Buky and Bunny's Author's Note: Okay this is a prologue to "I just want you to know who I am" this part and the actual part on

Author's Note: Okay this is a prologue to "I just want you to know who I am" this part and the actual part one to my story don't seem to have any connection but trust me they will. Okies read the story!

P.S. This part is kinda lame but don't worry the other parts are better.

The Prophecy

Prologue to "I just want you to know who I am"

By: Rainfall

Three years before the boy who lived was born…

In a dark dungeon somewhere in the dark corners of the wizarding world two figures stood discussing some more important matters.

"My lord, the best divinators we have on our side, have uncovered a prophecy, one which is very likely to destroy you." The smaller of two stuttered.

"Tell me my not so faithful servant what is this prophecy you speak of?" questioned none other than the Dark Lord himself.

"Yes master, six young wizards and witches will assemble together and bring about the end of the Dark Arts, three are more powerful than the others, yet two of that three are more powerful than the one. It is said that in a way we don't know yet, that the two most powerful can destroy the dark arts by themselves." Said the man as he trembled in fear.

"Do you know the identities of these six wizards and witches?" hissed the Dark Lord.

"Only one master, a boy, by the name of Harry Potter."

"Ah yes, Potter, I know the name well. Well it seems as though I must pay attention to the Potter family's activities. Can't have that child alive to destroy me now can I?"

"No, master."

"Leave, you disgust me!"

With that the servant turned to leave, but as approached the door…

"Wait, I had some of my divinators foretell your future, it is not pleasing. But the future is not set in stone, you still have a chance to make sure as to not make the mistake you are foretold to. Otherwise Karkaroff, you will be answering to Nagini."

Right on cue a huge snake slithered in and glared menacingly at Karkaroff. He left no time for a dismissal and ran out the door in terror leaving behind a giant snake and his master laughing.

"Soon, Potter, soon."

Disclaimer: Well what did you think? Okies anyway, I do not own Voldemort, Karkaroff, or Voldie's pet snake Nagini. Oh yeah, and I don't own Harry Potter. Come to think of it I don't really own anything in this story. Please read and review! BTW, please be gentle with reviews. Okay.


- Rainfall-