I'm really sorry about the long wait, considering this story is already written and done for quite some time. Was done before publishing the first chapter actually. But I was kinda sick the last days so I had no nerve to edit it and upload.
So here it is, the final chapter of this adventure. I hope you like it and thank you for your reviews and alerts, it was very motivating for me.

Gibbs and Vance were left speechless. After a while they composed themselves and Vance began to dial a number on his phone. Gibbs could only assume that the director wanted to confirm that this wasn't a sick joke.

"At least it explains the ruckus on the streets." Gibbs murmured. Still, where was Dinozzo? He was beginning to get worried and with executions happening again in Israel and public ones too, he really wanted to leave this place on earth. Pretty much a hypocrit as Virginia where he was home was on of the states in the us where the death penalty was still regularly used and whose government was still against prohibiting it.

"I cannot believe they are doing this." Vance exclaimed. While he knew that the united states weren't the big almighty brother that took watch all over the world as their government wanted it to be, he was still shocked that their ally would just orchestrate an execution without informing the NATO or UN.

"It's mossad, they can do anything they want... like killing other LEOs in America." Gibbs said appearing nonchalantly but he was fuming on the inside too. And his gut was acting up, something about the disappearance of Dinozzo was not right (well he basically vanished in a foreign country, what could be right about this?) but he couldn't place a finger on it what it was. And Ziva was also acting weird. Which he could chalk up to her still grieving her boyfriend.

"Dinozzo, where the hell are you?" he asked himself once more.


Somehow Vance and Gibbs ended up on a big market place where lots of people had gathered. Some of them had banners and were clearly against the use of the death penalty. Others were on the opposite side of the political spectrum and lots of police officers were handling the crowds.

"It looks like we are about to witness this..." he broke off, even Vance couldn't find a decent way to name this thing.

"It seems they didn't even trial the men. If it is a men." They had no way of knowing the identity of the so-called terrorist. Gibbs shuddered, his gut was flaring up and he nearly felt the need to vomit into the next trash can.

He had killed a lot of people on the job, but mostly in self-defense or when another life was on the line. To protect. To secure the safety of civilians and also for the greater good in case of his marine days. In a war you didn't question the logic of killing a single person from the other side. It was all about minimizing the numbers of the opponent. People, soldiers became targets and targets you shot. Afterwards, when it was over and you got home, you could break down and question yourself and your superiors.

It took a while but then there were some military men who escorted someone that was clearly a prisoner. It had to be the terrorist that was going to be executed today.

There wasn't a gallow to be seen so the agents guessed it would just be a public announcement and then afterwards the execution would take place somewhere else shielded from public eyes. They weren't in the medieval ages anymore.

Gibbs took another look at the prisoner. Clearly a man, clothed with a woolen cloak that hid most of his body except his hands, which were bound together behind his back. Over his head they was a woolen bag, mostly so that nobody had to look at a wanted criminal. Still the procedure was just weird but then, Israel had not a lot of experience with this sort of thing.

Then he saw that the prisoner was gesturing wildly with his hands. Gibbs narrowed his eyes to concentrate. There was a pattern, he would repeat the same motions over and over.

"Dino..." Gibbs mumbled which got Vance to look at him questioningly.

"What did you say?" he wanted in inquire, but Gibbs held a hand up to shush him. Vance huffed, he knew that Gibbs didn't respect him a lot but he still was his director, dammit.

"Dino... Nose... If that man would be using sign language, that's what he would be saying..."

Did it mean something or was this man just gesturing randomly and he wanted to read something in it?

"If he would use this as means of communication, why not spell out SOS or help? Should be easier. Besides, you assume he spells in English..." but he stopped as he saw Gibbs face harden.


"It can't be..." his eyes widened with shock.

Then a guard of the prisoner saw what he was doing with his hands and quickly hid them behind the cloak.

Gibbs cursed loudly.

"Dinosy... how could I be so stupid?" He shouted and than ran.

Vance tried to stop him, to explain.

"Gibbs, what the fuck are you doing?" he took after him.

His agent took out his service weapon and ran towards the procession. The military realized that a foreign man was running towards them with a weapon in hand and tried to stop him by drawing their own.

"Stop. Federal agent!" Gibbs cried out. He sprinted towards them and was greeted by several barrels facing him.

