Chapter 4:

Happy drove me up to Tacoma to pick up my old things the next day. He spent the entire ride complaining about having to be stuck in a cage instead of on his bike. I knew it was more for show. He didn't really mind, he was just trying to distract me from thinking of Lily. Happy did his best, but nothing could distract me from thinking of her.

We pulled up to the small one story home that I'd been renting. An eviction notice was posted on the door. With my kidnapping, I'd been late on rent. It didn't matter, there wasn't much in that house worth saving. All the furniture was second hand. All I needed were the clothing and pictures that I'd collected.

"Is this her?" he asked, holding up a photo of my little girl.

Giving a soft smile, I took the photo from him. "Yeah, it is."

"Such dark hair to be the daughter of a redhead." he comments.

Lily had dark hair, like her father. Her light skin tone and hazel eyes were about the only thing she had gotten from me. Most of her features strongly resembled Juice's. She was smart, too smart for her own good sometimes. Not long after she talked, she instantly started questioning me on things. Also like her father, she had no filter when it came to pointing out things.

"Father was Hispanic." I let on.

Happy did most of the packing for me. I just sat back and instructed him on what needed to go. This was the rule that Jax had when I told him I wanted to go pack my things. By all means, I should still be in the hospital- it was that stupid Teller stubbornness that was getting me through the day.

The familiar roar of motorcycles sounded down the street. Turning on the couch, I watched as a few of the boys parked next to the van. Jax led the crew into the house, closely followed by Juice. I knew Juice was itching to see where his daughter had been living, to catch a glimpse of her life. He still wasn't speaking to me, and after our last conversation I wasn't jumping at the chance to speak to him either.

"She's beautiful." Jax said, looking at the photo I kept holding.

"We Tellers make beautiful babies." I smirked at him.

Laughing, he throws an arm around my shoulder. "She probably gives you hell too. Another one of those famous Teller traits."

"Questions everything and won't take a simple answer either." I tell him.

Juice took the photo from Jax, staring down at it. He kept an emotionless mask on his face. For that I was thankful. The last thing I needed right now was for everyone to find out that he was the father.

The new additions to my moving crew instantly started packing everything. The sooner we got back to Charming, the sooner we could plan our next move. Using my rolling desk chair, I rolled myself into my bedroom to pack a few of my delicates. I loved these men but none of them needed to see what I wore underneath my closing.

"Who do you wear those for?" Juice asked as I was placing a lacy thong into my suitcase. I hadn't of even realized that he'd followed me.

"No one," I answer truthfully. "I just like having nice underwear."

He nodded, coming over to help me pack my delicates. "Figured it'd be better if I came to help instead of one of the others."

"And here I thought you came to figure out how many men I've been with since I'd left you." I snorted.

"You said it, so how many?" he asked. The hurt in his eyes killed me. We ended four years ago, it still shouldn't hurt.

"None." I sighed. "Lily was my main priority. I didn't really have a lot of time on my hands to go on dates, being a single mother and all."

"Tell me about her," Juice practically begged.

And so I did. I started spilling every part of my daughter's life. I told him of how she loved watching the Lion King and wouldn't calm down unless it was playing. How her favorite food is mac and cheese. How her first word was mama. I told him of how hard headed she was and how she loved to fight me on every bed time. I told him how she loved putting on a princess dress to twirl around in. Most importantly I told him how happy she was. Our life may not have been perfect, but I made sure that she was always taken care of and loved.

Juice was quiet as he listened to me talk about our daughter. I could see him trying to picture every little story I told play out. A smile grew on his face as I kept talking. It was plain to see that he had started falling in love with that little girl and he hadn't of even met her.

"Getting your jolly off of a little girl, Juicy?" Happy asked, coming into the room to grab some boxes.

"Nah, just trying to figure out if Charlie's paying for her raising yet." Juice said, that dumbass grin still across his face.

Rolling my eyes, I stood up from the bed grabbing onto Juice to remain standing. "Lily's a little angel for the most part."

"We can't wait to meet her." Juice replied.

Looking at him, I held my tongue. As much as I would love for her to meet the rest of the crew, I didn't want him to meet her. I wanted to keep her safe from the hurt that he had caused me. He's damn crazy if he thought that I would let him step into the father role. We've been doing fine without him and we don't need him now.

"Ready to head back to Charming?" Jax asked.

Nodding, I looking around the house that I'd made my home for the past couple of years. "Yeah, let's go home."

"Happ, I'll take the cage if you wanna take my bike." Juice offered.

"Fuck yeah." Happy said, grabbing the keys to Juice's Dyna.

Juice climbed into the van after helping me in. The entire ride back to Charming he asked me more things about Lily. My stomach filled with butterflies as I studied him as he listened to every word that I was saying. He was so excited listening about her.

"Now that you're moving back to Charming, you know I'm going to be apart of her life." he says.

"I know you'll be around." I admitted, curious to see where he was going with this.

He glanced over at me. "I want to be apart of her life."

I sighed. "And you will be. You'll just be another one of her uncles."

"That's not what I want, Charlie." he slams his hand down on the steering wheel.

"What do you want, Juice? You want to just walk into our lives and play daddy for a while? What happens when you get bored of that, huh?"

"I'm not gonna get bored of my daughter."

"Not like you did with me?" I retorted.

Juice shakes his head. "I wasn't bored of you, Charlotte. You fucking broke my heart when you left. I tried searching for you, but you were off the radar."

"I've raised her without you for almost four years, and I've done a pretty fucking good job. I don't need you."

"Did you ever think that for one fucking second that I might need you?"

No, I didn't. When we were together, I'd felt wanted but never needed. Mom always believed that it was more important to be wanted than needed. I, on the other hand, wanted both. Is that too much to ask for?

There were so many times in Lily's life I had imagined Juice there. Like how he would react to her first words, to her walking. I remember when I held her for the first time in the delivery room, my pathetic ass looked around as if I had expected him to be there. So I just adjusted to not having anyone else. That meant a lot of late nights with a crying baby and trying to juggle working a full time job.

"Just please let me be a part of her life, Charlie. Give me a chance to be there for her." he begged.

I sigh. "Let's just get her back then we'll talk about this."