Time for chapter two. I hope you all enjoy this, as well as Lucy again. Thank you for reading. Disclaimer: I own nothing

Chapter Two: Asylum

(Late at night, at Roosevelt Asylum in Rockford, Illinois)

Inside the old, abandoned building the chain that was being used to lock up the south wing was cut with a bolt cutter, clattering to the floor. Then the door was opened and people went inside.

Outside, two, male police officers stepped out of their patrol car.

"Can't keep kids out of this place." the older one of the two remarked as they walked up to the chain link fence that had a keep out sign on it.

"What is it, anyway?" his partner asked.

"I forgot you're not a local. You don't know the legend."


"Every town's got its stories, right? Ours is Roosevelt Asylum. They say it's haunted with the ghost of it's patients. Spend the night, ghosts will drive you insane."

The older office unlocked the fence he had gotten and they walked up to the front door. Equipped with flashlights, they walked into the building, seeing the large amounts of graffiti and beer bottles all over the lobby area.

"Hello? Police officers!"

No sound was heard. As they walked further in, they saw the broken chain and the opened door leading to the south wing.

"Are you telling me these kids brought bolt cutters?" the older one questioned. "Come on, let's split up."


After going their separate ways, the younger officer made his way to the boiler room.

"Hello?" he called, but heard nothing.

Then he came to a door that had caution written on it in red, bold letters. He opened it and walked in.

As for the other officer, he walked into a room that was once a bedroom for patients. He saw a bed that was standing on it's side and looked behind it.

"Alright, come on out." he said to the three youngsters hiding behind the bed, shining his flashlight on them.

The younger officer had walked further into the room when his flashlight sudden went out. He shook it get t to work, but nothing happened. Then a door that was a few feet from his right opened by itself.

The older police officer watched the young trespassers drive away in their car and radioed his partner.

"Kelly? You copy?"

He turned around jumped a bit when he saw the younger man standing there.

"Geez, where the hell you've been?"

"In there."

"Well, did you see anything?"

"No, nothing."

The two climbed into their patrol, the older officer radioing the situation in while the younger one wiped the blood that had fallen from his nose.


The young officer had just arrived home and went up to the master bedroom, where his wife was laying and reading a book.

"Hey." she greeted he took off his jacket and placed it on the chair in front of the vanity.

He didn't reply to her and walked over to the dresser, pulling his gun out of his holster and setting it down.

"So what?" she said as he set his keys and other small objects down. "Walt, I said I was sorry about before, how many times do I have to say it?"

Then he grabbed his gun.

Outside the two-story house, a gunshot was heard, a second one following soon after.

Dark, wide eyes stared in horror at the head of white hair that was her mother's head, blood flowing out of her sliced neck and staining the floor beneath it. Her headless body was doing the same thing, crimson liquid painting the walls a deadly red.

"Mama?" she stared into the dull, red eyes of the head.

Then, just as if what just happened fully registered into her mind, her eyes widened even more, tears beginning to fill her eyes.


Lucy's eyes snapped up, gasping as she sat up in the bed she was laying in. Panting, she covered her face with her hand, feeling the slight sweat that had been made when she had her nightmare. She heard the showering running as she calmed herself down.

"I thought I was done with that damn dream..." she said to herself, running her hand through her now sweaty, dark hair while she used her other hand to grip the rosary that was dangling above her chest.

It was silver with a dark red gemstone set in the middle of it. It had a silver chain that was attached to the black chocker around her neck.

She sighed and got up out of bed, going over to her backpack that she used as a suitcase. She pulled her clothes out just as her oldest brother walked out of the motel bathroom with a towel around his waist.

"Morning, sunshine."

Lucy didn't respond, not looking at him either.

"Sam went out to get some coffee in case you're wondering."

"I wasn't." she replied. "I'm going to shower." she walked past him and into the bathroom, closing the door.

"Yeah, figured as much." Dean sighed as he heard the showering running.

It was sometime after he dried off and changed into his clothes did the middle sibling come back to their room with three cups of coffee.

"Hey, where's Lucy?"

"In the shower."

"You guys didn't try to kill each other, did you?"

"Not this time. Anyway, which one's hers?"

"Uh, this one."

"You sure about this?"

"I just wanna make sure, Dean." Sam told him. "Better safe than sorry."

"Yeah, I get it." the oldest said. "And if she really is-"

They heard the bathroom door open and they saw their younger sister walk out wearing a black trench coat that reached to her ankles and was left open, revealing her red tank top underneath, black jeans with a black belt, and black combat boots, the rosary still around her neck.

"You're back." she stated the obvious when she saw her second oldest brother, drying her hair with a towel.

"Uh, yeah, morning, Lucy."

"Which one is for me?" she gestured to the coffee.

"Oh, um, this one."

"Thanks." the dark haired female said when he handed her drink.

The brothers watched as she started to drink it. When she was done, she looked at them.


"Nothing. How is it?"

"Terrible." she remarked, putting the cup on the table in the room. "It's bland."

"Really? Sorry about that, guess they messed it up." Sam said.

"Yeah, I guess they did. I'm gonna bush my teeth, get the taste out of my mouth."

"Alright, have fun with that." Dean told her as she went back into the bathroom. When the door closed, he turned to his brother. "Okay, the holy water didn't have any effect, so she's not possessed."

"Then how to do you explain what was up with her eyes back in Lawrence?" the middle sibling questioned.

"I don't know, you're the one who saw it. Are you sure you weren't just seeing things?"

"I'm positive, it looked so real."

"Alright, you also she had fangs, could she be a werewolf?"

"It wasn't during the lunar cycle, so I don't think so."

"Well, I don't know what to tell you, Sammy." Dean said. "I mean, it's not like we can go up and ask her."

"Ask me what?" Lucy asked as she walked out of the bathroom again, tying her now dry hair into a high ponytail.

"Oh, uh, how old are you?" Sam told her.

The oldest looked at him with an expression that said 'Really?' and he shrugged.

"I'm nineteen." she told them.

"That's pretty young." Dean remarked.

"Yeah, and you're pretty old." Lucy retorted, going over to her bed and picking up her sheathed katana sword that was under the bed sheets.

"You sleep with your sword?" Sam questioned.

"So I can use it in case something tries to attack me in my sleep."

"It's pretty cool. Can I see it?"

She looked at the oldest blankly for a moment. Then she handed him her weapon.

"Wow." Dean said as he observed it and pulled the blade out, almost dropping it from the sudden weight. "It's heavy."

"The blade is made of pure iron." Lucy told him. "Makes fighting a spirit easier."

