The content of this story is dark and may be triggering, please read with caution.

"You look stressed precious, when are you on 'til?"

You look at the clock on the wall and heave a heavy sigh as you finish pouring the pint, handing it to Phil, one of your regular customers. He was an elderly gentleman who had a bit of a gambling problem from the stories you've heard from him, but he was lovely all the same.

"Half an hour ago and I've got an important appointment I'm now going to be late for"

"It's midnight! What on earth do you need to be doing at this time of night?" You pause, carefully thinking your answer through.

"It's difficult to explain, but once a month I have to help my friend"

"What? Is he a werewolf or something?" Phil chuckled, you gave him a warm smile, indulging him in his terrible joke. You perked up a bit when you heard a car pull into the gravel car park and you looked out the window, immediately recognising the blue BMW as the landlord's car so you rushed to gather your things together ready to leave. The landlord and his wife walk into the bar with apologetic looks on their faces.

"Sorry (Y/N), roadworks" You give them a reassuring smile despite your frustration.

"That's okay, as long as you had a good time, I do really have to go now though"

"Yeah, of course, go." You give them another smile in thanks and rush out the door. It took a few seconds for your eyes to adjust to the darkness, there were no streetlamps around the pub and there was no moonlight to assist your vision. You checked your phone to find it was full of missed calls, voicemails and text messages, Mark was obviously worried so you dialed his number and he picked up almost immediately.

"(Y/N)! Finally, where are you?"

"I'm really sorry Mark, it's been a bit mental at work but I'm now on my way"

"Please hurry" The desperation in his voice worried you, so you picked up your pace.

"I am, I'll be there in 15 minutes, tops. Make a start and I'll see you when I get there, okay? Just relax"

"Okay, thank you (Y/N)"

You sighed as you put your phone back in your pocket, perspiration beginning to form on your forehead as you tried to complete a half hour walk in 15 minutes. As you walked you reminisced about how this routine had started. You and Mark had been good friends for a number of years after you had met in high school. The two of you had just clicked, you had the same interests and hobbies so always had something to talk about. Then, one day, you received a call from Mark. He was in floods of tears and panicking, rambling that his roommate had just walked out on him and that he really needed your help, you were happy to oblige, but nothing could have prepared you for what he revealed that night.

Once a month, during the night of a new moon, something would take over Mark. He referred to the being as 'Dark' and usually, Mark can keep him contained in the back of his mind, but on that one night a month when the night is at its darkest, Mark cannot control him. So, he and his roommate had set up a routine where, on that night he would lock all the doors and windows and then restrain Mark in a bodge-job straitjacket they had made to protect both himself and others. He would then leave for the night and bring all the keys back the next morning. But a couple of weeks prior to him leaving, he hadn't managed to restrain Mark in time. He never told you exactly what Dark had done, but he had apparently just disappeared afterwards.

That was a year ago now and the months had passed without incident, you'd never encountered Dark as you had always managed to leave before Mark released him. You spoke about him on occasion, but you didn't know much about him, only that he feeds on life force and that he had killed before but that was enough to convince you to help Mark restrain him.

You knocked gently on the door when you arrived at Mark's apartment and it opened almost immediately, as if Mark had been waiting behind it the entire time.

"You okay?" You asked, carefully scanning his face for anything out of the ordinary. He gave a small nod and looked at the floor as he stepped aside to let you past so you could make a start on preparations for the night.

"There isn't much time, I can't hold him back much longer" Mark said dejectedly as he collapsed on the one of the sofas in the middle of the living room, his already dark eyes had become a dull but much more sinister black shade and he looked exhausted.

"Okay, I'm going to go get the jacket, we'll do that first" You rushed into Mark's bedroom to grab the make-shift straitjacket, it looked like it was pretty simple to make, comprising of a jumper that was a little too big for Mark with several belts sewn into it to secure it, as well has his arms, to his body. You spent a couple of minutes rummaging through his wardrobe, cursing him for the disorganised mess of clothing in there before making your way back into the living room. You froze as you exited the hallway, dropping the jacket on the floor with a clunk. "Shit..." You whispered to yourself, Mark was nowhere to be seen. "Mark...?" You called out again cautiously, your eyes darting around the room to find some sign that Mark was still there. You hadn't heard the front door open or shut, so you reasoned with yourself that he must still be in the apartment somewhere.

