Chapter One

Planet Contrunga was a dark and slimy place, with thick jungles covering a large portion of the surface. The inhabitants, humanoid bugs of various shapes and sizes, were too self-absorbed to even see it coming. They had never wanted to leave their safe heaven and venture out into space, thinking the world around them only contained within the planet. And so, when three round 'meteor' came crashing down from the sky, breaking their infrastructures before creating three enormous craters, they didn't think much of them. That was until the round spheres hatched open and the three creatures stepped outside. The first to come out was a large one. Unlike the Contrunga people, it had pale color, two small eyes, no mandibles, and a pointy thing above its mouth which they had no words for. The following two were the same, only much, much smaller. The three aliens all had fur on their heads. The biggest one though, also had fur above its mouth. Their body were covered in strange looking exoskeletons, only protecting the torso and shoulders. Even stranger were the thing on their eyes, attached to the side of their heads. The one with the most amount of fur used its finger to push on the ear-piece thing, it beeped and things started showing on the over-the-eye part of the device. It made a chuckling sound with its mouth. They began hovering out of the hole despite having no visible wings on their backs. All the Contrungans were astonished. They just stared curiously.

The silent moment of surprise had ended abruptly. The biggest alien raised a hand. Out of a sudden, a white glow formed around its extended palm.


The white energy shot from the alien's hand, too fast even for their arthropod eyes, and landed at the feet of the crowd. It exploded into a bright light, generating an extreme heat and a force so great it tossed even the bugs at the far back into the air. The other two aliens also began throwing bright energy balls at the inhabitants. Soon, chaos and mass hysteria broke out. The bugs's screaming mixed with the sound of destruction and the three alien's malevolent laughter created a true horror show. One that none of the Contrungans would live long enough to recite.

That was a week ago…

Now, the three aliens were sitting in a triangular formation, surrounded by miniature mountains of corpses, the result of their week long killing spree. The large one sitting on one side and the fuzzy one on the other, both's attention seemed to center around the smallest one who was sitting on a boulder, clearly showing his dominance in comparison to his two companion who had to settle on the ground. Even so, he still barely reached the large one's torso.

They were saiyans, or more specifically, the last three remaining saiyans known to date. Their entire race had been wiped out when a meteor collided with their home planet, or at least that was what everyone told them. They weren't there to see any of it. The three were luckily on another planet when it had happened. One could say it was quite tragic, but since most knew who the saiyans people really were, no one felt bad about them exploding into bits. You see, the saiyan was a race of alien descended from great apes and monkeys. They shared the same features as us, the people of Earth. The only visible differences are two things. One is that, unlike us, they still kept the brown fuzzy tail of their ancestor. Secondly, their fangs are still much sharper than ours. Anatomy aside, what really made them special was their strength and combat ability. Planet Vegeta, where the saiyans lived, had the gravity of around 10x the Earth's. Not many planet in the galaxy had this special trait, making the saiyans much stronger when they travel to other planets. Even more terrifying, when looking at the full moon, the saiyans could turn into giant apes with their power multiplied. If only they had used their power with great responsibility… unfortunately, the saiyans are known throughout the galaxy as a race of savages and conquerer. They send their warriors to other planets to eradicate its inhabitants and sell it to the galactic overlord known as Frieza, in exchange for supplies, technology and more opportunities to show off their strengths. The saiyans had wiped out hundreds of alien species throughout the galaxy, causing sufferings and devastation wherever they landed, hence the whole galaxy cheered when they heard news of Planet Vegeta being blown up by a meteor. No one even cared to question why all the saiyans were on the planet on that particular day despite the fact that most saiyans only return to the planet every few months. They all agreed it was destiny, pure justice and karma taking their course in the right direction.

