Alex's POV

"Stand up, now!" the brown bear said sternly.

"Ok, ok, just don't shoot me."

"Alex get out of there!" I heard Chris scream inside my mask.

I stood up quickly and backed away from him. The brown bear, with icy blue eyes, long muzzle, and a black nose aimed his tranq gun threateningly at me.

"Tough luck cub, won't be so bad when Jason is finished with you." the bear said as he fired a dart at me. I quickly moved out of the dart's path, we both heard a light clink as the dart's needle bent backwards from hitting the wall. The bear stood in shock from my quick reaction, he growled and aimed again. He shot three more darts at me, all of which met the fate of the first dart. He pulled the trigger again and no dart came out, seeing my chance I shot a web at his gun and pulled it out of his paw.

I shot another web at his chest and pulled him towards me. I clenched my hand into a fist and punched him right on his muzzle. He let out a grunt of pain, his eyes weakly opened and he gently brought his paw up to his nose. He touched the front of his muzzle and noticed blood on his paw, before he could say anything he started leaning backwards as his eyes rolled towards the back of his head.

I quickly shot another web back at his chest and pulled so that he would not make a loud noise hitting the pavement. Once I had him suspended inches above the ground I gently laid him down."James?" I heard a voice from corner. "Why does he have to be a rhino?" I asked myself as I tried hiding myself from the horned mammal. I jumped up and grabbed onto a building on my left, luckily I was high enough that the animal could not see me. He was huge, bulging biceps along with a broad chest and legs that looked powerful enough to send anyone all the way across the ocean.

He saw the bear on the ground and dropped his tranq gun to inspect him. He then slowly got up and looked around the ally,"Where are you?" the rhino said, "You'll soon find out.". I slowly crawled down the wall until I reached the paved ground, I slowly stood on my two feet and said, "You know, you might wanna look up when you're looking.", the rhino jumped at my words. He turned and fired a dart at me, I rolled forward dodging it and shot a web at his gun, forcing it out of his hoof and towards the wall behind him. I ran forward and threw a punch with my right, his dodged my attack and instead of punching back he ran forward and lowered his head towards me like a freight train. I found myself being pushed back by the rhino's charge, he had me tangled up in his front horn as he rammed into the back wall of the bank. I felt the brick wall crack loudly behind me as pain shot through my back. I slouched back against the wall, my eyes opened slightly to see a blurry looking rhino charging at me again.

I felt my "sense" kick in and an adrenaline rush wash over the pain in my back. I jumped up, gripping the brick wall above me, barely missing the rhino's horn. The Rhino tried pulling himself away from the wall but could not get his horn out. I jumped down landing behind the rhino and shot a huge web that covered his entire body. "Don't worry big guy, it'll probably come off in a few hours." I said to him, all I heard was some loud muffling and the huge white clump of webbing moving vigorously.

"Alex, what's happening?" Jack said.

"I've taken out the two guards, heading inside now"

"You need to hurry, those hostages are running out of time."

"Right, hey Chris can you give me directions on where to go?"

"Try taking a thermal scan of the building to track down the other bad guys."

"Woah, my suit can do that. How?"

"Tell your suit to take a thermal scan of the building.",

"That's so cool."

"Alright, computer, take a thermal scan of the building." I said with a slight twinge of hope.

"Request granted, scanning building…"a male computerized voice said.


My surroundings started to fade into a deep blue color, I narrowed my eyes and found a giant cluster of bodies in yellow and rest across the building. I looked up slightly and saw stairs leading to offices that connected to the rest of the building.

"If you go straight and take a right there should be a staircase." Chris said.

I ran down the hall and entered the small room where the stairs led upwards towards the higher levels in the building above me. I jumped onto the wall in front of me, missing the first flight of stairs. I pushed off the wall and grabbed onto the railing of the second flight of stairs, once I pulled myself up I saw the door to the second floor in front of me. Not wasting any time, I ran towards the door and lowered my shoulder causing the door to separate from its hinges and crash against the floor in front of me.

I looked up and saw five wolves all wearing bandana around their muzzles, on their bandannas was the images of a open mouth that revealed sharp teeth with droplets of blood and saliva dripping down the teeth and lips. The wolves were partoling a wide room of office desks with two rows on both the left and right. The wolves started, bewildered by my appearance. I broke their stares saying,

"Shall we dance?"

One wolf growled in response and charged at me, ready to throw a punch. Anticipating his attack, I jumped over him and shot a web at his back. I quickly swung said wolf with my web back towards the others, managing to knock him and another one out. Two more charged at me with knives, aiming for weak spots like my neck and stomach. It was difficult to defend myself with one wolves going for my throat and the other for my stomach.

" Take it easy, I just got this suit." I yelled at the two, not like they cared much anyway.

The wolf who went for my neck tried again, luckily I caught his paw and twisted it causing him to howl with pain. I shot a huge web at the mourning wolf, sticking him to the floor. I turned my attention back to other wolf when my "sense" alerted me of danger, I jumped away from the wolf with the knife, hearing a gunshot as I separated. I turned my head to the left and saw the fifth wolf with a pistol in his paw, looking smugly towards me with his black firearm.

