Hello again everyone! I know its been ages since my last story "It's All We Have" wrapped up a year ago. I've finished up my first year of college and finally have some time to dedicate to writing a new Teen Wolf fic. You might need to know a couple of things before reading. One, this story takes place a week after the events of season 6A, and, for story purposes, everyone is staying in Beacon Hills for the summer. And two, this is essentially a friends to lovers story. That being said, please do not take this story as a sequel to "It's All We Have", a story focused on the platonic relationship between Scott and Stiles while this one takes it to a romantic relationship. That being said, from now on my notes will be at the end of each chapter. Please remember to leave reviews!

Argo Lane xx

CHAPTER 1: Gunshot


"You've gotta be kidding me, you were possessed? Like possessed possessed?"

"Yep, head spinning, projectile vomiting, 666 on my forehead, the works."


"Stiles, you were possessed by a fox."

"A fox?"

"It was a-a demon fox, ok?"

"Still intense."

"Guys." I said holding back a laugh, "I promise you it was a lot more terrifying than it sounds."

Everyone laughed and resettled around the bonfire.

"There was also this one other time when I chained Scott up on a full moon and gave him a dog bowl to drink out of because he pissed me off."

Laughter erupted again and I stared with an amused and disbelieving face at Stiles and punched him in the shoulder, trying to hold back my own laugh and save what was left of my dignity.

"That was kind of my fault, I have to admit."

"How, Lydia?"

"Well, I may or may not have kissed Scott and made Stiles jealous."

"You kissed him?"

"Yes, Liam. We were petty little sophomores then."


Malia shoved him over chuckling, "Mason, quit saying that."

"He can't help it, it's his catchphrase. It's cute"

"I've told him it's annoying, but he won't listen to me."

"Well, it's better than saying "I fell in a hole" over and over again."


"Yeah, you should really retire that Liam."

"You could also use a haircut too, babe."

Once again, everyone was rocking back and forth in their chairs clutching their stomachs as our laughs echoed the trees of the Beacon Hills Preserve.

I looked around at everyone. Hayden resting her shoulder on Liam's shoulder, Mason and Corey sitting thigh-to-thigh with interwoven hands. Lydia and Malia sharing a bench, and Stiles on my left, bouncing his right knee like he always does. Everyone with soft smiles, yet I couldn't help but feel my own was a little forced.

Liam tilted his head, "Scott? You good?"

I shook my head bit, "Huh?"

"You look like you're zoning out."

"No, I'm fine. It's getting a little late though, I think we should head out before we get attacked by something that'll ruin our summer." I said with a smile.

Nodding and chuckling, everyone reached into their pockets to check the time and started collecting their things. It wasn't long before everyone exchanged hugs and goodbyes when Stiles and I were the only ones left.

"Ready to go?" I asked putting out the last of the fire.

"I don't know, are you?"

I looked over and Stiles had reclaimed his seat, swinging keys on his finger and looking expectedly at me. I raised an eyebrow. He nodded over to where Liam had been sitting, "What was up with that?"

"I told you, it was just getting late…" I trailed off, looking away. Stiles sighed and patted the seat next to him. Somewhat reluctantly, I plopped down on the hard chair and rested my elbows on my knees, Stiles doing the same. "You know it's pretty amazing how you think you can still lie to me after being friends for…how long has it been?"

"Um…12? 13 years?"

"My point. I know you Scotty. Just because we were apart for a couple of months doesn't mean I've forgotten to tell when you're not being straight with me." He smiled and pointed waywardly, "So, what's going on up there?"

I took a breath. Not really knowing where to begin.

"When you were still taken and we were trying to remember you to get you back. Malia said something about how…you were scared at the beginning of the year of losing touch with everyone when we graduated."

"Yes, that's accurate."

"Well…that hadn't hit me until we all walked across the stage today and got our diplomas. And when I was looking around at everyone. I mean, are we going to still have this five, ten years from now? It's all changing way too fast and…I don't know, I guess I'm just not handling it well."

Stiles sighed again before resting a hand on my shoulder. "You know, at first when I was taken into the Hunt, I was panicking that I was never going to get out, that I was never going to see Dad, or Lydia, or you again. But then I realized…we've been through a shit ton of worse things together. I had faith that you guys would figure it out. And you did."

