Disclaimer: I do not own any of the original Harry Potter characters, books, movies, or quotes. All rights are reserved to J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. I simply write out of admiration to the books.

The end of October was quickly approaching and the entire castle was bustling with rumors about the Triwizard Tournament. The entire school was eager to find out about Beauxbatons and Durmstrang and what other wizards were like. Liz suspected they were just as awkward and angst filled as every other teenage witch and wizard gathering from her own experience . Fred and George had been working over their aging potion and she pretended not to take interest in it.

"Now students, when the other students arrive this evening I expect you to first and foremost, behave yourselves." Professor McGongall said addressing the students of her house as she was about to dismiss them from classes. She shot Fred and George a glare as if to warn them no nonsense. They smirked and Liz rolled her eyes, that was about as likely as them getting their names entered for the tournament. Most of the students weren't even bothered enough to listen to her warning as people continued to murmer through her speech.

"Please make sure you attend dinner in your robes this evening. You are dismissed" she finished.

"Do you think we'll make any new friends?" Katie asked excitedly as the group crossed the grounds on their way back to common room.

"Itching to get rid of me already?" Liz teased her.

"Oh hush you know what I mean!"

"I wonder if there will be any foreign romances this year" Alicia gushed

"More like lots of broken hearts I'm sure." Liz added

"Suppose Lee's really gonna have a run for his money as the Hogwarts romancer?" Angelina retorted

"And who would be challenging the great Lee Jordan?" Lee had pipped in as the boys joined the girls on their way back to the common room.

"Almost any other boy comes to mind" snorted Katie

"Oh Katie my dear, you'd be mistaken if you thought any other man had a shot of stealing your heart!" and Liz saw Katie roll her eyes about as far back as they could go.

"I'm just interested to see if any of the Bulgarian students of Durmstrang know Victor Krum!" Liz buzzed as the door to the common room swung open. Her and George walked in first.

"Liz just because they're from the same part of the world does not mean they all know each other"

"Thank you George for that geography lesson," Liz began "but I just mean that he's really young soooo" she said jabbing George's chest "they could have gone to school with him"

Liz collapsed on to the armchair and George sat on the arm.

"Well I'd certainly date that foreign student" Alicia said dreamily

"Agreed" Ang added. It was her comment that made Fred's ears turn red.

"I mean he's just an average bloke" mumbled Fred. Liz and George exchanged glances and it was Liz's turn to smirk mischievously at the Weasley boy.

"Just an average bloke? I thought he was one of the most gifted seekers of our time?" Liz enjoyed watching the Fred Weasley squirm a bit. George had caught on to what Liz was trying to do.

"Yeah but I'm sure Harry could give him a bit of competition." Fred said, thankful to see Harry appear as an excuse to the change the subject. Fred, George, and Lee were now talking to Harry about trying to see if he was going to get in on entering the competition underage, but it was clear he was far from interested.

"Any more plans for entering?" Harry asked the boys grinning.

"No" George said bitterly "I tried asking McGongall but she told me to just get on with transfiguring my raccoon"

"And you really thought she'd give you an answer? Then I believe you were the pranked one in that situation" Liz pipped in. He beamed at her sending a cheesy grin as to say thank you I try.

"I'm going to get my robes on, you coming?" Liz asked the girls as they excused themselves to their room.

"Did you see him flustered Ang?" Katie squealed laying across her bed.

"I have to thank Liz for the assist on that one"

"Thank you, thank you" Liz said bowing dramatically before collapsing on the bed giggling with the other girls.

"I can't believe Fred was flustered" Alicia added.

"Well I mean Angelina has that effect, why else would he secretly write to her during the summer?" Liz revealed smugly. George had accidentally slipped to her while she was at the Burrow, that over the summer Fred and Angie had been writing and Liz had not yet revealed she knew this.


"Why didn't you tell us?"

"I..uhh.." Ang stammered "wait how did you find out?" she pointed at Liz.

"I'm very sneaky" she teased, thankful she didn't implore anymore.

"Oh shoot! It's almost six!" Alicia tore down the stairs, grabbing Katie's hand. "We'll chat more later!"

