats her head, "Yeah you and me will be great partners!" He assures.

General Esdeath nods her head of the two soldiers getting along, "I'll give you two some time to know each other, I'll see you tonight Ge-Natsu," Esdeath explains.

Dragneel nods his head, "Alright I'll catch you later," He assures then watches Esdeath leave the room.

Kurome devilishly smirks when she hears the door close to mark Esdeath's departure, ''Onii-chan," She says something not of Natsu's tongue.

Natsu looks down to her, "Kurome did you say something?" He asks.

To his surprise Kurome hugs him and snuggles against his abs with a great smile on her lips, "Onii-chan!" She says again.

"W-what did you say?" He asks, trying to figure out what she was saying but it doesn't recall anything like Onii-chan before, it must be some kind of village language he doesn't know of.

Oddly he was more worried about figuring out what Onii-chan meant than the small girl that was rubbing her face around his abs like he was a plushie.

"Onii-chan...Oo knee can," He mumbles to himself.

Kurome nods her head, "Onii-chan," She repeats and hugs him tighter, when she found out that her sister left the Empire for the revolutionary army she was devastated. She lost her only family when her sister left the Empire, but maybe Natsu could be her family know. He doesn't have black hair but he sure reminds her of her dear older sister. Their village had their own language from the Empire and Onii-chan meant 'Big Brother' basically. Sadly she and her sister are the last people who know this language so it makes sense why Natsu doesn't know it.

The two hugged each other with Natsu utterly confused, 'Well this is going to be interesting,' He admits.

7 years Later

"That's it Kurome! Use everything you got to take me out!" Natsu praises as he catches Kurome's Yatsufusa.

He and Kurome grew together just as General Esdeath foreseen and they have grown attached to each other, obviously with Kurome and her brother complex but with Natsu he strangely became a very...very kind man that quickly sees the good in almost everyone he meets. Always smiling and always in a cheery mood he has become the Empire's poster boy despite his rather edgy title of General End. A lot of children even see him as a super hero even though he slaughters his enemies to ashes.

Natsu has grown in to a healthy and attractive adult after the 7 years with Kurome, he grew a few inches taller and became more physically built with his muscles more defined but his smile just as bright as before. He maintained his spiky hair to the same length as 7 years ago with the help of a local barber down in the Empire's commercial district.

Anyway the two soldiers fight in the Barrack's courtyard where Esdeath beloved shade flowers reside, which she uses for torture, and grass beneath their feet.

Kurome squints her eyes as she tries to force her blade through Natsu but his iron grip has her blade in place. She decides to change up her strategy by fleeing, she raises her right foot and plants it into Natsu's gut and pushes herself up, sending her into a back flip away from Natsu. Natsu quickly recovers and smirks.

"You can't run from me!" He warns and stomps his feet on the ground and fills his lungs with air. A burning flame grows in his throat, 'Let's see if she can handle a weaker roar,'

As soon as Kurome lands on her feet, she looks up to find Natsu charging something up, which is aimed right at her. Her eyes widen as her blade starts to glow purple. Out of Natsu's mouth is a beam of black fire and a savage roar that makes the whole barracks tremble of its power. The whole sky turns back as the beam fires at Kurome and explodes as the beam makes impact with something.

Smoke and dust explodes from the impact point with Natsu scanning the smoke cloud for his pupil, he smirks after scanning for a bit to sense to figures in the smoke cloud he created.

"Not bad Kurome, but you can't always depend on your puppets," He warns as the smoke cloud dissipates to reveal Kurome hiding behind a man with a riot shield in his hand. He blocked his dragon roar with ease with his shield.

Kurome breathes heavily as she watches her puppet with the shield fall to his knee, he falls to his back to reveal that he and his shield have a whole burned through them.

'Onii-chan burned right through Wall,' Kurome notes and feels a presence behind her.

She points at Natsu with her sword, "Now Doya!" She orders.

In a blink of an eye a teenager runs pasts Kurome with two revolvers in her hands. 'Doya' is slightly taller than Kurome by an inch and she wears a tan hat that curves as the sides, a short brown dress over a white blouse, a red handkerchief around her neck, tan gloves over her hands, black skinny jeans, and brown boots. She has long blonde hair, green eyes and pale white skin.

Doya sprints toward Natsu with her two black revolvers in her hands, she fires her left pistol then her right pistol at Natsu, shooting little green orbs at him. Dragneel only marches forward as the green orbs burn to ash from his overwhelmingly hot aura. Doya grits her teeth and charges her pistols slightly to do more damage as she jumps to her right to get on Natsu's flank.