"nsgjlfbl%%%6$" they shouted towards him but he didn't even bother to try to understand them. Vance finally closed the gap between them and held up his hands to placate them.

"Gentlemen, I have to excuse me for my agent." he began but Gibbs just cut him off.

"Fuck that Leon, and help me get to him." he pointed towards the prisoner who seemed to have lost his posture from before. As if he lost all hope. Why did he even have some to begin with?

"Gibbs, you are causing an international incident, back off." Now Vance was angry but Gibbs didn't stop. The guards were still reluctant to shoot him.

"Don't you get it? Dinosy... that's what McGee calls him to get back at him for his pranks. That is no prisoner over there, that's Dinozzo."

Vance still had no idea what Gibbs was babbling about but only the slightest possibility of this being their missing agent was enough for him to act upon.

He stood up protectively and addressed the guard closest to him.

"We are federal agents and we have the suspicion that this wanted terrorist is not who he seems. Please notify Eli David of this." They nodded, apparently understanding enough English.

"I'm here Dinozzo, everything's alright." Gibbs said stepping towards the prisoner but the guards blocked him before reaching him. The prisoner didn't look his way, showed no reaction to his presence and voice at all. Was he wrong after all? That couldn't be. That would be a giant coincidence and he didn't believe in coincidences.

"Gibbs, step away. They will let us look at him in a closed off room not far from here." Vance tried to comfort Gibbs but he knew it was useless. Gibbs was on a warpath here and he would not wait for the damned politicians to decide this.

"Oh I know what kind of room that will be." he growled. They would be going where the execution was taking place. If this was Dinozzo, he couldn't do that to him. However he had ended up this way he would try to protect him now. An inkling of his mind told him it had to do with Ziva. She knew of the execution, did she plan this all out?

But then Gibbs thoughts were disrupted as Eli David appeared.

"Now, now, what is with this, Gentlemen? Agent Gibbs, Leon, I thought you had left us this morning?" He was all business.

"We had to reschedule our flight as our Agent Dinozzo has gone missing after your conversation with him."

Eli tried to look friendly but he was still very annoyed with this agent from NCIS so he didn't quite manage to pull it off that we was genuinely concerned.

"Ah while that is unfortunate why do you disrupt this procession of a prisoner?" he demanded to know still in the same friendly voice.

"That is no prisoner!" Gibbs shouted. "That is our agent." Now Eli was clearly surprised.

"Why would you think that? This is a terrorist that was caught two weeks ago by mossad after he bombed two hospitals on our soil."

While both Gibbs and Vance had heard about this incident in the news back then Gibbs was still positive that he was right.

"I don't deny you caught that bastard, but this is not that man. This is my agent and I want him freed right now."

Eli just shook his head.

"I cannot just let him loose right here. I will let you look at him in a more private setting..." but Gibbs cut him off.

"Yeah, the execution room. I will not let you take my agent there!" it tool all of his willpower to not take a swing at the mossad director.

"Agent Gibbs, let's all be reasonable. I will give you the benefit of the doubt because I'm positive that this is the wanted terrorist Yisim Hadad but if you can give me any indication that this might be your man I will take him to another room to let you look for yourselves."

he replied, positive that the Americans couldn't provide any evidence.

"He signed." Gibbs said.

"He what?" Eli questioned.

"He used sign language. Signed his name. Well at least something very close to his name. Your officers realized he was doing this and hid his hands from view."

Eli thought about this. It couldn't be but he had an inkling that an experienced agent such as Gibbs would not cause such riot without being sure. And Vance was backing him up.

"You do know what it means if you are faulty on your assumption Leon?" Eli threatened him.

"I have known agent Gibbs for a long time and if he has a hunch then I will investigate it."

Eli sighed. Either way this was going crazy. If this was their terrorist then he made a fool out of mossad for this incident with the Americans. If not this was an entirely different fiasco. Having a foreign agent falsely imprisoned was one thing but to try to execute him as the first executing for half a century was devastating. He would have to conduct his own investigation if this was the case which he didn't believe yet.

"Very well, if you would like to follow me Gentlemen." Eli whispered something to one of the prisoners guards and mentioned for the others to come with him. The guard remained behind and explained to the crowd that they will check one last time if everything is correct.

