Attention: This chapter contains homophobia and attempted rape. You're been warned.

Yuuri and Viktor were 17 and 21 years old when they suffered homophobia for the first time.

During their first year of relationship, and even a time before they were boyfriends, they had heard all kinds of insults and rumors about them, but they were never explicitly directed to them. The most common rumors said that Viktor took advantage of Yuuri's innocence, or that Yuuri prostituted himself with Viktor to earn easy money. Those were nothing really new, even Viktor's ex-girlfriend believed them. They hurt, yes, but they weren't exactly alarming, since they remained as mere rumors that were repeated among the crowd but that no one really believed them. However, there were people, such as their relatives, friends, and regular customers of the onsen, who approved their relationship because they knew the truth. There were only few people who were against their relationship (mostly girls and boys who were allergic to other's happiness or were directly homophobic).

When Viktor began working part-time as Assistant Manager, in one of his father's department stores, he began to have direct contact with many more people other than his classmates, like his coworkers, investors and costumers.

Viktor's functions consisted mainly in answering the phones and go with his boss, Celestino Cialdini, to meetings with investors. And from time to time he had to exchange some words with difficult customers if there was a problem that the cashiers or the clerks couldn't solve in fear of dealing with angry customers that could cause them to be fired.

Like the time when a foreign client (an American girl) complained because all the signs were in Japanese. In a Japanese store, in a Japanese city... And that was a bad thing since she didn't understand the language. (And yet she traveled to Japan hoping for all the Japanese people in the world to talk in English for her? That's what Viktor wanted to ask her.)

Of course, the silver-haired man tried to reason with her in her language. He even had to make a superhuman efforts so the prejudices that he had learned during his first 17 years of life in Russia (about Americans' idiocy) didn't make him to kick out the hysterical American girl from the store.

"But why the hell the tags aren't in English?! Don't you think about your customers?" Insisted the girl, increasingly raising her voice, causing the other customers to move away from the area to avoid the cringe of the scene. Although some local teenagers point their smartphone at her and her companion while giggling at them.

"We're really sorry to cause you this discomfort." Viktor tried to stick to the manual's response while a faking a smile that peeked out from his clenched teeth. "We will try to find a solution as soon as possible. But for now, how about someone from the staff acting as your translator as a long as you are inside our store?" He said as an alternative solution and trying to settle down the issue.

Viktor realized that the girl wouldn't be able to understand that, yes, Hasetsu was a tourist city, but it wasn't a tourist city intended for foreigners. Hasetsu wasn't Tokyo or Osaka so that local businesses didn't needed to have signs in other languages especially for visitors from other countries.

"What if you're the one who guides us?" Suddenly suggested the dark-skinned, curly-brown-haired girl that was with the blond girl, who had a flirtatious smile on her wine-colored lips. Viktor knew right away that that wouldn't be a good idea.

"Sorry. But that is not part of my duties." The friendly smile never left his face, but inside, Viktor wished he could express the annoyance that those girls were beginning to cause him. "Please allow one of the clerks to help you."

"Oh, come on," Insisted the brunette, rolling her eyes impatiently. "Tomorrow we will return home and we haven't had any 'action' with handsome boys. And you're a handsome boy, if you know what I mean." She combed her hair back flirtatiously and winked, making Viktor feel increasingly uncomfortable.

"... Sorry. But this is inappropriate." He shook his head. "If you come looking for boys, this is not the place." Viktor stopped smiling, but tried not to frown so as not to aggravate the situation.

"Okay, we understand. We don't want to cause you problems." Said the brunette, and Viktor for a moment believed that they would leave him alone, until the girl approached his personal space and whispered quickly. "What if you tell us what time you get off work, or give us your phone number so we can see you later?" The Russian man stepped back and could no longer hide his annoyance.

