Mal's POV

It was an ordinary Wednesday morning in science class. Evie was working diligently, well almost. Carlos was tipping back his chair but he too looked distracted. Then I made a connection. Evie kept sneaking glances at Carlos. And when she look away Carlos looked at her. I had a feeling. They liked each other, and I needed to find a way to get them together. Now what was I doing? Paying attention, of course. Well sorta. You know how first period is. It's almost impossible to pay attention. Mercifully the bell rang. As Evie and Carlos left the room I decided to talk to Jay and see if he saw what I did. "Jay," I whispered. "did you notice the way Evie and Carlos looked at each other?"

"Yeah I think we should set them up."

"My thoughts exactly. I should probably get going. I'm gonna be late for art class." As I walked there I saw Ben. "Hey Ben, what up."

"Oh not much, just, you know, king stuff."

"Really? And how's that working out for you?"

"Well, I've been talking with the council, arranging meetings, and so on and so forth and what have you."

"Well I'd better get going. See you later Ben."

"See you Mal."

Ben's POV

As Mal walked away Audrey came up to me. "So Ben, you aren't seriously still considering inviting her to on of those stuffy council meetings, are you?"

"I'm actually going to ask her at lunch."

"Ugh, Ben you have no idea what a fun date is. I'm telling you, take her to the movies or the mall. You took me to a meeting and it was the. Worst. Date. Ever."

"She'll have fun I'm sure. See ya Audrey."

Mal's POV

I go and sit down at our usual table. Ben comes over and says, "Hey Mal do you want to go to a council with me after school today?" It sounds really boring but I say yes anyway. I haven't got to spend a lot of time with him since he became king.

-Time Skip-

We get to the meeting and I get a lot of glares from some of the sidekicks. Even after choosing good not everyone likes the fact I'm Maleficent's daughter.

"Hey you!" One of them calls out. "Get out of here this is for the council only!"

"It's fine, she can stay." Ben says. The sidekick just rolls his eyes in response. "So we will start this meeting off with our Improvements to the Kingdom section. Does anyone have any suggestions?"

"Yeah I have one. Get rid of the villain kids. Or at least stop dating them."

"I second that thought." Soon all the members chorus that thought. Ben calls the meeting to a close.

"Mal, can I talk to you... umm in private?"

"Oh, yeah, sure." He takes me out of the room.

"Listen Mal, I, uh, I don't know how to say this. I'm only doing this for the good of the kingdom. I think... we should stop seeing each other. I'm sorry." And then he walks away leaving me shattered and broken. I run back to the dorms. I want to talk to Evie about it. As I near the dorm I have tears falling from my eyes. I run as fast as I can in heels to the dorm but I'm looking down and don't see where I'm going. And I run straight into Jay.

Jay's POV

Mal runs straight into me. She must not be paying attention. Something's up. Then I notice she's crying. "Mal, what's wrong?"

"Benbrokeupwithme..." she mumbles.


"Ben... he, uh, broke up with me. It's ok though, I'm fine." I can't believe it, he actually broke up with her. How dare he?! I've never seen Mal cry before. He really hurt her so I'm going to hurt him. I get up and she says "Jay where are you going?"

"To teach that punk a lesson." I say. Then I run off to find him. I see him heading towards his room. "Ok buddy, you have five seconds to explain why you left Mal before I rearrange your face." Evie runs up behind me and stops me from attacking Ben.

"Jay stop. Let me handle this." Then she slapped him hard across the face. "That's for breaking my best friend's heart. And this," she slapped him again. "is for your stupid reason." The she walked away and said "Come on Jay, we're going to comfort Mal, because we have hearts, unlike someone else in this hallway."