As always I make no money as they all belong to other people.

I hope this little one shot finds you all well. My muse has paid a visit. This one will be short and sweet. Because I hated the whole Ziva thing and they way the wrote DiNozzo out of the show.

He liked to play the fool, to hide behind a multitude of masks. It had always served him well, and to be perfectly honest he likes screwing with people. It always gave him the edge, no one took him seriously and he liked it that way. Playing dumb has its advantages as well as its pitfalls. More often than not he came out ahead. Protecting himself had become second nature. Trust no one and you won't get hurt. Cover your own ass and be beholden to no one. Protect your team and partner, by doing that you are protecting yourself. In the end that is all that counts.

She called him late, told him all that had happened. So he did what he does best he played dumb, and he stalled.

With the team scattered, and Gibbs up in Vance's office he put a few of his things into his backpack. Signed a resignation letter that he quickly printed out, after putting it in his desk drawer he locked it. Looking up he can see the door to the director's offices. He has to smile and laugh softly to himself. Once again telling himself that playing dumb has its rewards at times

He sighed as he looked at his watch, he isn't startled as his cell rang in fact he was expecting the call.

"DiNozzo." He answers in his normal tone.

After listening for a bit. "Wait four minutes then send them up George. Please.

"Are you sure Tony?" The guard at the entrance asks.

"Of course. They are not a threat and they will not need an escort."

Climbing the steps two at a time he doesn't hesitate to open the office door. Once in the outer office he smiles at Vance's secretary as he passes. Knocking on the door he waits then opens after hearing a come from the director himself. He makes sure to leave the door ajar.

Vance's looks at him and says nothing, he just looks shocked. Gibbs, well his expression is one of concern and pity. Director Elbaz now hers is one that is the most fun to read, as she tries to school herself. He looks at the small child, a little girl that looks just like her mother.

"Agent DiNozzo." Elbaz starts. "There was a fire, well, you know that, but what you don't know is that there was a survivor. Ziva's daughter and yours."

"Are you sure that she is my child?"

"Yes of course, Ziva confided in me. She told me that you were the father."

Tony can't help but laugh. "Mossad must be slipping, director Elbaz. Surely you know that Ziva was taught to lie and how to be convincing from the cradle. "

"DiNozzo." Director Vance says sharply.

Tony shakes his head. "One thing, whoever is keeping our files up to date is missing out on a very important fact. The Y-Pestis that destroyed my immune system and left me with severely scared lungs, well it also left me sterile. So you see Tali isn't mine. Is she Ziva?" Tony asks as he sees Ziva enter the room from the corner of his eye.

"Ima, Ima!" Tali says as she hops of the couch and runs into the arms of her mother.

"You shouldn't have lied Ziva. I'll leave you all to iron out the rest." He nods his head then leaves quietly.

By the time Gibbs breaks free and goes back down to the bullpen Tony is gone. On his desk he see a simple white envelope and a ammo box. He knows the box is full of his medals. He swears the reaches to open the drawer to get his weapon and creds only to find DiNozzo's as well. Along with a short note. I won't be used as someone's pawn again. Watch your six.

Seven months and not a trace of him anywhere. To say that Gibbs was angry would be an understatement. How can one man disappear into thin air, but he is determined to find DiNozzo to make him see that not everyone wants to use him for their own agenda.

"Gibbs." He spits out as he answers his cell.

"Come eat with me tonight my treat. I found a really good food truck that makes steak sandwiches. The steak tastes almost as good as yours."

"Really not in the mood Fornell."

"I need a back-up partner, Gibbs. Someone I can trust to watch my back. I just have to pick up a drop from a deep undercover agent."

"What time?" Gibbs asks, he would never say no to being back-up, not to Fornell.

The two men sit sharing a plate of fries, each with their own sandwich and beer.

" Why are you picking up the drop Fornell, seem like a job for some flunky."

"This agent was specific he says that he only trusts two men to have his back, no one else. So I was contacted, not by my agency, of course I said yes. You would too, admitted it."

"How long has he been under?"

"Five months. This is the second time that I've been asked."

"Who has his six?"

"No one. Like I said he doesn't trust anyone."

Gibbs looked around the courtyard surrounded by six trucks selling their goods. Distracted by the sounds of a child crying, he doesn't notice a man stumbling up to the table asking for money.

When he does look at he man he sees dirty bloody hands, a bruised face, black eye and, a split lip. His entire face caked with dirt, long greasy hair and a few teeth missing he looks like a bum, not a deep undercover agent that deserved this much security. He dismisses him completely then continues to look around the courtyard. He doesn't say anything when Fornell gives the man a twenty dollar bill, and the other half of his wrapped sandwich.

Finishing the last of his beer. "You ready?" Fornell asks.

"What about the drop?"

"All done."

"You mean, that bum?"

"Yes. Don't looks so surprised Jethro, you always said he was the best agent you ever worked with. By the way the only other person he trusts to watch his six, is you."

Gibbs quickly stands and look around, but he is too late Tony is gone.

"Damn why didn't you say something?"

"Orders. You needed to see that he was okay. So I went out on a limb. Now stop looking for him."

"But… ."

"Leave it be Jethro. Give the man time, right now he needs to finish this mission."

"You'll tell me if it . ." He asks leaving the rest in the air.

"Of course."

Standing near a group of trees Tony pulls a wig off of his head, then tosses it in a nearby trash can. He looks at his friends one last time before he turns and walks away. Knowing that Fornell has by now told Gibbs the truth. Maybe one day when he no longer feels angry, he'll show up at his house with beer and take out. But for now he has a job to finish.