"I said no. I have a partner. So, please, return to your purchases or I will have to ask Security to accompany you to the exit. "

Both girls looked at him with surprise, as if they couldn't believe that an attractive man refused to make a trio with them. They were really attractive girls who expressively wore provocative clothes. Then the blonde girl narrowed her eyes and turned her head haughtily.

"We're leaving." She said, trying to hide her anger. She took her friend by the arm and pulled her towards the exit, dropping on the floor the clothes she was going to buy. "This store sucks. And the only sexy guy we've seen in the whole city acts like a faggot."

Viktor's Japanese co-workers, although they didn't know enough English to deal with the foreigners, could perfectly understand the insult, and looked at the silver-haired man with horror at not knowing what to say. But Viktor was too irritated to care about others gaze since he could only see where the girls had gone. However, he startled when he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was his boss.

"Ah. I...I'm sorry..." Viktor struggled not to swallow saliva with fear. Celestino was a nice man, but he was also strict when it came to work. Being the Director's son didn't guarantee Viktor would not be fired.

"Well done, Viktor." Celestino smiled at him and patted him on the back before removing his hand. "Don't worry. I saw what happened and I think you handled the situation well. Losing two clients will not affect us at all. And if there any problem, I will take care of it myself. Go back to your office."

Viktor breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, thanking him with a bow. Later, when he went to Yu-topia to have lunch with Yuuri and told him what happened, the dark-haired boy did the best he could to thank him for his fidelity after guiding him to his room and closing the door under lock.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Yuuri asked as Viktor kissed his neck. He could felt that his boyfriend was tensed and moved somewhat mechanically, and he was normally a pretty relaxed person.

"Of course I'm okay, Yuuri." He smiled and tried to kiss his lips, but the younger boy stopped him.

"It's okay if you're still upset about what that girl told you, you know?" Viktor finally stopped trying to kiss him to look at him. "When I was a child, other children used to make fun of me because I was doing ballet." Viktor knew it. He had intuited it because Yuuri was so shy, and because Yuuko had confirmed it. "They told me that only 'faggots do ballet' or 'are you sure you're not a woman?'. At first their teasing hurt me and made me feel bad about myself... until my skating instructor, the person I admire the most, told me it was great that I do ballet." He smiled, and Viktor smiled back.

"Yes. You're right. I'm still upset by what she told me. I know I can't change other people mindset, but I wish that at least they weren't bothering others for having different tastes than theirs." He took a deep breath and relaxed. "Sometimes I think the world is rotten. But..." He cupped his boyfriend's cheeks and pulled them playfully. "Then I look at you and my hope for humanity returns." He laughed when Yuuri frowned.

"Oh, don't be cheesy and kiss me."

"With pleasure!"


Yuuri wasn't a boy who normally attended parties. He preferred to spend his evenings watching anime or playing video games with Viktor and his friends. However, since entering high school, he tried to go out more often with different people to socialize, especially if people he liked invited him. So when Maiko, the girl who had confessing to him year ago and was now his friend, invited him to his birthday party, Yuuri accepted without problems.

The only bad thing was that Viktor couldn't accompany him because he had a work meeting. At first Yuuri was disappointed, especially because the meeting was going to be during hours outside of his work, and on a Friday, and Viktor didn't actually have to be there, not to mention that Yuuri didn't want to go alone to the party because he didn't know the other people who will be there. But soon realized that there was no point in being upset, since it was Sergei who asked his son to accompany him so he could teach him how to deal with the investors of their department stores. Yuuri also used to help Toshiya in the onsen by performing functions that normally didn't correspond to him and made Viktor wait for him when they had dates. So he understood it.

"I'm sorry I can't go with you, Yuuri." The silver-haired man said, feeling a little guilty. He had promised to go with him before he knew about the meeting.

"It's okay, Viktor. It's just a party. I don't think I'll stay more than two hours anyway." He shrugged, and gave him a quick kiss on the lips to assure him that he wasn't upset. "I'll give Maiko her gift, I'll socialize for a while and then I'll leave." He sighed tiredly at the thought of what he would have to 'suffer' alone.

