Author's Note: So I decided that my first story on Zootopia was not going anywhere so I am putting it on pause(hopefully I will come back to it) so this is technically my first story where I am dedicated to seeing it through(I hope). After having read 'The Alpha' by Wick Nilde about an X-men like character I was inspired to do my own story based on a character with Spider-man's powers(or close to them). Hope you guys enjoy! I appreciate any constructive criticism since I am still kinda new to writing.

Edit 5/6/18: Hello! After figuring out more of where I wanted to go with this story I decided to edit this chapter a bit so that it flows better and will help to set up further events later on. Let me know what you all think. :)

Chapter 1:

Inside a dimly lit hall of a local fight club under the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City only known by word of mouth due to its illegal status. Max Jones, the club owner, a tall slim thirty-five-year-old man ran the club. It was his headquarters for all of his "operations" throughout New York but he was most known for bringing the "best of New York together to gamble on a fight and let loose.

"Place your bets, boys!" Max Jones yelled.

"Two- hundred!"

" Two-fifty!"

" A hundred fifty, ain't no way this guy is gonna last long."

The fight was about to begin, Jones walked confidently to the center of the ring to announce the fighters.

"Ladies and Gentlemen." Max bolstered." It is with pride that I welcome you to this "fine" establishment".

The crowd roared with laughter partly because of being drunk on the alcohol available.

"Tonight's fight.." Jones continued

"Will be against the most brutal fighters known in New York, in this corner we have the undefeated champion in over five different clubs the one...the only BONE CRUSHER!"

The crowd cheered as BONE CRUSHER entered into the ring, the tall strong fighter kept his chest held high knowing how good he was, he then let out a terrifying roar for intimidation. The fighter then took his position at his end of the ring waiting for his opponent.

"And in this corner we have a new fighter making his debut appearance tonight at this club, give it up for… the Human Spider!" Max Jones yelled

The crowd looked over to the opposite end of the ring and see a slim but lean built kid named Alex a little under 6 feet, black hair, brown eyes in a red ski mask and long sleeve skin tight shirt, Nike sweats, and sneakers. Silence claimed the hall until the crowd began howling with laughter.

"This kid is fighting?!"

"Get him out!"

"He looks weak!"

"That kid won't last a second!"

"Alright, let's get this started," Max Jones said to the two fighters. "The first person to knock the other out wins" after finishing Jones left the ring. Bone Crusher started viciously the boy while the kid gave off a calm but cool look.

"Stay cool Al and focus!" the boy thought to himself.

Max Jones then took his place on an elevated platform and rung the bell next to his chair. The two fighters walked to the center of the ring to begin the fight.

"Piece of cake" The brawny fighter mumbled.

"We'll see about that." Alex quipped.

Bone Crusher threw the first punch which Alex dodged, he then tried to take out the kid's legs which Alex jumped over.

"My turn," Alex said.

Alex threw a punch with his left that was blocked but he countered with a quick right-hand punch, knocking Bone Crusher back which shocked the crowd.

"Ugh, nice one kid but the gloves are coming off this time." The big fighter said with an evil smirk, he then roared at Alex and began throwing multiple jabs at Alex's head and chest but to his and the crowd's amazement the Kid dodged them showing no signs of fatigue.

"Alright, let's end this…" Alex said cracking his knuckles. The fighters then charged at each other, Bone Crusher reeled his arm back ready to make a K.O. but just as he started his punch Alex slid in between his legs exciting the crowd.

"Spider… Spider...Spider…" chanted the crowd

"Awe is little bone crusher too angry to fight." Alex mocked making the other fighter even angrier.

"YOU LITTLE PUNK!" Bone Crusher yelled and began charging at Alex rearing back his arm to do his signature "bone-crushing" punch. He used up all his strength and momentum and thrust his fist towards Alex, what happened next shocked the whole club. Just before the fist made contact Alex caught the fighter's fist with one hand resisting all of the force Bone Crusher tried to use to break free of his grasp.

"It's been fun dude…" Alex said smirking

He then punched Bone Crusher hard in the chest sending him flying out of the ring and into the crowd unconscious. The crowd was astonished, here this Kid not even an adult was able to take down this strong fighter who is twice his weight in three minutes. After what seemed like forever the crowd broke out in cheers for the new victor while a small few were upset over the money they had lost. Max Jones then entered the ring and held up Alex's hand.

"We have a winner!" Jones yelled

"Spider...Spider...Spider!" the crowd chanted

Alex then headed over to Max Jones' office receive his pay once the fight was over. Jones, sitting behind his desk with his feet up on one end of the desk counting the money he had received from the bets before the fight. He looked to see Alex with an eager look on his face.

" Good job kid, you know your way around in a fight, I'll give you that," Jones said.

"Thank you," Alex said, humbled.

"But, you still gotta play by the rules, MY rules," Jones said as he placed three hundred dollars on the desk toward Alex.