End completely ignores the gunslinger as she fires her beefed up bullets at him, "Come on Kurome you can do better than that!" He teases as he senses Doya charge him.

Doya runs at Dragneel then jumps and shoots her legs out for a drop kick but Natsu simply takes a step back to evade her boots. As she zooms past him, he joins his hands together into a fist, raises them above his head, and slams his hands down right on Doya's stomach. The force on impact sends the teen crashing to the ground in front of Natsu, when she hits the ground she makes a small crater and gasps for air. Doya doesn't feel the pain but her ribs are broken and shattered, she wasn't in shape to get back up again.

Dragneel keeps his eyes on Kurome as he stomps on Doya's legs so she doesn't get back up again, it doesn't matter if she fires at him again, her bullets do little to no damage to the General.

"Doya?!" Kurome calls as she uses her swords to slowly pull herself back to her feet again.

"Harder Kurome, you can't even lay a scratch on me with that power," Natsu warns as he resumes his march toward Kurome.

Kurome grits her teeth and looks down to find burns and bruises all over her body, Natsu isn't the one to go easy on her during spars, but she wouldn't have it any other way.

'He's too strong,' She thinks but keeps her cool as she lifts her sword up to defend herself from her mentor. She wobbles in place as Natsu approaches, her legs are like jelly from all the fighting and she is even having trouble keeping her balance. As Natsu gets into her melee range, she takes a side swing at him but her weak state weakens her attack.

Like a big brother, Natsu catches her sword with ease like he was calming Kurome down from a tantrum, "Okay let's call it in for today," He ends the match, now noticing Kurome's weaken state.

"O-onii-chan," She mumbles, feeling ashamed to fail to beat Natsu once again. Over the 7 years they've been together Kurome was never able to fully take down General End. The farthest she's gone was stabbing him in the stomach, but that was only because she tripped on a rock and Natsu dropped his guard to catch her.

She looks up to Natsu and find him smiling at her, making her feel slightly better but she is still sad. "Onii-chan I'm sorry," She whispers.

Kurome has grown up from her tiny child form to a tiny teenager, she still doesn't have the best sex appeal but she does have cute appearance. She is a little bit taller but she still keeps her short hair and her school-like uniform. Natsu doesn't mind it not one bit because he finds Kurome extremely adorable.

"Kurome, that's why we are here today, to train you into the best soldier of all of the Empire." He comforts and rests his hand on Kurome's shoulder.

Kurome mumbles her head on instinct, she has heard this speech a thousand times from her mentor, "I know..."

"And what do I say about failing?" He asks.

Kurome smirks and looks dead in Natsu's eyes, "Get back up,"

Natsu smile again, "That's my Kurome,"

Kurome smiles and watches Natsu turn toward the barracks, "Come on I heard General Esdeath has another mission for you," He explains.

She nods her head and follows her mentor back into the Barracks. When they entered the barracks Kurome left Natsu to his own devices so she could meet General Esdeath about her mission. In the meantime Natsu went down to the commercial district to look for trouble again.

Commercial District

"Looks it's General End!"

"Look Dad it's End! He's so cool!"

"Hi General!"

The citizens in the Commercial District wave to Natsu as he walks down the street with a smile on his face. He walks down a cobblestone street with many vendors and patrons crowding the sides of the street. People sell clothes, food, vases, and other nonsense that doesn't matter to Natsu. As he walks down the street he can tell that the people are happy to see him.

The poor and the wealthy like Natsu even though he works for the Empire, he is the man of the people, helping all he can all while taking down evil doers. Well they don't really care who Natsu beats up as long as he beats someone it's fine because they like to watch him fight. Natsu waves to the children and the passing civilians with a smile on his face.

"How you people doing?" Natsu asks as small battered ball rolls to a stop in front of his feet.

He raises an eyebrow and looks to his right, where the ball came from, to find a 2 thugs in an alleyway talking to someone out of Natsu's sight. He raises an eyebrow and walks inside the alleyway. This makes onlookers cheer assuming Natsu found another victim, they begin to crowd the entrance of the alleyway while Natsu confronts the two thugs with their backs toward Natsu, as if they were examining something.

"Is there a problem here?" Natsu asks the two thugs, making the two turn to him.

The turn to him with scowls on their face, "None of your business punk," One of the thugs taunts and reveals that he has a knife in his hand.

Natsu sighs in relief, "Awesome you don't know me,"

"Why would we know a pinky like you?" The thug on the right asks.