Phichit wasn't invited to the party because he was 15 years old, and Yuuko was only a few weeks away from giving birth, so going to a party where there would be alcohol wasn't something that either of them could afford.

"If the meeting lasts less than an hour I'll go look for you at the party, if not, I'll see you until tomorrow, okay?" Yuuri nodded and Viktor kissed him once more. After separating, he said goodbye to Vicchan giving him a pat on the head and then left the room to go to work.

While Yuuri waited for the night to fall, he did in advance some homework while chatting with Phichit and Sara. Sara hadn't been invited to the party either. Apparently, she and Maiko didn't get along; even the Italian girl had told Yuuri that he should be careful around her, although Yuuri wasn't sure what she meant. Takeshi had once commented in jest that perhaps the reason why both girls hate each other is because they still liked Yuuri, something that Michele and Yuuri himself didn't liked to ear (much less Viktor).

Shortly after seven o'clock, Yuuri took a shower, he dressed in a casual shirt and jeans that his boyfriend had gotten from his store, and combed his black hair back before putting on deodorant and cologne that Viktor had given him. He said goodbye to Vicchan, took his blue coat, and said goodbye to his parents. The party would be in a ballroom not too far away so Yuuri would go on his bike, and luckily it was getting cold so he wouldn't sweat a lot along the way.


Yuuri was bored, very bored. It had barely past a half an hour at the party and he had nothing to do but watch other people dance or converse. The only reason he didn't fall asleep on the table it was because of loud music. Yuuri had already given the gift to Maiko (a perfume that Mari helped him choose), he had already danced with a couple of classmates, and had already drink a piña colada. Just one, because he didn't want to get drunk and make a fool of himself by acting like his father. So he had nothing else to do there. He was about to get up from his chair and leave when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"You look very lonely, mon cher ami."

"Oh! Chris." He smiled, relieved that it was a familiar face. He knew Chris because of his ballet lessons with Minako, but they never really spoke until the Swiss man became friends with Viktor. "I had no idea you were here. Are you friends with Maiko?" He asked almost shouting. The music was really annoying.

"No. But I am a friend of his older brother." He answered before drinking from the glass of wine he was carrying and sat down in the empty chair next to Yuuri. "Viktor told me that he felt bad about not being able to accompany you to a party. I guess he meant this one."

"Yes. But it's okay. I understand that he had to work. "He waved a hand to dismiss it. "How are you doing?"

Chris and Yuuri talked for a while about other people until the birthday girl approached the table.

"Chris-san, my brother is looking for you." Maiko said shyly. Chris thanked her, and winked at Yuuri before leaving. The dark-haired boy blinked a couple of times before understanding the implication.

Oh... Chris and Maiko's brother were more than friends. Friends with benefits.

"Are you having fun, Yuuri-kun?" The girl asked, taking the place previously occupied by the blond man.

"Oh yeah. Of course." He lied with a forced smile, and apparently the brunette girl believed it because she smiled back.

"Excuse me asking, but why didn't your boyfriend come?" The girl inquired as she reached out and left a piña colada in front of him. Yuuri hadn't realized until that moment that Maiko had two drinks with her.

"Thank you." Yuuri accepted the drink even though he didn't want to drink anymore. After all Maiko had bothered to take it to him away. Also, a second drink wouldn't hurt him. "Viktor wanted to come, but he had work." He explained for the umpteenth time in the night. Apparently, it was so common to see them together that seeing them alone was a strange event for everyone.

In fact, Yuuri could swear that a girl dressed especially for Viktor, revealing her curved body fitted in a red dress with her breasts highly exposed. Or that was what he believed for the big face of disappointment that she put when she realized that Yuuri was alone.

"I understand." Maiko said, still not drinking from her glass. "For a moment I thought you were fighting or something." She said jokingly, and Yuuri stopped drinking to reply.

