A/N: Okay, I said I was going to do this. I wasn't going to be the author that updated not a real update, but just an author note. Except, I just read the comments and I had to. I will, however, take this down with my next chapter.

First of all, the same reviewers have been writing comments on my things since the beginning- but they always seem to have the exact same opinion as each other aside from one or two. I'm not sure if you are all inspired by what the others said and agree, or you're all the same person. Either way, that's been on my mind.

Let's tackle those issues, shall we? Mason is still a killer and will be going to prison for a long time, but I am entertaining the idea of putting him in a mental place rather than straight prison and I think between Spencer and Tessa, they can make that happen.

Morgan IS adorable and their relationship will be even paced, as well as I can manage even paced, and just as continually adorable. I'm not sure how to handle Garcia and Spencer, because with his character I think he would deny it and refuse to discuss it if Tessa brought it up. Garcia less so, but still.

Gideon. I was really disappointed with everyone's reaction to Gideon. At one point in the last chapter (eight) I wrote that Tessa suggests to him about bringing the team and Steven together into one family. Then, when they got back from lunch, Gideon went to his office to make a call. I thought I was being just vague enough, but that people would get it. Gideon went to his office to call Steven and mend things. He has been in the process of mending things since. Sorry that wasn't clear.

Gideon WOULD discuss that with ALL parties, Steven most definitely before anyone else. Diana would still be their mother, biologically and legally, etc, Gideon would just be their father. I didn't mention any of this through his perspective at the time, because it was a passing thought that he had begun to semi obsess over. Nothing more, though it may turn into something he wants legitimately. Diana might react badly, but I don't know. I haven't gotten there yet. He hasn't thought about how Steven would feel yet, because he hasn't even decided how HE feels about that thought that niggled into his brain.

Gideon hasn't been a terrible father, Audra. Rather, he and his son don't see eye to eye mostly because of his job. I never got along with my parents, but that didn't make them bad parents. *cricket silence as the author thinks back and thinks to herself she should probably retract that* Gideon loved what he was doing. As does Hotch. Does it make Hotch a bad parent for not spending more time with Jack because of his job? No. Or JJ?

I have not decided if Gideon will leave. I most likely will stick to that aspect of canon, but I may handle it differently depending.

On a lighter note before I end this note, how do you guys feel about a parody case where a serial killer kills CEOs or spokespeople for different cereal types? Lol, my roommate gave me this idea and I think I about died. Love always, Skye.