Dragneel ticks to the word pinky but he keeps his cool, "All you need to know is that you...never...call me pinky," He threatens.

The two thugs ignore the mass of people behind Natsu and laugh of such an attitude from the salmon haired adult, "Or what...pinky?"

Dragneel tilts his head to the side a bit then looks at the thugs, "Well you got your warning," He mumbles and lights his hands on fire, making the onlookers cheer with joy.

The thugs step back in shock and ready themselves for combat, "We'll deal with the dog later, let's wipe this punk!" One of thugs orders.

His friend nods and pulls out a wooden bat.

'Dog?' Natsu thinks and raises an eyebrow.

As the two thugs prepare themselves to fight, they sense something growing behind them, its shadow slowly begins to cover the two completely. They watch as Natsu slowly looks at something above their heads.

They here a growl, making them turn slowly behind them, "What the hell?!" They yell to find an over sized and beefy dog standing behind them.

The dog has white fur with black ears, angry onyx eyes, a large mouth filled with pointed white teeth, and two abnormally muscular arms with human-like hands. The dog glares at the two thugs while Natsu stares at the dog with shock.

"That's one big dog..." Natsu mumbles as he hears the screams of the civilians behind him.

"Get back freak!" The knife wielding thug yells as he lunges himself at the abnormally sized dog with slight fear in his eyes.

The large dog barks and opens it's large mouth right in front of the charging thug, this said thug widens his eyes realizing his fate.

"Oh sh-" Is the last thing he ever said as his upper body goes into the Dog's mouth.

Everyone watches as the Dog bites down with all of it's might, it's sharp teeth poke through the body in it's mouth with ease, making blood spray into and outside of it's mouth. The dog begins to shake it's head rapidly like it got a new chew toy. This makes the corpse frail around lifelessly while it's upper body is torn to shreds by the dog's teeth. It didn't take long before the lower part of the corpse disconnects from the upper body, it flops to the ground and lands in front of the bat wielding thug then sprays the remaining blood in it all over the poor man.

Traumatized and angry the bat wielding thug grips his bat tightly and raises it above his head. The Dog only shallows his late friend and glares at him, what comes next is purely simple, the dog raises his right 'fist' and swings it to the left. The thug is slammed the alleyway wall next to him, on impact he makes a crater in the wall. The dog cocks back his fist to reveal the man's face shushed with blood rushing down his forehead and his eyes wide open.

With the two thugs completely dead and the alleyway completed covered with blood, Natsu lifts his lower lip up in a sign in approval, "Now that's a dog with a bite," He mumbles but the dog looks at Natsu will killer intent.

Natsu raises his hands up in surrender, "Whoa easy now, I'm not here to hurt yo-" He starts but the sounds of footsteps echo behind the dog.

"Kill it!" A group of 5 thugs regroup at the other end of the alleyway with metal pipes in their head. Why they want the dog dead is for another day.

The Dog turns around ready to fight but Natsu wasn't going to leave without letting out a few punches, "Hey don't leave me out of this!" Natsu yells as runs toward the dog.

The dog looks at Natsu then at the charging thugs, it barks loudly and opens it's 'fists' for a beating but it's eyes widen to watch Natsu run right past it. It watches Natsu's left hand light with a black flame and punch the first thug closest to him.

His fist makes the thug's face shatter and sends him flying back out of the alleyway. He flies past his comrades and crashes into a food vendor, he was dead before he landed.

Natsu stops in front of the dog and raises his fists in front of him, "Come on bring it!" He taunts and makes his flame dance in front of him to intimidate his enemies. The dog marks Natsu as an alley and glares as the thugs before him, it opens it's mouth and lets out a savage roar that makes the floor tremble

The men stagger to keep their balance but Natsu sprints forward without a care. He smile as he takes one thug at a time, effortlessly killing each of them without breaking a sweat. Time slows down as he approaches the first man, like a demon Natsu chuckles as he drills his knee into the man gut. The man bends over from the attack and spits out blood while he feels Natsu's right arm wrap around his neck. Dragneel tightens his grip around his neck and pulls his neck upward.

He hears a satisfying crack and the man's body fall limp, Natsu snapped his neck. He drops the body to the ground and runs toward the next victim. All the victim can see is a blur as Natsu raises his left foot and kicks the man's right kneecap. He's leg bends backwards and he falls on his other knee while screaming. Natsu finishes him off by elbowing his right temple, sending the man face first into the wall next to him. As he slowly slides down the wall with cracked skull, Natsu stops to find the last thug still focused on the dog.