"Hello, (Y/N)" The gentle yet chilling voice came from directly behind you and your blood froze in your veins. It was definitely Mark, but there was something very wrong and before you could process another thought you bolted for the front door, hoping you could get out quick enough to lock it behind you. Dark was too fast though and you yelped in pain as you were forced against the solid wood door, you tried to struggle but he was too strong, you couldn't move.

"Now, now, at least let me introduce myself" You shivered as his deep, sultry drawl caressed your ear, a mixed pang of terror and arousal rattled up your spine and you released a shaky breath. He slowly backed away from you, allowing you to peel yourself away from Mark's front door, you turned to face the demon behind you and your heart sank.

It looked as if all the blood had drained from Mark's body, his usually beautifully bronzed skin had taken on a sickly pallor and his eyes, usually bright and full of life were now black, cold and calculating. He held out his hand and you shied away, deeply disturbed by the smirk on his face indicating completely different intentions from his void-like gaze.

"Lock the door and give me the keys" You paused, looking at the door and then down to the keys, calculating your current odds of escape. You were snapped out of your concentration by Dark as he tutted in disapproval. "Don't make me angry (Y/N)" After another quick but gruelling internal battle, self-preservation won out and you did as the demon asked. You slowly turned the key in the lock, listening out for the click that signalled your last chance of escape had gone, before dropping the keys into Dark's open palm. "Good" He cooed, almost lovingly before gesturing towards the sofas. "Now take a seat".

You nervously made your way over to the seat Mark had been sat before, not taking your eyes of Dark for a second as he placed himself on the edge of the coffee table in front of you. You looked away as his gaze met yours, choosing to stare at the floor instead and pray that this was some sort of dream. You had no idea what Dark was capable of, Mark had never actually told you why Dark had to be restrained and locked in the apartment or why he exists in the first place. The uncertainty of the situation was driving you crazy, surely if he wanted to kill you he'd have tried something by now. You started as you were snapped back to reality when Dark spoke again.

"I've been waiting a long time to meet you, it's been awfully lonely recently" The grin that cut across his face made your hairs stand on end and your skin crawl.

"W-what do you want?" You finally managed to stammer. Dark chuckled softly, though his eyes showed none of the humour on his face.

"Why do you look so frightened? Don't worry little one, I won't break you" He extended his arm to cup your cheek and you leaned into his gentle touch despite every fiber of your being screaming at you not to, it was like you couldn't control your actions anymore. A coy smile pulled the corners of Dark's pale lips upward as his eyes gave you a thorough once over before he added "unless you deserve to be broken".

You pulled away from him and your breathing quickened as you began to panic, you wanted to run but you couldn't move, and it wasn't like you could escape anyway, all the exits were locked tight. You screwed your eyes shut to stop the tears that threatened to spill, you didn't want Dark to see how distraught you were but you couldn't take seeing your best friend's body being controlled by this monster. He was such a sweet, generous and selfless man and he'd done nothing to deserve this. You took a deep breath to centre yourself, suppressing the terror you were feeling and mustering what little courage you had left to speak again.

"I want to speak to Mark." You said, raising your voice as desperation began to set in. "Bring Mark back!" Dark's expression suddenly turned sour, his eyes burning with rage as they began to glow a deep red.

"No." He spat, standing up suddenly. You barely had time to react before he slapped you across the face, sending you to the floor with a cry. You lay on the floor, your vision spinning at the force of the impact, it had felt like a punch and could already feel a bruise forming under the throbbing skin. You choked as Dark gripped you by your throat and picked you up, forcing you against the wall so hard your head bounced off it, causing black spots to appear in your vision. You gasped for air, only managing small gurgles and chokes as you clawed urgently at Dark's arm, but his grip only tightened.

"I have been locked up in his prison for too long, I have waited patiently, he promised me this one night a month to be free. He thinks that he can repress me by stopping me from feeding, his mind may be strong but I would have broken it eventually!" Dark continued to rant with venomous hatred, but you were struggling to make out what he was saying anymore. You slumped in his grip as your head began to throb and your hearing became muffled as your brain slowly used the last of its oxygen. You noticed that Dark had paused in his ranting, his eyes had dimmed back to empty blackness and he had that spine-chilling smirk on his face again. He said something to you but you didn't hear it as you succumbed to the oblivion of unconsciousness.