"No. Even if we were fighting we can't stay angry for more than five minutes. " He laugh. Of course he and Viktor fought sometimes like any other couple, but they try to no to hurt each other and apologized immediately if necessary.

The only time they were fighting for a long time was because of a misunderstanding, and it was because Yuuri couldn't help feeling jealous when see Viktor flirted with a girl in the street, without noticing his presence. That day Yuuri came home alone and didn't answer Viktor's messages until the next day that the Russian man, with an agitated look and agitated breathing, showed up early to Yu-topia to apologize 'for anything he had done to annoy him' .

"Yuuri. I was making fun of that girl." Viktor replied, relieved to know the reason for his anger. "She tried to ask me out, and she kept on doing it even though I told her I had a boyfriend. So I flirted a bit with her and gave her a fake phone number. I don't even know her." Yuuri then felt like a idiot for jumping to hasty conclusions and asked for forgiveness, although the silver-haired man assured him that there was no problem, that he would also would be jealous if he saw him flirting with other people. "It's okay, solnyshko. Just do not scare me like that again. Remember that we promised to tell us everything, even things that bother about each other." Yuuri nodded as he hugged him tightly and hid his embarrassed face between his neck.

"I see." Maiko said, for some reason looking attentively at the dark-haired boy. "It must be very nice to have a boyfriend like Viktor." Yuuri nodded while blushing. "Yuuri-kun, have you ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend before Viktor-senpai?"

The question had been so sudden that it was quite an achievement for Yuuri not to spit out his drink. But considering that he had rejected the girl a year ago, her curiosity didn't seem so weird. Besides, now they were friends.

"N-no. Viktor is my first relationship."

"So you don't like girls?"

"What?" He turned to see her, surprised at the question, but the brunette was smiling kindly, so he thought it was okay to answer. "Yes, of course I like girls. Before I fell in love with Viktor I liked a girl." Yuuri wasn't sure why he added the latter, but at least he didn't give Yuuko's name so as not to cause problems. "But right now I have a boyfriend, so I don't see any sense in looking at other people, regardless of their gender." Just finished saying that, he felt his cellphone vibrate inside his pants. But before he could get it out and read the message, he felt dizzy, so dizzy that he almost smashed his head against the table.

"Are you all right, Yuuri-kun?" She asked immediately, and if it wasn't because Yuuri was so disoriented he would have noticed that the girl didn't sound at all worried and even she was acting in a overreacted way.

"I don't know. My head hurts..." He put a hand to his forehead, and barely noticed that the girl lifted him from the chair and made him lean on her.

The last thing Yuuri remembered was that the music sounded distorted.


Viktor looked at the digital clock on his smartphone, realizelicing that he had lucky that the work meeting lasted less than an hour, and then he read two text messages that had come to him separately while his phone was in silent. One was from Yuuri, where he told him that he had met Chris at the party, and another from Chris, who told him he had met Yuuri at a party.

Sexyman: I'm with your boyfriend, can I borrow him? 3

Vicchan02: Okay, but be nice to him (≧ °)

Viktor then changed to the chat.

Vicchan02: Yuuri, are you still at the party?

Vicchan02: I'm free, do you want me to go with you?

The silver-haired man let a few minutes pass while Yuuri responded and he used that time to talk a little with his co-workers and ask Sergei to take him to the ballroom in his car so he wouldn't take a taxi. After spending five minutes and not receiving an answer, he decided to call him, twice. There was no response either.

Vicchan02: Chris, Yuuri is still at the party? He doesn't answer.

Sexyman: I think so, his coat is still on his chair. I will ask if anyone has seen him.

Viktor wasn't sure why, but he began to worried. Yuuri wasn't the kind of person who would take so long to answer unless he was sleeping or eating, and he doubted that he was doing one of those two things at that moment. One, because surely there would be music so loud that wouldn't let him sleep, and two, if he were eating, he would have answered between bites.