It takes a moment but the thug watches all of his friends in front of him fall to the ground all at the same time, dead and destroyed. He takes a step back to find a demon in front of him. A man covered in black flames with a bright smile on his face, enjoying the spilling of blood and the smashing of bones. Pure nightmare fuel and the man is consumed by his fears, he starts to scream in terror while Natsu reaches out for him.

"No no no! STAY AWAY!" He yells as he feels his feet burn up.

He looks down to find his feet set ablaze with the demon's black flame. He drops to the ground and starts to pat away at the fire but it doesn't go out. The pain on continues and worsens as the flames scorch his skin while traveling to his skull. His scream is the last thing that comes out of his mouth as the flames consume him and burn him to death.

With a job well done Natsu makes a satisfying smile and turns to the dog, "Well that was fun wasn't it...oh..." He turns to find that the dog has changed forms.

It changed to an adorable...

White furred...

Blacked eared...

Dots for eyes...


The small dog was the size of his boot and it blankly stared at him with his tiny dots for eyes. Natsu gasps in joy and picked up the little puppy and lifted him into the air.

"YOU'RE SO FLUFFY!" He cheers as the sunlight shines on the dog, with it's dark blank eyes staring at him with no emotion whatsoever.

The dog doesn't say anything but it seems to accept Natsu as friend, "Aw you're just the cutest thing," He admits but he assumes that someone must be the owner so he puts him down back on the ground.

"Okay little buddy, I'll catch you later, and uh...don't get in to trouble yeah?" He jokes and waves at the small dog then begins to walk away toward the other side of the alleyway where he sent the first thug flying through.

The puppy watches as Natsu walks away...and slowly waddles after him. It's tiny legs softly peck the ground as it slowly follows Natsu out of the alleyway, passing the broken, beaten, and bloodied bodies scattered in the alleyway.

While Natsu and the small puppy walks out of the alleyway, the civilians that were watching the fight poke their head from the alleyway.




"I'm not cleaning this up.

The little puppy waddled after Natsu but kept to the shadows and the sidelines so it didn't get spotted from the man of black flames. It was just the size to sneak past anyone who wasn't looking down, even the children couldn't see the little puppy as it waddled through the shadows of the commercial district. The little puppy traveled under food vendors, under parked carts, behind pile of boxes, anything really to keep itself hidden.

The little puppy was in the large place of humans because it was looking for an owner. It had a lot of owners in the past but they all died...by it...or by other people. None were kind to the little puppy, they saw the little puppy as a weapon of war...which it was but this weapon of war had feelings since it was a puppy/biological teigu.

Today is the little puppy's lucky day because he found food (The little puppy doesn't need to eat but whatever) and it's new owner all in the same day. The little puppy knew that great power was within Natsu when the little puppy saw his dark flames. Such power and such kindness is very appealing for the little puppy. Appealing enough that the puppy wants to mark Natsu as the little puppy's owner.

Natsu patrolled the district for one more hour but he had a feeling that something was following him, but every time he looked behind him he saw nothing suspicious. He was now standing in the edge of district, right before the gates leading to the palace. He feels the presence of something watching again and it is starting to get on his nerves.

For the last time he turned around looked for any spies, "Okay who's watching me-oh hi puppy!" He changes moods instantly to find the little puppy from earlier.

The little puppy looks at Natsu with no emotion, it wasn't the one to show it's emotion with expressions, but with actions.

Natsu then raises an eyebrow and realizes that the puppy has been following him around, 'Has he been following me this whole time?' He thinks as he gets up and takes a step back.

This makes the little puppy take a step forward.

Natsu takes another step back, the little puppy takes another step forward.

He takes several steps back, the little puppy waddles cutely after him.

The General of death watches the little puppy waddle to a stop in front of him then look up to meet his gaze. He looks around to see if anyone is watching him but only finds passing civilians and clerks trying to sell their products to the people. Looking back to the little puppy he purse his lips thinking of the choices his has in front of him.

'Well I could take him back to the barracks, I can't just leave him here alone, but what if he's owner comes back?' He thinks as he and the little puppy get locked into an unintentional staring contest.

The two stare into each other's gaze in complete awkwardness with Natsu planning his next move. He then remembers the little puppy's battle mode of a beefy dog.

He's eyes widen as he realizes that isn't normal for a dog, Esdeath's voice echos in his head, 'Here is the book of teigu Natsu, only the Empire and the Revolutionary Army know of their existence,'

Dragneel's realization grows deeper, 'Here's a biological teigu, Magical Beast Transformation: Hekatonkheires, he's a teigu in the form of a small puppy,'

"You're a teigu..." He mumbles and blinks.

