Olivia chose to say yes to all of what she had with Fitz. Allowing him in. Wanting more. More of him. An increase of feeling at peace with being loved and appreciated. That meant so much to her, and almost made all of this anguish and stretched out ordeal worth it. But she was scared, worrying about the aftermath. Time was ticking and she had to make a final decision before everything would change.

While cuddling with Fitz in the residence on the days she could slip in without Cyrus or anyone else catching her or giving her an inconvenient lecture, Olivia always thought about how everything would be perceived. It was scarier than approaching Senators, powerful men and women, or making a statement to the press about a client, who was not always in the best light.

The headlines and questions would be damaging and shaming. The President running into the arms of his fixer? When did this occur? Before the divorce? Did she become another homewrecker?

She'd never hear the end of it.

Olivia was already feeling guilty about what she allowed to happen. He didn't force himself, very much the opposite. All the times they spent, creating a dynamic that couldn't be broken. Their bond was magnetic and it would have been so difficult to resist or deny it. She should be confident and happy about her personal decisions. This was her life she was gingerly holding in her hands. One fast break and it'd be over. Would love be enough to cover the hurt of losing her credibility?

She has to admit, she was the one dragging her feet. Fitz knew. He did his best to hide his disappointment, but he was still willing to be patient.

So, she had to do what she did best. Go into overdrive, attack the problem, find the solution, and win the case.

After much vetting, she found one more woman to go on a few public dates with Fitz. Her name was Lillian. She was a journalist, a mature woman, looking very First Lady-esque, or what America decided in their minds to fit that role. Not quite a Mellie duplicate, but along those lines. The opposite of Olivia — that was what she wanted. Dignified with a hint of sass, and some humor, Miss Forrester walked arm in arm with the President on a quick trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia, as well as an interesting appearance in Philadelphia, where they shared an orchestrated and personal embrace. Acting like they didn't see the cameras, but it was good enough to create a week's worth of buzz.

It was the perfect diversion. In the background, Olivia was moving on her own time, scheduling milestones, making sure they'd fit within the timeline of Fitz and Lillian's "relationship", then including a few of her people to slyly move information forward. The media would notice how quickly things were going. A sentiment about how she could potentially be a great long-term addition to the President's life. A possible candidate to get to be the next First Lady. The entertaiment circles would be amazed at how much fun the President was having these days.

It appeared to work, but still something was missing. The truth. The why.

Olivia didn't want to be affected, since she orchestrated all of this, but it still stung to see him from afar with someone else.

There weren't a lot of people to confide in about this sensitive topic. One of the main rules she gave to her team — don't get emotionally involved with the client. And here she was, very involved with her client, on so many levels. Being the number one hypocrite. She didn't mean to fall in love. That was not the endgame. This wasn't why she took on this behemoth of a project. But she was here, in this new terrain, and she had to follow through.

Back at K Street, Olivia was working with Abby on a new client portfolio. That was the one perk of being successful with the White House, receiving glowing recommodations, weeding through profiles, and selecting who they wanted to take on. The retainer rate was going through the roof, which ave the team more flexibility. Olivia was giving everyone more responsibilities, so she could focus on Fitz...

The ladies were in the spacious conference room. They could have been yapping it up, making moves and countermoves, but it was far from ordinary. Conversation was barely happening, with Abby doing most of the talking.



"Are you okay?"

"Yes, ma'am," she tapped on her laptop, refusing to shift her gaze towards her friend. "Thanks for asking."

"I don't believe you."

With a sigh, she countered, "Ab, can we not do this right now?"

"I'm worried."

Sarcastically, Olivia replied. "That's nothing new."

"Stop that. Let me be concerned for you."


"You're not your peppy, confident, kickass self."

The two had been friends for too long to not notice changes. Even if they tried to hide, the real emotions would come forth, and they would get nowhere unless one gave in.

Olivia answered candidly, "I'm dealing with something."

Abby placed the files on the table. "Spill it."


"Come on."

"You're going to kick my ass."