"Can I use it sometimes?"

"No, cause you would only hurt yourself." she said, taking back the sheath and blade, which she put back into it's covering.

The oldest looked at his brother with an annoyed expression and held his hand, his thumb and forefinger some distance apart.

"I'm this close." he whispered.

"So, Lucy..." Sam started to say. "How did you get into hunting?"

She didn't say anything, not looking at them.

"It's not your business." she finally said. "I didn't come along with you to try to be close to you or anything like that. I just came to find that old man and get him to answer my questions, that's all. Once he does, I'll be out of your hair."

"Uh, okay." the middle sibling said. "That's fine."

"So, do you have any leads to where he could be?" Lucy asked.

"None that we can find." Dean replied. "He's pretty good at covering his tracks when he wants to."

She sighed, possibly annoyed.

"Well, do you have any personal items that belongs to him?"

"Only his journal really." Sam told her. "Why?"

"No reason." she answered, strapping her katana across her back. "Can I see it?"

"Uh, sure. Dean, give her the journal."

"Wha?" the oldest said.

"Just give it her."

He clicked his tongue and went over to his bag, opening it and pulling it the journal. Walking over to his sister, he handed it to her, but kept his grip on it when she tried to take it from him. Lucy final snatched it out of his hand.

"Thanks." was all she said.

She opened the journal and saw the photo that was in the pocket on the inside. She stared at it for a moment before turning her attention to the pages, flipping through them and seeing all that was written and drawn in them.

"He must have had a lot of free time to fill this thing." she remarked. "I must admit, it's quite detailed and useful. He knew his stuff." she turned her back to them.

"Yeah, and he's good at what he does." Dean told her.

"I'm sure he is." she said as she continued to look through the journal.

Then she discreetly brought it closer to her face, softly sniffing it. She caught both of her brother's scents but was able to capture an older one. She breathed it in, memorizing it for later. When she was done, Lucy closed the journal, faced her brothers, and tossed it to the oldest.

"You sure there's nothing in there that can lead us to him?"

"Yeah, we've looked it over more than once." Sam told her.

"But it does have locations of where Dad would want us to go for another case." Dean added.

"And you handle them, hoping you might be able to find some lead to him?" Lucy questioned.

"That's right."

"How's that working out so far?"

"Not as well as we had hoped." the middle sibling admitted. "We were going to call some old friends of his and see if they know anything."

"I guess that's better than nothing." she said, walking towards the door.

"Where you going?" Dean asked.

"To get something to eat, I'm hungry."

"Will you bring us something?"


The oldest sighed as the youngest walked out and closed the door behind her.

"Can we leave her here?"


"She is mean, Sam. And every time she talks, I swear the temperature in the room drops."

"I know Lucy seems..." Sam tried to find the right word. "Unapproachable."

"That's putting it mildly." Dean scoffed.

"But I'm sure she's not as bad as she makes herself out to be."

"We don't know anything about this girl other than her being our sister and her eyes turn red apparently. Hell, this whole thing can be an elaborate set up made up by the thing that killed Mom."

"If that was true, then Missouri would have given us some kind of warning about her. Look, let's just give her a chance. She is our sister, Dean."

The oldest sighed.

"Alright, fine. But is she pisses me off enough, we're leaving her ass on the side of the road."

(Later that night)

"No, Dad was in California last we've heard from him." Sam said, talking with one of their father's old friends on the phone while Lucy looked over the journal again with a fresh set of eyes. "We thought that he comes to you for munitions, we just thought you've seen him in the last few weeks. Just call us is you hear anything. Thanks."

"Caleb hasn't heard from him?" Dean asked as he hung up.

"Neither has Jefferson or Pastor Jim." the middle sibling replied. "Did you find anything in the journal, Lucy?"

"Can't find anything no matter how many times I look." she told him, sighing. "I swear this guy writes like freaking Yoda."

"Tell me about it." the oldest chuckled at that.

"Have you thought about contacting the Feds? Filing a missing persons report?"

"No, he would be pissed about having the Feds on his tail."

"Maybe she's right." Sam said.


"All that happened back in Kansas, he should have been there. You said so yourself, Dean, you tried to call him but nothing."

"Yeah, I know."

Then a ringing sound was heard.

"Is that your phone?" Dean asked the youngest, knowing it wasn't the middle sibling's phone ringing.

"I don't have one." Lucy replied.

"You don't?"

"You would I have to call?"

"Fair enough."

The oldest went over to the bed he was using and looked through the clothes he wore previously.

"Where the hell is my cell phone?"

"You know, he could be dead for all we know." Lucy thought aloud.

"Don't you dare say that. He's not dead, he's..."

"He's what, hiding, busy? Which makes you feel better?"

Instead of answering, Dean finally found his phone. He flipped it open and saw he got a text message.

From: Unavailable


Msg: 42, -89

"Heh, I don't believe it."

"What?" Sam asked.

"It's a text message. It's coordinates." Dean told him.

"You think Dad is texting us?" the middle questioned as the oldest went over to his laptop and looked up the location of the coordinates.

"That hard to believe?" Lucy asked.

"The man can barely work a toaster." he told her.

"Look, this is good news." Dean said. "This means he's okay, he's alive."

"Was there a number on the caller I.D.?"

"It said 'Unknown'."

"Okay, well, where do the coordinates point to?" Sam asked.

"That's the interesting part. Rockford, Illinois."

"And how is that interesting?"

"I took a look at the Rockford paper, take a look at this." he showed his siblings the website he was on and clicked on a photo of a police officer that was on there. "This cop, Walter Kelly, comes homes from his shift, shoots his wife, then puts the gun in his mouth, blows his brains out. Earlier that night, Kelly and his partner respond to a call at the Roosevelt Asylum."

"What does have to do with us?" Sam asked.

"Probably because the old man earmarked the same asylum in the journal." Lucy said, flipping to a page in the journal and read an entry. "Seven unconfirmed sighting, two deaths."

"Till last week, at least." Dean added. "I think this is where we're suppose to go."

"This is a job." the middle sibling stated the obvious. "Dad wants us to work a job."

"Maybe we'll meet up with him. Maybe he's there." the oldest told him.

"Or maybe he's not and he's sending us there by ourselves." Lucy said.

"Who cares? If he wants us there, it's good enough for me."

"Doesn't it strike you as weird?" Sam asked. "The texting, the coordinates?"

"Sam, Dad's telling us to go somewhere. We're going."

"I don't really have to go." the youngest spoke up. "I mean, I might be his daughter, but I didn't live him or work with him like you guys. So I don't really have to follow his orders."

