My eyes blinked open as I rolled across the firm mattress. Rays of sunshine were burtsing through the open windows, warming the room and bringing in a natural light, something rare for Cabin13.

"Will?" I asked groggily, remembering the night before.

"I'm here, Nico."

I groaned unenthusiastically. "Why's the window open? And why do I smell like french fries?" The aroma filled the air, giving me the boost I needed to start my morning. My legs swung over the bed and my feet dropped onto plush rug, the dark material knot between my toes.

"I opened the window because to get some light and fresh air in here, and it smells like french fries because I had some brought here for you." He was sitting at a marble table, nearly bouncing out of his chair with energy. I was about to close the shades, the openness and brightness of the room highlighted Will's face and hair even more, creating an impossibly more attractive son of Apollo, and I thought better of it.

"How did you even get all of this?" I rubbed my eyes with my hands and blinked, clearing my morning vision.

"I have my ways." A flirtatious wink pulled me in like a magnet. My ankle quite obviously favored itself, and a limp took over my gate. I stopped when I reached the table, looking at the food in awe.

"You got me a Happy Meal?"

"Of course, Neeks. I would never forget." He pulled me down to the chair next to him, and I plucked a salty, golden french fry from the red cup.

"Don't you want any?" I asked, just to be polite, though I wanted to eat it all.

"No, no, you eat it. You need it, I can see all of your ribs. It looks like you've been on a month long quest with no food." His gaze shifted down to my shirtless body and he sighed, "We really have to start feeding you more." Again, the other boy moved closer, touching my bare skin. His eyes and fingers scrutinized every bruise, every scar, every disfigured part of me. Will traced a fresh scratch, watching me wince; Yet I yearned for more of his gentle and curious touch.

His breath drummed on my shoulder, and I could feel both of our hearts hammering in our chests.

"Will, don't do this right now," I pleaded, sure that he would see right through me.

"Why, what's the matter?" His seductive whisper spilled into my ear.

I stood, but there was no escape when it came to Will. "Nico," he sang my name, also rising off the chair.

"I... I have training to do, and you've-"

He interrupted me, "Not today, you can barely walk straight." his hand found my bare chest, trapping me against the wall.

"But Will," I attempted to complain, but it only weakened my argument.

"Do you think I'm blind?" There it was again. The sarcasm. "I pay attention, I watch you close enough to know that every time you move, it hurts. Stop trying to cover it."

"People get hurt all the time, Will. I don't wanna miss out on my own training, and I have to do my chores and teach a fighting class."

"You're staying here and resting. Doctor's orders."We caught each other's eyes, and Will stepped closer.

"Fine, but you have doctor stuff to do, and I can't be here by myself, it'll be lonely, and your one of the few people I like to keep around." I used my best convincing voice and expression.

"I'll just take a vacation day."

"You can't skip again just for me," I whined halfheartedly.

"Watch me." Will jested, his tan, freckled face forming a small smile, perfectly framed by his hair.

At last, I gave in with a frustrated sigh. We lingered, sharing the space for a few moments. Suddenly, he reached behind me and pulled the blinds closed. "Finally," I exclaimed. His brawny body remained pressed against my own, I felt every heartbeat. And then I kissed him. Will must have been surprised, as he hesitated to respond, but he quickly fell into it.

We made our way to the bed, dropping onto the blankets. It was less than a minute before I flinched at the pain that seared through me. "Nico? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Sunshine, I'm fine."

"No, let me look at your foot." Sitting up, he ran his fingers through my hair, but I turned away. He pulled my leg up on his lap, examining my ankle. A firm press made me wince, but Will saw and let go immediately. "Let me go get you some more ambrosia, I should have given you more yesterday."

"You promised you'd stay with me, besides, I don't need it."

"Nico, the faster it heals, the sooner you can get back to training and everything else."

"Fine. But be quick."

He practically jumped the bed, and the door was swinging back and forth before I knew it. "Bye then!" I exclaimed with sarcasm as I threw my head back down.

The pillows suddenly became the most comfortable bags of stuffing I had ever seen, and I allowed a light sleep to overcome me. My dreams were about Bianca and me as little kids, playing outside our house. I must have been sleep talking again, because Will asked, "Death Boy, what are doing?" I heard the door click shut.

"Hmm?" I pulled my hair off of my face. It was getting tok long.

"You were saying Bianca's name agian? Were you sleeping?"

"I was dreaming about her playing with me back when we were kids."

"I'm sorry," he sympathized. The bottle of ambrosia rested in his hands, the liquid bubbling inside. I reluctantly took it from him, and sipped it through the green straw. He watched me empty it, and came to sit next to me.

The bottle hit the nightstand and we were mouth to mouth again, more passionate this time. Will kept me close, his shirt being the only clothing between us. He held my chin in his cupped hands and I wrapped my arms around him. Hos body heat warmed my own.

Our fingers found each other's and they laced together, tightly. He began to press small kisses into my shoulders and neck, sending shivers through my bones. I leaned back onto the headboard, expecting more. To my dismay, he stood. His trip back over to the table left me desiring more.

"Will?" My voice came out soft, like a silent cry.

"Yes, Death Boy?" He made an innocent expression, as if he hadn't done anything wrong. "You still have to eat, remember?"

I yawned and moaned, but obliged.