It had been several years since the day they had received news of their home world's demise. Raditz, the saiyan with an unusual mass of spiky long hair, had almost gotten over it. Almost. He had had the honor (more like the horror) of being the conquering partner of Prince Vegeta, the firstborn son of the latest saiyan emperor: King Vegeta. It was a tradition of the Saiyan kings to name their firstborn son Vegeta, so the name would forever be passed on. Raditz thought it was stupid, seeing the planet was already named Vegeta. It was confusing and annoying. But he dared not speak his mind. Not that he wasn't allowed to, more like because he wanted to draw no attention from the upper class saiyans. He was classified as a Low-class warrior for having been born with power level only a bit over five. In the saiyan society, the low-class saiyans were looked down upon and treated like trash. It wasn't uncommon for a low class to be beaten half dead for simply looking at an upper class the wrong way, let alone complaining about the king's ingenious decisions. Raditz himself had been the victim of these kinds of beating ever since he learned to fight.

That said, being paired with Vegeta (the prince) was a nightmare. The prince looked smaller than him, but he was far stronger, and also a total brat. The prince would demand things from him, boss him around and then beat him up if he ever refused to do so. Then there came Nappa. Not long before Vegeta (the planet) was destroyed, Nappa had joined them on the planet they were clearing. He said Vegeta (the king) had ordered for him to come supervise Vegeta (the prince). And that was when Hell really began for the little long haired saiyan boy. Whenever Vegeta throw a tantrum or needed stress relief, Nappa would make sure Raditz was kept in place so the prince could punch and kick him. The low-class saiyan could still remember the day Vegeta received the news that their planet was gone, along with everyone else. By the time Vegeta had calmed down enough, Raditz could feel his life hanging by a thread. He could barely breathe, nor could he even twitch a finger. Thankfully, Nappa wasn't a complete asshole and had checked his vital once Vegeta had left. He probably was worried about losing another saiyan, and thus had dropped him off (literally) at the medical bay of the ship.

The point was: He hated his situation right now and missed having a place to return to and escape from Prince Vegeta for as long as he could. He missed his mother and father. After two years spent growing in an incubator like all saiyan children, he had had the pleasure of knowing his parents. His father, Bardock, was the definition of the word 'badass'. The man was a low-class warrior like himself. However, he was also the most famous low-class warrior ever lived. Some people even dared to compare him to King Vegeta in term of strength. He was also a brilliant mind when it came to forming strategies and finding better ways to get the job done. Raditz had heard from others that he had created the false-moon technique to aid his comrades one time, and then all the elite soldiers had adopted it. He was far from a kind father, but Raditz idolized him. Then there was his mother, Gine. She was a strange case for a saiyan. Instead of leaving her children to the scientists to go chasing the thrill of fighting, she had chosen to give up her title as a warrior and stayed on the planet. She was the one Raditz missed the most of his two parents for she was always there for him to unload all the things he couldn't tell Vegeta face-to-face. All the time he spent on Planet Vegeta between missions were spent around her. Bardock occasionally returned coincidently at the same time as him, but most they ever did together was training. Raditz didn't mind getting beaten up by his father though, at least he got to be with him once in awhile.

Now all that was over. They were all dead and he is stuck with the two biggest jerks in the galaxy forever. Nowhere to go to, no one to really talk to. Raditz held back a sigh, continue listening to the two discussing the next target.

"So which one are we going for next?" Asked Nappa.

"Toria is the nearest. I want to get it done as fast as we can." Answered the young prince, crossing his arms.

"Didn't they say the inhabitants there are pretty tough? Why don't we leave it for last?" Raditz suggested.

"Even a saibaman is tough to you Raditz." Vegeta rolled his eyes. Nappa snickered.

"I'm just speaking strategically. We should go from the weakest."

"No one asked for your opinion, hairball."


"NAPPA!" Shouted Vegeta.

Immediately, Nappa reached out a hand and knocked Raditz on the head. The long haired saiyan let out a pained cry, putting both hands on the bump that had just formed where Nappa had hit him. A single tear almost escaped the corner of his eye.

"What a wuss." was Vegeta's last comment before stating he had made his decision and that no one was going to to question it. Raditz decided to just let the two stronger saiyans have their way. He just looked down at the ground and continued thinking about his parents. However, he was soon snapped out of his thoughts when a sharp pain struck his head.

