Sorry it's short, but here's he epilogue to Mal and Jay. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Disclaimer: I don't own the descendants franchise. If I did Jal would be canon.

Senior Graduation

Mal's POV

"This is it E! The big day. Graduation."

"Yeah M! And to think I'm valedictorian!"

"I know right! I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks M! Now, I'm going to do your makeup. You looked washed out."

"Ugh, fine, but only a little bit."

"Don't worry I know what I'm doing!" She replies, as she takes her entire makeup kit out. I'm in for it now. "Besides you never know what will happen!"

"Yeah, like what? Getting a diploma? I already knew that was happening."

"You know what I mean."

"Whatever. At least we're all going to Auradon State together!"

"I'm so happy! And we get to be roomies again!" She squeals.

"I'll miss this room a little. It grew on me."

"Ya know, the first day we got this room, I didn't think-" I cut her off.

"You were going to say 'amazing' but you heard I thought it was gross so you said 'amazingly gross'."

"How did you know?!" Evie exclaimed.

"It was so obvious Evie. Now let's get to that graduation. There's a diploma with my name on it. Surprisingly."

"Come on, M." She laughs.

-Time Skip-

"So continue following your dreams and go where your heart takes you. And that concludes the graduation ceremonies. Now I would like to call one of my best friends, Jay, up to the stage for a special message." Evie says.

Jay's POV

I'm a nervous wreck. Speech? Check. Self confidence? Nope. Not at all. "Hi...umm...I have an announcement. But first, Mal, can you come onto the stage please?" I see her get up from her spot in the audience. Come on Jay, you can do this. You've got this. Soon she's on the stage. "Mal, I've known you for almost all my life. And ever since I met you on the isle, I've know you were special." I reach in my pocket and grab a small box. Then I get down on one knee. "And there is no one I'd rather spend the rest of my life with. Mal Bertha Farie, will you marry me?" I wait for what seems like forever, but is probably only not even ten seconds. Then she replies.

"Yes!" She says with a happiness I've only ever heard a few times before. And then come he cheers. And I kiss her. The girl I've loved for the past several years and I'll love for the rest of my life.

The End