"Dammit!" Naruto exclaimed as he winced and rubbed his neck, very pointedly not looking at the Hokage monument where one of his Kage bunshin had hung himself from one of the Yondaime's hair spikes.

The Nanadaime Hokage turned and glared at the small huddle of Kage Bunshin that were tackling one of the mountains of paperwork that littered the room instead. Most lowered their heads, not looking at him, but one smirked openly at him. Doing a quick count, he could see why the Kage Bunshin was smirking. There were three less of him in the office than there had been the last time he'd looked up from his paperwork.

"Shit!" Naruto winced as he clutched his stomach. Three at once, and the same way. Seppuku.

One of the Kage Bunshin took the advantage of his distraction to stab himself with a paperclip and three more dove out the window.

Naruto winced as he was hit by three separate memories of jumping off the roof of the Hokage tower, and deliberately doing everything wrong including not trying to stop himself with Chakra and deliberately contorting himself into positions a civilian might take had they jumped off the roof with the intention of dying on the way down.

And then, there were two.

One of whom was desperately trying to give himself a papercut. Unfortunately for his efforts, Naruto had ordered special soft edged paper when it was announced that he would finally become Hokage in order to prevent papercuts that might lead to unplanned dispellings. Back then, he'd had the naive expectation that his Shadow Clones would've been a bit more cooperative and had been attempting to prevent office distractions and the scattering of forms when he'd ordered it. Now however, it would seem that the special paper, though less durable than normal archival paper, acted as a deterrent to Clone Suicide.

Sighing, Naruto got back to work. A second later, the clone that hadn't been trying to commit suicide by paperwork started sending his partner covert signals.

Naruto managed to jump in in the last second before his two remaining Kage Bunshin office drones Rasenganed each-other in the chest.

It was at this point that the door to his office opened and just about everyone in his inner circle in Konoha filed in. His wife Hinata was holding his two small children Boruto and Himawari and Sasuke, Sasuke whom, last he'd heard, was out of the village wandering the world seeking redemption or peace of mind or something similar, stood next to her.

"Naruto," Sakura, who stood at the head of the group that had invaded his office, said hesitantly, as if she was dealing with a timid animal or talking a civilian off a ledge.

"Yes Sakura?" the new Nanadaime Hokage asked.

"We all love you very much, and..." Sakura replied before Sasuke cut his wife off and said "We think we should have a talk with you about your suicidal tendencies.".

"What suicidal tendencies?" Naruto asked as his two remaining Kage Bunshin found one of the Godaime's hidden sake stashes, poured the alcoholic beverage over themselves and lit themselves on fire.