Barely a couple of minutes passed (which for Viktor felt an eternity) when the blond man sent another message.

Sexyman: okay ... I think you should come by.

Vicchan02: something happened?!

Instead of answering by text, Chris called. Viktor immediately knew something was wrong.


Feeling his stomach churning, and sweat all over his body, Yuuri heavily opened his eyelids and tried to distinguish where he was. It took him several seconds to realize he was back in his own room. The light was on, and Vicchan was sleeping beside him. He still wore his casual clothes.

How had he returned home?

Without knowing how much time had passed since he woke up and while he was rubbing his eyes, he heard the door open and saw Viktor entering. He was also wearing his formal work clothes, but showing his vest. Upon seeing him awake, the silver-haired man approached immediately to the bed and sat down next to him. Vicchan woke up and barked happily.

"Yuuri, how are you feeling?" He asked taking his closest hand, his voice wobbling and his eyes struggling not to twitch more than they already were, or so Yuuri thought, but he didn't have his glasses on as if to prove it. It was obvious that Viktor was trying not to scare him, which made Yuuri start worrying.

"Good, but dizzy. I think. Viktor, what..." He tried to sit down, but the nausea didn't allow him and he stayed in the same position, using the other hand to pet his poodle. "What happened? Did I fall asleep at the party?"

"Yuuri... don't you remember?" Viktor's hand suddenly tensed, and Yuuri looked at him with confusion.

"No. I only remember that Chris told me there was a girl that was cheating on her boyfriend with another girl on the party. But after that, nothing."

"Don't you remember that Maiko was kissing you?" After hearing that, Yuuri's blood ran cold and his body found it numbed in terror.

"What?!" Due to the impression he tried to sit down again, scared the poodle, achieving it by pure impulse although his head hurt more after that. "N-no! Kiss Maiko? No, never!..." Unless ..." Did I get drunk and do something wrong to her?!"

"Yuuri, calm down." Viktor rested both hands on his shoulders, but without pressing so as not to hurt him. "You didn't do anything to anyone. And I'm not upset with you." But by his reluctant and controlled voice, Yuuri definitely sensed his annoyance. "How much did you drink and what did you drink at the party? Chris said he only saw you drink a piña colada."

"I..." Yuuri tried to calm down, but his eyes were looking desperately all over without being able to think of anything other than the embarrassment of having kissed someone else than his boyfriend. "I drank... a piña colada... No! It was-there were two. I'm sure there were only two. I wasn't going to drink more than one, but Ma-Maiko got me another one before... sit down and talk to me." He said as he tried to remember. And by saying the girl's name he had to close his eyes so as not to regurgitate. His throat and stomach ached.

"Maiko... give you... a drink." Viktor repeated slowly, waiting for the Japanese boy to start thinking more clearly.

"Viktor... I'm so sorry." He said, still with his eyes closed, and trying to take a deep breath from his nose that was beginning to get congest. "I don't understand what happened. I don't know why I-I kissed her. She must hate me right now... "

"No." Viktor retorted harshly. "You shouldn't apologize for anything, and I don't care if she hates you." He had said it in such an authoritative and furious voice that Yuuri would have been scared if it wasn't because Viktor hugged him tightly, holding him against his chest to softly continue talking to him. "I didn't say you kissed her, I said she was the one who was kissing you. Maiko took advantage of the fact that you were drunk to take you to the women's bathroom and touch you."

"Touch me?" Yuuri repeated, still unable to understand what his boyfriend was trying to tell him. Then his eyes snapped open as he remembered something. "Vi-Viktor. Maiko asked me if I liked girls and... and I think she told me she was still in love with me and wanted to lose her-her virginity with me."