"What?" He snapped at the big brute who had just smacked him on the head AGAIN.

"Hair tangled your brain? I said go get some food!" Vegeta was glaring at him in his usual bossy demeanor.

"You have legs too!" Muttered Raditz.




"i'm not repeating myself, Hairball." Vegeta's eyes glinted dangerously.

Raditz muttered some curse words, still rubbing his head. He forced himself to not retort anymore and just do what they wanted. The long haired saiyan stood up. Now almost in his mid-teen, he had grown quite a lot. If both were standing up straight, the top of Vegeta's paintbrush hair could only reach his shoulder. He dusted himself and shook the dirt off his hair as he walked away from his comrades.

"What a bunch of assholes!" Raditz yelled, now flying over the trees, looking around for anything he could get. Of course he wasn't planning on returning soon. He would make sure to stuff himself first, THEN give them the leftovers.

"Because that's what they deserve!" The teenage saiyan muttered. "Oh Raditz we're hungry, go get food. Hey Raditz, clean that up. Raditz, fix my scouter~ What am I? A fucking slave?"

He flew without really paying attention to where he was going, fantasizing about how he could enact his revenge, how Vegeta and Nappa would have to kiss his feet in defeat. The abused teen knew it was all fantasies, but it was always comforting for him. He finally took notice of his surrounding when he saw the familiar scenery. It was the first city where they had arrived.

"Wow… I actually went this far?" He blinked in surprise, looking down at the three round space-pods lying in the craters. "I better go back to the forest if I want to find some edible food…"

They had found out bug alien food wasn't exactly good for their appetite and had resorted to eating the fruits. Of course Vegeta and Nappa always made him eat the fruits first, to make sure they could eat them. Luckily for him, none of the fruits they ever made him eat was actually lethal. Even though he said so, the teen was reluctant for some reason. His eyes fixed on the three round pods below. A thought had just crossed his mind. A thrilling… yet dangerous thought. He slowly descended to walk up to the pods. He absent-mindedly ran a hand along the smooth surface of the sphere. What if…


"Huh? What?" He jumped at the sudden sound of Nappa coming from the scouter on his ear. In a panic, he nearly miss clicked the answering button. "I'm here."

-And there I thought that hair finally ate you and saved us the trouble.- Continued Nappa.

"You are just jealous cause your hair are falling out." Now that he was clearly far enough to not get himself killed, Raditz wasn't afraid to talk back. "What do you want?"

-Vegeta said if you're not back in the next 10 minutes-

"He'll kill me?" Asked the teen challengingly.

-I believe the correct wording was 'I'll pluck all his hair out and shove it down his throat until he choke and drown on it.' But yes. Chuckled Nappa. Also, get some water on your way back would ya?-

"I'm not- you know what? Fine. I'll get 'em. Just give me… a couple minutes" The fuzzy saiyan smirked mischievously, taking his scouter off. Effortlessly, he clenched his fist, crushing the device into pieces. Losing it was as good as making him even more vulnerable than he already was, but he couldn't risk the chance of them finding out about what he was about to do.

The teen crouched down to pick up one of the space pods. He carried it out of the crater, into a clearing far from it. Then, once he was sure it was safe. He returned to the other two pods. He turned them over so the weaker, softer inside was exposed before levitating himself up. When he was high enough, Raditz extended his hands, pointing downward at the two pods on the ground. Purple energy began forming around both of his hands.

"HAAAAAH! Take this you mofos! DOUBLE SUNDAYYY!" He screamed at the top of his lungs and fired the two energy blasts at the space pods. With a muffled explosion, the shell of the pods cracked, whilst the insides were completely blown into pieces. He quickly landed back down and torn all the wires left over in the pod, crushing any important mechanical parts still intact. Once he was satisfied, the long haired saiyan stepped back, staring at his masterpiece.

