For those that are reading this please look at the other tie ins to this story.()(())())()()()()()()()()()

The final peace was set and the black pyramid had truly taken form, it had been a plan centuries in the making, but now it was complete.

Soon there would only be Nagash, the gods of chaos were to stuck in their ways to truly pose any threat, Nurgle was more concerned with sowing life in realms, who's very nature rejected it. Khrorne was more concerned with meaningless fighting and his minions could be distracted by waves upon waves of useless cannonfater.

The Lord of change had been unnusaly quiet and had stayed away, promoting Nagash to set up several safety just in case.

The pantheon if order was no different, soon they would submit or be destroyed. Sigma for all his glory, still thought in the same way as a warrier. The Elven deities were more concerned about their own affairs to really pose any threat.

The only true opposition was Gorkamorka, but the gods lack of self control made it easely destracted.

The winds of magic stopped, something was wrong, something had enterfeered with his creation. Several pillars of ice rose from beneath the realm, as if they had heard his creations call and rose to challenge it.

Not only that but the presence of the Skaven was all to clear, there was life inside his pyramid, whatever the rats had done, had altered his creation dramatecly.

Nagash was about to launch an attack at the pillars of ice, when the vision of of multiple pillars, scattered about the mortal realm reached him. It was too late, the pillars had no intention of stopping his creation, no instead they were using it, to increase their influence.

The black pyramid began to spin, there was no stopping it now, after this the mortal realms would be changed forever.

The black pyramid, span faster and faster before it drove itself into the core of the realm of death, in that same instant, the pillars of ice spread their power, covering the mortal realms.

In an instant the dead rose in their millions, but they were not alone, those with unlife awoke to defend the living.

Nagash was about to roar in rage, when a tear in the sky made him look up, this was different.


The howling voices of the dead echoed through the mortal realms, as the uncontrollable energies of man, starlight, soulfire and souls ice mixed, attempting to overpower one another.

The mortal realms screamed in union as the dead rose in countless numbers, however, whether this was from the soul's ice that had been gifted from the adventurers to the mortals, or from the dark power of Nagash few would ever truly know.

So great was the catastrophe that even the realms of chaos that believed themselves untouchable were assaulted, both from withought and within, by wave after wave of vengeful dead.

Yet small villages and towns whose people would have normally have been easy pickings for the dammed, found themselves under the protective shadows of those that at one point had died, the soul's ice gifting them unlife.

Yet in all of this the mortal realms screamed as they were changed forever, the Slann had interfered with the creation of the pyramid of the dead, by using a combination of the adventurer's souls ice and their own star energies, never truly understanding the consequences of their actions.

Few beings could ever have, regardless of their power and so an event that has not happened in generations happened, the various adventurers were ripped from their worlds, as their souls were forced out of their bodies.

However, unlike all other beings, the adventurers had no way of having their souls tainted and so they were simply transported to another realm, one not too distant from their own, after all the realm gates connect every realm to each other.


A woman walked down a dark road her only companion was a knight in black armor that nearly made him impossible to see in the darkness of their surroundings, the cool night was long and neither of them had seen any signs of life, only the bones of the dead, or the rotting corpses of this that should stay dead.

The sky was still twisting as the various energies clashed with one another, all of a sudden the corrupted energies of the warp attempted to size control, only for the powers of order to force it back, then the cold unfeeling energies of the dead pushed in, but while energies of destruction forced it back.

In an instant, the light of the adventurers rained over the various energies before shattering like glass, this pattern continued over and over again and only repeated itself verso often, then all of a sudden the how's of the dead stopped.

The natural light of the moon, even the light of their torches that they used to guide them vanished along with the energies in the sky and with an explosion so devastating that it brought the man and the woman to their knees the energies in the sky vanished raining down whatever they held within them.

A low bump was the only thing that the two heard and as they looked up that it was, the only thing visible was the bodies of a woman, neither of the two said any words, they could feel the woman was still alive, her soul was fully intact.

The fall had obviously knocked her out and who knew if she would live, it was only a kind of them to kill her, as the walked up to the fallen woman, the knight drew his sword, while his companion liked her lips, after all, it was fresh meat, with warm blood flowing thru it.

In an instant, the fallen woman vanished and bit down upon the knight's neck, killing him instantly, her bite was placed so perfectly that he was unable to scream, long before his body fell, his form let out a light glow before vanishing, nothing remained, body and soul, completely consumed by the woman.

As his companion attempted to take flight and warm the vampire lords, she found a glowing hand piercing her thru her stomach and the angelic figure of a woman stood over her smiling, her golden smiling face slowly took her to the strange woman.

The woman screamed as the vampire woman ate her, however, she took a slow pace to savor her flavor, unlike the man that had been forced into servitude and be fed for death, the vampire woman deserved no mercy whatsoever.

With each bite revealed generations of hellish torments done to the mortals that dwell in their realm and it was all done for the simple act of feeling superior to those that were alive.

"How does it feel to be in their place?Roe2 asked the vampire woman, who just looked at her fearfully. She had already eaten, her mouth, arms legs stomach and midsection, only the woman's head partially remained.

Roe2 smiled as she looked at the woman's pride finally shatter, Roe2 smiled " Repenting only works for Sigmar, not with us." She whispered to the woman before she completely devoted what was left of her.

"Now where are we?" Roe2 said as she looked around.

"Well that's not good, Warhammer a third generation realm, the Old Ones aren't going to like the fact we are here." She explained knowing that her superiors wouldn't accept any form of excuses.