"Then don't come. I don't care if you do or don't, honestly." Dean told her.

"But I'll admit I'm curious, so I'll tag along just in case the old man might actually be there. I'll get my things."

(One long drive to Rockford, Illinois, in a bar)

The oldest sibling approached the police officer sitting at a table.

"You're Daniel Gunderson, right? The cop?"


"I'm Nigel Tufnel with the Chicago Tribune. Do you mid if I ask a couple questions about your partner?" Dean asked as he sat down across from him.

"Yeah, I do. I'm just trying to have a beer here."

"It won't take that long. I just want to hear the story in your words."

"A week ago, my partner was sitting in that chair." the older man told him. "And now he's dead. Are you gonna ambush me here?"

"Sorry, but I need to know what happened."


Turning around in his seat, he saw a certain dark haired female.

"Why don't you leave him alone?" Lucy asked, crossing her arms over her chest. "He's an officer, show some respect."

"Okay, let's not get hasty." Dean said, standing up. "I'm just asking some questions. So why don't you be a good little girl and go home?" he placed his hand on her shoulder.

The second he did, she grabbed his wrist, got behind him, and twitched his arm behind his back while holding onto one of his shoulders with her free hand.

"I'm going to break your arm if you don't stop bothering the man and go home like a good little boy, okay?" Lucy said coolly, sounding very serious.

"Okay, I got it, just ease up a bit, will ya?" the oldest told her, grunting a bit in pain.

She let go his wrist and shoved him forward. He looked back at her before walking away, rubbing his wrist as he exited the building.

"You didn't have to do that." Daniel said.

"Someone had to, guy's a serious douche." Lucy told him. "I'll buy you a beer, looks like you need more than that one." she looked towards the bartender at the bar. "Two." she held up two fingers and he nodded.

"Thanks." the officer said as she sat down across from him.

"No problem."

"So where did you learn to do that back there?" he asked, talking about the move she had pulled.

"One of the many things my mother taught me." she replied.

"Your mother must be one badass lady."

"Yeah... she was."


Lucy walked out of the bar and headed towards the Impala, where her brothers were waiting.

"Went at me kinda hard in there, Sis. Thought you were seriously gonna break my arm." Dean said.

"I had to sell it." she told him. "It's method acting."


"Never mind." she rolled her eyes.

"Why did she go in and not me?" Sam asked.

"Cause, believe it or not, she's prettier than you." Dean told him. "So what did you find out from Gunderson?" he asked his sister.

"Well, Walter Kelly was a good cop. Head of his class, even-keeled, had a bright future ahead of him." Lucy informed.

"What about at home?"

"He and his wife had a few fights like everybody, but it was mostly smooth sailing. They were even talking about having kids."

"So either Kelly had some crazy waiting to bust out or something else did it to him."

"What did Gunerson tell you about the asylum?" Sam asked.

"A lot." she said.

(The next day, at Roosevelt Asylum)

The siblings climbed the fence that was suppose to keep people out and went inside the old building.

"So, apparently, the cops chased the kids here..." Lucy told her brothers as they looked around the vandalized lobby. "Into the south wing." she pointed to double doors.

"Wait a second." Dean said, pulling out their father's journal from his jacket. He flipped to the page that told about the asylum. "1972, three kids broke into the south wing, only one survived. The way he tells is, one of his friends went nuts and started lighting up the place."

"So, whatever's going on, south wing seems like the heart of it." Sam observed.

"Yeah, but if kids are spelunking the asylum, why aren't there a ton more deaths?" the oldest questioned.

"Maybe because the doors are usually chained." Lucy said, nudging the broken chains with the tip of her boots. "Could have been chained up for years."

"Yeah, to keep people out or to keep something in."

The three hunters were walking down a hallway after entering the south wing.

"Let me know if you see any dead people, Haley Joel." Dean told his brother, using his EMF radio.

"Dude, enough." Sam said as the oldest chuckled.

"I'm serious. You've gotta be careful. Ghosts are attracted to that E.S.P thing you got."

"I told you it's not E.S.P. I just have strange vibes and weird dreams sometimes."

"Yeah, whatever. Don't ask, don't tell."

"So you've been having them before your girlfriend died?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah, it started with me seeing Jessica's death, and I've been having them ever sense." Sam told her.

"Hm, weird." she said. "Have you got any reading on that thing yet?" she asked her older brother.

"Nope, but that doesn't mean no one's home."

"Spirits can't appear during certain hours of the day." she inquired.

"Yeah, the freaks come out at night." Dean remarked. "Hey, Sam, who do you think is a hotter psychic, Patricia Arquette, Jennifer Love Hewitt, or you?"

The middle sibling punched him in the arm and he laughed.

"That was a good one, right?" he said to the youngest.

Lucy just stared at him blankly and walked ahead.

"Geez, does this chick ever laugh or smile?" Dean whispered to his brother, who just shrugged his shoulders.

They walked into a room that looked like it might have been used to treat patients, one hint being the chair in the middle of the room and had restraints on the arms.

"Man." Dean low whistled, putting away the EMF. "Electroshock, lobotomies. They did some twisted stuff to these people, kind of like my man Jack in 'Cuckoo's Nest.'.

"Your point?" Lucy questioned.

"Uh, never mind. So what do you guys think? Ghosts are possessing people?"

"Maybe." Sam said. "Maybe it's more like Amityville or the Smurl Haunting."

"Ah, spirits driving them insane, kind of like my man Jack in 'The Shining'."

"Again, your point?" Lucy asked.

"Oh, forget it." Dean said.

"Dean..." the middle sibling started to say. "When are we going to talk about it?"

"Talk about what?"

"The fact that Dad's not here."

"Oh, uh, let's see, never."

"I'm being serious, Man."

"So am I, Sam. He sent us here. He obviously wants us here. We'll just have to pick up the search later."

"It's not about what he wants." Sam said.

"See, that attitude right there, that is why I always get the extra cookie." Dean told him.

"By the time we start looking for him again, his trail will probably be long gone. And who knows how long it will take us to find it again." Lucy spoke up.

"She's right." the middle sibling agreed. "Dad could be in trouble. We should be looking for him. We deserve some answers, this is our family."

"I understand that, Sam, but he's given us an order." the oldest said.

"Do you guys always have to follow his orders?" the youngest questioned.

"Of course we do."

"You guys can do that, but don't expect me to do the same. I follow my own rules."

"Lucky you." Sam commented.

Dean rolled his eyes and went over to a small table, picking up a plaque.

