He must have fallen asleep again, and only wakes when the legs that are his pillow shift, carefully, so as not to disturb him. He sits up, happy to notice that he isn't dizzy anymore, and grins when he sees Kurt wince and rub his legs.

"You're a god, and your legs have fallen asleep?" he teases.

Kurt glares at him as he tries to move his legs back to life. "A human existence, with all its pleasures and inconveniences. Or almost."

"With the ability to...heal wounds and move a ship without a mast to harbor," Blaine says. He stretches, uncommonly aware of all his limbs and the little pains and aches that lying on the ground has brought with it. He is still here. He's not dead. It's still a little hard to fathom.

"What...happens now?" he asks hesitantly. He has so much time. His life seems to stretch out endlessly before him, without duties, without expectations. He's never had that. For the first time, he realizes, he thinks past tomorrow.

"Well, first we had better go back to the ship. She's waiting for us, and everyone has been pretty worried about you," Kurt says.

It seems immediate concerns still take precedence over tomorrow.

"Worried? They're not...mad?"

"Well, both Santana and Puck wanted to punch you as soon as they saw you again. But by now, everyone must have noticed things changing, so we can hope you'll be forgiven."

Blaine is still ashamed to see them again. He never expected to, and knowing what he does now, he'd have condemned them all.

Slowly, they start walking. Blaine still feels weak, though he isn't sure if it's his body or his mind. And although Kurt is regaining strength quickly, it is obvious that finding Blaine and healing him have cost him greatly.

Still, the island seems...friendlier than before, the rocks less jagged and less slippery, the way easier although it's still dark. A few times, Blaine slips despite that, and every time Kurt's hand appears at his elbow or his waist to steady him, and seems reluctant to leave again.

Blaine wants to take Kurt's hand and hold it, interlace their fingers and never let go again. He wants back in Kurt's embrace and feel his lips on his again.

He doesn't dare. Too much has happened, there is nothing decided between them. Maybe he is the one meant for Kurt—although this is something he can't imagine: how can he be meant to be with a God?

Maybe he isn't.

And even if he is, that doesn't mean Kurt would want to be with him. Would want him.

They sit down on a rock to rest and watch the sun rise. It's a beautiful picture, but Blaine still feels trepidation. He understands enough to know that Kurt will be weaker now, and he fears that something might still go wrong. He knows his father's soldiers are looking for him; they might still find him. They might still get...or no, they don't, do they?

"No one can get the amulet now, do they?" he asks, just to be sure.

"No, they can't." Kurt says with a smile.

"What about Cooper?"

"What about him? Blaine, it's not like your people will riot as soon as the spell wears off. Discontent needs time to grow, and people don't riot as soon as something goes wrong. Your family still have time to set things right."

"Oh," Blaine says, feeling slightly stupid. Somehow he had imagined a screaming mob making its way to the castle this very moment. "That's good."

Kurt looks at him and speaks hesitantly. "You could even...go back, maybe."

Blaine tries not to let the thought come up that Kurt wants him gone. "I won't go back. They were prepared to kill me. My mother carried me for nine months and gave birth to me and never looked at me again. My father only ever saw in me an instrument to make sure he stays in power. They were never my family."

Only Cooper ever treated him like family, like a brother. Not enough to try and save him, but...maybe he could visit once his father was dead. It's a sobering thought, waiting for someone to die, but he would like to see Cooper again. One day. Sam, as well. But...

"I don't know where to go," he says, realizing. "I never had to make these kinds of plans before." He laughs a little, although he feels...rudderless. Drifting. With nowhere to go, where does he belong?

Kurt looks at him. "If you could do whatever you wanted, what would you do?"

The answer comes surprisingly easy. "I'd want to come with you. Sail with you again."

Kurt shrugs, smiling. "There you have it."

"But that's not possible, is it?" Blaine asks.

"Why not?"

"You have to go back, don't you? I mean, you are the Moon, and the others...Don't you have to go back?"

"The others are stars. Santana is the Evening Star, in fact. Try to call her Vesper if you like, see how she reacts."

After a pause, Kurt takes his hand. He doesn't look at him, but he doesn't let go.

"I don't have to go back. It will take another hundred years at last until I regain enough of my power to be allowed back among the Gods. And then... the moon was doing fine all these years. It would have looked different had you succeeded in your plans, but as it is...the moon will be fine."

"So you don't have to go back?" Blaine needs the reassurance. He can't really believe that he might have everything he wants.

Kurt smiles and shakes his head. "I might go back once in a while when I'm able to again. In fact, I'm certain I will. But I don't have to live there."

"So could I? Come with you?"

"I hope you will. There's so much I want to show you."

Kurt squeezes his hand, then turns toward him and takes his other one as well. "There's something else. Do you remember what Santana said? About you being the one...for me? The one who could be at my side forever?" He speaks slowly, haltingly. "I'm sure you are. And if you wanted, if you said yes, you could..it would mean that you...became immortal. Not a God, but a kind of celestial being, if you will. If...if you wanted to."

Do you want me to? Blaine wants to ask, but from the look in Kurt's eyes, he is pretty sure about that. He feels dizzy again. Yesterday, he thought he had one day left. Today, he has all of eternity, if he wants to. It's too much. How could he possibly decide?

But it's an eternity to spend with Kurt. That makes it easy.

"Kiss me?" he asks, finally daring to say it.

Kurt nods, his eyes wide, and draws him closer. Then his lips meet Blaine's.

Blaine closes his eyes and just feels. Kurt's lips sliding over his, and then, tentatively, his tongue. They have done this before, but not so often it has become familiar.

And yet, it is. If a kiss can feel like home, like a place to belong, a person to belong to, this is such a kiss. More than anything else could, it gives him his answer.

He puts his arms around Kurt's neck and breaks the kiss. "Okay," he says.

Kurt's smile is small, but all the joy in the world is in his eyes.

"Let's go home," he says.

Hand in hand, they rise. In the distance, in the first rays of the early morning sun, Blaine can see the ship. There will be words from everyone there, and he's not as sure he won't get punched as Kurt seems to be. But they're Kurt's crew, his crew, his home. He smiles.


The End.

I hope you enjoyed the story!