A/N : Here is chapter seven. I know, I've been really long to update this time but hey, I've made this chapter a third lengthier than usual to repay myself. Thanks again for the reviews!

Chapter seven

When the sun was about to fall, she let go of her dreams and thoughts. She was about to call Juliet when a pair of arms surrounded her and a hand covered her mouth, a deep chuckle resounding in the suddenly chilling night. The sun had just set.

Bulma panicked. Who had never heard about those men who kidnapped women in the goal of receiving a certain amount of money from the husband? This fellow, however, did not know that lord Vegeta would gladly let him get away with this. The first day, the mercenary would send a letter to him, then a finger or an ear to make himself clear. Bulma shuddered.  No, she would not fall this easily!

Swiftly, the beautiful young woman tried to get the offending man off of her but did not even seem able to make him bulge of one centimetre. Once again, a dark chuckle resounded in the cool night.

 'Wait a minute, I know who this is : it is that arrogant son-of-a-bitch!' Bulma realised.

Bulma collected her thoughts and tried to recover a semblance of dignity.  She then said,

" Now that you had your amusement, I would greatly appreciate if you would let me go, milord."

The handsome man simply turned Bulma in his arms so she would face him and smirked.

" Girl, I will NEVER let you go. Plus, who said I already got all of the fun out of this situation?"

Vegeta then threw an intense and passion filled look to Bulma and she looked away, embarrassed.

Yes, Bulma knew a lot about love. But only on a platonic level even if she was considered past marriage material. She had read many romantic stories set in exotic places such as Madagascar or in her own natal country of England. But she had absolutely no idea how love was expressed. Sure, she had heard several comments of older women such as, " Oh, he was such a great lover last night" and " he moved like a god" but that did not give her a single idea of how a baby was conceived. All she new was that the  man and the woman were in a bed at night and were moving. This information was not very useful. And every time she tried to approach the subject with her father, he would talk about something completely different or tell her that her attitude was  unladylike. She had to be pure at her marriage, mentally and physically.

Lord Vegeta seemed to realize that and had a mischievous look after witnessing her unusual shyness. He put his finger under her chin and tilted her head towards him. She was so close to him that he could barely refrain himself from doing anything harsh but he had made her a promise. He had to conquer her then he could ravish her.

Their lips were inches apart and Bulma felt her heartbeat accelerating. She did not understand her feelings and was confused. Was she attracted to Vegeta? She did have to admit that he was different from the other men she had met before but he had violated her the day before.

The thought left her cold as if a bucket of  water had just felt on her head. She detangled herself from Vegeta and harshly asked what he exactly wanted.

"I think you know perfectly well what I want girl," he stated.

"Stop calling me girl, it is milady for you milord," she responded.

Vegeta simply turned his back to her and began to walk away. While he was getting back on his horse that was hidden behind a tree, he told Bulma,

" Be ready tomorrow by 8 o'clock at night. Wear you most beautiful gown and meet me at the door of my chambers. I will be gone all day for business matters."

He then departed not even worried about the safety of his future wife. Bulma could not help but feel angry at him for ordering her around but could not respond to his demands since she was too busy admiring how handsome he appeared on his beautiful stallion.


"Are you sure you want to do this milord? It seems very risky to me," a very handsome and muscular man asked his employer. The man had  long spiky black hair and was very tall. He was extremely loyal to his lord and always accomplished what he was told.

"Don't question me, Radditz. I know it may sound crazy but I will invest the other half of my money in train development. It is a long term investment but I believe the amount of money I put in this could double or even triple in a couple of years," lord Vegeta replied.

"As you wish milord, I just hope you are wiser than your father. I don't know if the Briefs man would still accept to help you even thought you accepted to marry his daughter."

"I believe in progress, my friend and you should too. It is the future. Now get on with it," Vegeta barked.

"Yes milord," Radditz said before departing.

Vegeta looked around and verified one last time that he was not watched. The little office was empty and bare, only containing a chair and a desk. It was very lightly lit and no one would have thought of looking for him here.

" This time, Frieza, you won't know what hit you," Vegeta sarcastically thought.


The day was pretty uneventful for Bulma. She practiced some moves with Goku and read a little but did not do more than that. She did not want to tire herself before the bal. When seven rang, she went to her room and took a bath. She than chose a gorgeous white gown to wear. The dress was very tight until the waist then fell as a pool around her feet. The material was incrusted with diamonds and the dress was sleeveless. You could see some skin and the beginning of her breasts, but overall, the gown was reasonable.

Bulma looked like an angel in it and she knew it. She then chose to wear a very delicate diamond necklace and earrings. The white satin shoes were also incrusted with the same precious stones.

Chi then helped her to put her hair up elegantly, letting some curls falling around her adorable face. Bulma applied light make up not really needing it in the first place.

" Bulma, I think we are better to act reasonably tonight. We will do the trick another time, okay?," said Chi seriously. Bulma nodded, not wanting to put her best friend in trouble.

Chi then departed to prepare herself and Bulma went to lie on her bed, awaiting for Vegeta to arrive. If he thought that she would wait for him at his door, he was greatly mistaking. She was not any girl, she was lady Bulma Briefs and she would not lower herself to pick up a man whoever he is.

She then heard a rough knock on the communication door between her room and Vegeta's and saw him enter her room in all his glory- and fury. She quickly scurried to her feet and observed him from head to toe. She decided that he was definitely at his best in this black suit which hinted his strong frame but still let a lot to her imagination.

Meanwhile, Vegeta was also scrutinizing her appearance and seemed very satisfied. However, remembering why he was there in the first place, he felt his anger coming back and walked two long strides to reach her.

"Girl, I was waiting for you. Now, we are late to our very own ball!," he stated furiously.

"You should of known I would never pick you up, youass. I am not a simple tramp."

"Well, with the way you are talking some people could certainly confound you with a sailor, girl."

" I am not a girl you idiot."

At that Bulma pounced on Vegeta and tried to beat the hell out of him.

"Now, now, girl. If you wanted to make out, you could of simply asked. I would have happily complied you know," Vegeta said, grinning from ear to ear. He than lowered them to the bed with him on top of Bulma.

Bulma let out some frustrated sights and stopped squirming, realizing how completely useless it was. At that moment, she saw how close they were. Vegeta slowly approached his face to hers and tenderly kissed her. At first, Bulma stayed completely still, not knowing what to do. After a few seconds, she began responding to his insistent kisses. He than slid his tongue across Bulma's lower lip and she gasped giving him the chance to invade her mouth. The kisses became more and more passionate but all of a sudden, Vegeta stopped and got up.

He was smirking.

Bulma also got up, flushed and asked him why he was so damn happy.

"Looks like I already won one round of our secret competition, girl!"

Bulma let out an outraged scream and he only chuckled. He took her arm and led her towards the stairs.

"Shall we join our guests, my dear," he sarcastically added.

A/N : 1 to 0 for Vegeta. Can't wait to write what will happen next and do not forget to please review !