Gibbs desperately wanted to rip off the bag from the prisoners head but he knew he had to wait. It worried him to no end that if this was Dinozzo he hadn't made one effort of communicating with him after he had rescued him from his immediate death. Was it the shock?

The procession went away from the crowd and also away from the designed execution room. Instead, they entered a nearby warehouse which wasn't one on the inside.

"One of our secret operation bases. Well not so secret anymore I'm afraid." Eli said.

There were some separate rooms and also some equipment to treat wounded agents quickly without them going to the hospital.

"I thought if this is really an error then there should be medical help available."

Gibbs had to admit that the director of Mossad had gone great lengths for their request. Which also meant that he wasn't that sure anymore that they weren't on the right track.

"gnsvndfkn%%%6$" Eli ordered on of his men to get close to the prisoner and the other two drew their weapon on him. Gibbs and Vance stood there, waiting.

They removed the bag from the head of the prisoner.

"My God!" Vance exclaimed while Gibbs crossed the few spaces between them.

Anthony Dinozzo looked towards him, his eyes watering treacherously. He was gagged with a cloth and then duct taped. He had no way to get any sound out. Also there were plugs in his ears so that he didn't hear anything. It was very cruel to deprive him of all senses and still Tony must've known what was up because he was trembling now and the tears were falling.

After a swift removal of the tape and the cloth he tried to speak.

"B-Boss." It was more of a whisper but a nurse came and gave him some water inside a bottle with a straw. He greedily sucked on it.

"I cannot believe this" Eli exclaimed, having lost all composure.

"Uncuff him immediately and bring him something decent to wear." he forgot to switch back to hebrew but his men got the gist and left to fetch some clothes and shoes as prisoners didn't get such luxury.

Gibbs went towards him and softly hugged Tony. Normally he wasn't one for cuddling but this was an extreme situation and he was so glad that Tony was back with him.

"I got you Dinozzo. I got you." The younger man just leaned against him, all energy being drained from him. Gibbs steered him towards some cot and together they sat.


After a while Tony seemed to recover and sat straight once more. Gibbs realized the shift in position and searched for any clues. He knew now was the time for talking.

However, Vance beat him to it.

"Agent Dinozzo, would you mind to explain to us how you wound up captive as an international wanted terrorist?" He just had to know if this goofball managed to screw everything up.

Tony looked up to Vance. What should he say? Would the director even believe him? It had been hours after his conversation with Ziva and after not only being sedated by her but also stripped, chained and then deprived of all sensations and knowingly going to his death. He didn't know if she was audacious enough to talk to Gibbs after she captured him.

"Where's Ziva?" he asked instead.

"Ziva? She said she hadn't seen you and then went to..." Gibbs told him and then broke off. She wanted to help prepare the execution, she had explained to them. Could it be that she knew that Tony...

"You meant to say she wanted to oversee that her plan was working on how to kill me?" Tony said in a mocking voice but then he had to cough loudly and inhaled deeply.

"Easy Tony." Gibbs tried to comfort him but the man shrank away from his touch.

"Don't!" he nearly shouted.

He held his hands up and realized that he was still cuffed.

Elis men took a while to get back to them it seemed. Gibbs wanted to get angry again but he was already furious so that he couldn't find it in him to rip these guys a new one over being too slow.

Once more Vance intervened.

"You mean that not only she knew about you being the prisoner but was actively working forward to it?" he could not believe this. When had the world turned upside down all of the sudden?

"That's one way to put it." Another cough interrupted his speech.

"She..." What Tony wanted to say further died on his lips as he saw the one person he never wanted to see again in his life.

Elis men arrived finally.

"Director David, we bought your daughter back with us, as she is..." they also couldn't finish their sentences as Ziva breezed in like a tornado on the warpath. She didn't even try to conceal her true intentions as she stormed in with determination.

Before anybody could stop her she had reached Tony and outmaneuvered Gibbs. Perhaps it was the shock of it all that left Gibbs that vulnerable but he caught himself one second later and trained his gun on her.

"Ack." was all Tony could say as Ziva quickly yanked at his cuffs to manipulate his position to her liking.

He was scared but he didn't want to give up. He kicked out at her and managed to break free from her hold.