The entire student population of Hogwarts was practically buzzing that night as they waited out in the cold for the other schools to arrive. Liz shivered in the chill of the setting sun. She rubbed her hands together to keep warm.

"Cold as always?" George said looking down at her.

"Was there a way to ask that question without being undercutting?" she mused

"Hmm, I don't know, you've known me for over a year, what do you think?"

"I think you're a real idiot"

"Yes, yes I know. Now give me your hands"

"What? Why?" Liz held her hands out and George grabbed both of them. His hands were much warmer as he held hers. He pulled gloves out of his robes and put them on her hands.

"Better?" he asked smugly, Liz looked up to meet his gaze, for a moment she forgot they were standing in a mob of people as she smiled at George and nodded slowly. One thing she had always used to tell the boys apart was that he had lighter eyes than Fred. His crooked grin tugged at his lips as it did a hundred times before. Liz really hoped the shadows of night falling on the students would hide that burning sensation she had in her cheeks again.

"Ugh where are they?!" Katie said grabbing her arm as she turned away from George, glad to be pulled away from a flustering situation. Angelina had sent Liz a wide grin and she knew it would not be the last she heard of this.

"I don't see anything" Liz retorted.

"How do you reckon they're coming? The train?" Ron asked

"No I doubt it." Said Hermione. Liz saw her brother standing with them eagerly looking around while Ron, Hermione and Harry continued to bicker about how the students would arrive. Liz had not spoken to her brother much since that start of term and not really much since the world cup tournament after he stayed home with her parents.

"Hey little brother" she said making her over him. She was sure he was starting to get to the point where his big sister was the last person he wanted to talk to.

"When do you think they'll be arriving? I'm cold and hungry." He whinnied. He was very much her brother.

"I have no idea but me too" she said sending him a grin. "You talk to mom and dad yet?" he asked her, making her grin fade. Collin was always the favourite child and the more she did wrong lately, the more he was the golden child. She looked back at Fred and George and thought her parents would nearly shudder at the thought of all the shenanigans they had encouraged her to be apart of in the past year. Yet when she hung out with them, she was happier than any year she would spend in the library without any breaks.

"Haven't gotten a chance to yet but I will" she shrugged off. She hadn't much cared to write her parents yet and give them any updates of the year, out of fear of having to talk about marks. She ruffled her brother's hair in a sisterly making him swat her away. She grinned and took her place next to Katie.

"Over there" a student pointed up in the sky, Liz couldn't see what they were talking about.

"If I'm not mistaken the delegations of Beauxbatons is arriving!" Dumbledore boomed from the back of the rows. Large carriages descended from the sky being pulled by flying horses. The carriages had beautiful detail and the horses were magnificent. Liz was sure Hagrid would think so too. Out of the carriage approached one of the largest women Liz had seen.

"Ah Madame Maxine," Dumbledore said greeting her. "Welcome to Hogwarts"

"Dumbledore" she said with a thick French accent. Behind her students poured out of the carriages wearing light blue robes. some of the girls near her giggled as some of the boys that emerged. The lot obviously did not seem impressed with Hogwarts. Liz recalled her own experience of taking in Hogwarts for the first time and did not see how they could be unimpressed. Dumbledore called the students of Beauxbatons to warm up inside while they remained waiting for the Durmstrang students.

"How big do reckon their horses will be?"

"Could they be larger?"

The students buzzed assuming they would be also arriving by carriage.

"Look at the lake!" Lee yelled. Liz tried to crane her neck to see the lake but her height was at a disadvantage as she stood behind a mass of students.

"Too short Lizzy."

"Shut up Georgie" she said using the nickname as response to him calling her Lizzy. Elbowing him in the arm.

She saw a ship grow from the lake and students gasped and pointed. It looked as though someone had taken it from the bottom of the lake. A mob emerged to the entrance of Hogwarts. A stern looking man followed with a group of rather bulky looking boys, some wore plain expression other wore friendly smiles.

"Dumbledore!" the man called "How are you dear fellow? How are you?"

"Blooming, thank you, Professor Karkroff"

"How good it is to be here…Viktor come alone in the warmth" he gestured one of his students forward inside. Liz's eyes widened as her and Angelina exchanged giddy glances.