"I probably will, because you haven't told me."

Olivia rolled her eyes, shifting in her seat, her body language giving herself away.

"It's about a man, isn't it?"


"Who is it? It better not be Edison." Abby's blue eyes were fierce, after spitting out the vile name of the man who crushed Olivia's heart, waiting for an answer.

"No. I would never. You know me better than that."

"Well then, who? Has to be someone with a name. A well-known name. You don't meddle with scrubs or low-lifes."

Pursing her lips, Olivia continued her task, praying that her friend would just drop the topic, and stop inching closer to the truth.



Abby softened her approach, "Just tell me."



"Fitz," she repeated, but only with a slight increase in volume.

"Fitz who?"

Olivia tilted her head, raising her eyebrows, giving a knowing look.

Instead of a scream, or a profanity-laced rant, Abby's eyes widened and her hands lifted. "Stop," she whispered.

Olivia's shoulders rose and lowered slightly, and that was all her friend needed to continue.

Abby scurried, in her five-inch heels, to slam the door.

"Shut the fuck up. I knew something was going on between you two, but wow. I didn't think this was really a thing. It's all making sense. Remember that meeting we had when he was being a complete douche and you weren't talking either? Who does that unless one is a child or is pining relentlessly for the other? Which I think was both. Or during the press conference. You didn't have to be there. At all. But your petite ass was chillin' in the back. Oh my God," she dramatically gasped, arriving at the realization, "and now this new shit. With snooty Lillian Forrester? Are you kidding me?"

Not wanting to argue or put up more of a front, Olivia replied with a defeated sigh, "Okay, Abby."

"I'm not judging you. Well, not that much," she teased, but halted when she saw Olivia's face somewhat crumple. "What's wrong? Did he hurt you?"

"I'm stalling. He wants to make it public, and I'm not ready."

"Now I'm the one who is not surprised. You never jump in to a relationship quickly, which is good, but if the guy is all about it, you are too stubborn. Who else knows?"

"Cyrus Beene. A few of the agents. Stephen."

Abby rolled her chair back, jaw dropped. "You told him before me? Bitch..."

"No," Olivia lifted her hands, laughing at Abby's playful disgust. "He figured it out when I thought I was hiding it well. But I know what I'm about to tell you, he has no clue."

"Then what's the problem?"

"I'm scared that everything will fall apart, despite all my efforts."

"As much as I do not like his political affiliations…"

Olivia raised her hand, pivoting towards the large whiteboard. "Please don't. I know how you feel about him."

Tapping her fingers on the table, Abby continued. "Like I was saying, I have not seen you this happy in years. And I can tell he is doing the right thing, since you haven't had us to visit the White House or rush to get dirt on his ex. I want you to be happy, Liv."

"I — I love him."

"Does he love you?"

"Way more than I do."

Abby smiled. "Well then. If you both love each other, and your love is based on truth, then it's acceptable in my eyes. Just be safe, and go for it. We're here for you."

Exhaling a sigh of relief, Olivia was grateful to hear these words from Abby, definitely her number one gladiator. Although they disagreed, they had each other's back.

"Olivia Pope."

"Hello, Olivia Pope."

The smooth baritone was always a wonderful thing to hear first thing in the morning.

"Why are you calling me at work?"

"I can't do that?"

"You know what I meant."

"I had to make sure you'd answer," he said. "Guess what?"

Olivia rocked in her chair, "What?"

"I miss you."



Lowering her voice, she replied, "I miss you so much."

"Let me take you out."


"You know why."

"I'm leaving for Seattle to meet a new client. When I return and when you have a free night, let's do it."

Fitz scoffed, "But that will be a whole month."

"I know."

"Miss Pope." The stern tone Olivia secretly loved had returned.

"Mister President."

"Woman, if you don't stop with these games."

"It will all work out," she answered, twisting her ring — reminding her of the promise he gave.

