A/N: This week's Bonesology challenge is an Anything Goes Drabble challenge. The topic can be anything, but the fic must be a series of 5 drabbles (100 words or less each) that are connected in some way. They can be connected by theme, by character subject, by anything...as long as they are connected drabbles.

I don't own Bones.


Hank Booth had joined the Boy Scouts because he thought it might be fun and it was for the most part. He knew that his father worried that he spent too much time working on computers and games, so he had thought this might help his father see that he was okay.

On a camping trip, he and his den brother Jason Moore were busy looking for firewood when Jason pulled on a limb imbedded in a rotten tree and that section of the rotten log collapsed.

Curious, Jason squatted down, moved some of the soft wood aside and noticed something a creamy beige colored stuck in the loam under the wood. Unearthing it, he fell back and yelled.

Afraid for his friend, Hank hurried over and looked at Jason who pointed at the skull that he'd uncovered. "Damn that is so cool."


Since I am wordy it is going to be impossible for me to contain my writing in 100 word drabbles.