Chapter 1. The death of Harry

It had been a regular Tuesday for Harry he had went to Kindergarten tried his best to dodge Dudley and his friends throughout the day and had been picked up by aunt Petunia who had stated that they were going shopping if only she knew what was about to happen

The day before~leaky cauldron

"I'm telling you I saw Harry Potter it was a couple of days ago check I shook his hand in a muggle apartment store" someone stated in the corner of the room where we could see a thin Wizard talking to someone mostly hidden in shadows

"So you're telling me that the boy who lived doesn't have any kind of protection outside his home dear sir" the tall man asked as he pulled his sleeves up

"Huh I guess you can say that but I'm sure there's some kind of protection on him" the thin potter seeker stated as the other man went deep in thought

"Hmm yes I suppose so and what store was the boy who lived in" the dark figure seemed to lean forward

"Why the super market in little whinging of course" the potter seeker said smiling

"Hm yes thank you Obliviate" the shadowed figure said causing the potter seeker to slump forward as he forgot about where he had seen Potter and this conversation

"Well then thank you for your time" the shadowed man said as he got up but as he did so his sleeve caught slightly showing a faded tattoo on his arm before it quickly disappeared

"Heh darn sleeves I'm going to have to get used to them though" the Death eater stated as he walked out of the building and taking care he aspirated outside little whinging then walked in heading straight towards where he could see a muggle store and thanks to the fact that he didn't use magic inside little whinging no one not even the great albus Dumbledore knew he was there

"Now to kill the brat that lived"

Back with Harry the next day

He didn't know how it happened or what really happened he had just told a man his name and suddenly there was screams yelling and strange lights going all over the place and after the strange man had sent out a green light from a stick at his aunt that caused her to fall over there was a crack and suddenly more people appeared and Harry's young 5 year old mind couldn't tell what was happening as lights flew around him he watched as Dudley ran as several people in robes rushed the man he had talked too

"Fawkes get Harry out of here" a old man's voice rang before Harry felt talons close quickly around his arm and looking up he found a large red bird holding onto him before it started to catch fire

"No Avada Kedavra" a voice rang and it was like time slowed down as Harry watched his form start to burn from the bird and a green light head straight for him then it hit right as he was almost gone and he screamed he thrashed "it hurts it hurts~ Harry screamed thrashing against the bird then everything went white

Dumbledore had felt the wards scream as the death eater fired his first spell and had instantly sent a emergency patronus to the ministry before having Fawkes transport him to the area where the spell was cast and seeing the unconscious form of Petunia Dursley he attacked foreign spell after spell at the wizard who did his best to dodge or fire back his spells then Albus had ordered Fawkes to take Harry away from the battle when the Aurors had gotten there but then that man had fired the killing curse at them at first everyone paused not knowing and fearing what would happen then the screaming started and Fawkes signature flame teleportation didn't vanish it got brighter and brighter then with a resounding boom the light vanished sending a powerful blast that most had compared to a nukes aftereffects that had knocked everyone in a full 100 miles out cold only Dumbledore was left standing only barely and he watched as Fawkes burst out of the soot that he and Harry had been but know there was no boy who lived anywhere to be found

With Harry

It was so cold yet it felt like he was surrounded by fire

-wow wait a minute what the heck are you doing here- some typed no they said that didn't they

~I I don't know I was~ Harry was saying till he paused what did happen I was ripped apart by a combination of a Phobic fire and Death curse wow wait how did I know that

-huh simple it looks like you become omnipresent well kid welcome to a life where you get to know everything- Ghostthefox typed

~wait so you're telling me that I know everything right now~ Harry stated

-yep also you got a new look here check it out- Ghost said as a mirror appeared in front of Harry and it was only then that Harry realized that he was standing on a white floor full of text with green and black walls surrounding him and it was only then that he looked up and froze there was someone staring back down at him as their eyes read the words at his feet what was going on wh-wait that's a creator they are a race of humans that think that their just writing stories and such when in actuality their writing down the other dimensions history's this creator was currently reading his history underneath the website known as and with the title Echo.

Harry paused for a good long time Okay that literally made him feel small very small and that was before he looked in the mirror and saw his new look he was still 5 but now he seemed to be bleached because he was in black and white his hair was a dark black with a few small lines of white to tell him where the strands of his hair was while his skin was as white as snow and his clothes were now extremely small robes that were pitch black but what really drew his attention was his face the scar that he now knew came from Voldemort or rather Tom Riddle and used to be a Horcrux it was a pitch black on his white skin along with his glasses that now seemed to be just big enough that people would be able to see the skin around his eyes and his eyes were almost pitch black with the only actual color of a bit of green which surprised him a bit but hey at least he still had some color then he noticed his black eyebrows and the black line that was now his mouth and strangely enough there was only a small black line and a feeling of where his nose was all in all it looked like he could've been drawn by anyone

-hey that's not a bad idea anyone want to try and draw Echo here- Ghost said and instantly Harry agreed with the name change and became Echo

~Well you could try drawing me Ghost~ Echo stated glaring up at his author

-yeah sure if you want your head to be too big I'm not that good at drawing people although give me an image and I can change it into what I need-

~Yeah yeah well I guess I better get used to being able to know everything in the Harry Potter universes speaking of which can you 'readers' talk to me please so I don't get bored~ Echo asked looking toward you

-why you can go back into the story and have some fun after all you are literally everywhere now-

As Echo slowly processed this a smile split across his face that showed his pure white teeth it was a smile worthy of a marauder speaking of Marauders

~that also means I can help Sirius and Remus~ Echo said as he slowly disappeared

-well see you Echo oh also here's a song for you I might send others-

And before he disappeared completely a see through disc appeared in front of him that instantly zoomed into him as he disappeared

-well next chapter should be fun haha also can you guys talk to Echo I think the little guy would like the attention also sorry for the long wait I have literally no Wi-Fi and I was barley able to send out this chapter so my updates timing will be completely blown apart so sorry but updates will be really slow-