The month dragged on... Fitz was in and out of town, traveling for work, making appearances, visiting that small town in Vermont he kept gushing about, being the powerful man he was meant to be. Meanwhile, Olivia busied herself, with her own obligations and commitments. Whatever to keep her busy, and distracted, was going to be the temporary solutions.

She missed him dearly, but other things were more important to focus on. That included limiting her interactions with Fitz, but always keep an eye on him.

Finally, the night before his return, Olivia decided to treat herself to visiting a lowlight bar in Adams Morgan, after work, wanting to get away from it all. She had to admit, A few brave decisions. Muting her ring on the phone and ordering a glass of bourbon — something she rarely did — she sighed, before slowly drinking the amber liquid. Once everything was revealed, taking a ride to Vermont didn't sound like a bad idea after all.

"Miss Pope!"

Unfortunately, her hope of not being seen or found out, failed.

Olivia lifted her head. "Yes? Ugh, shit."

Billy Chambers, the Vice President's Chief of Staff, was marching to her, with a smug look on his face. They had never met, but Olivia knew who he was and his presence was ever looming.

"How are you doing on this lovely evening," he asked, extending his hand.

Olivia accepted; her grin was cordial, but something was not vibing well with this man, so she had to be careful. Too many red flags from what she heard about his behavior with Fitz and his presidency. "We've met?"

"We are meeting right now. Just the person I'm looking for."

"How did you find me and I'm off the clock."

"I thought fixers were never off. Always on."

Refraining from clicking her tongue, she bluntly asked, "What can I do for you, Mr. Chambers?"

Billy sat down next to her. There was something in his Americana looks that gave Olivia all the wrong vibes. With a sly grin, he informed, "I think the real question is what can you do for me?"

"Off the clock, but you have thirty seconds."

In a low voice, he stated, "I know who you are, what you do, and most importantly, who you do."

"I beg your pardon?"

Billy chuckled lightly, asking the bartender for a scotch. "You're way too intelligent to act like you don't know what I'm referring to. You think you're hiding, but I know, and you should prepare for the worst. Nothing sounds good about being the side piece to the President."

Olivia took a swig of her drink, taking a beat. She knew Billy was a weasel and his words needed to be accepted with a grain of salt; with days of research, she and the team discovered he was still bitter of losing. His boss, Sally Langston, did not win the presidential nomination and conceded to Fitz. Proclaiming to others Mrs. Langston was the rightful person to take the presidential oath, Billy resented playing second and third fiddle to the most powerful man in the country. Any tactic to dilute the President's effectiveness, would be helpful to Mr. Chambers. Ready to destroy Fitz and anyone connected to him.

"Is that so? I have a reputable source who knows all of your dirty laundry and why you're attempting a futile effort. So it would be in your best interest not to try me."

"How can we work together?"

"I doubt that can happen, since you just attacked me."

Billy leaned in his chair, "I do play nice. You're a woman of high intelligence and wit. If you can subdue the Playboy President, you might as well, work with anyone. I believe if Grant does not run again, Sally can make a bid, and we will need all the help we can get. As a powerful woman, you'll get things done."

"But not with you. So you can twist my words if I don't side with you? After this little joke of a conference? I know better." Olivia pulled out a twenty-dollar bill, slipping it under the glass, and rose. "Good night, Billy."

"You have forty-eight hours. Not a threat, just a promise."



"Yes. I am not scared of you."

Billy pointed to her hand, "Nice ring by the way. Looks like an one-of-a-kind. Didn't the President buy that one in Paris?"

While she walked away, Olivia's mind raced about, thinking of how she could spin this. What could she do to beat Chambers at his game, to make him look like a total ass.

"Huck? Bring out the folder... It's time."

Olivia and Fitz were on the phone as soon as he landed.


"Hey, baby."


"Mmhmm. You're my girlfriend and baby."

"Damn," Olivia giggled, heart fluttering. "I wasn't expecting that."

"Expect it more often."

"Date night?"

"Hell yes. I want date night, and I want you in my arms. I want everything."

"Okay, so... a little twist."

"Uh oh."