"It's Krum!" she exclaimed.

All of the students had taken their seats as Liz continued to strain her neck to find where Krum would be sitting. She was not the only.

"I'm getting his autograph if I can!" exclaimed Ron. She wondered if it'd be tacky if she were to ask the same.

"Oh he's only a quidditch player" she heard Hermione retort.

"I hope they sit with us" Angelina said excitedly. Fred was now looking rather quiet during these exchanges, probably nervous from Ang's comment earlier.

Unfortunately, the Durmstrang students had settled down at the Slytherin table and the Beauxbatons students with the Ravenclaws. Liz frowned wanting to meet some new students. She saw Filch add four chairs to the front table which puzzled her. The Beauxbatons students were rather rude during Dumbledore's welcome speech.

"The tournament will begin after the feast, for now enjoy!" he clapped.

Food filled the tables as always but not the typical Hogwarts meal. It seemed they had produced some delicacies from each country of the schools for the students to eat. Liz eyed some dishes suspiciously but Lee did not hesitate to pile everything high on his plate. Ron awkwardly choked through a conversation with a Beauxbatons student as she tried to retrieve some food from the table.

"Ever the charmer Ronald" Fred teased

"She's Veela!" he exclaimed. Liz rolled her eyes. Boys she thought.

"Of course she's not!" swatted Hermione.

"You're just a git little brother" George added

"Yeah take a few pointers from me" Lee said through a mouthful of food.

"That's the last thing you should do Ron" Liz pointed with her spoon.

"They don't make em like that at Hogwarts!"

"They make them okay at Hogwarts" Harry pipped in sheepishly. Liz was growing rather impatient with the musings of teenage boys and girls. She turned to Fred and George.

"As a species, can I ask why teenage boys are so thick skulled when it comes to women?" she joked to George who seemed a bit flustered

"Well I mean-" but Liz didn't let him finish as pointed out the front of the hall.

"It's Bagaman!" she said in a whisper to the boys. She recognized him from their brief glimpse at the cup and Mr. Crouch who was technically Percy's boss, sat up there as well.

"Why I should..."

"Do not do anything stupid Fred"

"Liz look who you're talking too"

"We just want to speak with him calmly" George said

"Unless he denies us our money" Fred added

"How do plan on talking to him?" but Liz did not get her answer as Dumbledore spoke up for the end of the feast.

"The moment has come." Dumbledore said smiling out to the students. Fred and George put their concentration to the front of the hall. "The Triwizard Tournament is about to start. I would like to say a few words of explanation before we bring out the casket.."

The what?

"Just to clarify the procedure that we will be following this year. But first, let me introduce, for those of you who do not know them, Mr. Bartemius Crouch, Head of the Department of International Magic Cooperation and Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports." While some students clapped Liz exchanged angry glares with the boys.

"They will be determining the instructions of task the champions will have to compete in for the tournament. A champion from each school will be chosen and students will have until tomorrow evening to enter. The champions will be chosen by an impartial judge: The Goblet of Fire!" A large flaming cup emerged from the container, it looked worn and rather like it hadn't be touched in years.

"Since the competition will be only for students of age an Age Line will be drawn to prevent others from entering." There were scattered voices from around the hall.

"An Age Line?" questioned Fred

"I'm sure an aging potion will be perfect for that" exclaimed George.

Liz admitted it seemed far-fetched an aging potion alone would be enough to trick magic like Dumbledore's but she really couldn't say.

"However, I must warn you that entering your names in these competitions is not something to be taken lightly. These competitions are of extreme calibre and require the most talented wizards." A knot at grown in Liz's stomach. What if one of her friends was chosen? She'd be happy to support them but these games seemed from just games, Dumbledore himself had said there had been a death toll.

After the feast, Liz stretched out lazily on the couch in the common room while Fred and George sat hunched up over a scroll on a nearby table. Alicia had gone to bed early and Katie and Lee were bickering about something she didn't even catch. She had not been able to find Angelina.

"I've just done it!" Angie said strolling in the common room from the hall.