"Sanford Ellicott." he read the name on it. "You know what we've gotta do? We've got to find out more about the south wing, see if something happened here."

"Thank you, Captain Obvious." Lucy said sarcastically.

"Shut up." he ordered, giving the plaque to his brother before walking out.


The middle sibling was sitting on the black leather couch in the lobby of the psychiatrist's office, looking through a magazine.

"Sam Winchester?"

"That's me." he responded and looked up at Dr. James Ellicott of clinical psychiatry.

"Come on in."

The young man stood up and placed the magazine on the couch.

"Thanks again for seeing me last minute." he said as he walked into the room where the psychiatrist talked to his patients.

When they were inside, Sam sat on the couch while the doctor sat in a chair at his desk and getting some things together real quick. He looked and saw a framed, black and white photo of a young boy and old man on the desk. Turning his gaze up, he also saw a plaque that said:

Presented to

Dr. James Ellicott


15 Years of Service

for the


Chamber of Commerce

"Dr. Ellicott? Ellicott, that name." Sam said, making the doctor look at him. "Wasn't there a Dr. Sanford Ellicott? Yeah, he was a chief psychiatrist somewhere."

"My father was chief of staff at the old Roosevelt Asylum. How did you know?"

"Uh, well, I'm sorta a local-history buff. Hey, wasn't there an incident or something? In the, uh, in the hospital, I guess. In the south wing, right?"

"We're on your dollar, Sam." Dr. Ellicott told him. "We're here to talk about you."

"Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, sure."



"How are things?"

"Uh, things are good, Doctor."


"What have you been doing?"

"Uh... same old. Uh, just been on a- on a road trip with my brother and sister."

"Was that fun?"

He didn't answer right away, as if trying to find the right words to describe it.

"Loads." he finally said. "Um... you know, we... met a lot of... interesting people."


"Did a lot of, uh... a lot of interesting things. Uh... you know, what was it that happened exactly in the south wing? I forgot-"

"Look, if you're a local-history buff, then you know all about the Roosevelt riot." the doctor said.

"The riot? Well, no, I know. I'm just curious."

"Sam. Let's cut the bull, shall we? You're avoiding the subject."

"What subject?"

"You. Now I'll make you a deal. I'll tell you all about the Roosevelt riot if you tell me something honest about yourself. Like, uh, this brother and sister you're road-tripping with. How do you feel about them?"


"What's taking so long?" Dean complained.

"Nobody said therapy was a quick process." Lucy told her oldest brother, both of them loitering out the medical center and waiting for their brother. "Now stop whining and be patience, it is a virtue."

"Yeah, whatever."

"I can tell you would rather be anywhere but with me right now."

"Well, I have a good reason. You are cold and mean."

"Thank you, I try my best at it." she said monotonously. "And you obviously don't trust me. Case in point, that holy water in the coffee trick you pulled that day. That was real cute."

The male hunter flinched.

"How did you..."

She scoffed.

"You think I'm some idiot? I've been hunting almost as long as you and Sam have, I know most of the tricks. But I'm sure some of your worries were put to rest when you figured I wasn't possessed by a demon. As if I let that happen so easily. Anyway, is there anything you want ask me to so your other fears can disappear?"

Before he could reply, Dean saw the middle sibling walk out of the center. He quickly walked over to him, having the youngest follow him.

"Dude. You were in there forever. What the hell were you talking about?"

"Just the hospital." Sam replied as they headed to the Impala.


"An the south wing. It's where they housed the real hard cases. The psychotics, the criminally insane..."

"Sounds cozy." Lucy remarked.

"Yeah, and one night in '64, they rioted. Attacked staff, attacked each other."

"So the patients took over the asylum?" Dean questioned.

"Apparently." Sam said.

"Any deaths?"

"Some patients, some staff. I guess it was pretty gory. Some of the bodies were never recovered including our chief of staff, Ellicott."

"what do you mean, never recovered?"

"Cops scoured every inch of the place, but I guess the patients must've..." the middle sibling paused for a moment, trying to find the right words. "Stuffed the bodies somewhere hidden."

"That's gory." the oldest said.

"Yeah. So they transferred all the surviving patients and shut down the hospital for good."

"To sum it up, we have violent deaths and unrecovered bodies." Lucy thought aloud. "Which could mean a bunch of angry spirits."

"Good times." Dean remarked. "Let's check out the hospital tonight."

(That night, at the asylum)

The door to the soth wng opened and two people walked in, a teenage boy and girl carrying flashlights.

"Check this out." the boy said as he shined the light from the device he held on the hallway. "Creepy. Yet terrifying."

"I thought we were going to a movie." the blonde girl spoke up.

"This is better. It's like we're in a movie.

She sighed. "I can't believe you call this a date."

"Come on, it'll be fun. Let's look around."

He walked ahead and she looked back at the opened door that showed the lobby. Then she hesitantly followed him. They got into another hallway when he suddenly shouted, making her cry out. he chuckled as she punched him in the arm.

"Hey, look." he shined the flashlight on a white door. "Let's check it out."

"I don't want to." she told him. "Let's just go."

"Come on."

She shook her head and he looked at the door then back at her.

"Okay, you can wait here."

"Gavin, no."

"I'm just gonna be minute. Nothing's gonna get you, promise." he told her, leaving his backpack with her.

The blonde sighed as he walked ahead, heading into a room and looking around. Then she heard some eerie grunting and looked behind her. A second later, her heard creaking and a door closing, making her look back ahead. As for Gavin, he was looking around the abandoned room when his flashlight shorted out.

"Dammit." he whispered when he couldn't get it to work. He turned around, seeing a darkened, feminine figure standing behind some feet away. "Hey, sweetie. Couldn't take it, huh?"

The person didn't say anything and walked closer to him, her face still covered by darkness. When she reached him, she grabbed both sides of his face and pulled him down, kissing him. As they were kissing, a female voice called out.

"Gavin, where are you?"

Upon hearing the voice, the teenage boy pulled away and pushed the person back. Then their face was illuminated by the moonlight coming through the window and he was horrified by what he saw.


The Winchester siblings opened the closed door to the south wing, the oldest turning on his EMF, the second oldest turning on a video camera and flashlight, and the youngest putting her hand on the hilt of her katana.

"Getting any readings?" Lucy asked at they walked into the hallway.

"Yeah, bigtime." Dean replied as the EMF beeped.

"This place is orbing like crazy." Sam remarked, looking through the camera.

The other two looked and saw white spots floating around on the screen.

"There's probably multiple spirits." the oldest said.

"If these bodies are causing the hauntings..."