Olivia cleared her throat, ready to drop the bombshell. "Billy—"

"Fuck no. Absolutely not. I don't want to hear it."

"No, hear me out. He found me at a bar last night, and he said he was going release something about us."

"Like hell he won't!"

"Shhh, Fitz, listen. I agree. But, I think our date night, should be the coming out party."

He heavily sighed.

"Just a few optics."

"But Livvie..."

"We need to make the first move. You and Lillian have distanced yourselves, since you were away. So, it makes sense. We make sense now."

"I'm not trying to upstage what we're doing."

"But in a way, you are."



Reasoning with him, using her smooth words, she stated, "How else are we going to go public? Being dragged by a petty, insecure man? Or should we beat him to the punch?"

"You're... you're right."

"Usually, I am. No, I'm always right."

"That's not true," Fitz reminded.


"Okay, so if you want to do this. You're going to have to trust me on how this gets done. I'm not telling you where we're going. Just be ready at six."

Olivia did not like the sound of that. Frowning, she declared, "I don't know about that."

"Nope. Stand down, Pope. My baby girl."

Letting out a huge sigh, she agreed.

"What's up with the President and Lillian Forrester?"

"It looks too forced."

"I'm sure it will fizzle out any day now. She looks trapped."

"That's too bad. He's sexy as fuck."

Jake Ballard was among the cronies; "Something's fishy. I think something else is going on."

"I heard he's going out on a date tonight."

"Do you know who?"

Olivia kept her ear to the ground; it was easy to hear water cooler gossip from the Press Corps members. As she wandered, she could catch wind of their chats.

"Hey, Olivia!"

"Yes, Jake..."

Mr. Ballard hustled to meet with Olivia as she walked away from the West Wing.

"Do you know anything?"

"About what?"

"The President and his love life."

"I thought we discussed this, Jake."

Trying to appease, he clasped his hands together as if to pray to Olivia. "C'mon... You must know something."

"I don't comment on it. If it's necessary and he asks me to do so, then I will. Until then, leave me out of it."

One woman inserted herself into the conversation, "He needs to simmer before he has another distraction on his hands. Women flock to him and he never resists."

Jake scoffed, "Yeah. He's the Playboy President."

The phrase made Olivia jolt, stopping her in her tracks. She literally heard it verbatim twelve hours earlier.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she replied, with knit brows. "Just a cramp. I'll see you all around."

Later in the day, there was a knock on the apartment door. Olivia sauntered to the peephole, groaned, and opened the door.

There he was in a nicely fit navy blue suit, with his guys in the background.

"Good evening, Miss Olivia."


"You're not ready," he commented as he walked in. "What happened?"

"I though you were fucking around and I took a nap."

"No," he grinned, closing the door. The powerfully sexy strut of his was making Olivia melt.

He lifted her into his arms; her legs comfortably around his waist. Eyes meeting, telling the other everything that needed to be exchanged. Heads tilting, so they could kiss for the first time in over a month. Slowly escalating.

Olivia's breathy gasps were rising in pitch.

"I've missed you."

"Me too. You have no idea."

Thankfully, the shades were drawn, and no one could snap any photos of them. Their kissing lasted a little while, and when they parted, both were breathing heavily.

"Maybe it was a good thing you weren't made up yet... I'd be at fault for ruining it."

Touching her lips, Olivia coyly said, "I can be ready in twenty minutes."

Fitz sat down on the couch, crossing his long leg over the other, with the most smug of grins on his face. "I'll be right here."

The excitement. Going on an actual date, for the first time, in a long time. No matter what happened, she would have a good time.

Wearing a sleeveless pink top, black slacks, a classic pair of black Louboutins, draping a black blazer over her arm, Olivia entered the living room, bumping her bouncy curls slightly, to rejuvenate them.

Her guest stood, nodding with approval. His eyes were dancing.

"So beautiful."


After grabbing her clutch and keys, she glanced at Fitz.

"You ready?"

She took a long, deep breath, releasing the tension, and the fear of the unknown.