Any second now she would shoot him but he was sure that Gibbs would reciprocate and at least he would be avenged if all things went south. With being cuffed and very dehydrated and on top of that a broken arm and too many bruises to count he didn't stand a good chance against her.

But she didn't shoot. Instead she whipped out some cloth and used it as a lasso which got caught around his neck.

Breathe Anthony... he tried to tell himself but the fear was nearly suffocating him. Of course, that could also be the lack of air he got.

"Dammit Ziva, stop this nonsense!" Vance screamed and also drew his gun. Eli David and his men just stood there dumbfounded.

Gibbs' finger twitched.

"Give me one reason to not shoot you right now." he told her, his fury evident on his face. Ziva just smiled and yanked even more on the cloth which caused Tony to gag. She positioned her former partner in front of her body.

"She is using him as a body shield." Gibbs mind told him. As if he didn't know the obvious. He didn't like to but he had to talk her down. He couldn't let anything happening to Dinozzo... No Tony right now. He had suffered enough at the hand of his teammate and this was entirely his fault as a so called leader of this team.

The death of Rivkin clearly had sent Ziva over the edge and with this stupid farce of a political solution they gave her the perfect opportunity to exert that revenge.

"You won't shoot me Gibbs." she sneered, all image of the long lost daughter gone.

"For some dumb reason you want this... imbecile" with this she spat into Tonys face, "more on your team than me. So I have no reason to spare him."

Meanwhile Tony was turning slightly blue in his face. The rest of his skin was ashen and his eyes were full of terror. Vance looked towards Eli. They had to do something.

"Ziva Dear, calm down, we can talk about everything." Eli tried to intervene. Not that he cared about an American agent that much, especially not this one, but the fallout from this was far too great to even consider siding with his daughter. Besides, she was clearly nuts.

Ziva spun around to face her father and laughed.

"Too late to recognize me for how great I am, Abba." she replied.

"I have nothing to lose here. Michael is already dead and it's only fair if Dinozzo joins him."

Gibbs hand shook with rage. Now she wanted to make this about him, like it was his fault for not choosing her over Tony. Like hell he would.

He stood straighter and faced her directly.

"You want to know why I want Dinozzo more on my team than you? I can tell ya. Because he is the best agent I ever worked with. He can solve a lot of cases fully on his own, has done so in the past with me as a two man team. He is versatile enough with computers to search databases and such for clues and trace money transfers. He excels at any undercover work, had he not managed to fool us all for half a year. His shot is better than most other agents but what's most important is that he is loyal, brave and always a great agent that upholds all that the united states are standing for."

Tony, on the verge of passing out, managed a smile on his lips. He looked towards Gibbs and saw confidence in him, in his abilities and he decided that this trust his boss gave him was not in vain.

With all the strength he had left, he threw himself backwards to topple Ziva out of her position and took her down onto the floor with him. They both crashed into the ground and he would've screamed in pain had he got enough air for that as he fully landed on his already broken arm.

This element of surprise was all Gibbs needed and he surged forwards and stepped on Zivas hand which was still holding the cloth she strangled Tony with.

"Ahhhh." she screamed and let go. Looking up, she was gazing into a barrel of Gibbs faithful Sig.

"Go ahead, shoot me." she whispered, not wanting to live with the shame of having lost.

Instead, Gibbs left her to tend once more to Tony and Eli took his position.

"You have bought shame on our name, Ziva. I should kill you right here." he said with a low voice. Vance just cocked his eyebrow.

"But then I believe that sitting out your punishment in an American facility is more fitting for you. You have no right to die an honorary death as a Mossad agent anymore. Cuff her and take her away!" he commanded and his men grabbed Ziva and carried her away.

"You can't do that! Noooooooo!" They heard her screaming all the way.


"Tony! Tony, are you okay?" Gibbs asked, sitting right next to his agent who was still lying on the floor.

"I thought I had to die." he finally said after a few minutes of silence.

"Firstly the confrontation with her, then the truck, the needle and the walk to the..." he couldn't continue, turning to his side he retched onto the floor, not bringing anything up as his stomach was empty.

Gibbs helplessly rubbed his back to try to give a little bit of comfort to his agent. No, his son. Not in blood and he would never call him that but in his heart, he knew that the young man had earned this spot in his life. He just needed today to realize it. He also saw now that he always took him for granted and today he had come very close to losing him forever at the hands of a woman they both had trusted to some extent.