The little puppy doesn't react as Natsu picks the little puppy up.

"Okay little guy you're coming with me," He says and takes the puppy with him back to the palace grounds.

But Natsu didn't notice one thing.




He lost the staring contest.


Natsu opens the door of the conference where all of his briefings and reports begin. He requested for Esdeath in this conference room to take a look at the biologic teigu in his arms. He walks over to the edge of the main table and sets the little puppy on the table.

"You sit here buddy, I got a friend coming to take a look at ya," He explains and pats the dog on the head.

The little puppy keeps a stoic expression and stares at his new owner. They hear the door open and the room's air darkens as a pair of footsteps echo around the room.

Strangely the little puppy goes on the defensive as he spots the newcomer, General Esdeath, walk toward him. Natsu raises an eyebrow and reaches out to him.

"Hey buddy it's alright, she's a friend," He assures.

He hears Esdeath chuckle and click her tongue in disappointment, "Aw I'm not here to hurt you," She 'assures'.

The little puppy crotches and growls with his expression turning from blank to angry.

"What's wrong buddy?" He asks as he pats the little puppy on the head.

In a blink of an eye the little puppy jumps off the table and lands in front of Natsu, as if he was protecting him from Esdeath.

Natsu's eyes widen as the little puppy's actions, "Oh don't worry Natsu, this is normal for teigu, he doesn't see me as an alley but as an enemy. This will teach him, Natsu tell him to stand down," Esdeath gambles.

She's thinking that the little puppy has taken Natsu as his new owner and is trying to protect him from another teigu user, or displaying his dominance as a more powerful teigu.

"Um okay...Stand down," He orders with a powerful voice.

The little puppy's ears twitch of the order and he instantly returns to his stoic self. Esdeath smiles of the reaction and walks over to Natsu with joy on her face.

"Wonderful Natsu," She praises and caresses his left check with her hand.

Natsu smiles brightly, "Thanks, but what did I do?" He asks as he watches the little puppy turn to him then hops back up on the table.

Esdeath feels her heart tighten as another opportunity to teach Natsu arises, she loves teaching Natsu, how he 'idolizes' her for knowing so many things about the world and such.

She uses her free hand to wave her hand in front of the little puppy, "Remember what I taught you about the teigu Hekatonkheires?" She asks.

"Yeah of course," He assures.

"Well Hekatonkheires requires a human...master...to work efficiently," Her body shivers of the word master, she kinda fantasizing Natsu calling her Master...or even herself calling Natsu master, but that was a small part of her that was a little submissive. She would only go that route if Natsu ever dominated her in battle. If this would happen, she'll let Natsu dominate her in every way possible.

Her whole world shines bright as she watches Natsu realize what's going on.

"I'm the owner?" He asks.

"That's right, you should name him," She suggests.

Esdeath lets go of Natsu and takes a step back while Natsu kneels in front of the little puppy, their eyes meeting at the same height level. Natsu takes a moment to think of a name and just decides to name it the first name that comes to his head.

"Koro," He says.

The little puppy's ears twitch.

"Koro?" Esdeath asks.

His ears twitch again.

"Yeah Koro," He assures.

The little puppy nods his head from the new name.

Esdeath feels Koro's and Natsu's bond only grow stronger as Natsu pats Koro on the head.




This was a start of a wonderful partnership.


A few hours later found himself waiting for Kurome to return for her recent mission. He waits in courtyard where he sparred with Kurome this morning with Koro blankly sitting next to him, who is standing in the middle of the courtyard.

"Onii-chan?" Natsu hears behind him.

Natsu and Koro turn to find Kurmoe standing in front of the Barrack's door.

"Ah Kurome!" He cheers and claps his hands together while Koro almost goes back into defensive mode but is stopped by Natsu.

"Easy now Koro," He calms.

Kurome looks at Koro with confusion, "What is that?" She asks.

"This here is Koro, a biological Teigu," He explains.

"Biological?" She mumbles and looks at the small puppy.

"That's right, now I got my own teigu," He assures.

Kurome raises an eyebrow as she walks to Natsu, "What about your dark flames?" She asks, she thought that his flames were his teigu.

"No that's not my teigu...I got my flames naturally," He explains like it was the most obviously thing in the world.

Kurome nods her head from the explanation, she wasn't amazed that Natsu got a teigu, just confused, why would he need a teigu if he has his dark flames. That only brings more questions like; what is the dark flames if it's not teigu, how could he go toe to toe against Esdeath without a teigu, and why a dog?