"Done what?" questioned Fred

"Put my name in the cup"

"What?! We wanted to be with you. Thought you would tomorrow morning!" exclaimed Liz

"Yea but I didn't want to over think it all night so I just said screw it" she said triumphantly.

"Well I hope you're chosen Ang!" exclaimed Katie

"I'm exhausted though so I'm heading to bed! Exciting day tomorrow!" she said nervously.

"Me too!" said Lee obviously angling at trying to get in the girls room.

"Katie, Liz? You coming?" Katie nodded and joined her.

"Nah, I'll stay down here a bit I'm comfy" Liz didn't notice this caused George to glance at her and smile.

"Alright" said Angelina knowingly. Liz mainly wanted to avoid having a chat about her and George with Angelina because it was an absurd conversation.

"Shouldn't you be brewing a potion" she called to Fred and George. They sighed and closed the scrolls to join Liz by the fire.

"Why? You curious to get your hands on some?" grinned Fred.

"Of course we'd willing to spare a little for our dear friend" said George. She rolled her eyes and dismissed their offers.

"Anyways, were you trying to write another letter to Bagman?"

"Yes" they grumbled.

"We're going to try to talk to him in person tomorrow though"

"Yeah but if he's really guilty you know he'll avoid you!" Liz pointed out.

"Yeah we know but we have to try everything" George said giving her a weak smile.

"And besides right now our focus is getting our names in that cup tomorrow!" Fred said changing the subject.

"You really think it's going to work?" she asked them weakly

"It has too! It's us!" Fred said groggily getting up. "Well I'm going to bed."

"Night" she said to both the boys.

"You're not going to bed?" George asked

"Yeah, yeah. I will go upstairs in a few, might do some reading."

"Honestly Liz, it's a Friday" they teased as they walked upstairs. Liz sat alone for the moment as she starred into the fire in the quiet common room. She looked up at one of the portraits that was normally empty.

"Lyanna? Is that you?" the portrait asked. Liz looked confused. She had never spoken to one of the paintings in the room.

"Huh?" but before she could implore the painting further, she heard footsteps.

"Liz?" she turned around, it was George. When she turned back the person in the painting was empty.

"Is that painting always empty?" she asked distractedly.

"Yes?" George asked confused. Why did that portrait ask if she was someone named Lyanna "Liz?" he snapped her out of her thoughts.

"You okay? You look like a ghost!" he said grabbing her arm, sending her a grin.

"Yeah it's nothing. Why are you still up?"

"Oh, is it past my bedtime?" he teased walking over to the table as she glared at him. "We left our quills down here."

"Are you guys even a bit nervous to enter?" she said collapsing back on to the couch

"Truthfully, a bit but I mean just think how exciting it is?" he said sitting down with her on the couch.

"Can I be honest?"

"When are you not?" she smacked his arm.

"Fine, I won't"

"Please go on."

" I think I'd be terrified to enter, it's why I'm glad I'm not of age yet. Not very Gryffindor of me huh?" she said shyly looking at her hands.

"Nah, I think you'd be stupid to not be scared of some things. It just means you're probably smarter than us lot. You're pretty brave, I mean look at what you did for Ginny." He nudged her shoulder encouragingly. "And besides I'd probably be worried too if you were in the tournament" Liz tried to hide her blush. "I mean not that you couldn't handle it just…. yeah."

"Thanks" she beamed at him " I mean not sure I could say the same though if you got in but I'd think about it" she teased feeling a bit uncomfortable in the moment.

"Wow." He tossed a pillow at her and she laughed it off.

"Maybe it is past someone's bedtime" she fake pouted.

"Goodnight" he rolled his eyes as he headed upstairs. Liz's smiled lingered as she watched him walk upstairs.

New chapter! WOW, it has been so long and I'm sorry but I'm really happy to be back! I forgot how much I enjoy writing! Thank you for all sticking with this story and if you're new then welcome! Thank you so so much for reading, following, and reviewing. I'm super excited to write these chapters as Liz and George get closer and Goblet of Fire is one of my favs! Also some questions to think about? What doe that painting mean? Is she confronting her feeling for George? When will Fred and Angelina get together?