Title: Renesmee's Forever: All Grown Up, Chapter 17
Author: FunSizedAuthor
Word Count: 2,753
Rating: M
Warning: This story contains adult themes and is rated for 18+, if you are younger than 18 or find yourself triggered, offended or uncomfortable with mature themes, please click out of this story at this time.
Disclaimer: This story contains characters and locations from the Twilight Saga World, owned by Stephanie Mayers, and I do not claim ownership over them or the world of Twilight. The story and situations described are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon, this work is intended for entertainment outside of the official story, owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the publication of this story.

The wind brushes against my face and the tree quivers as I look down over Maine. Jacob's waiting at the bottom of the tree to take me home but up here looking down on a dollhouse of a world I feel like I can finally breathe, so I'm going to stay here and enjoy it. No babies and no husband, no depression, vampires, wolves, witches. Just Renesmee Carlie Cullen Black alone looking out over the world.

As a metaphor for my life; we are always there at the top of the tree looking out for them without ever letting them know we are there because if we do, they will shake us down and kill us because everyone fears the unknown.

It's been radio silence ever since we found out about Alice and the Occultist. We don't hear from Alice, my family, Annie, Izzy and her friends, nobody. We let ourselves fall into a painful routine or work, hunting, sleep, repeat. Nine days of fear and worry.

"Renesmee!" Jacob yells up the tree. I peer down at him as he stands there in human form. From here I can only see a shirtless blob, but I picture his ripped shoulders and chest, his jeans that always hand low on him, displaying his V. I smile at the interruption from my thoughts and carefully pull myself back from my perch and climb down the tree. I'm almost to the bottom when my foot hits something that gives.

''Ow!" Annie voice calls. I dismount from the tree and hurry over to Jacob.

"What are you doing here? I accuse. Annie stands with her back almost against the tree with a baby in her arms. "We haven't heard from you in over a week!"

"Why are there more Vampire's in the area." She demands, loudly. "I was lead to believe it was only you two who would be here. Everyone is starting to get nervous." Her voice is loud and rings through the forest. I step closer pushing my finger over my lips, reminding her to keep quiet.

"More vampires? We don't know about anyone else in the area, are you sure?"

"Occultists don't exactly have an incredible sense of smell, but you guys smell like a candy factory on steroids. I'm positive." Jacob nudges me, in response to a conversation we had ages ago about how vampires and wolves smell and I roll my eye's at his inappropriate timing. The baby fusses in her arms, and Annie shifts her trying to get her to settle.

"Can I hold her?" I whisper.

"I normally would let you, but the reason I'm here is that some of the other Occultists are asking if you would come meet with them. They aren't happy at all, and I have a feeling they are going to ask you to leave the area, but it could only make things worse if you don't come with."

"Why do they want to meet with us?"

"You're the only ones talking to any of the Occultists right now, and you seem to be the reason there are more vampire's in the area."

"It can't be because of us. If it were our family in the area, they would have come to find us or called us to let us know."

"Either they didn't, or these are other ones. How many of these are you anyway? I know you mentioned a family but how many families are there?"

"Where do the Occultists want to meet us?" Jacob interrupts, allowing me to dodge the question to which the answer would have been hundreds or more vampires, only twenty of which drink from animals.

"At one of the older woman's house."

"How do we know this is safe, that you wouldn't try and kill us, Renesmee and I don't exactly have an excellent track record with super naturals who don't like us."

"There are kids at these meetings; there's no reason to be afraid right now. We just want to talk."

I look at Jacob hesitantly, but he doesn't meet my gaze. His lips pressed into a thin line, and his eye's concentrated on Annie. I desperately wish my ability worked both ways at that I could know what he was thinking.

"We'll come." He still ignores my eyes boring into the side of his head. I take his hand and desperately tell him that I don't think it's safe, that we should just leave Maine at get away from both the Occultists and whatever another Vampire's she claims are here. However, as she starts to walk, and Jacob follows, pulling me along ignoring my pleas. I leave our mental connection open as I decide between throwing a tantrum like the child he's treating me like right now would do or if I should push everything aside and be brave. The reality of the situation is that if anything happened, Jacob wouldn't necessarily have time to respond and it could be up to me to use my vampire abilities to keep us safe. I desperately wish I could talk to Jacob right now and hear him reply. The desire to converse with my imprint is so strong that occasionally I even think I'm hearing I'm in my head as Annie leads us out of the woods and into town.