You moaned in pain as you awoke, you appeared to be lying on a bed but you weren't really concentrating, there was a piercing ringing in your ears and your jaw ached. You tried to take a deep breath but coughed as the action felt like needles in your throat. You went to rub your eyes but found you couldn't move your arms, they had been bound above your head. You opened your eyes and looked around desperately to find something to indicate where you were but you could only see blackness. Your chest tightened as you suddenly remembered how you had gotten here and you futilely pulled at your restraints, grunting as you kicked out and yanked your arms. You eventually slumped back on the bed, breathing heavily from your pointless efforts as you dejectedly began to accept your fate, Dark was probably going to kill you and there was absolutely no way of escaping now.

"Shh..." You jumped as you felt a cold hand touch your cheek, Dark had been next to you the entire time.

"Just kill me." You said jadedly, you didn't want to hurt anymore, you just wanted this to end.

"Kill you?" Dark laughed and you felt the mattress move as he got up off the bed. You heard a click and yelled out in pain as suddenly all you could see was white and your retinas burned. "(Y/N), your life force is intoxicating, the strongest I have felt in a very long time. I can feel it just from being near you, I even managed to get a small feeding when you were fighting for your life earlier, it would be the epitome of avarice if I were to take it all in one sitting."

You blinked several times, trying to regain your sight so you could see what Dark was doing. When the world came back into focus, you noticed that Dark had taken his shirt off and was staring at you intently, there was a kind of want in his eyes that caused a stir in the pit of your stomach. You released a shaky breath, not realising you'd been holding it, you had always found Mark attractive and had wanted to be with him for a long time, but he had given no indication of feeling the same and you were terrified of ruining the close friendship you had formed. Dark noticed you admiring his physique and snickered, stretching his arms above his head and causing the muscles in his torso and arms to flex causing you to swallow hard and snap your gaze to the ceiling. 'It's not Mark' you kept thinking to yourself. Dark chuckled softly as he sat himself next to you on the bed before he spoke again, his voice was deep with want.

"The first night he restrained me was when he met you, I felt you before you even walked into the classroom. He tried so hard to keep me away from you, but he just couldn't stop himself from talking to you, that was his first mistake. I couldn't believe my luck when he asked you to help restrain me, I knew from that point if I just bided my time and saved my energy, one of you would slip up. I almost feel bad for him, he's losing his mind right now, he really cares about you" Dark then crawled on top of you and leaned down so his lips were just lightly brushing yours and you felt your breath catch in your throat. You didn't know what was wrong with you, minutes ago you were terrified of this being and now you wanted to lean forward and kiss him.

"Did you know your life force is at its most potent during orgasm?" Your eyes widened and you couldn't help the gasp of pleasure that escaped your lips as Dark leaned down to nip just under your jaw, brushing his lips and teeth down your bruised throat to your collarbone. You felt his hands creep under your shirt, slowly pushing it up as he lightly scraped his nails up your sides, you arched your body against him and heard him groan against your skin, every part of you knew this was wrong but you couldn't help yourself. He pushed your shirt over your bra and reached behind you to unhook it, his lips enclosing around your right breast the moment it was freed. You were like putty in his hands, small gasps of pleasure escaping your lips at his every touch and kiss, you hadn't even noticed he had undone your jeans until you felt his fingers slide under the waistline and your body jolted as if you'd been electrocuted when the pad of his finger gently brushed the small bundle of nerves between your thighs.

"(Y/N), your energy is divine, I want you so badly" Dark panted into the skin of your neck, before taking some of the skin between his teeth and biting down firmly, the pain only heightened the pleasure and you felt desire coiling tightly in your gut. You could feel his erection throbbing against your thigh as he gently rocked his hips against you.