My "sense" shook me out of my staring, I turned back and saw the wolf's knife, inches from my face or muzzle as they say here, something happened then that I've never experienced before. I felt my upper body lean back, keeping it parallel with the floor, what's strange is that I never told myself to do that, I just reacted. Gaining control of the situation, I kicked my hindpaws upwards, kicking the knife out of the wolves paw. I rolled forward and kicked my two hindpaws right at his chest, sending him flying back towards the fifth wolf. I the fifth wolf looked down at the other wolf in front of him, still carrying that smug look on his muzzle. He stepped over him and started shooting at me.

I jumped right, dodging the bullet and jumped up, clinging towards the wall. I shot a web at the wolf's chest and lifted him off the floor. I attached his web to the floor and began spinning more webs around him, wrapping him in a cocoon. Once I sealed him away I dropped back to the floor, I noticed the wolf's gun lying in front of me. I picked it up and inspected the hand gun, what was interesting was how he was the only wolf to have a lethal weapon. I looked back to the ensnared animal.

"How come you're the only one with a gun?"

I got my expected response, just a bunch of muffled screams and thrashing. I brought out my phone and took a picture of the gun and then hurried off to find the hostages. I exited out of the office area to find another long haul, papers and boxes scattered throughout, and doors knocked out of their hinges. I rushed down the hall, feeling my nerves increase with each step I take. A voice soon brought me out of my thoughts,

"Alex, slow down, you've reached the lobby." Chris said.

"You're going to have to sneak in unnoticed."

"Thanks captain obvious." I thought I said to myself

"I heard that"


"Get inside the lobby so we can get a look at who's behind this."

I slowly opened the door to avoid any unnecessary noise, once I slipped through I tired looking for a view of the entire lobby.

"Ok, so one dude with an actual gun and not some tranq gun, that's interesting. Why would he be the only one with a lethal weapon? Wouldn't it make sense for them all to have one."

I slinked around the rectangular lobby, the area was slabbed with white marble that glowed in the midday sun. Two rows of roman columns, one on the left and right of the lobby held up the second level where it seem there was more offices and probably a break room. The midday sun shined right through the glass roof above me and down towards the center of the lobby where all the hostages sat. I scanned the group, they all looked fine, mostly prey animals with a few predators mixed in. Some looked scared out of their minds and others tried to keep their cool and shoot glares at their captors.

I looked further into the building and saw wolves surrounding a vault, they were placing something around the circular door and on the back wall of the lobby. When they backed up they crowded behind this one wolf who held a remote in his hand and pressed a button which set off an explosion, breaking the door open and opening a huge hole in the back of the building and frightening the hostages, especially the young children. The gang of wolves then rushed inside, carrying bags of money out of the vault, a large black van then reversed into the hole in the lobby. The wolves began throwing the bags of cash into the back of the truck.

"Where's the police? Why aren't they stopping this?"

"Alex, you can't let those wolves escape with that cash."

"Jack, I'm not so sure I can handle all of these wolves. They all have guns on them."

"There just tranq darts, you can easily dodge those…" Chris said

"No, it's not that type of gun."

"What do you mean-"


I shot my head in the direction of the cry for help, I looked down and saw a kid, a deer, muffle cries for help as his mom covered his muzzle with her hoof. A wolf who was standing guard over the hostages stared angrily at the young fawn who was trembling in his mother's embrace. He marched over, holding a heavy hand gun and stood before the two.

"What did I say about making any noise?!" he said baring his teeth. He raised his gun and aimed at the two.

"Alex!" screamed Chris and Jack through my com device.

Time seems to slow down again, just like it did the night my mom died. I felt the noise surrounding me slow down and I felt my arms go numb and a cold sweat dripping down my head and into my eyes.

"Why can't I move?! Do something Alex!"

I forced my eyes open, I saw the wolf with a cold glare ready to kill the boy and his mother as his digit, or whatever they call fingers here reach for the trigger. I felt my eyes grow wider with fear and my body shaking as his claw and then his digit start to wrap around the trigger.

"ALEX DO SOMETHING!" Chris and Jack screamed again.

"Oh screw it!"

I shot a web with my left paw at the wolf's gun, before he could pull the trigger and yanked it out of his paw. I then used my right paw and shot another web at the wolf, my webbing covered his entire muzzle, barring him from speaking. Once I gripped my web tightly, I pulled him off his hind paws and up towards me. When he reached the height of the second floor, I attached my web to the railing, suspending him in midair.

Fortunately, the wolf I took caught the attention of everyone in the whole lobby. A large black wolf, with a scar that graced across his muzzle who saw my kidnap...or wolf nap hopped out of the truck and began barking orders.

"You two guard the front! Thomas keep those hostages shut! You two head up the stairs and find this son of a b-" Jason said before a web wrapped around his muzzle.

"Hey, let's keep the language PG. There's kids here." I said, calling the attention.