It's a twenty-minute walk before we even get into a suburban neighborhood complete with mini vans and SUV's. We make our way through a complicated string of streets, and I carefully catalog where we are and how to get out. We stop in front of the white house with red trim and a red faded door. Annie uses the heavy knocker to alert our afflicted hosts of our presence.

A rounded woman in a plain t-shirt, jeans, and a grimace opens the door. She fiddles with her gray ponytail and ignores Jacob and me before picking the baby out of Annie's arms, pulling him tightly against her chest with a kiss on its forehead and stomping away without a word. Annie looks at me apologetically and leads me into the living room with a hand on my back.

In the dated room, men and women mill around speaking in hushed tones and stealing glances at Jacob and I as we stand in the doorway.

"If we could get started," the gray haired women announces. She carries a kitchen chair into the room, planting herself in the middle of the room and settles the baby in her arms until Annie comes over at picks up the baby before joining her family and friends. "We are here to have an open conversation with this couple, a werewolf and a vampire who have decided to make our town their home, bringing with them a multitude of vampire's who, though they haven't killed anyone for sport or meal up to this point could kill anyone of us as at any time without a second thought."

"If you don't mind," I interrupt. "I'm is only a half vampire. My father was a vampire and her mother a human when I was born, so I'm human up to the point that I hunt animals for blood and to the best of our knowledge will live immortally, but I am nearly all human."

"The specifics aren't what's important," the women interrupts, "and honestly we are only interested in you are your husband because your arrival seems to have brought with an uninvited company which means our children can no longer play outside for fear of becoming a meal."

"These vampires aren't associated with us. Both Jacob and I have a hypersensitive smell, but neither of us even knew they were here aside from the one who can disguise his scent."

"If it were Renesmee's family they wouldn't hide like that…" Jacob trails off in thought, and once again I desperately wish that I could hear what he was thinking.

I push my hand into his and ask him to keep talking, but he only blinks at me as I desperately try to read his face, but he gives away nothing.

"Excuse me." The gray haired women, Nora, clears her throat, tapping her foot impatiently "You were saying?"

"There's a group called the Volturi in the vampire world. They act as self-declared police and royalty, telling vampires what they can and can't do and killing both humans and vampire's whenever they see fit. They are angry right now that Renesmee exists and that a tribe of half-breed vampires has been living in the Amazon and they might be retaliating. About eight years ago they can after Renesmee and her family but failed in trying to kill her family and again last year Renesmee and they detained us in Italy."

"What's the relevance of this?" Nora looks at us impatiently, tapping her foot for dramatic effect. A door at the back of the room opens, and a red headed girl slips in.

"I just wonder if they are trying to get to us, now that we are no longer with the Cullens and my pack. We knew it was a risk leaving our families in Washington, but I don't think it's possible that the Volturi already know we are alone. We've only been in Maine for a month."

"Someone figured it out," I mutter. The red head girl brushes her hair out of her face, and I realize it's Izzy. I try to make eye contact with her and send to Jacob that Izzy is there, but both seem distracted.

"It has to have been that first vampire Annie saw and that Renesmee and I ran into when we were out hunting. He must have told the Volturi we were alone." Jacob runs his fingers through his cropped hair and sighs.

"We said that my family was on their way, they wouldn't hurt us now if they thought our family would come and figure it out," my voice is distant and weak as I frantically try to make eye contact with Izzy.

"The Volturi aren't stupid though. They already knew exactly where everyone was, I'm not surprised that they would use this chance, now they have it to deal with us."

"The Volturi, why do they have so much authority over you, can't you just avoid them?" I look away from Izzy to see the older gentleman who spoke from the corner of the room, and when I look back to where Izzy sat, where Izzy sat, she is gone.

"They serve a purpose, they keep vampire's hidden from the human world and keep us safe, even though if my family and I don't always agree with how they do it. But, to do that they have to make themselves regularly known, so it's hard to stay hidden from them especially when Aro is so obsessed with my family." I start to wonder if I even saw Izzy. No one else seems to have noticed when she slipped in and out. "One of the women, Chelsea, can alter relationships synthetically which means that she binds them all to the three brothers, Aro, Caius, and Marcus."

