"Little brother".

Mikey swayed slightly body slumping towards the ground.


Donnie,Leo and Raph lunged forward catching their little brother before he hit the ground,sparks surronded him making the youngest wince. He felt so weak,so tired. Like all his energy had been zapped dry.

With his brothers help they lowered Mikey, his head onto Donnies legs.

"Donnie whats wrong with him!". Leo asked franticlly as Mikey began to spark. The youngest wincing each time.

Donnie placed a hand on Mikey's forhead quickly pulling back as the skin was burning up.

"He's burning up!,his body isent accustomed to absorbing that much electricity or any for that matter. We need to get him back to the lair. We need to get the excess electricity out of his body".

"And how are we suppose to do that?!" Raph barked. Eyes shinning worriedly as the three of them picked him up.

"I can build somthing to absord the rest from his body. But we need to get back fast,who knows what the lasting effects of this is".

"Take care of your brother turtles,we got it from here. You did well,thank you". Sal nodded at his allys.

Mona lisa and Raph met eyes.

"Go Raphael,go be with your brother. Will talk later,your brother needs you".

Raphael nodded eyes grim and determined,his family came first. He loved mona lisa,loved her. But his brother needed him.

"Turtles allow me to find you a way home". Bishop offered. "Its the least i can do after everything that has happened".

"Thanks Bishop come"on guys lets get Mikey home". Leo kept a hand on Mikey's back as Raph carried him on his own.

"Donnie Kari and i are getting a ride from sal and mona,figured this is a brother situation". April's eyes flashed worriedly as Donnie kept a protective hand on Mikey's shell as Bishop led them away.

April knew for Donnie to barley say a goodbye to preoccupid with Mikey. It had to be bad,she wasen't offended or mad. She just hoped Mikey would be ok.