"Let's do this."

They entered into the elevator, holding hands, sharing a kiss, after Fitz politely asked his staff to look away momentarily.

"Get used to this, everyone. I'm going to kiss my real girlfriend."

The agents couldn't resist laughing.

To alleviate traffic, they left from the side entrance. As they moved closer to the secret location, Olivia's stomach began to toss and turn, hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.

When the car stopped, Olivia recognized their surroundings.

"How in the world?"

Fitz leaned over to kiss her ear, then neck. "I told you...I'd do it my way."

Somehow, they were able to sneak into the place, without much fanfare.

They arrived at the restaurant, the place was quiet. A few patrons were enjoying their meals. For whatever reason, their table was near the oversized window, so privacy wasn't exactly happening.

Fitz pulled away the chair so Olivia could comfortably sit down.

"Thank you."

Their server appeared, eager to take care of them.

"One glass of Pinot, please."

"We'll be easy, Kyle," Fitz grinned, reaching for Olivia's hand. "So… our first real date."

"Yes," Olivia laughed. "I don't know what you got me into."

"You can't always be the one making moves. I can surprise you."


They saluted, raising their glasses.

As their evening continued, Olivia got more comfortable, cracking a joke or two, talking about everything but work, choosing to use her foot to nudge Fitz's shin and leg, since the tablecloth kept the activity hidden. She had never been this flirty with him.

"Livvie," he mumbled, with a twinkle in his eye.

Winking, she mouthed, "Hi, sexy."

Dessert was superb and it made Olivia think about what devilishly sweet things they could do once they were truly alone.

"Ready to go?"

Olivia received a text as she blissfully answered, "Yes." The spark faded momentarily.

They're outside, Liv. Be careful.



Tucking her phone away, she softly replied, "We have company."

Fitz shrugged, signing the check. "Okay."


"I'm not bothered. I'm still on my date, and I plan on continuing my date, back at my place. If you're up to it."

Smiling back at him, understanding that he was going to enjoy their night, Olivia nodded.

After saying their goodbyes, Fitz guided Olivia towards the front door. She could already see the crowd. The cameras were flashing incessantly, clicking away like a choir with three-part harmony.

"Mister President! Miss Pope!"

"Don't be afraid," he comforted, lightly rubbing her arm. "Just act like no one is here. Just us. Remember Italy and Paris?"

"I do. It wasn't so stressful then."

The agents made a nice barrier around them, as they pushed through, so they could get into the car. Once they were safe, it zoomed off back towards 1600.

Olivia didn't know what to think, how to feel…but she passed the first test.

The couple safely made it back, and as they got off the service elevator, Fitz squeezed her hand.

"What," she asked, peering up at him.

"What if, I wanted to kiss you right now?"

"That work just fine."

Time stood still, as their lips collided, hands moving all over. It didn't matter how neat or crazy they were, they were going to have fun tonight. Moving towards Fitz's bedroom, they only separated to take off their clothes.

Olivia didn't take her eyes off him, noticing every detail. The flare of his nostrils, how firm his embrace was on every part of her body. The curls that were held in place, began to loosen and drop on his forehead. How his chuckle vibrated when she licked or nipped at his earlobe.

Then, she was aware of how she would shiver with glee when he touched her.

"I was willing to wait for you. I'd do whatever you say. I told you that, Livvie."

"I know," she rushed to say, catching her breath.

"I love you."

"You're just saying that because you're about to fuck my brains out," she tried to downplay his confession, by opening her legs.

Fitz grunted, pouncing on top of her. "Olivia Pope. If you only knew how much I care so deeply for you. The hours spent thinking of where you are, when you come back. I only care for you. I am this close to making myself look like a fool to win your affection. Stop all of this. Refusing to believe in yourself and us. I won't have it. I know that I have fallen in love with you. You're the love of my life."

Knowing she was wrong for trying to deflect, Olivia grabbed his face, pulling him down, so she mark his lips and the rest of her skin with her lipstick.

