So the morning had not started out well with the computers playing up and no one in the IT department seeming to want to fix things. It was not made any better by an overly happy Tim McGee wandering into the office and smugly fixing the problem on Tony's computer in a couple of key-strokes whilst bragging about his online hook up with a level five sorceress; the one that Tony had invented as a fake profile to mess with McGee in a moment of boredom and now couldn't bring himself to admit to the younger agent that he had set him up.

It got worse when DiNozzo tried to order McGee down to help Gibbs at the crime scene. Tim, claiming he wanted to stay in a good headspace after his stunning online weekend, refused to go down to the cabin to assist Gibbs with the disemboweled naval captain whose remains had been found in there. Tony had not reacted too badly to the refusal of his order but instead sought to torment McGee into going down there by calling him "Chicken."

When this hadn't worked, Tony sought to give him some advice about his new found love, in the hope that he could lessen any blow when it came to breaking up the budding romance or at the very least take the shine off of it..

McGee however, didn't take the bait and rather than go down to the cabin chose instead to hit back at Tony with jibes about not dating doctors whose fathers were the worlds biggest arms dealers. Then accused him of being jealous of him. Tony chose not to react but had clearly been hurt by the cutting words.

….and then there was Beary Smiles. The must have Christmas gift of 1989. Every kid including the 12 year old McGee had wanted one, and when he hadn't got one he had invented his own using his Winnie the Pooh bear and an old tape recorder. Pooh 2.0 was invented.

McGee had spent a good hour messing around with the bears technology and currently had him hooked up to his keyboard so that he could make him say whatever he wanted. For the last 30 minutes whilst the rest of the team were trying to work and more importantly whilst Gibbs was out of the room, Tim, through the medium of Beary Smiles, had continued to insult and wind up Tony. Just as Tony was about to get up and rip the bears head off of its electronic body, Gibbs had re-entered the bullpen and had put a stop to it himself. Gibbs had also promised McGee that the two of them were going to have a chat about the messing about at the end of the case. He'd also caught wind of McGees refusal to follow Tony's orders at the scene and the nasty insults about his relationship with Jeanne Benoit. He was not about to just let that one go, but it would have to wait.

Tony had not realized that Gibbs was going to deal with it though, and when the next morning Tim was showing none of the telltale signs of having had a little discussion with their Boss he decided he would have to get his own back on his smug co-worker.

Tony had arrived into work early the next morning, partially to keep up on the paperwork that went along with his role, partially to follow up a couple of overnight leads on the case and generally because it gave him a chance to snoop through McGee's stuff to find a way to get him back.

As he sifted through the contents of the cardboard box recently stowed under the table he found bits of the electronic bear and recorder that McGee had been messing with. An idea started to form. If a 12 year old McGee could make a talking bear out of an old Winnie the Pooh and a tape recorder, then he, a grown male with a little computing know-how (not quite on McGees level but not bad) along with Larry from the electronic resources department, who owed him a favour after Tony had taken his little nephew to the screening of the latest Zombie movie, when neither he nor the kids parents could summon up the nerve to go, could make a few of them with a couple of added tweaks.

As he did a final sweep of the desk and area around McGees desk, just in case he had missed some other juicy bit of information, he heard the ping of the elevator, and dashed back to his desk, tripping on McGees chair as he did.

Looking up from his stumble his eyes rose to meet those of his boss.

"What ya doing DiNozzo?" enquired Gibbs.

"Oh hi Boss didn't see you there," Tony replied as nonchalantly as he could whilst smoothing out his shirt and paying extra attention to his tie, to try to avoid further eye contact.

"Clearly, but what were you doing by McGee's desk? Gibbs asked again.

"Oh nothing I was just…." Started Tony.

"Snooping around trying to find more info to put into the fake profile I know you created to torment him?" suggested Gibbs.

"Ah, you know about that, I'm trying to end it," explained Tony slightly nervous and a little curious how Gibbs even knew about online profiles and stuff like that.

"Make sure you do," commanded Gibbs, "Or I will and you won't like it, understand?

"Yes Boss, ending it now," came the hasty response, keen to avoid any Gibbs like intervention.

The rest of the day had passed without too many problems; Tony tried to be on his best behaviour. He didn't want anything to hamper his plan to get back at McGee for all of the jibes and cruel remarks.

By the end of the case, Tony had managed to avoid any further run-ins with Gibbs or warnings from him, he'd almost forgotten about his little plan until Larry texted him to say he had got hold of some gadgets and gizmos that the department were getting rid of and offered to come over to Tony's to help him put them together, payment to be in pizza!

Later that evening over slices of pizza and a few beers the two assembled several implements of McGee based torture. Tony had gathered together old stuffed animals, clowns, jack-in the boxes and robots from various charity shops around the neighbourhood. Into each of them they installed mini recorders, lights, and a wireless device to allow them to be activated remotely. The only problem, they would need to be plugged into the mains outlets. Tony routed around and found a box of old extension cables in the back of his closet.

Dressed in black, armed with a bag full of animated toys, a roll of duct tape, the extension cables and the remote control hand set, Tony waved good-bye to Larry who had dropped him over to McGee's apartment. Now all he had to do was lie in wait for McGee to leave the apartment for his regular Friday night appointment at the World of Warcraft society. Like clockwork, Tim left the apartment at 2030 hours and made his way over to his vehicle. A few short moments later Tony sneaked into his apartment.

Two hours later Tony had popped the robotic toys into cupboards, shelves, under the bed, wherever he could find that they would not be immediately noticed. He carefully laid out the extension cords, taping them into place and finally plugged in the toys. Checking the signal on the wireless device and on the remote control handset, he carefully retreated from the premises and hid himself in the electric cupboard in the corridor outside McGee's front door and then he waited for his return.