"We gotta find them and burn them. Just be careful. The only thing that makes me more nervous than a pissed off spirits is the pissed off spirit of a psycho killer."

"Good to know." Lucy said as they walked ahead.

Then they felt something behind them and they turned around, seeing nothing there. They started walking again, unaware of the spirit in the straight jacket, who's head was going around in all angels swiftly, that was around the corner. The siblings came to a fork in the hallway and went in different directions, Dean going start Sam to the left, and Lucy going to the right and through a set of double doors. The middle sibling looked around the room, which seemed to be an operating area, through the screen of his camera. He was followed a white, bright spot on screen when he heard a nose. He looked behind him and just saw a wall. He turned around and soon saw the figure of a woman in the screen.

"Dean!" Sam yelled, moving back as the spirit of the disfigured woman moved closer to him. "Dean! Shotgun!"

"Sam, get down!"

Obeying the order, the hunter ducked, just as his brother fired the rock salt bullets at the spirit, making her vanish. A moment later, Lucy rushed through the doors and into the room.

"What happened?" she asked.

"A spirit, but it was weird." Sam told her as he got up.

"Yeah, you're telling me." Dean said, walking out of the room with the others following.

"No, I mean, it was weird that she didn't attack me."

'Looked pretty aggro from where I was standing."

"She didn't hurt me. She didn't even try."

"If she didn't want to hurt you, then what did she want?" Lucy questioned has they came to the doorway of a patient's room.

Both her either of her brothers could reply, they heard something and looked. They all saw a hospital bed turn on the side. Sam turned the flashlight on it while Dean held up the shotgun, Lucy pulled her sword out a bit. They walked towards the bed slowly, the oldest motioning the younger ones to spread out and go on either said. As they got closer, seeing something cowering behind the bed, the middle sibling reached forward and pulled the bed down. Then the thing turned around and revealed to a teenage girl, looking very scared at the moment.

"Just a kid." the dark haired female said, putting her sword back in fully.

"It's okay, we're not gonna hurt you." Dean told the girl, putting the shotgun down. "It's okay. What's your name?"

"Katherine." she replied as she stood up. "Kat."

"I'm Dean, this is Sam, and Lucy."

"What are you doing in here?" Sam questioned.

"Uh, my boyfriend, Gavin..." Kat started to say, trying to take some calming breaths.

"Is he here?" the oldest asked.

"Somewhere. He thought it would be fun to try and see some ghost. I thought it was all just, you know, pretend. I've seen things. I heard Gavin scream and..."

"Alright, Kat, Lucy's gonna get you out of here and, and then we're gonna find your boyfriend."

"Why does Lucy have to do it?" the youngest sibling asked, crossing her arms.

"Well, you're a girl, too, it might better considering..."

"That's stupid. She and her little boyfriend shouldn't have come in here in the first place."

"Maybe so, but , come on, Lucy. It's not gonna kill you."

"I'm not leaving without Gavin." Kat stated. "I'm coming with you."

"This is no joke, it's dangerous." Dean told her.

"That's why I gotta find him."

The siblings looked at each other.

"Alright, fine, but don't blame us if you get killed." Lucy said bluntly, monotonously, as she looked at the younger girl blankly.


Ignoring the oldest, the dark haired female walked ahead.

"We should split up." she said simply before heading out of the room.

"Is she always like that?" Kat asked as they walk out, too.

"Yeah, pretty much." Dean replied.


They had spilt into two groups, Sam and Lucy in one while Dean and Kat were in the other. They were in different parts of the asylum, calling for the teenage boy.

"Hey, I got a question for you." Dean said to the blonde, both of them coming to a stop. "You've seen a lot of horror movies, yeah?"

"I guess so." she replied.

"Do me a favor. Next time you see one, pay attention. When someone says a place is haunted, don't go in."


Sam and Lucy had just turned a corner and went into a room that looked like it used to be the bathroom. The quickly looked around, immediately seeing the body laying on the floor.

"Must be Gavin." the dark haired female said as they went over and kneeled beside the teenage boy.

"Gavin." the middle sibling shook him but it didn't seem to work. "Gavin."

"Let me try."

Then Lucy slapped the boy across the face, the sound making Sam flinch.


"It worked, didn't it?" she said monotonously as the teenager started to wake up, quickly sitting up when he saw them.

"It' s okay, we're here to help." the oldest one in the room told him.

"You are you guys?"

"I'm Sam and this is Lucy. We found your girlfriend." he helped him up.

"Kat? Is she alright?"

"She's worried about you. Are you okay?"

"I was running, I think I fell." Gavin told him, holding a hand to his forehead. "But my face hurts for some reason."

Sam looked at Lucy, who just turned her gaze elsewhere.

"What were you running from?" he asked.

"Uh, there was... there was this girl. And h-h-her face..." he whimpered a little. "It was all messed up."

"Okay, listen. This girl, did she try to hurt you?"

"What? No, no, she, uh..."

"She what?"

"She kissed me."

The siblings stared at him.

"But she didn't hurt you physically?" Sam questioned.

"Dude, she kissed me. I'm scared for life."

Lucy scoffed. "Trust me, it could have been a lot worse. Now, do you remember anything else?"

"She, uh..." he thought for a moment. "Actually, she tried to whisper something in my ear."

"What was it?" the middle sibling asked.

"I don't know, I ran like hell."

"Well, since we don't know anything other than this kid being kissed by a spirit, let's get go and find Dean and the girl." Lucy said, walking out of the room.

"Uh, hey, is she your... girlfriend?" Gavin asked the older male.

"No, definitely, definitely not." Sam replied before they followed her.


Dean and Kat were walking down a hallway when the flashlight he was holding went out.

"You son of a bitch." he grumbled. "It's alright, I got a lighter." he informed, pocketing the flashlight and pulling out the lighter, flicking it on.

"Ow, you're hurting my arm." the blonde said.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, turning around, showing that neither of his hands were near her.

They both looked down and saw a foreign hand gripping her arm. Kat scream just as the hand pulled her into a nearby room they walked back, the door soon closing once she was inside. Dean tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge.


Inside, the blonde was furiously banging on the door.


"Kat, hang on!"

Dean tried to pry it open with a iron bar on the other side but it didn't seem to work. Kat stopped pounding on the metal door and slowly back away from it, hearing some eerie breathing from behind. She turned and saw nothing there. She slowly turned in a circle, looking around the enclosed space she was trapped. Again, she heard something from behind. Slowly, she turned, screaming when she saw a man with quite a messed up face. She back away but he had gotten behind her somehow.