The room began to feel sticky, because of the heat emanating from their bodies was rising. Fitz wandered down her silky skin, sllipping his finger past her wet lips and into her core.

"All this for me?"

"Yes," she whispered, raspy breath and all.

Fitz smirked, easing his thick finger, loving how it was becoming coated with her essence. A few minutes later, she was yelling out his name, wanting more.

She waited for him to get a condom, and she pleasantly announced she wanted to ride him until he needed her to get off. His eyes were fixated on her breasts that bounced whenever their thrusts met. Her hands firm on his chest, as she rotated her hips, making sure he got to see everything.

"Baby, fuck...Keep going."

Just before he thought he was going to unravel, in a frenzy, Olivia wanted Fitz to take her from behind. Something about the way he caressed her frame while he entered boldly into her, was an elaborate mix of sensations. Fitz's chest pressed on her back. She imagined about his contorted face, with his adorable nose wrinkling, as he took pleasure in her tightness. Physically, they were a perfect match.

Olivia couldn't take it much longer, knowing she was about to lose it.

"Come, baby. Just let go," he whispered in her ear, before biting her neck.

And she did. She collapsed under his command, letting the electricity inside of her overflow. It was like she need this to help her realize how much she had been withholding.

"I love you," she cried, reaching for him as he came.

An hour later, they were still in bed, relaxing. Olivia was cursing herself for not tying up her hair, because clearly it was a mess, but she needed it loose so Fitz could pull. Closing her eyes, grinning, she decided to let this slide.

But then as she noticed his silhouette, her mind began to wonder towards deeper things. Something made her lose her breath, and she knew that if she didn't talk to him, maybe their relationship would continue to seem artificial.

"Fitz," she slowly moved her hand across his chest.


"I need to ask you something. I don't want you to get too mad at me."


"I'm serious, please don't hate me."

Fitz reached for the lamp on his nightstand, turning it on. He was concerned by her frightened doe eyes. "What's going on?"

Olivia swallowed, ready to take on whatever he would give her. "When I secured Mellie's signature, she rambled on about how much pain you went through. After the loss of your son."

She could feel the coldness in his skin.

"And?" His tone was clipped, very foreign to what she was accustomed to.

Pressing her hand on his cheek, she added, "I kept thinking about it. I'm so sorry you had to go through that…alone. I wish I was there for you."

"You would have hated me."

"You were hurting."

"I am different now. I don't resort to those things. It's not as bad anymore."


He wasn't hiding how defensive he become. "I went to a therapist for a year. I talk with him every month. Still do."

"That's awesome. I'm glad you're doing that."

"Are you judging me?"

"No," she calmly answered. "I'm following your lead."

Fitz heavily sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Sorry. I don't like talking about it."

"And that's alright. But thank you for sharing what you did, so I can understand you better."

With a bitter laugh, he stated, "I'm broken."

Olivia rubbed his arm some more. "You are not alone. So am I."

"You are?"

"Yes, we all are."

"How? You're such a badass, nothing pisses you off."

Taking the opportunity to pinch his bicep, Olivia disagreed, "No. Life kicks my ass on the regular. I went through hard times myself."


"Mmhmm. Didn't grow up in the best of situations. Bad relationships. Isolating myself when I should've asked for help. I've never gone to therapy."

Fitz's eyebrows lifted. "Wow."

"Yeah... not good. Pride comes before a fall. I guess it's about time."

"Maybe you'll go when you're ready."

Olivia pulled the covers over her bare chest, feeling a hit of coldness. "Yeah. Hopefully soon. See, I'm going to follow your lead."

"I'm glad you're here."

"Me too."

Fitz moved closer to Olivia, so they could get warm. "I didn't think I knew what loving someone for the right reasons was like. I loved the baby. So much, Livvie. If I could rewind the clock, and bring him back."

"Shhh… it's okay."

Fitz tucked his head into Olivia's neck, letting out a heavy breath. His throat tightened. His whole body froze, and then melted, while laying with her.

