Chapter 6 Tease

Hello lovelies! I am back and as promised, I will be posting today. Y'all are lucky, I have had snow days all this week so far, so I had some extra time to type. I would like to announce that I am now on Archive of Our Own! You can look up my main three stories there now, and find them! There is one small change is that I am reediting all of my old works and fixing them up a bit, so they are slightly different. Anyways enough of me chatting, here's the chapter you all have been waiting for.

"Do better next time." Hux shoves the tablet back to Finn and walks away with his drink. Finn is left alone in the room, still in shock of the sight he had just witnessed. Finally breaking away from his trance and looking at his data pad he notices a message from Poe.

Meet me on Hanger D in five. Looking at the time the message was sent Poe rushes his way to Hanger D, not wanting to keep his dear friend waiting. Finn reaches the hanger in less than five minutes and there is Poe, waiting with BB-8 who looks now like a BB-9E.

"You won't believe this." Finn, still panting, says quickly and quietly.

"What, spit it out before you pass out." Poe looks frantically around for people who might stare at them, but lucky for them, no one is paying any attention.

"I saw Rey."

Ren is still holding her arm tightly, practically dragging her along the way. For every step Ren takes, it's two for Rey. She is jogging to keep up with him and his long strides. Even with the jogging, Rey's mind is somewhere else, Finn was at the meeting, but how did no one notice him…

"We should have never attended that stupid meeting." The sudden harshness of Kylo's mask brought Rey out of her head and back into reality. Kylo didn't even notice that she was struggling, both mentally and physically.

They finally reach his chambers and he presses some buttons, but Rey is too slow to see his password. He drags them both into his room and finally lets go of Rey's arm. She notices the food has cooled down on the table, yet she will still eat it. She heads over to the table without thinking of Ren until it's too late.

"What are you doing?" Ren blocks Rey's path to her seat. Rey looks up and sees that his helmet is long gone and it's his eyes staring down at her.

"I am still hungry." She speaks softly and looks back down at the ground. She feels, embarrassed, she doesn't know why but she is. Her mind can't stop running, she feels angry, sad, hungry, but most of all, she feels hope.

"Don't eat that stuff, I can order new food." He grabs her shoulders, "Or we can continue what we started earlier." His voice changes, he sounds more feral, more possessive. Rey doesn't want to kiss him again, now that she thinks more, she hated what he did to her. His hands all over her body, she feels dirty, she feels disgusted.

"I want food." She moves away from Ren and goes to the couch. She won't let him win, now that Finn is here, she has hope. She knew that she wouldn't be forgotten, she knew that this wasn't her fate.

"You sure?" Kylo won't give up, he almost had her where he wanted. She was putty, she was almost his. He couldn't let that go away, he needed her to submissive, if he could keep her. Snoke wants to train her, but Kylo has different plans for her.

"I am positive." Something about Rey's behavior is different, Kylo finally notices that she seems more tense than before. What happened, she was like this back in the cell but she hasn't been stubborn like this for a while. Kylo walks closer to the couch and places his hands on her shoulders, gently massaging them.

"Wouldn't you prefer me to give you pleasure, to make you feel good." He leans down and whispers gently into her ear. "I can give you everything and more than you have ever imagined." His hands travel lower to her breast, but Rey quickly stands up and walks away.

"I don't want to be touched." She crosses her arms around her chest, the disgust feeling sinking back underneath her skin, his touch no longer felt good, but slimy.

"Rey is alive?" Poe looks excited, a light in his eyes glows brighter.

"Yes, but she is with Kylo." Finn still doesn't understand why, but knows she is in danger.

"Well then, we will save her." Poe heads over to the TIE fighter but Finn stops him.

"It's not gonna be easy. Especially if she is with Kylo." Finn grabs Poe's arm and looks down at his arm. "She could be held captive, tortured, we don't know." Finn's voice starts to tremble, tears forming in his eyes. It shocks Poe, but he understands how his friend is feeling. Poe wipes away the single tear and lifts Finn's head up.

"We will save her, she will be alright, I promise." Poe smiles at Finn, a gentle smile, one that Rey gave to Finn. Finn hugs Poe tightly, Poe rubs his back and comforts him, not minding if the world is watching.

WOOOOOOAAAHHHHH that was fun. I do ship storm-pilot so I had to add that in. I am also glad to say that this is kinda a longer chapter, so yeah. I left a mini cliffhanger on Rey's situation but I like it. Tomorrow I will be posting the next chapter for Attention so make sure you got notifications on. Until next time, stay lovely!