These important questions burn in her head but something else snaps her to get her attention. She feels her whole body slowly begin to fall apart on itself for no reason but her eyes widen, she's felt this before. She falls to her knee while holding her head in pain, it was like a virus just revealed itself to take over her body.

This makes Koro go on the defensive again from this girl in front of him, but Natsu runs over to her and starts to pat her down as if he was looking something.

"Kurome I'm here is alright," He comforts as he finds a bag in her satchel, he pulls it out and nods his head. The bag has the label 'Kurome's snacks' on it and Natsu can smell some cookies in the bag but with a hint of something druggy in them.

He reaches into the bag and pulls out a cookie, a simple swirl cookie with a standard cookie base but with a red button like filling on top of the cookie.

"Here eat up," He whispers as he pokes her lips with the cookie in his hands.

Kurome opens her mouth and nibbles on a part of the cookie then shallows. She slowly feels the pain go away, making her return to normal after a few moments.

"Kurome this drug isn't helping you one bit, we gotta to get it out of you," He warns.

The girl nods her head and takes another cookie from her bag and eats it. She hears Natsu sigh and pat her head, "I'm just worried about you," He admits and gets up.

Kurome's heart flutters from his words, her brother complex is showing and she instantly changes to wounded to flustered in a blink of an eye.

"Onii-chan," She mumbles and hides her blush.

He turns his head back to her and smiles, "Come on Kurome you gotta tell me about you mission, how'd it go?' He changes to subject as he puts his hands in his pockets and looks as the night sky while embracing the cold breeze.

Kurome cracks her own smile and joins her 'older-brother' in the courtyard with a stoic Koro.




"So I heard you were told to kill an assassin?"

The Next Day

Natsu and Esdeath slept together in their room for the night after Kurome told Natsu about the mission she went on. Koro didn't need to sleep so he just patrolled the hallways while Natsu slept and Esdeath tried to bed him. As the morning sun begins to rise from the horizon, Koro is standing in front of Natsu's room like a bouncer.

He looks to his left to find a sentry walking down the hallway by a set of large windows the shows that the barracks is on a cliff overlooking the Empire. The second he looks away from the sentry he hears the window bust open. Koro snaps his head back to the sentry to find him dead on the floor with blood and glass around him.

Koro wants to go and warn Natsu but a figure jumps through the broken window. The little puppy growls at the figure who stands over the dead sentry.

"Sorry bro nothing personal," The figure says to the corpse and walks into the moonlight.

It is reveal that the suspect is a man dressed from head to toe in an thick armor. In his right hand is a red spear. He spots little Koro cutely waddling toward him with his eyes locked on him. The man goes on the the defensive.

"Target acquired," He mumbles to himself as he readies himself for battle, knowing what Koro is truly capable of.

Koro's form begins to grow quickly back to it's battle mode to an absolute beast.

"Aw come one tough guy," He taunts as the assassin backs away to the window he just broke.

'This is easier than I thought,' He thinks as the dog rushes at him with all of his might.

With each stomp the building shacks under his power, the assassin doesn't stay long and jumps out of the window. Koro tries to chomp his leg but misses and falls to the ground, but he quickly recovers and launches himself out of the hallway. He takes the whole wall with him as he falls out of the window, smoke rises to the sky while Koro follows the intruder down the mountain side and into one of the many Empire Residential districts.

The man drops on a rooftop, as he looks up he spots the falling dog with his mouth open aimed at him.

"Oh no you don't!" He yells as he spins his spear in front of him as Koro gets into melee range.

Koro feels the man's spear jab the tip between his teeth while he puts the end at the other end of his mouth, keeping his mouth open. Koro struggles to snap the spear as the man keeps an iron grip on his spear to keep it in place.

Koro growls and pushes harder to snap the spear, making his slob drip on the man's armor.

"NOW Sheele!" He yells.

Koro's eyes widen to find a second figure launch itself from the alleyway behind the man and into the sky. Koro looks up to find a woman with a pair of large scissors in her left hand but in the other hand is a syringe with a black fluid. Koro tries to flee but the man uses brute strength to throw him to the ground with spear still in his mouth. On the ground the woman lands on Koro's back and stabs him with the syringe.

The fluid fills Koro's veins and he instantly begins to return to his smaller form. The man retrieved his spear from Koro's mouth before he got too small. He watches as Koro twitches in an attempt to move but the fluid has canceled his movement. The two meet eyes and the man can tell the little puppy was ready to die.

"No today buddy, Sheele let's go," He orders.

