Disclaimer: I realized that I hadn't put a disclaimer on this. So, you know, Riordan. All of it.

This is a continuation of Complete Peace. I was so honored by the exceptional feedback, and I thought you guys might enjoy a second part. This is Annabeth showing Percy her work as mentioned in the first part.

So, a few quick thank yous because you guys didn't have to take the time to review but you did and it gave my heart the warm fuzzies:

Ravenclawdiadem16: I too, am an absolute sucker for fluff. I'm so glad you enjoyed!

solieabouteverything: Oh my goodness, thank you so much!

AnnaUnicorn: First off, love the username. Second, thank you!

spideyscoming: Thank you! I'm so happy you liked it!

legolasgreenleaf15: I agree, I can totally see them doing this. Thank you for reading and I'm so happy you enjoyed!

allen r: Thank you so much for reading, and I'm so happy you liked it!

BAM! There we go. Enjoy!

"Holy shit, Annabeth." Percy breathes. The look on his face is enough to make me feel something between excitement and anxiousness. His eyes dart in every direction like he can't seem to focus on anything for more than a second.

I admit, the sight before us is pretty impressive. Although it's not finished, Olympus is rising from the ashes with a vengeance. I knew the moment I started designing, I wanted everything to be bigger and better. More regal and dominant.

I needed them to be more than buildings and statues. I needed them to be statements. Something along the lines of yeah you brought us to our knees, but only so we could show you how fast we could get back up. This wasn't just about fixing a home. It was about fixing a morale.

Sparkling white, marble columns tower over the streets. They're hand-carved with meticulous detail. Grandiose arches stretch from pillar to pillar. Elegant swirls and curves tattoo walls and come together to form meticulous abstract. Some designs are less random, and instead recount centuries worth trial and triumph. Our own stories etch themselves onto the granite, and I can't decide if that's a good thing or not. Massive fountains emerge at every corner spraying crystal blue water. I watch as Percy drags his hand through one.

The light hits the back of the buildings in such a way, that they appear to be glowing in the skyline. From our spot at the bottom of the hill, it looks timeless. Limitless. Unreachable.

"It's not quite done yet, though we have made major progress." I settle on the generic response I have for people who are seeing it for the first time. I should know by now that generic doesn't satisfy Percy. But he doesn't say anything. He just stares ahead with wide eyes and lips slightly parted.

"Okay, now is the part where you say something besides 'holy shit' because you're making me nervous." I twist the tail of my bright, orange Camp Half-Blood shirt. Why am I so nervous? It's just Percy. Just Percy, who's opinion means everything in the entirety of the universe to me.

He suddenly shakes his head and his eyes seem to focus. He turns to me. For a second he just looks at me, and when he finally opens his mouth, he chokes on air. I tilt my head away from him and furrow my eyes.

"No, no. I'm sorry. I'm just-I don't know-overwhelmed." Everything he says makes me more and more concerned.

"Is that all you have for me or…?"

"Annabeth, you're over analyzing again. I mean, look at this." He spreads his arms out and turns in a complete circle. "There's so much to take in. I-I knew you were amazing. But this is…this is beyond extraordinary. It's even more breathtaking than before. This is…holy shit."

Now that I can breath properly, I chuckled good heartedly. "You have a real eloquent way of speaking, you know that?"

He doesn't acknowledge my sarcastic remark, which tells me just how taken aback he is by the scene. "How did you manage to top one of the most spectaculacular places in existence?"

My face goes bright red, but I don't even bother to hide it. "I didn't realize I had." I shrug.

"Trust me when I say this, you did. There's just so much passion in everything. How in Hades did you make a building look passionate?" He fixes me with a crazy look and it takes a few minutes to compose myself from the laughter.

"I don't know you weirdo. I guess it's just because this is my passion." My eyes do a slow sweep of the view. I've been spending a large amount of my time here for the past couple of weeks, but I've been paying all of my attention on implementing the plans rather than appreciating them. Standing here with Percy while he sings my praises, I allow myself the time.

And surprisingly, Percy Jackson is absolutely right. This is breathtaking.

I've always been told that pride is my fatal flaw, but the feeling that courses through my veins right now is far from fatal. I feel irrevocably alive.

Seeing everything I've worked so hard on, seeing every hour I spent slaving over these plans, being made into something tangible is almost too much. I exhale in accomplishment. Tears prick my eyes and I feel myself floating.

I'm lifted even higher as strong arms band around my waist from behind. Percy turns me in his grasp and pulls me closer to his body. His sea green eyes hold my gray ones captive.

"I am so proud of you, Annabeth Chase." The sincerity in his voice sucks the breath from my lungs and I feel light headed. Suddenly I'm hyper aware of his heart pounding against my open palm and the way his nose brushes against my own. "It's crazy. One second I think that I have a grasp on just how extraordinary you are, then I see something like this and I realize how stupid I was to even think something like that could be measured."


Once again, I can't string together a coherent response. It seems that only Percy is capable of doing this to me.

So I do the next best thing and press my lips to his. His hand cradles the back of my neck and the sigh he lets out fills me with unadulterated love and adoration. And when his finger tips brush under the hem of my shirt, I have a realization of my own.

Two passions are better than one.

Fin. So, I was very happy with this but let me know what you thought. Stuff you liked, stuff you didn't. You know, the whole shabang.

It means the world to me that you read this! Please review because they make my life.

Gray:: John 3:16