A/N: Hey All, here's an update for you guys. I apologize in adavance because I think it's mostly just a filler chapter and I feel bad after such a long hiatus on updates, but... I hope you like it anyway.

Hermione received an owl from Charlie earlier on Wednesday morning. The pecking on her bedroom window actually woke her up from her slumber. After her chat with George the previous day she had a much better feeling about her decision and how it would be received. It was strange that until she talked to him that she hadn't noticed how nervous she actually was.

She yawned and opened the window to let the bird in. She accepted the letter in exchange for an owl treat she kept tucked away in her desk drawer. "Long flight here, I know little guy. You can rest as long as you like and go home when you are ready," she said to the owl as she peeled open the letter to read it.

Dear Hermione,

I'm sorry to hear about how your resignation was received, but I do think you've made the right decision. Its actually probably a good thing that you are given the opportunity to take time off, no matter if it was forced upon you. Moving across the continent is no small feat, and this way you have time to prepare for it and to wrap up things with your friends. It's not like you'll never see them again, and I know that you haven't been really close with them lately, but leaving them behind can be difficult.

When I first moved out here I was young and wild and full of excitement for such a thrilling, dangerous career. In the weeks between graduating and heading out all I could think and talk about was dragons and my new role. I didn't take the time to really say goodbye to people. It was a rough few months when I first arrived. I made new friends quickly and had a support of people doing what I was, but training was tough and nights alone in an unfamiliar place were difficult to bear. I don't want you to feel that you've given up a piece of your life to move out here.

Yes, coming here does mean that there will be a lot of changes and more distance, but it doesn't have to mean that you sacrifice your life for it. Mend fenses with your friends, and I'll see you in eleven more days. Things on the reserve are going well as we prepare for your arrival and the staff here are excited to meet you.

Missing you,


Hermione smiled as she concluded her reading. He was right, taking time for herself and for her loved ones here was important. Which reminded her that she had dinner with Harry and Ginny that night and a lunch "date" with Ron. It was going to be a busy day, so she might as well start. she left the window cracked open so the brown feathered owl could leave when he was ready and went to take a shower. She dressed in her favorite pair of jeans and a tunic top and went about starting to pack up things. She was sorting through her sparse belongings deciding what to put into storage and what to take with her. The books she had purchased at Flourish and Blotts the prior morning were placed firmly in the take with pile while the majority of her dresses and heels were stacked in the storage box. She would take one or two nicer articles of clothing in case an occasion arose for them. However, a dragon reserve didn't exactly call for formal wear.

She laughed to herself at the thought as she locked up her flat and dissappareted to the Three Broomsticks to meet Ron. Despite being an Auror working for the Ministry based out of London the red-head still held a soft spot for Rosmerta's Sheppard's pie and butterbeer and had asked if she minded awfully much to meet there. She did not in the slightest. She arrived before him, as usual he was running late, and picked a quiet corner booth. Every time she was in the Three Broomsticks before it was either a Hogsmede weekend or some event of sorts so it was odd to see it not crowded for once. Ron arrived shortly after she settled.

"Hi 'Mione," he greeted as they hugged and kissed her cheek. "I was surprised to get your owl, it's been so long." Hermione sighed.

"Yes, it has and I should have made a better effort to connect with you all."

"It's no matter, we're here now." He said agreeably and placed an order for two pies, a butterbeer and a treacle tart. Hermione held back her grimace at his piggish habits. Some things never changed. She herself ordered a butterbeer and a bowl of beef stew. They chatted comfortably about Ron's job, he'd recently been promoted, and his relationship with another junior Auror who joined up the previous year. She was thrilled to hear he was considering asking her to move in with him. When their food arrived, He greedily shoved food into his mouth. Honestly, the way he ate one who didn't know better would think he was starved or something.

"So, 'Mione, you mentioned you had some big news," he mentioned between bites.

"Ummm, yeah. You're going to laugh at me. I've recently taken up a job in Romania on the Dragon reserve." Ron stared at her in shock for a moment before as expected bursting into laughter.

"Doing what, taming the dragons? Good one."

"No, not as a dragon tamer, though in a moment of insanity I had considered that before I was brought back to my senses. I'm actually going to directing and overseeing the building of a research center there. I'm leaving next week Sunday to begin."

"You're really doing this?" Ron asked as he laughter died down. He seemed puzzled.

"I am," she confirmed.

"Blimey," he muttered.

"There is something else to," Hermione continued. "I've sort of connected with your brother Charlie."

"Connected how?" Ron asked obtusely.

"When I showed up at the reserve a couple weeks ago it was partially due to a long time crush I've had on him. It turns out the crush wasn't one-sided and we decided to try and make a go of it. We're dating." Ron's face turned red in anger. Hermione rolled her eyes at his quick temper and interjected before he could say something dumb. "Look Ronald, It's not like I'm moving in with him. We've been on one date. I wanted you to hear this from me. Our romantic relationship may have been short-lived but I felt I owed you that much."

Ron was quiet and she could see he was restraining himself in an effort to calm down. After several moments he returned to a normal color and asked, "Does he make you happy?"

"He does," Hermione said. "I think this could really work."

"That's all that matters then," He accepted. "I've moved on so it's only right you should too. I wish you both the best." They finished their meal and continued to catch up. When they parted it was with promises to keep in touch more often and a great bear hug between friends. The conversation had gone better than expected.

Hermione had a few hours to kill before she was due at 12 Grimmauld Place. The last time she was there she was shocked at the remodeling Ginny had accomplished. It was a whole different atmospheres and now that they had built a second wall over where the portrait of Walburga hung there was no more screaming about mudbloods and blood traitors from the front hall. They had really found a way to make the former headquarters quite homey. While she waited Hermione decided to take a stroll through Hyde Park. She had spent many summer afternoons here growing up and she was feeling nostalgic as she prepared to leave Britain.

When it came time to meet Harry and Ginny she had worked up quite the appetite. They greeted her warmly and they soon settled into a comfortable ease like they used to. Harry had made a roast ham for dinner and Hermione shared her news. The couple were naturally shocked by the sudden change but overall quite ecstatic for her. Ginny made sure to tease Hermione about Charlie, but all in all everything was going well. They were going to continue to spend time hanging out before she made her big move. It was a wonderful day and by the time she retuned home, Hermione was exhausted. She fell into bed the moment she arrived was asleep not long after that.