"What's your point?" I said. Inwardly wincing at how unintentionally forceful I sounded.

Stiles didn't seem to notice. "My point, Scott, is that if we can survive the Wild Hunt, Alphas, Kanimas, psychotic Kitsunes, and a trio of steampunk wanna-bees then we can sure as hell survive a couple of months of college, man." He lowered his head down, smiling, trying to make eye contact. It was only until my eyes met his that I felt something.

It had only been a week since we rescued Stiles from the Ghost Riders, and I soon realized how much I had missed my best friend. How much of a hole his absence had caused in my life. But we felt different. Not a bad different just…different.

"You're right." I whispered.

Stiles put a cupped hand up to his ear, "What was that? Did you say I was…right?"

I couldn't help but snicker at his feigned surprise, "Yes, you are right, Stiles. You are always always right."

He squeezed my shoulder, "And don't you forget it. Now, come on. It might be June but I'm still freezing my ass off."



Please don't break down, please don't break down, please don't break down…

I patted the dashboard of the Jeep, "Come on, baby, we're almost home, come on…"

Scott threw me a ridiculing look and you bet your ass I gave him one back, "Hey, don't look at me like that, I missed Roscoe more than any of you other motherfuckers."

He laughed heartily and, as much as I hate to admit it, I missed that laugh so much. The time I spent in that train station without any of my friends or my dad was unbearable. Instead I was stuck with Peter, which is a punishment in and of itself.

It wasn't long before Scott re-familiarized himself with my CD collection and blink-182's "What's My Age Again?" was blaring through my crackly speakers. We banged our armrests to the beat and belted the lyrics in an assortment of different keys. I missed this. I missed this so much. My eyes flitted between Scott and the road, watching him dutifully try to hit the high notes, eyes shut and fists clenched. I couldn't stop smiling.

I looked back over at the road and did a quick double take. Something or someone was standing far away at the end of the road just before the turn into Scott's neighborhood. Even though I was getting closer to the turn, the figure was somehow the same distance away. I turned down the music to Scott's dismay, "Aw man, what'd you turn it down for?"

I pointed, "Look. There at the end of the road."

Scott leaned forward, looked around for a bit and shook his head, "What?"

"There." I jabbed my finger at the windshield, "At the end of the road there's something there." I looked over and Scott shrugged. "Wait, you don't s-" my eyes returned to the road and that's when I saw it: a Ghost Rider, arm outstretched and pistol pointed straight at me.

"SHIT!" I screamed. I jerked the wheel as hard as I could at the sound of a gunshot. The Jeep ended up spinning into the lane going the opposite direction and a black Toyota had to swerve out of the way to avoid a collision.

"Woah, woah, Stiles! What are you doing? We're in the wrong lane!" He reached over and grabbed the wheel, steering us back into our lane and into Scott's neighborhood. Without even shutting Roscoe off, I threw the door open and stumbled out, wobbling over back near the main road. I pointed at where I almost ran into the Ghost Rider, "Did you see that? It was them! It was them!"

I heard the car door slam behind me, "Stiles, what's happening? What are you talking about?"

"It was THERE, Scott. It was a-a Ghost Rider, they're back. I-I almost ran into it, it-it was g-going to shoot at us, it was there, I swear!" I whirled around and Scott stood there looking at me with a concerned look plastered all over his face. "A Ghost Rider?"

My arms started waving in frustration. "Yes! Yes, Scott a Ghost Rider, do I have to remind you what they are. We just spent the last three months fighting them, do I need to draw you a fu-"

"Stiles, listen to me." He walked closer and grabbed my wrists. "Listen to me. Ok? You need to breathe before you throw yourself into a panic attack. Ok? Just breathe."

Nodding, I bowed my head and controlled my breathing through my nose. My heart was pounding and I had broken into a sweat. I squinted up at Scott, "Why aren't you freaking out? Didn't you see it?"

He shook his head, "Stiles, I didn't see anyone, man."

"Well, then they didn't want you to see me. When I was taken, Lydia couldn't see them either. They're gonna take me again, Scotty. They're gonna take me again."

"Stiles, listen. They can't take you again, ok? There…there wasn't any thunder or lighting. It hasn't stormed here since they left. Ok?"

I yanked my wrists from Scott's grip and glance back over at the road.

"Then why the hell did I see one about to shoot me."