The wolf who I shut up, Jason I assumed ripped the webbing off and growled furiously at me.

"Open fire!" he yelled.

I ducked immediately, and heard gunshot ring in both my ears and darts rush past me making holes in the railing and the walls. My instincts screamed at me to move, I rose onto my hind paws and crouched slightly, using the railing as cover I ran along the perimeter of the second floor. I heard a door slam open to my right and two armed grey wolves ran through the entrance and began to fire in my direction.


I rolled forward, missing the two darts aiming for my chest. I then ran along the wall on my left, causing the wolves to adjust their aim. I took two hard steps and then jumped hard off the wall and used my two hind paws to kick them off the balcony. The two landed hard on the ground, luckily my kick knocked them out which made the landing easier for their bodies. I jumped through the hole made by the two wolves on the second floor and landed in a crouched position on the main floor, landing in front of the hostages.

I raised my head and found the last five wolves, standing behind them was Jason, positioned a few feet back. There was a brief moment of silence among everyone there, I looked down briefly at the hostages, some were in awe, others bore a confused look, the wolves were more annoyed than confused. I smirked under my mask at the attention and silence that flooded the bank.

"Like what you all see?" I said.

"What are you doing! Light him up!" Jason yelled.

The wolves began firing at me, barely grazing the tips of some of the hostages ears as they ducked in fear. I jumped spinning my body and legs in an acrobatic manner and landed in a crouched stance, I then jumped forward, soaring over the hostages and bullets. I landed behind the armed wolves. I used my two paws and shot two webs at the line of wolves, the web from my left paw stretched outwards and wrapped around the guns of two wolves, the one from my right did the same to the last three. With a hard pull, I yanked all of the canine's guns from their paws.

"My turn…" I said smugly.

Using my two paws again I shot two webs at two wolves, one on the left and right end of the line, trapping them in my webbing. One wolf in the middle of the line charged at me with a knife.

"Seriously, why do so many animals have knifes here?!"

I took a few steps forward and slid in between the wolf's legs, I turned around and did a roundhouse kick to his muzzle. Once I had him on his heels, I shot a huge web at him, causing him to be stuck to the wall behind him. The last two wolves also decided to attack, I ducked under the wolf's punch on my left and jumped over the wolf's attack on my right to take out my legs. I then swept my right hindpaw under both of the wolves and managed to knock them off of their feet. I used my two hands and combined my webbing to make a big net on top of the two wolves, sticking them to the ground.

I took a quick breath of air. I looked up towards the hostages in front of me, amazed by what I just did. We both stood in silence until the whole group of mammals collectively widened their eyes in terror.

"Look out!" a black leopard called from the crowd of hostages.

I felt that strange sense kick in and I immediately did a backflip and felt the wind of some fast moving object graze my back. I turned around and saw one wolf left, holding a gun threateningly in my direction. He slowly started walking backwards towards the black van,

"You don't know who you're messing with kid. Change is coming, and you or anyone else can't stop it." the black wolf said.

"And you'll be the first to die from that change."

He then reached behind his back and popped a grenade open, and rolled it in front of us. My eyes widened at what he just did, I looked towards the front of the bank and saw windows lining the upper wall of the bank. I shot a web at the granade and threw it towards the window, the grenade bursted threw the window and exploded outside.

One the explosion ended, I heard banging against the doors. It must be the police trying to get in. I looked back towards the hostages, all staring at me with a look of gratitude and somehow bewilderment. I looked down and noticing that light was beginning to enter from the door and the police would be inside any second.

"Try doing business at a safer bank next time, ok guys?"

I heard snorts of laughter among the crowd. I then jumped towards one of the columns and climbed up towards the second floor. Once I made up there, I could hear the police bursting through the door, my sense of adrenaline was still active and pushed my entire body towards the way I came in. Once I made to the back entrance, I heard police sirens approaching. I jumped onto the brick wall in front of me and climbed faster than I've ever climbed before. When I pushed myself over the edge and onto the roof I took a moment to regain my composure.

I just took down a really big robbery...and got out alive! What would all those animals think now that there's someone like me here? Will the police hunt me down? Oh great, what if they expect me to do this everytime something bad happens. It was fun stopping some crime here and there but I need to get back home. That's more important.

A thought of the hostages popped into my mind and the terrifying situation they were in. The few time I looked back I could see pure fear on their muzzle..or face, whatever it is they all thought the worse until I showed up.

I jumped back towards the band and landed on the roof of the building. I slowly crept towards the front of the bank, around the glass part of the roof with a shards of broken glass surrounding it. Once I made it to the front I carefully peeked over and saw police assisting the hostages out of the building. They were soon delivered over to the medics where they were given blankets, water, and we're checked to see if they had any injuries. The animals trapped in the bank all had signs of relief on their muzzles, as if all their worries were stripped away. Some hugged each other, crying tears of joy while others were using their phones to call presumably their loved ones.

Maybe... it wouldn't be that hard to help out around the city.

Hope you all enjoyed! Make sure to follow, favorite, and share this with your friends!