"Hahah..hah… I… actually did it… haha..." He gulped. several drops of sweat were rolling down his face. He had truly… done something. There was no turning back now.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Raditz jumped out of the hole, running as fast as he could into the third spacepod he had saved. "Oh my god Raditz you're so dead if they ever catch you!" He began pressing buttons and flicking switches to start the pod while mumbling to himself in a panic attack. Then he paused. Where should he go? Wherever it was he need to go, it had to be as far away from this planet as possible. Wait, he could go to that one planet where they had sent his baby brother! What was it? His mother once told him. GAH! He couldn't remember! Wait. He had saved his mother's message in his scouter, if he played it again he would be able to- OOZAR DAMMIT HE DESTROYED HIS SCOUTER!

"I'm so dead… I'll never have a mate…They're going to rip me into pieces… unrecognizable pieces… then blow me into smithereens… What have I done?"

He sat there, in the pod, breathing heavily. The lid of the spaceship had closed, leaving him in complete darkness, only the lights on the control pad to shine his facial feature. His breathing began to get slower. He needed to calm down. That's right… It didn't matter where he was going. They wouldn't be able to track him without his scouter. And once he get on a planet, he would destroy this space pod so they wouldn't be able to track it either. He ran a hand through his hair to put back the few strands of hair that had gone out of place during the whole unforgivable act he had committed. "I'll just go to the furthest planet possible…"

He ran his hand on the keyboard, typing the commands. The system had calculated that with the amount of fuel he had, the farthest planet he could go to was Planet 4032-Green-877, also known as "Planet Earth". He stared at the information, digesting every bit of it. The planet looked good. It was in fact too ideal to live. Visually it was a thousand times better looking than even Planet Vegeta.

"Only a year to get there… This should do... " Raditz gulped. He pressed the launch button. The space pod slowly levitated itself up and shot into the sky.

"I still can't get to him." Informed Nappa.

Vegeta pressed the button of his own ear device. The scouter beeped then an error occurred.

"Neither can mine."

"You think a bug got to him Vegeta?" Nappa snickered.

"He better hope a bug got to him before I do." Vegeta grunted. He was now flying alongside the large saiyan. They had had enough with waiting and decided to go see what force on the planet was powerful enough to make Raditz ignore what the two elite saiyans were going to do to him. It was a surprising, yet not completely unexpected, of the long haired saiyan to slack off when he was made to go do something.

"Vegeta! There's smoke coming up over there."

"I see that, Nappa."

"Vegeta! That's where we left our space pod!"

"I know that, Nappa."

"Vegeta! Someone destroyed our-"

"I SEE THAT NAPPA!" The prince yelled at the big idiot in frustration.

They quickly made their descend and looked the pods over. Someone had destroyed all the space pods, even went so far as to rip out all the parts and wires.

"Grr! How are we supposed to get back? What moron has the balls to do this?!" Nappa growled, kicking his destroyed pod away in anger.

"Use your brain for once Nappa. It's obvious!" Vegeta clenched his fists.

"The bug?"

"No you airhead!" Snapped the prince. "That hairball did it! His pod is gone! He destroyed ours so we cannot get to him!"

"Wow, he's not as stupid as I thought he was then, right Vegeta?." Chuckled Nappa.

"GRAAAAAAAAAH!" Vegeta screamed. In his anger, his energy blasted out, creating strong gusts of wind. He powered up, put his hands together and started chanting. "Garlick…."

"Vegeta, what're you doing?" Nappa blinked.


"I'm not kidding Prince Vegeta. I'm your supervisor! Stop that right this instant young Prince! Your father won't-"


The enormous explosion destroyed a large portion of the jungle, brightened up the sky in a blinding flash. Vegeta stood, panting in both anger and exhaustion. The smoke cleared and there Nappa stood. His armor was cracked and there were several burnt on his skin. However, the biggest change of all was the fact that all of his hair had been blown off. For some miraculous reason, the mustache was still intact.

"VEGETAA!" He screamed. "WHYYYYYY?"

To be continued…

Author's note: Thanks Nikikeya for the wonderful idea!

Edit: Thank you for correcting me. I kept remembering Vegeta-sei has 20x gravity for some reason haha