"These freaks are willing to kill themselves if they think it will make Aro happy," Jacob adds.

"Why does this man hate people like Renesmee so much?" The man asks again.

"Officially it's because it the human mother who carries someone like Renesmee has to know about vampires, but it's most likely because Aro is upset that he managed to go almost 200 years without knowing a hybrid vampire existed."

"What a monster," Annie mutters.

"All of this is irrelevant; we only care that they leave this area and leave us in peace. I was willing to invite you here to have this conversation after Annie insisted but it is just too dangerous for us with you here. I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Nora looks confident in her decision, and I don't blame her if it were my family I would probably make a similar determination, but it still hurts. Jacob and my first adventure out on our own and we couldn't even make it a month.

"We just got settled, made friends, got jobs. Please don't ask us to leave." I plead. It's not that I love this Maine or this town, it's that I enjoyed my life with Jacob in Maine in this town. I start to get dizzy, becoming overwhelmed by Izzy, the Volturi and the fact that I can't seem to manage to grow up and be my own women. My mind spins out of control, and I feel Jacob's arm on my shoulder as he tries to steady me, and then everything goes black.

"Nessie?" Jacob sits next to me on the floor, holding me. "Are you okay?" I nod pitifully and try to stand up, but I feel Jacob holding me down. Annie sits near by, Nora sits in her chair expressionless.

"Where's Izzy?" I mumble, disoriented.

"Izzy? What do you mean honey?" Annie asks sweetly, brushing the hair from my face. Jacob helps me sit up a little more, carefully looking me over making sure that I'm okay.

"She was here."

"Izzy?" Annie asks Jacob, ignoring me.

"Our neighbor. I'm not sure why she would be here," Jacob explains."

"Jacob I promise, I saw Izzy in the back of the room."

"Izzy." Annie looks up as if she's contemplating. "Is she tall and red headed?"

"Yes?" Jacob and I answer together.

"She's one of the most powerful Occultists in this generation. She's twenty and often reckless with her power's because she doesn't truly understand yet why it's dangerous to let normal humans know about us."

"We didn't even know she was an occultist."

"She's powerful. She could have disguised herself. She was home schooled and took a lot of time to develop her powers, so I'm not surprised you didn't figure it out."

"Is she dangerous?" Jacob asks. He tightens his grip on me and pulls me closer.

"Not at all. She only want's what's best for her family and our kind. All of her friends are humans as well, so I really don't think she should cause any problems… That is, I don't think she would if you were staying here."

"I don't want to think about that yet," I sigh as I burry my head in Jacob's arm.

"Nora isn't violent, but she meant what she said. You need to leave. It isn't safe for us to have vampire's wandering around." She give's me a sad smile and steps closer with her arms out stretched. "You two are both lovely people and a lovely couple. If it weren't going to cause too many problems, we would have loved to have you here, but it's not the time."

'Maybe all this wasn't worth it. Maybe trying to move away from my family was silly."

"Ness. Stop it. We are adults we can take care of ourselves without being handled."

"The only reason the Volturi left us alone was that we were under the protection of my family and the wolves. I mean we were away on a honeymoon for only a couple weeks and ended up stuck in Italy for almost a year. We lost a baby. Now this time they are just trying to live in peace, and the Volturi are already hunting us down."

"I'll let you two talk," Annie hands me a piece of paper. "Let me know if you need anything." I nod to her and thank her quickly. Jacob and I turn to look at each other again, but without much more to say and an ultimatum in our hands, we headed home.

"It feels like a lot of heart ache over two people who love each other. We are disrupting the lives of some many people."

"What are you saying, Ness."

"I'm saying, what if us being together isn't worth it."

Hey, everyone! Sorry for the brief hiatus! I have been in Sweden since June but spent the last two-week traveling around both Sweden and Denmark to see friends and it got busy! I am going to try and get on a more regular posting schedule, but I will warn you that I get home Aug. 14th and then only have 16 days before I most to university so that may be an empty promise.

In other news, I have been really stuck lately but I got a bunch of follows and favorites so they motivated me to keep going! Keep it up and remember to drop a review down below! Thank you and see you in the next chapter.
