this is my first story so I hope you guys like it! I wrote a lot of it a head of time so I can update chapters pretty quickly but only if I get good feedback. Thanks so much for reading , let me know what you think!

Disclaimer: I do not own any Harry Potter characters or pre-existing plot lines created by J.K. Rowling. I simply write out of admiration of the books.

I woke up in my old bed but a new room. To say I was still adjusting was an understatment. I, Eliza Banks, had just finshed my 4th year at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardary located in Massachusetts. It was a positivly lovely school with stone walls that still had a way to be comforting and welcoming. As a lover of history, I was also intrigued with the school's past. However, my family had made the decision, and a rather abrupt one at that, to move my entire family to England. While they seemed cryptic about their reasoning for moving I believed it was my parents, who worked for the United States Magic Congress, disagreeing with many of the new and changing aspects of the government. They did not seem to support the direction they were going in. England was not a foreign land to my parents, they had speant a lot of time there before I was born but after my brother and I came along we never seemed to visit even. Both my parents were born in the US but the entireity of my mothers family was from England and lived as witches and wizards. They had all attended Hogwarts, the wizarding school of the UK, which is where my brother and I were expected to attend now. A teacher from Hogwarts had been in contact with my parents so we could transfer our credits and sort us into our houses. Hogwarts had a very different sorting system then Ilvermorny from all the stories I have heard from my family. While I was very nervous, the stories about the ancient school did seem exciting and I was hoping to have my own adventures. I had always been a rather good student and found many aspects of magic fascinating. It's not very difficult to see why I wasn't thrilled with the idea of leaving everything I knew behind. All of them, all my friends had been torn up with me leaving and while I was never super close they did mean a lot to me. I even shed lots of tears which I hated doing, especially in front of people.

I finally rolled out of bed, it was cool in the house. The weather was definately different then the US. I pulled on a presentable outfit since the teacher that had been contacting my parents, was coming to offcially sort us with the Hogwarts Sorting Hat. At Ilvermorny, I had been a Wampus and didn't know which house to expect. I heard of all 4 but it seemed almost impossible to see where I would fit.

I started my decesent downstairs from my room, my brother already sat anxiously with my mother in our living room. First years were normally sorted once they arrived at Hogwarts but neither me or my brother were starting our first year. (I my 5th and my brother his 2nd). With a pop the professor appeared in th room. She carried a large bag and wore spectacles as well as a large hat.

"Minerva McGonagall" she said extending out her hand to my brother and I. "You two must be Eliza and Collin" she followed.

"Shall we begin?"

She seemed like a stern yet kind person. My brother sat at the empty chair first. She placed the hat on his head. It seemed to grumble inaudibly for a few moments before yelling out "Gryffindor!" my brother smiled since he was quite comfortable with the stories of the noble house. Then came my turn, I suddenly heard the grumbling, yet for me it was audible.

"Hmm courage, brave heart, yet kind and loyal, maybe Hufflepuff, no, a warriors soul with laughter"

I gulped.

"Gryffindor!" it yelled.

McGonagall spoke "Perfect, I am the professor in charge of the house, other than that I will be your Transfiguration teacher" she exclaimed " I am excited to have gained two great students. Until September." She said and she was off.

My mother had exclaimed she was meeting her dear friend to shop for school books. My parents were very good friends with an English wizarding family. It hardly seemed fair that my parents got to start our new lives with friends but not me or my brother, athough I knew it was a stupid and petty thought. I had never met the family but had heard endearing stories about them. My brother had already returned to his room leaving me by myself to stare longlingly at my broomstick. I hadn't touched it since we arrived due to the lack of privacy in our neighborhood. I desperately wanted to play for my house's qudditch team but worried I would not have enough practice. But how could you really practice starting over in a new life?