
As we get into individual hero breakdowns, we get to the one, the only, the walking meme. Yes, this is the one character that Mercy players despise in every way possible. Known by many names, Dweb master, Gengu, The Power Ranger Bootleg, Mr. I Need Healing, but commonly referred to as Genji. While being a cyborg ninja is every eleven year old's wet dream, Genji is clearly not eleven but on a scale from one to ten of the players supposed importance to the team is the same number. The average ignorance to the payload and control points are above average since Gengu is a "flank" hero. He states in one of his voice lines that he will "...strike our enemies where they least expect." So maybe he should get on the objective because that IS where they least expect a Genji to be. While Genji takes great skill to play, most players aren't skilled and only think they are good because they: panic ulted at a actually good time, received a nano from the friendly neighborhood Anna, had the full attention of both healers and a soldier 76 pod, random shook the mouse from side to side while spamming left click, and killed the entire enemy team when they all were at about seven health due to a competent dps. That was a fun game…

Anyway, from the perspective of the enemy team, it looked like pro level gameplay because they actually don't know where the Genji was and assumed so. While some have dedicated their lives to being a Genji main Weeaboo, they do not know the true error of their actions and often are incorrectly labeled "#tryhards". A sad life for a sad player…