"Then take me." You rasped, you'd never felt like this before, you couldn't think straight, all you knew is that you now wanted Dark as badly as he wanted you. Almost as soon as the words left your mouth, Dark pulled away from you and you couldn't reign back the moan of disappointment at the loss of contact. He hooked his fingers under the waistline of your jeans and panties and you felt the ropes pull at your wrists as Dark pulled them off roughly, before sliding back on top of you. You stared into each other's eyes for a moment, breathing heavily. They had started to glow red again, but this time it was different, he suddenly pressed forward, crushing his lips against yours and you cried out as he pushed himself inside you. It had been a long time and he definitely wasn't small, he gave you little time to adjust before he started thrusting at a brutal pace.

The pain didn't last long and was replaced by pure, unadulterated ecstasy, it didn't occur to you to try and keep quiet. The bed creaked and the headboard bounced off the wall as Dark pounded into you, sweat beginning to drip off his body as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled his body into yours, his rhythm not faltering for a second. Dark slightly changed position and your entire body seized as he hit something deep within you.

"Oh god! Right there! Harder" You screamed as your body twitched and rocked to meet Dark's, you could feel the ropes cutting into your wrists but the pain didn't register, all you could feel was your release coiling tighter and tighter in your gut. Dark's breathing had become ragged and his pace started to get erratic as he also neared release. "I'm so close" you whimpered and Dark released a deep, guttural groan.

"Come for me" he whispered huskily into your ear, and you couldn't hold back any longer, you were blinded by stars as wave after wave of pleasure crashed into your body and you faintly heard Dark yell out as he thrust firmly one last time, but you suddenly felt drained, as if all your energy had been sapped from your body and you didn't even try to fight it as you slipped into unconsciousness again.

When you awoke, you couldn't help the soft groan that escaped your lips, you felt like you had the worst hangover you've ever had. Your head was pounding, your throat was dry and scratchy, your entire body ached and you had absolutely no energy. When you eventually managed to flutter your eyes open you were confused as to why your bedroom light was on, and your breath hitched in your throat when you remembered where you were.

You looked beside you to find Mark was still unconscious, it was definitely Mark, the sickly pale skin of Dark had been replaced with Mark's usual bronze. You realised quickly that your hands had been untied and you gingerly sat up, trying not to wake the lightly snoring man beside you and put your head in your hands.

You could barely process all the emotions racking your battered body, you were angry, terrified, guilty and happy all at the same time; angry that you had let Dark take advantage of you, terrified of what Mark would think if he knew and guilty that you had enjoyed it so damn much. But no matter how hard you tried, or how much you tried to rationalise it in your head, you couldn't help the smile pulling at your lips as you quietly gathered your clothes and redressed yourself, wincing every time you caught the multitude of bruises over your body.

You snuck out of the bedroom, gently closing the door behind you and tip-toeing into the living room. You cursed yourself as you tried the front door to find it was still locked and you wracked your brain trying to remember if you'd seen what Dark had done with them. You made your way back over to where the two of you had been sat the night before and sighed in relief when you saw the front door key glinting on the coffee table. You quietly put the window keys on the table and took the front door key, sliding the key under the door after you had locked it behind you.

You smiled to yourself as you left the apartment building and made your way back to your own apartment, collapsing into your bed and staring at the ceiling. Mark would be worried about you but you had to process last night's events and work out how you felt. You also didn't want to be there when Mark woke up, you were terrified of what he would think of you if he knew what had happened last night, and how you reacted. You rubbed your chaffed wrists and felt chills as you remembered how you got them.

Your phone buzzed on your bedside table, indicating you had a text message, you lazily rolled over to grab it and saw it was Mark.

Mark: 09:36 13/07/17

Where are you? I woke up in bed rather than on the sofa and he hasn't said a word since. Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?

You put the phone down again, unsure of what to say right now. A smile spread across your face again as a voice in your head said:

'Nothing I couldn't handle.'

Hi, hope you enjoyed it, I'd just like to clarify a couple of things before you go.

- I have been out of the fanfiction writing game for a long time and may be a bit rusty, I am always open to constructive criticism but please be gentle.

- I did proof-read this before posting it but sometimes mistakes slip through, feel free to point them out and I'll fix them.

- I wrote the smut scene while intoxicated, sorry if it's bad. I used to write almost exclusively smut but this is the first time I've written in 2nd Person and I felt kind of awkward about it.

- I originally intended this to be a one shot but I've been thinking and I'd like to expand on it a bit more, I'm unsure though.