It took weeks for the sun to come back out.

But once the gray clouds disappeared, everyone came out of their homes with smiles on their faces again.

Kowalski's Bakery was packed full with customers again, too. Baked goods of all shapes and quantities constantly walked out the door.

Newt Scamander, Tina Goldstein, and Queenie Goldstein were headed toward the bakery to check up on Jacob. It didn't matter to them that he couldn't remember, they still visited the bakery together when Newt was back in the city.

There was a line when they arrived, dozens of people ogling the pastries through the windows. It brought smiles to the trio's faces. Queenie's especially. Jacob's success made her heart swell.

The fast pace of the line got them to the door in a few minutes. When there was enough room inside for them to step inside, Tina led the way.

The little bell jingled, she saw who was working behind the counter, and she stopped dead in her tracks.

"Tina are you alright?" Newt asked.

Tina's eyes didn't move, her head didn't turn. She just pointed as nonchalantly as she could and whispered, "look."

Newt and Queenie moved out from behind her to see what she pointed to. Queenie let out a small gasp and brought a hand up to her mouth when she saw. Newt just stared silently with his mouth agape.

"I thought he was dead," Tina trailed off quietly.

"I suppose not," Newt commented. His mouth had shut and returned to a more neutral expression. "I'm glad."

The trio pulled themselves together before it was their turn in line. When they reached the counter Newt and Queenie went to order and make small talk with Jacob while Tina went over to Credence.

Credence's eyes grew wide as he recognized her. His mouth opened and closed as he tried to say something but failed.

Tina shook her head gently. "Don't," she said. "Don't say anything. It's okay." She watched as Credence blew out a breath, he relaxed.

A small smile spread across Tina's lips. Her voice was quiet. "How are you, Credence?"

Credence couldn't believe what he heard. He knew she was a kind lady, but after all he had done

He stumbled for his words, "I have- I've been, uh, I've been working here for a few weeks. I didn't think I'd be recognized- uh, I've been fine. Just fine. Thank you."

Tina smiled again. "I'm glad you're fine, Credence. I'm sure Jacob's been good to you?"

"Oh, yes. He's been very kind, yes ma'am."

"Good. I'm not surprised."

"I never got to thank you for saving me from that beating. You didn't have to do that. You didn't have to save me. You never had to save me. From anything. Thank you."

Tina tilted her head as she remembered everything. "I'd do it again in a heartbeat."

Credence gave Tina the biggest smile he's ever smiled in his life.

"Thank you again, ma'am."

"Tina," she corrected, kindly, "call me Tina." She extended a hand toward him.

Credence reached out and tentatively shook it. "Thank you, Tina."

"You're welcome, Credence."

"Now," Credence's voice took a more professional tone, "were there any pastries you wanted?"

"Oh, yes please!" Tina beamed. "I'll take four of your favorites."

Credence chuckled shyly. "Yes ma'am-" he caught himself. "Yes Tina."

He grabbed four paczkis of different flavors and boxed them up for her. She handed him the money to pay and he passed the box to her before he thanked her again.

Tina smiled at him. "You honestly don't have to keep thanking me. I see how appreciative you are. You're very sweet, Credence, even after all that has happened to you. Stay sweet, okay?"

A light blush spread over Credence's cheeks. "I'll try, Tina."

Tina gave a single nod, happy to hear that.

Newt and Queenie came up behind her then, treat boxes in both of their hands.

Credence looked at Newt and Queenie hesitantly only to be met with soft smiles and kind eyes from both.

"It's nice to see you, Credence," Newt greeted kindly.

"I'm glad to see you're well, honey," Queenie added. She had a smile on her face, but her eyes seemed sad.

Their kindness took Credence aback again, but he returned their smiles. "It's nice to see you as well."

Tina looked at the line wrapped around the store. "We're in the way, we should get going."

Newt nodded in agreement before he looked back at Credence. "Take care, Credence. You should see us again soon. I don't stay away from the city too long anymore." Newt smiled at him again and turned to walk toward the door.

"Bye bye, hon," Queenie spoke affectionately before she followed behind Newt.

Tina lingered a moment and smiled again. "Goodbye Credence." She waved to him.

Credence smiled and waved back at her. He watched as Tina walked out the door and caught up with Newt and Queenie who had waited outside the front window. Newt held his hand out to Tina and their hands clasped together once she was close enough.

Credence's smile grew wider at that sight.

He watched as the trio walked down the street together.

Tina glanced at him one last time through the glass before they passed the window.


Later that day when the line had died down Jacob walked over to Credence.

"That group is really nice, huh?"

"I'm sorry?" Credence didn't understand.

"That group that came in together," Jacob clarified for him. "The dark haired lady, the man with the reddish hair, and the pretty blonde. They're in here a lot. Always nice. The lady that talked to you and the man are always together, but the blonde comes in by herself sometimes. She has a beautiful smile. She smiles every time she comes in, but she always looks sad when she leaves. Not sure why." Jacob shrugged. "But, yeah, always nice."

"Yeah," Credence agreed. "They certainly are."

Notes: I couldn't write this and not include Newt and the Goldstein sisters! Another reason I loved the idea of Credence working at the bakery was so Newt, Tina, and Queenie could visit him and Jacob at the same time.

But, mostly, I wrote this because I just wanted everyone to be nice to Credence because he deserves it. I loved writing Tina here, too. I think she and Credence have a special bond, and I wanted to explore that myself.

Thanks for reading!