"I miss my boy. He was the only reason I could manage doing all of this, and he's gone. My mom too. Losing them… I thought I couldn't go on. Nothing helped. Drinking…wow, I did too much of it. Then, I couldn't sleep. They gave me pills. Mellie wanted nothing to do with it, but did everything to mask my pain. I went too far. I don't admire the man I was. I was lost."

Olivia stopped him with a kiss.

"You're here now. I'm not him, but I care. I love you."

"You do. Thank you."

Words faded as they ended their conversation with a softer kind of physical love. Moving like a calming wave, breathing in sync, whispering key words to heal. It wouldn't solve every problem, but being with each other in the late hours, made a difference.

After they concluded, Olivia no longer felt like she was being dirty or secretive.

"Do you regret this?"

"No," she replied, getting back in bed, after washing up. "I'm sorry I didn't push sooner."

Fitz stopped her apology by kissing her cheek, holding on to her longer than she expected. "You knew what was best. I'm grateful for it," his low whisper comforted and turned Olivia on. "You did your job and now look at where we are. No longer hiding in the shadows."

"Why are we having these deep ass conversations while we're naked," she teased, but still serious.

"A vulnerable state. Bare in all the ways."

The phone buzzed obnoxiously, making the nightstand rattle at 4am. Olivia grabbed the offending contraption, squinting at the bright light. It was Stephen.




"Sorry to bother you, but I'm getting calls. So has Harrison."

Olivia sighed, "Damn. Okay."

"They want a statement."

"We'll have one by noon. Go back to sleep, Stephen, you shouldn't be losing hours on my behalf."

Chuckling, he answered, "You got it, boss."

Olivia ended the call, noticing how she had missed ten calls already from random 202 numbers. She tossed the phone on the comforter, and pressed her nose in to Fitz's back, hoping she wasn't too loud.

"Your people?"

"Yeah," she sighed, mindlessly dragging her fingers on his skin, as if he was a new fidget, or security blanket. "They're already getting bombarded. I'll get up in two hours and figure out a strategy."

Fitz lowly groaned, turning around to face Olivia. "You know. I can write something, if you'd like. It takes two to tango."

Olivia paused, looking into his eyes, even while they were in the dark, they was a light shared between them.


As she promised, Olivia was sitting on the couch as the sun rose, with a notepad and a strong cup of coffee. Working furiously, she was able to submit a few lines, to Stephen, who in turn, would casually birng it to a random reporter.

By seven o'clock, she was certain the news stations would salivate over what they received, and run it to the ground.

His footsteps were drawing near.

"Good morning."

"Hi. Good morning."

A pleasant kiss to start the day was nice.

"So, what should I do?"

After their successful reunion the night before, Olivia didn't seem as wound up. Calmly, she directed, "I want you to wait until we see what the media circuits are doing. If it's that intense, sure, we'll get your people to craft a statement."

Fitz rolled his eyes, drying his hair. "If you insist. But don't you think since this is a matter that invovles both of us, you shouldn't tell me what to do?"

Inhaling and exhaling slowly, Olivia put on her proverbial white hat. "Let me do my job. We're going to get through this."

The ticker on her phone popped up. Taking a second to read, she braced herself.

Breaking news: President Fitzgerald Grant has a new sidekick!

Then, after Fitz walked out, she turned on the TV. Not surprised, Olivia saw herself on the screen.

In a surprising development, President Fitzgerald Grant III was seen last night at one of Washington's most romantic spots with none other than Olivia Pope, the popular crisis manager who helped get his image back on track. They were spotted leaving Miss Pope's apartment in the city, spending time at the Hamilton for over two hours. We are waiting for a statement from both, particularly Miss Pope, a woman who has been selective with sharing her private life. The last known relationship she had was with Senator Edison Davis. The President had recently divorced from his wife of 10 years, First Lady Melody Grant, but has been spotted at social events in the last few months. Has this been a rendezvous in the works? Only time will tell.

Well. There ya go. What do you think will happen next? xo