On the other side, the other three had just arrived, running when they heard the screams.

"What's going on?"

"She's inside with one of them." Dean told them, still trying to pry it open.

"Kat!" Gavin called.

"Get me out of here!"

"Kat! It's not gonna hurt you. Listen to me! Sam told her. "Listen to me, you have to calm down, you have to face it.

"She's gonna what?" Dean looked at his brother.

"I have to what?" Kat repeated, her back pressed against the wall as she turned her head away.

"These spirits, they're not trying to hurt us, they're trying to communicate. You gotta listen to it, you have to face it."

"You face it!" she yelled as the spirit got closer to her.

"No, it's the only way to get out of there."


"Listen, if you wanna live and get out of there, then look at it!" Lucy yelled. "Cause if not, then you're just gonna die, and is that what you want?! Look at it, dammit!"

Kat was silent. Then she slowly turned her head and faced the spirit. Then he slowly leaned towards her ear. On the other side, the others just heard nothing.

"Kat?" Gavin called.

"I hope you're right about this." Dean told Sam.

"Yeah, me, too."

Then they suddenly heard the lock click. The door opened, revealed a slightly dazed looking Kat.

The males sighed in relief while Lucy's face was just emotionless. Dean pulled her aside and looked inside, seeing nothing.

"One thirty-seven."

They looked at the blonde.


"It whispered in my ear, 'One thirty-seven'." she told them.

The siblings looked at each other. "Room number." they said in unison.

Then they crouched down as the oldest refilled the shotgun.

"Alright, is this spirits aren't trying to hurt anyone, what are they trying to do?" Lucy asked in a low voice.

"Maybe that's what they're been trying to tell us." Sam said.

"I guess we'll find out." Dean remarked as they stood up. "So..." he turned to the two teens. "Now you guys want to leave this place?"

"That's an understatement." Kat replied.

"Okay, you two get them out of here. I'm gonna find room 137." he told his younger siblings, handing the weapon to his brother, pulling out his flashlight and turning it on, now working again, and walked down the hallway.


The group of four were walking down a hallway that would lead them to the exit of the south wing, the oldest male leading the way with his flashlight.

"So how do you guys no so much about this ghost stuff?" Kat asked.

"It's kinda our job." Sam replied.

"Why would anyone want a job like that?"

"I had a crappy guidance counselor."

"I just got into it." Lucy said.

"And Dean? He's your boss?" the blonde questioned.

"No, now stop asking stupid questions or shut up." the taller female said coldly, making the younger girl do silent and back away from her a bit.

"Lucy, come on." Sam said, looking at his sister.

"We're here to get them out, not to play babysitter and answer any questions they have." she told him.

"Can you a least try to be more... comforting?"

"No promises."

The older hunter just sighed and they kept walking.


Dean was looking for Room 137 when he found it bolted to a white door. He grabbed the knob, turned it, and pushed the door to open, it being blocked by some wood that was probably once a piece of furniture. When he finally got it opened all the way, he looked around and saw it looked like some sort of office. Turning the beam of his flashlight down, he saw a plaque near his foot had Dr. Sanford Ellicott. Then he saw an opened filing cabinet and went over to it, doing through the mostly destroyed files inside. Unfortunately, nothing was there to tell him anything.

(Back with the others)

The group had found two doors at the end of the hallway. Sam tried to open one, but it was locked, as well as the other one when he tried it.

"Alright, I thought we have a small problem." he said.

"Terrific." Lucy sighed.

"Let's break it down." Gavin suggested.

"I don't think that will work."

"Then a window."

"They're barred." Kat told him.

"Then how are we suppose to get out?"

"That's the thing, we're not." the dark haired female informed. "Whatever's in here, doesn't want us getting out."

"Those patients." the blonde thought aloud.

"No, it's something else." Sam said.


Dean was still looking through the office when he knelt down by a waste bag, but say nothing of use of what was inside it. Then he noticed something on one of the walls. He used his hand and saw that it one panel was loose. He pried it open and pulled out a leather file case.

"This is why I get paid the bug bucks." he said to himself as he undid the strap in front and opened it, pulling out a type of book.

He flipped it open and saw it was a patient journal, no doubt belonging to the deceased doctor the office was owned by. Pulling up a chair, he sat down at the desk and opened looked through the journal. He saw all kinds of writing and drawing of different methods the doctor would use on his patients.

"I'll work and no play makes Dr. Ellicott a very dull boy."

As he was reading, he thought he heard something and turned his head, seeing nothing there.


"I looked everywhere, there's no way out." Sam announced as he came back to the group after trying to find someway to escape.

"So what the hell are we gonna do?" Gavin asked.

"First of all, no panicking." Lucy told him.

"And why the hell not?"

"Because I'll hit you to make you stop."

Then a cellphone rang.

"Hey." Sam said after pulling out his phone and answering it.

"Sam, it's me. I see. It's coming at me." he heard the voice of his older, as well as static coming from the other end.

"Where are you?"

"I'm in the basement. Hurry up!"

"I'm on my way."

"Dean?" Lucy questioned as he hung up and out the device away.

"Yeah, here." Sam handed her the shotgun. "I'm going to where he is, you stay here with them."


"And no bodily harm."

"I'll try."


"Okay, so..." Lucy started to say, turning to the teens as her brother left. "Either of you know how to handle a shotgun?"

"What, no." Gavin said.

"I do." Kat informed, making her boyfriend look at her. "My dad took me skeet shooting a couple of times."

"Here." the taller female cocked the weapon and handed it her. "It's loaded with rock salt. It won't kill a spirit, but it will repel. If you see something move, shoot."

"Okay, but what about you?"

"Trust me..." Lucy pulled out her katana. "I got my own way of handling them."


Sam had travelled down to the basement, also the boiler room, and was looking for his brother.

"Dean!" he called, holding a gun in one hand and his flashlight in his other.

He looked around, trying to find the older sibling, but didn't find anything. Then the beam of the flashlight landed on a door that had 'caution' on it. He opened it and walked inside. He looked around, shining his light on everything, even though the room looked deserted and empty like the rest of the building. Suddenly, the flashlight started to blink on and off until it shut down completely. Sam tried to get it to work again but to no success.

Then he heard the sound of a lock clicking and turned around, seeing a door open on its own. He held the shotgun in front of him and slowly walked towards the door, seeing an operation room on the inside. He quickly looked behind the door but saw no one there.

"Dean?" he called out, not getting a response.

Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw a shadow move behind a white sheet and pointed his weapon at it. He walked towards it, trying his best to stay calm. When he was close, he reached out with one hand and hastily pulled the sheet back. But there was nothing there. He relaxed a little and turned around, feeling a pair of hands on his face a second later.

"Don't be afraid." the ghost of Dr. Sanford Ellicott said gently, electricity coming from his fingertips and into the hunter. "I'm going to make you all better."


'Maybe I should have gone with him.' Lucy thought as she and the teens waited for her brother to come back. 'Something feels off, and I don't like it. For one thing...'

"Hey, Gavin." the voice of Kat brought her out of thoughts.

"Yeah?" the teen boy said, kneeling beside his girlfriend, who was crouching down with her back to the wall with the shotgun still in her hands.

"If we make it out of this alive, we are so breaking up."

"Save that for when we do get out of here." the dark haired female told them. "Also..." she was cut off when she heard a clattering sound. "Something's coming." she held her sword out in front of her.

The teens stood up and Kat raised the gun, aiming and firing as soon as Dean's face came in view. Luckily, he managed to duck in time.

"Dammit! Don't shoot, it's me!"

"Sorry, sorry." the blonde apologized sheepishly.

"Word of warning next time." Lucy said as he came around the corner and over to them.

"I'll keep that in mind next time." Dean replied. "What are you still going here? Where's Sam?"

"He went to the basement, looking for you when you called him."

"I didn't call him."

"His cellphone rang." Kat said. "He said it was you."

"The basement?"

They nodded."

"Alright." Dean grabbed another gun and tucked into his pants, taking the rest of bag. "You stay here, I'll be back. Watch for me."

"I'm coming with you." Lucy said.

"No, you should stay here with them."

"I have a feeling you're going to need me, and my feelings are usually right. And it's better than to be safe than sorry."

He looked at her and sighed. "Alright, come on."

"Don't do anything stupid." the dark haired female told the teens before she and her brother walked away.


The two made it to the basement.

"Sammy?" Dean called, shining his flashlight around. "Sam, you down here?"

"Sam, where are you?"


Then they both jumped back when the beam of the flashlight made contact with the face of their other sibling, who had suddenly seemed to appear out of no where.

"Man, answer us when we're calling you." Dean said.

"You all right?" Lucy asked, putting her katana back in its sheath.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Sam replied.

"It wasn't Dean who had called you."

"Yeah, I know. I think something lured me down here."

"I have an idea who, Dr. Ellicott." the oldest said. "That's what the spirits have been trying to tell us. You haven't see him, have you?"

"No. How do you know it was him?"

"I found his long book. Apparently, he was experimenting on his patients. Some real awful stuff. Makes lobotomies look like a couple of aspirin."

"But it was the patients who rioted."

"They were obviously rioting against Dr. Ellicott." Lucy said.

"Yeah, Dr. Feel good was working on some sort of, like extreme rage therapy. He thought if he could get his patients to vent their anger, they'd be cured of it." Dean explained.

"I'm assuming it backfired and made it worse."

"Definitely. So I'm thinking, what if his spirit is doing the same thing. To the cop. To the kids in the '70s. Making them so angry, they become homicidal."

"Then we need to find his body and torch it." the young woman said. "Come on."

"How?" Sam questioned as his siblings walked away. "The police never found it."

"Well, the log book said he had some sort of hidden procedure room somewhere down here, where he'd work on his patients. So, if I was a patient, I would drag his ass down here and do a little work on him myself." Dean said.

"I don't know, it sounds kinda-"




"Over here." Lucy opened a door, walking inside with the oldest as the middle sibling hanged back.

He soon followed them and saw him looking around the empty room.

"I told you, I looked everywhere. I didn't find a hidden room." Sam said.

"That's why they call it hidden." Dean remarked.

"Shh." the youngest suddenly shushed them, hearing the whistling of wind. "You guys hear that?"


Not answering, Lucy followed the side to one of the walls. She knelt down and reached down, feeling wind coming through a crack in the wall.

"There's a door here." she informed.


She turned her head and looked at her oldest brother, who was looking at the middle sibling. She followed his gaze and saw a gun being pointed at her. She saw a line of blood fall from his nose and watching him wipe it away.

"Step back from the door." Sam ordered.

"Sam, put the gun own." Dean said as she slowly stood up.

"Is that an order?"

"No, more like a friendly request."

"Because I'm getting pretty tired of taking your orders."

"Ellicott did something to you, didn't he?"

"For once in your life, just shut your mouth."

"What are you gonna do, Sam? Gun's filled with rock salt. Not gonna kill us."

Then he pulled the trigger, hitting the oldest and sending him crashing through the door and landing into the hidden room.

"No, but it'll hurt like hell." Sam said.

"Dean!" Lucy yelled, going into the room and kneeling beside her brother. "Dean?"

The hunter coughed, gasping for breath. She saw her other brother come into the room, seeing more blood coming from his nose.

"Sam, we need to burn Ellicott's remains and all this will be over." she told him. "You'll go back to normal.

"I am normal. I'm just telling the truth for the first time. I mean, why are we even here? Because Dean's following Dad's orders like a good little solider? Cause he always does what he says without question? Are you that desperate for his approval, Dean?"

"This isn't you talking, Sam." Dean said, groaning.

"That's the difference between you and me. I have a mind of my own. I'm not pathetic like you."

"What are you gonna do? Kill me?"

"You know what? I am sick of doing what you tell me to do. We're no closer to finding Dad today than we were then we were six months ago. Also, Lucy, what are you?"


"What are you? I saw your eyes back in Kanas, they were red, and you had fangs. So I'm wondering if you're really our sister or you're just some creature pretending to be. Which is it?"

She didn't say anything, staring at him with an unreadable expression.

"If that's how you feel..." she started to say. She reached down into the inside Dean's jacket and pulled out his gun. "Here." she held it out to him.


"If you're going to kill us, real bullets will work a hell of a lot better than rock salt." Lucy told him. "Take it."

Sam reached out and grabbed the gun, tossing the shotgun down. Then he pointed it at the oldest.

"You hate me that much?" Dean asked. "You were kill you're own brother?"

The middle sibling didn't say anything.

"Then go ahead. Pull the trigger."

For a while, it seemed like it wasn't going to go through with it.

"Do it!"

Sam pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. He pulled it again, but no bullets came out of the weapon. Then Lucy sprang up form her kneeling positon and tackled her brother, making them both fall to the ground and the gun fell out of his hand. She quickly got up and over him.

"You really thought I was gonna give you a loaded pistol?" she questioned.

Then she pulled back her fist and punched him in the face, hard enough to knock him unconscious. She breathed out as she heard Dean slowly get up.