Sheele, a busty purple haired, purple dress wearing, glasses wearing, and scissors using woman nods her head and picks up the paralyzed dog then smiles.

"He's cute, can we keep him?" She asks.

"That's the job Sheele," The man assures and gives her a thumbs up.

The two drops down to the alleyway below with Koro begin hugged by Sheele. The man takes point with Sheele behind her and they quickly jog down the street away from the palace.

"KORO!" They hear someone yell from above them.

The two turn to the voice but only cover their eyes as something crashes in front of them in the cobblestone street. The man instantly looks back to Sheele and waves his hand.

"Go get out of here Sheele I'll keep them company," He assures and scans the cloud for his new enemy.

"Bulat?" Sheele mumbles, not wanting to leave her comrade behind.

"..." He doesn't say a word as he spots something in the smoke.

Oddly the cloud doesn't go away, but he can see a figure in the smoke.

"What do you want with Koro?" The figure asks as something surprising is revealed.

A blush goes on Bulat's cheeks and he scratches his head sheepishly, "Whoa buddy we just met," He warns and tries to avoid what he's seeing.

What he sees is Natsu...in his pajamas...which he doesn't have...so he's naked. Completely naked in the smoke, the only thing that Bulat can see is Natsu's bare chest and legs but not what's in between.

Sheele tilts her head and looks closes, only to blush harder than Bulat, she almost drops Koro just by looking at Natsu ripped figured, "W-who are you?" Sheele asks as she watches Natsu glare at him but soften his eyes as he sees a tired Koro in her arms.

He takes a step forward but Bulat blocks his sight of Koro by standing in front of him, "Sorry buddy this is between men, not with my little lady friend here," He warns.

Koro's expression turns to fear as Sheel starts to slowly back away, all he can do is watch as Sheele turns around and flees the scene.

"KORO!" Natsu calls with shock in his eyes.

The little puppy whimpers with his little dots for eyes meeting his owners stare as Sheele dognaps him.

"You're not going anywhere," Bulat assures and tightens his grip on his spear.

Natsu's expression instantly changes to shock to anger and he grits his teeth as his whole body is consumed by his dark flame. Bulat takes a step back of the sheer power and covers his ears as an ear-bleeding roar reaches his hears. The ground trembles and the windows around the two shatter. It was like the beast within Natsu was unleashed. Bulat regains his focus and spots Natsu with his eyes locked on Koro, his companion, his new friend.

"You will pay," Natsu whispers as he walks forward with his flames consuming him.

Bulat keeps his cool and assumes that this will be a great fight, "You have to go through me buddy," He taunts and charges Natsu with his spear pointed at him. Natsu keeps his eyes on the fleeing purple blur in the distance while Bulat yells as he reels his spear back and fires away.

Natsu simply raises his hand and catches the spear, not even flinching, he slowly looks to Bulat and gives him his very own death glare, he looks down to find his back hand as a spear tip sticking through it.

Bulat grits his teeth from such power as Natsu release his hand from the spear tip and uses the same first to punch him in the gut. His fist drills into his gut and sends him flying to a building at the other side of the street. He feels his back crush against a stone wall, he falls down on the ground slightly battered.

He instantly gets up and charges Natsu again, "AhHH!" He screams as he stops in front of Natsu and spins his spear above his head to create a tornado from the high speeds of his spinning.

"Come get some bro!" Bulat yells as he sends the tornado straight at him.

The tornado consumes the walking black flame, inside the tornado Natsu feels his flames slowly begin to die but at an extremely slow rate. He grits his teeth of the high winds around him, it almost made it hard to breath. Though the pain and the winds Natsu opens his ablaze hands open to touch the wings with his flame. Like blood in water the flames slowly turn the winds into his flames.

Bulat watches in shock as his tornado is turned into a firenado. Natsu begins to laugh devilishly as he feels the control of the tower of fire that spins around him. Natsu raises his left hand into the air and the firenado changes from a tornado, to a brilliant flame. A single ball of fire the size of a hackisack. The highly condense fire is all in Natsu's hand, he looks at the fire with the utmost of approval as he glares at Bulat.

Bulat gets the idea and he spins his spear in front of him to charge up another tornado as Natsu chucks to the ball of fire at Bulat. With great speed the ball shoots to Bulat and makes impact with the winds made by Bulat. Like a nuke, there was a moment of silent before the ball of fire exploded. The whole street is leveled with the black flame and it consumes the two of them.

