
~PalmWoods Apartment…

"Carlos!" A tall, ripped boy chases a short rip boy across the pool of PalmWoods Apartment. Said short boy waves a comb in the air as they both ran around, annoying literally everyone else nearby. "Hey Stephanie," Another boy, one with green eyes, tests out his luck by trying to initiate a conversation with the trio girls.

"Ew, no," Immediately he was rejected.

"Carlos!" The tall boy angrily yells, leaping forth, tackling the shorter boy not the pool-side floor as he grabs his lucky comb. "My baby," He coos, holding his comb to his face.

"You treat that thing like it's your girlfriend or something," The green eyed boy rolls his eyes as the shorter one pushes his tall friend off of him.

"Because it is," The tall boy pouts as he stands. "You'd be better of marrying me than that thing," The shorter one snarls, pouting at his tall friend.

As the three wander around PalmWoods Apartment, extremely bored while their fourth friend, Wayne, mucks around with other girls…

A local nerd decides to begin playing his keyboard in RoseWalls Park, entertaining the local strays.

"Right, what song will it be today gentlemen?" The shorter, nerd-ish boy asks jokingly, deciding to play a classic song once he received no answer from the dogs and cats standing around, waiting for him to play.

Once he began playing, the dogs howled in beat, with the cats occasionally meowing. The boy chuckles, enjoying company as he awaits his female friend to finish working her shift. "Thank you guys so much for attending my show today, here're your treats," The boy smiles, filling bowls with dog food, some bowls containing cat food instead.

~That night…

"Um… Has anyone seen Wayne?" The tall boy asks as they order pizza. "No? I haven't seen him at all this whole day," His green-eyed friend sighs, annoyed at their fourth friend's attitude. He's only there with them in the studio. Once outside, he disappears, doing his own thing.

They are kind of glad he's not here though… His presence alone irks them beyond words. Especially the taller boy.

After a while of waiting, the pizza finally arrives.

The three boys quickly finish their food, going to bed early, praying they wake up on time. Better yet, praying they wake up early!

~A week later, at Gustavo Rocque's studio…

"Wayne, you did what?!" Kelly, their manager's assistant screams at the top of her lungs, Gustavo, their manager, and the other three boys jump back startled, both by Kelly's scream and by what Wayne just told them.

"You got someone pregnant!?" Kelly yells in complete disbelief, the entire room stunned by that fact.