"I wonder how Abby will react to this? She's gonna hate me." Dinozzo winced at the thought.

He tapped him onto his neck.

"If Abby is angry with you, she won't get any more Caf-Pows from me." Gibbs said with a mock-glare.

Tony smiled. He was still under shock and any minute he would just lose consciousness but Gibbs was there for him and that was more than he ever had before in his life. It just had to turn shitty again for them to see what they had.


Vance had been gone in the meantime, calling an ambulance and informing NCIS about their situation. Eli David handled the Israeli parliament and police officers who didn't react kindly to having lost their prisoner. Later they found out that Yisim Hadad was still in his holding cell and a few guards were bribed to keep this quiet. Also, his execution was called off. The government decided that it seemed that their country just didn't have the right structure to proceed with this kind of thing so it would be better if there were no more death penalties issued.

Tony spend one day in the hospital getting fluids and nutrition before Gibbs released him to get him on a plane as fast as possible to bring him back to the states.

They didn't really talk about what happened as there were both not exactly forthcoming when it came to trauma and the influence it had on their lives but Tony couldn't just continue like he had the day before everything well awry.

"Boss..." he began. Gibbs looked over to him, he was sitting in the same row as Dinozzo, having left one seat between them free so that Tony would have more space for his broken arm. It was re-stabilized in the hospital but Ducky would throw a fit if he saw the additional damage. His throat was still sore from being nearly strangled and Brad Pitt would have to have a look at his lungs when he got back too. Hopefully there wasn't any lasting damage to his already scarred lung tissue. He could loose his field-agent position over that.

"What is it, Tony?" he asked.

"I cannot continue like before." he stated, letting Gibbs nearly have a heart attack.

"What do you mean by this?" he demanded to know, anger getting the best of him.

Tony sighed, this was exactly what he meant.

"Like this boss. I am your senior field agent and it's high time that the probie and every other new agent that might join our team knows that. I let McGee and Kate and even..." he gulped, saying her name was something he wasn't prepared to do right now.

Gibbs nodded. "Go on." he encouraged.

"Anyway, I let them get away with a lot because I thought that we are some kind of family and in families you are sometimes mean to the others, you tease them and they retort but we are also a federal agency with a very important task and maybe there is no place for goodhearted jokes to lighten the mood. At least it never had, you only get angry or annoyed and the probie take it personally and thinks I want to insult him. So he insults me too. I guess I just reaped what I sow." he slowly shook his head.

Gibbs was silent for a minute. He was often silent but now he had to say something to this. Tony was a strong man but every time he got into a life-changing situation he doubted himself as a person, an agent, a friend.

"How's that Tony? You will decide with me the next agent for our team and he will be personally trained by now and we will re-etablish the chain of command again when we're back in DC. McGee's getting too confident anyway, he could use some peggin' down."

Tony looked up at Gibbs and smiled. Not his overall grin because he truly wasn't in the mood to really laugh but it was a beginning to right several wrongs that happened in the past few years.

"Works for me, Agent Gibbs." he said, shaking hands with his mentor.

"By the way... using that sign language to inform us was brilliant. Since when do you know how to sign?"

Tony just grinned, looking more like the old Dinozzo he knew.

"Since you and Abby decided that would be a good way to talk about me while being present."

"Only you Dinozzo... only you." Gibbs signed but his eyes were twinkling and was just happy to still have this man by his side. Everything else would have to find itself and maybe some things would inevitably change but they would live through that.

Well folks, that's it.
I didn't write that much about the aftermath because I didn't seem that important but I had to address a little bit of the problems that got them into the situation first hand. And once more, I do not hate Ziva nor do I think this is an AU. She is a dangerous person if she wants to be and I didn't see love or even friendship in this time of the series between her and Tony and she really took Rivkin getting killed very hard. And I did send her over the edge as she accepted that suicide-mission from her father in the original series as she felt not wanted enough or because she could not stand Tony at all. She threw him to the ground and said, that it would've been better had Tony been killed by Rivkin and not the other way aroung. So I just spun this possibility and her grief into some batshit-crazy action of hers. Personally I really don't think that Ziva i a very psycological health individual but they all have their burdens to carry.