"You promised a thousand for beating him," Alex said. "Yeah, a thousand in 3 minutes, you took him out below that so you don't get the full price," Jones said with a sneer.

"You don't understand, I need that money," Alex said in a serious tone.

"Not my problem kid."

"That a thousand means a lot to me and my mom."

"How about this, you agree to work for me and you'll get half of the profit from fights. I could use your type of skills for other things too." Jones said with a smug grin.

Alex's eyes narrowed in detest for what Jones offered, a deal getting involved in his dirty work. Alex knew of Max Jones before taking this offer to fight from other fight clubs on how ruthless he was. Nobody knew much about the pale man, other than his cold-blooded nature. His business was done in secret, only a select few knew what he did if you knew anything and told anyone the price was your life.

"Thanks, but I'll pass," Alex said before taking the cash and making his way out of the office. Just then Jones snapped his fingers signaling one of his henchmen who brought out a yellow envelope and began pulling out the contents of the file.

"Alex…" Jones said as Alex was halfway out the door.

"Alex Wilson, age 16. Born on July 10, 2000, son of Peter and Samantha Wilson. Lives on 3180 Albany Road. Your Mother is a full-time hotel maid and your father...oh is reported missing." Alex stopped dead cold, a thousand thoughts running through his head.

"I think you should reconsider my offer kid, it might help you and your dear mother," Jones said.

" Take care."

Alex didn't like the way Jones sounded, it was as if he was holding something against him. But for now, he was concerned with getting home to see his mother before she grew suspicious. He then shut the office door behind him and left for home. As soon as Alex left Max Jones turned to his henchmen behind him, "Take her to the house." He said coldly.

Alex ran home as fast as he could concern with only one thing: his mother. He sprinted around the corner onto Albany Road but felt as if something was off, he could sense it. When he finally arrived home he noticed the front door to his home was wide open with one of the hinges broken off. "Oh God...please," Alex said. Alex ran into the house and found that the place and been completely robbed; furniture knocked over, shards of glass throughout the floor along with pictures of him and mother. Having seen enough Alex ran into the kitchen

"Mom?" Alex yelled searching for his mother.

The Kitchen was not much better than the front of the house, cabinets smashed in, mugs and plates shattered across the entire floor making it difficult to walk across. Alex scanned the room for any clues until something caught his eye on the kitchen counter, a small note that read:

"You should've said yes to my offer. Anyways, I have a surprise for you in the closet."


"What the hell?" Alex muttered feeling creeped out by this whole ordeal reluctantly made his way over to the closet across from the kitchen and opened the door to find nothing but darkness.

'Where's the closet?' he thought looking into the small room.

Just then Alex felt a weird sensation in the back part of his head sensing danger was coming. It did not take long before he heard a gunshot behind him, obeying his instincts Alex dropped to the floor before the shot could hit him. The boy then jumped turning around to confront whoever was shooting at him. What he saw terrified him. He turned around and saw Max Jones with one of his henchmen to his left. It took him a moment to realize that the other person next to the henchmen was his mother, her hands tied up with multiple bruises on her face. She glanced at her son in a panicked manner, fearing for his life more than hers. Alex took a step forward but stopped as Jones' henchmen held his gun next to her head.

"NO PLEASE DON'T!" Alex screamed

"Oh Alex, this could have been so different," Jones said in a mock disappointed tone.

"Way to be cliche you asshole!" Alex quipped angrily.

"It's just like I said at the club, you working for me would help you and mother a lot. But being just like every other arrogant teen you said no. So I had to take matters into my own hands." Jones said.

"I would never work for you. You and your sick henchmen should rot in jail for what you've done!"

"I like your spirit kid." Jones chuckled.

"Maybe this will help." Max Jones said in an evil tone. He then held up his hand a small remote a pressed a button on it, suddenly a portal appeared in the closet which began pulling Alex in. Feeling the force of the portal Alex grabbed the door frame holding on for dear life. Jones, seeing Alex struggle decided to finally make Alex pay for turning him in. "Goodnight Mrs. Wilson," Jones said looking into her eyes, then taking a gun from his side pocket, aimed then fired.

Time seemed to almost stop for Alex, he could see the bullet leave Jones' gun and seeing his mothers terrifies face looking at him one last time. "NOOO!" Alex screamed letting go of the door frame with one hand and shot webbing at jones to throw off his aim but it too late. She was dead. Alex stared in horror as his mother laid motionless on the floor, she was the only person he was close too and now she would never see her again.

"IM GONNA KILL YOU, YOU ANIMAL!" Alex yelling in anger.

"See ya around kid," Jones said to Alex as a loose drawer from the kitchen hurling towards the portal collided with Alex causing him to lose his grip and fall into the portal.

"MOM!" was all Alex could say as falling through the portal was sending weird sensations throughout his body causing him to blackout.

Hope that you enjoyed! Please make sure to follow, rate, and review. I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section. This story is all for your guy's enjoyment so I hope that you all would like to see more. Bye, and God bless!