"Well, while I'm here might as well have some fun." Roe2 said as she looked at the residue of the Adventurers and Players that had been brought into this realm, soon a war the likes few had ever seen would begin.

The siege of the RatGods domain by the Aincrad players and the dead from the realm of Dark Souls, just proved how much the chaos people underestimated the people they were up against, she smiled it was time, they should all be waking up now.

The lord of death wanted to rule over, all of the dead, unfortunately, he had done something he shouldn't have, he or perhaps someone had tapped into the power of respawning, causing the beings of the Warhammer universe to be able to be born somewhere else away from all of the madness in it.

Granted not everyone would be up for this option, but detailed details and who cared about those.

She explained and noticed her breath had begun to freeze, the unborn were beginning to take root in this realm, soon only those whose time had come or warriors who had died in battle would remain, alongside those the undead had already claimed and those taken from chaos.

"Well no use worrying about things now, time to have some fun, where is that vampire kingdom?" Roe2 asked herself as she searched thru her victim's memories. She smiled as she finally knew where to go and discovered the locations of the defenses, the slaves and all of their beasts.

Roe2 liked her lips, none of them would escape, they had no right to. She began to chant and summon her minions, whether they were battle beasts or some of her victims didn't matter, they were meant to destroy captured and kill anyone that got out of hand.

She turned to the sky and noticed a grinning skull looking down at her, Roe2 smiled. "Don't worry about me, you have them to worry about." She said as she began to walk towards her destination.


(Location change)

The ground broke beneath their feet, something had pulled them from their mansion and dropped them off in this dead world.

For the Soul Takers, this had become a common thing, being wrapped up in something, they didn't want to be anywhere near of.

The air was stale here, they had originally thought that they had been transported to the world of ash, the world where people burn Humanity and the dead walk amongst the living, or perhaps the world of behind the mirror, where strange magic stones powered by the dead are scattered about and hellish creatures roam freely.

Yet this place didn't seem like any one of those worlds, granted no one had explored either world entirely, so it could be that they had arrived in an unknown location.

Meaning that they were lost and had to rely on themselves to survive.

A permanent full moon hung in the sky, their help screens showed that it was six o'clock and the was high in the sky, it could be that this worlds hours were different, but somehow that didn't seem likely.

The moon was too full and shun a little too brightly, like if it was replacing the suns light, hell on occasions it even felt warm.

Rick bent down for a moment and liked up a fist full of dirt. "The lands dead, a person can plant a seed almost everywhere and that seed will grow, but this place there isn't any life" he said before turning to his friends.

"We've been to worlds where the dead walk and even in those the ground was capable of supporting life. Something evil lives here and if it's not evil, it doesn't like the living." Rick said before a single cut his head of.

Instantly the rest of the soul takers drew their weapons, but thousands of skeletal hands suddenly pulled them dom on to the ground and tore them peace by peace, until the Soul takers were no more.

Their attacker looked at his work, nothing was left, the only remain of the players/adventurers ever being there, was a large red stain on the ground, yet something was wrong, like if something was moving beneath the surface.

All of a sudden a human hand busted out of the ground. "So the dead walk in this world" Raff said as he pulled himself out of the ground, he crushed several skeletons even as he lifted himself into the surface.

The human knight slowly took notice of his enemy and his enemy did the same taking a good look the human that had somehow survived.

Slowly chains began to lift themselves out of the ground.

"We've run into your kind before, specter" Rick said as the chains lifted several skeletons from the ground.

"Should we start interpreting?" said Saito, as bones around him melted, as if acid was quickly resolving them.

"No, no, we won't be doing that. Revenge is what we do, in situations like this." Dante said as several spikes forced themselves into the undead specter, the better immediately let out a scream of inhuman pain.

"Do the deas do feel pain" Dante said, as the spikes forced the elected to be drawn closer and closer to him.

Yet as their captured target was about to reach them, when an inhuman howl echoed through their surroundings, soon the charging footsteps of the undead could be heard and Saito, quickly drew a teleportation crystal, teleporting them all away back to the safety of the flying castle.

Their prisoner could only watch completely in able to scream, as he was forced to leave his master's world. Somehow he knew that be would never return and if he did, he would not be the same.


(Location change)

Music echoed through the kingdom, even the celebrations continued, half-naked women danced alongside completely naked ones, be they human, elf, dwarf or whatever else didn't matter today was a day of celebration.

The discarded gods of death had finally returned, they had taken advantage of the unholy spell and had given the people a way to escape Nagash, an afterlife that could not be tainted by chaos, or stolen by the mad God of death.

Perfumes, fine wines, meats of all sorts were presented to the few demigods that had been found and their servants were given an equal treatment, be they made of ash, ice or steel.

With each death or was it rebirth, thousands of undead citizens found themselves lifted up into the sky, by starlight.

When a demigod of death or perhaps it was a discarded God of death, was killed using a combination of the strongest of all sorceries and simple blunt objects and in a brilliant show of starlight, the dead were finally set free, carried away to a peaceful, heavenly realm.

The various women giggled as they moved their hips, they were all anxious to have a gods child within their wombs and yet, it wasn't enough.

The process was too slow and the discarded gods had to be kept in perpetual isolation, multiple spells prevented their memories from fully returning, so the proses could continue and yet there were always more dead.

"They needed more demigods, if these gods were capable of doing this much in their weekend state, then why not have more." The people thought to themselves and so soldiers began to set it into the realms of death in search of more.

(Character change)