"Nice work, Sis." he said. "But, what if the gun was loaded."

"He would have shot you and I would taken the chance to take him down." Lucy told him simply, face blank.

He looked like he was doing to say something but just sighed. "L-Let's just find the remains." he said, pulling out his own rock salt filled gun as she pulled out her katana.

They went further into the room, pulling back curtains surrounding the operating table and trying to find out where the body of the doctor could be. Lucy lightly smelled the air, trying to see if she could catch the scent of death. She was able to catch a slight whiff and followed it. Pulling back a curtain that was in her way, she saw a small, white cabinet on the floor. Looking close, she saw something that looked like hair sticking out.

"Dean." she called her brother as she walked closer to it, the scent becoming stronger.

She knelt down as she came over and grabbed one of the handles. She pulled the door open, the other following suit, and revealed the decaying body of Dr. Ellicott. The two both coughed and covered their noses from the smell, which affected Lucy more than Dean.

"That's just gross." he said.

"Ya think?" she said, covering her nose and stood up, moving away from the body and b]putting some distance between her and the smell. "You burn it, the smell is really getting to me."

"Super sense of smell?"

"Just hurry up." she coughed a bit.

He looked at her for a moment before he set down his gun and flashlight, reaching into the bag and pulling out a litter of salt. He sprinkled on the body, not noticing the flashlight blinking on and off.

"Yeah, soak it up." Dean said, done with the salt and pulling out a bottle of fuel to help set it on fire.

Then the flashlight went out completely. Lucy heard something and turned her head.

"Dean!" she yelled when she saw the table rolling towards him.

It was too late and the table hit him, sending him to the side and having him land on his back. Then he felt hands on his face, electrical shocks being sent through his head.

"Don't be afraid, I'm going to help you. I'm going to make you all better." the spirit of Dr. Ellicott said.

Then a blade slashed right through him, making him disappear.

"I don't think so." Lucy said. "You okay? You're not homicidal now, are you?" she asked her brother.

"No, no, I'm good." Dean replied as he regained himself and sat upf. "Thanks."

"Just quickly burn his body before he comes back."

"Yeah." he looked up at her, seeing a certain spirit appear behind her. "Lucy, behind you!"

She quickly turned, ready to slash him again, but felt cold, dead hands on either side of her face.

"Don't be afraid, I'll make you all better."


The female grunted, feeling electricity go through her head and into her brain. She stared into the one, good eye of the doctor as her grip on her sword loosened, almost dropping it. She began to feel the inside her take over. Then her eyes turned demonic red, her canines growing into fangs. She regained her grip on her katana, raising it and slashing it through the spirit, making him disappear. She panted, trying to calm down but found it hard to do. Some blood ran down from her nose.

"Lucy?" Dean said carefully. "You okay?"

She slowly turned to him, his eyes widening when he saw her eyes and fangs. The way she was looking at him made him gulp slightly. She let out a noise that sounded similar to a hiss and started to slowly stalk towards him. He crawled back a bit, wondering what to do. Then she saw his bag and reached for it, pulling out his lighter and tried to ignite it. Before he could, she jumped on him, pinning him down by his shoulders with incredible, non-human strength. He kept trying to produce a flame from the device as she bared her fangs and leaned down to his. Dean had finally gotten the lighter to ignite and tossed it to the fuel soaked body of the doctor before Lucy could take a bite out of him, the remains immediately catching on fire.

The female on top of him stopped and groaned a bit, holding a hand to her head. Then he saw the spirit of Dr. Ellicott appear. He grabbed his sister and crawled away from the ghost, who was staring at his own burning body. Then he looked at his hands, seeing them turn black and beginning to crumble. Dean watched as the now blackened spirit fell to the floor, breaking upon contact and turning into nothing more than a pile of dust.

"Ugh, Dean?" Lucy raised her head and looked at him, her eyes and canines back to normal.

"You're not going to try to bite me again are you?" he asked.

She shook her head and he sighed in relief. Looking over his shoulder, the female saw the middle sibling waking up.


Dean looked back at his brother, who pushed himself up a bit.

"Now you're not gonna try to kill me again, are you?" he asked.

"No." Sam replied, rubbing the spot on his face where his sister hit him.

"Good. Because that would have been really awkward."

(Later, outside the asylum with it now bine early morning)

"Thanks, guys." Kat said to the siblings.

"Yeah, thanks." Gavin added.

"No more haunted asylums, okay?" Dean told them.

They just nodded and headed towards their car. The trio watched them get in the car, soon driving off.

"Hey, Dean, Lucy." Sam spoke up. "I'm sorry, man. I said some awful things back there."

"You remember all that." the oldest said.

"Yeah. It's like I couldn't control it. But I didn't mean it, any of it."

"You didn't, huh?"

"No, of course not. Do we need to talk about this?"

"No. I'm not really in the sharing-and-caring kind of mood." Dean replied, putting his bag in the Impala. "Although..." he looked at their sister, who was just leaning against the back of the car with her arms folded. "I'm wondering if you would like to share something, Lucy."

"What do you mean?" she asked monotonously.

"Oh, don't give me that crap. I'm talking about what was with you eyes, teeth, and you nearly biting my neck off. Sam and I both saw you like that. Now, tell us, what the hell are you?"

She didn't say anything, not looking at them.

"Dean, maybe we shouldn't..."

"Forget it, Sam." Lucy cut him off. "Considering what's happened, you two should know about me. I understand your suspicion, but I really am your sister. Although, I'm not exactly human, as I'm sure human like you've noticed."

"Then what are you?" Dean asked.

She sighed a little, pushed herself off the car, unfolded her arms, and turned towards them, her face blank.

"I'm a Dhampir." she said straightforwardly.

"A what?"

"Dhampir. A being that's half human and half-vampire."

"T-That can't be." Sam said, shock obviously all over his and his brother's faces. "Vampires..."

"Are extinct? Well, I'm afraid not, they just hide themselves pretty well."

"You're half... vampire?"

"Yeah, get it from my mother's side." Lucy said, opening the back door to the Impala. "Feel better now? Knowing you have a supernatural sister?"

The brothers didn't say anything, looking at each other as their sister got into the backseat of the car.

To be continued...

And there's the second chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it. If there are any mistake, I'll try to fix them tomorrow. Also, I'm really sorry about the later update, my old laptop couldn't be charged anymore and, even though I got new one, 'm trying to get back into the flow of writing. I also have other stories to work on. Again, thanks for reading. See you next chapter. Please don't forget to review.