Natsu covers his eyes from the fast winds and waits for the explosion to die down, his ears ringing after a few moments he opens his eyes to find a small crater taking up the whole intersection in front of him, but he doesn't find Bulat anyway. He eyes widen and he searches for Bulat but finds nothing. He clenches his fists as he walks to the crater edge.

'Where did you run off to?' He asks himself as he scans the intersection with deadly eyes, ready to kill anything that moves. After a few moments of scanning he comes empty handed. His rage for Koro's dognapping dies down when he finds something in the crater.

He jumps down to the dirt whole in the street and picks up his clue, his hope to finding Koro. Natsu smirks and he raises the object to the full moon in the sky.

The object is a patch with a emblem of a yellow crosshair behind a black bird. He knows exactly who runs this logo. He clenches the patch and looks to the moon.




"Night Raid," He mumbles, but he doesn't really notice that he is STILL unclothed.

The Little Puppy

"Roll over Koro, come on boy ~roll over~" Chibi Esdeath cheers as she lies in front of a stoic chibi Koro.

She is engrossed with the little puppy and wants to teach it tricks but Koro doesn't want to budge.

"..." Koro stares at Esdeath with his little dots for eyes.

"~Aw~ come on Koro, roll over boy," She whispers with hearts in her eyes, she really likes Koro the little puppy.

Koro was a stubborn one because he didn't roll over like the strange ice lady wanted him too but she left after a few hours.


"Koro Koro Koro roll over!" Kurome tries her luck with Koro but he doesn't budge as he keeps his eyes on the strange little girl.

She likes Natsu's teigu the little puppy, she rolls in front of Koro to show him what she means but he doesn't really care. He just watches her with blank eyes.

She stops rolling around and looks at Koro, "There, now you try," She suggests feeling a little dizzy from all the rolling around.

"..." Koro keeps silent as usual.

"~Koro~" She calls but he doesn't respond.

Kurome finally leaves him alone in defeat and lets another person take over.


"Natsu!" Esdeath and Kurome call as he walks into the room.

Koro snaps his head to the man of dark flames, his owner, and waddles over to him...making squeaks with each step like he was a chew toy.

"Hey you two, what's going on?" He asks as he closes the door behind him.

Esdeath and Kurome pout as they point to the squeaking teigu that's waddling over to them right now.

"Koro doesn't what roll over..." Esdeath cries.

"Why won't he roll over he's a puppy," Kurome asks.

"Koro?" He mumbles and looks down to find the small white puppy looking up to him with his little dots for eyes.

"Yes Natsu he won't roll over!" Kurome cries.

Natsu looks to Esdeath, looks to Kurome, then looks to Kuro.

"Koro roll over," He says.

Koro keeps a stoic face and rolls over.

"EHHH?!" Esdeath and Kurome gasp of Natsu's progress. They've been trying to teach Kurome for hours and only now he actually rolls over.

"Yeah Koro rolls over...so what's the problem?" He asks and picks up Koro then pats him on the head.

Esdeath and Kurome pout as Natsu walks away with Koro in his arms. As he walks away Koro grins at the two humans as Natsu takes him somewhere.

What up everyone? I'm back from some things and again I must apologize for the recent lack of activity from me. I'll explain those things right now.

First was 'cause I was taken from my home to a trip that took 7 hours of driving...I ended up in Vegas for two days. I came back at the beginning of the week.

Second thing is...I oddly became interested in RWBY roleplaying, so I joined a forum for shits and giggles and ended up making two Ocs and joining the discord channel. If one is interested in RPing with me the forum is RWBY: Hunters And Huntresses. The Oc's I have include Nila Indigo, an Oc from TPHH if any is interested in RPing with Nila. She will be in BTSS with a NEW Oc that is exclusive to the forum. If you wanna learn this Oc join up in the forum and tag along with me FallenEnemy. I'm on in most of the time,Pacific Standard Time.

Anyway I'm back with this chapter and coming back with the results of Esdeath's lemon, it is a go with a 90% approval. I got the lemon plan set and where to put it so expect that soon.

The next poll is obviously Najenda same rules apply and stuff.

As for using Onii-chan, that is only KUROME so don't worry I'm not going all Japanese on ya. She only uses her 'mothertongue' for Natsu and Akame only.

Koro that little fur ball I liked writing that, Natsu got a partner now...but he got dognapped all in the same chapter that sucks. So next chapter Natsu is going after Night Raid for capturing Koro.

In the mean time lets here them guesses on what you think is going on in them reviews please.

Codephrase: The Little Puppy

If you like the chapter then I hope to see you in the next one!

Till Next Time!