Without warning, he pushed Viktor to get up from the bed, going straight to the paper bin on the other side of the room and start vomiting. Vicchan climbed out of the bed to run after him. Then he turned his head to Viktor and started barking. Viktor understood the message and walked to his boyfriend to kneel beside him and help him hold his head while continuing to empty his stomach.

When Yuuri had stopped vomiting, and after brushing his teeth to remove the bad taste, Viktor called Hiroko to ask for medicine.

"You can't take medicine with an empty stomach." Hiroko said with a small smile, but it was evident that she was also worried about what had happened. "I'll make you something light to eat and a tea. That should help your stomach." She stroked her son's hair a moment before hugging him.

Yuuri hugged her back, clinging to his mother and feeling as vulnerable as a small child. But that was fine, because he knew his mother wouldn't hurt him. They stayed like this for a few minutes until Hiroko kissed his forehead and left the room to make him diner.


"Exactly what happened?" Yuuri asked after taking a bath and eating, sitting on the edge of his bed, with Viktor again sitting next to him and using one arm to hug him. Out of sheer curiosity, he had watched the time on his cell phone, realizing that it was after two in the morning. He must have been unconscious since nine o'clock at night. The silver-haired man also had changed his clothes, putting on one of the green yukatas of the onsen that Toshiya provided him as pajamas, as it was evident to the Katsuki that Viktor wouldn't want to leave Yuuri.

Before beginning the explanation, he gave a tired sigh.

"I don't know. The only thing I know is that you didn't answered your phone, so I asked Chris to look for you. It didn't take him so long to find you because one of his friends told him that she saw Maiko carrying a boy with blue glasses to the women's restroom, but that she didn't see anything strange about it because he seemed drunk and probably Maiko was helped him. Chris then asked her to go into the women's restroom and take you out. He was waiting outside when her friend came out and told him while laughing that he should left you alone because Maiko and you were 'having fun'." Yuuri felt himself turn pale as Viktor's voice sounded more and more annoyed. "Chris rushed in and saw how Maiko, totally sober, was cornering you against the wall... You had your pants down and her skirt was up."

"Are you-are you sure ... she was not trying to defend herself from me?"

"Yuuri. You didn't do anything." He repeated trying not to raise his voice, knowing that Yuuri would felt guilty anyway. "Chris says that Maiko was nervous and her lipstick rubbed off, while you were trying to push her and repeated 'no' in a low voice, with your mouth painted with her lipstick. Only your pants were down, so she didn't get to do anything to you. And Chris' friend insisted that she saw how Maiko was on you, but that she didn't intend to intervene because she never imagined that a girl could rape a boy..."

"Rape... She tried to rape me." He hesitated, between affirmation and question. Yuuri wasn't sure when his body began to tremble, and he was terrified to think what would have happened if Chris hadn't been there. "I ...I only drank two glasses, but-she didn't drink from her..." Viktor kissed his forehead and tried to calm him by stroking his back as Vicchan licked his hands. "Do you think she...?" The girl stuffed something into his drink.

"It's possible. Your father and my father are in the dining room right now talking about what we should do. We have to tell the police, but... Dad says it won't help. Reporting a woman for attempted rape doesn't help much, not even with proofs. There's also the risk of Maiko saying that it was you who attacked her. She is a woman, she will be believed more than a drunken teenager boy will. Dad even called a lawyer, and he suggested not denouncing her unless we were prepared to receive social derision because 'a fag couldn't defend himself against a woman'." They both fell silent, knowing that would happen without any doubt. "Mari says we should go to Maiko's house and cover her house with eggs." They both laughed a little, but they were quiet soon. "I will support whatever you decide to do, Yuuri. You will always have my support." Then the voice of the silver-haired man finally broke. "If only I had been with you..."

"Viktor." He cupped his cheeks and made him look at it. "It's not your fault. You couldn't know what would happen. But I..." He looked away and frowned. "I shouldn't have trusted her... I... should have been more careful." Yuuri's voice began to wobble. He felt sick again. "God. This is so unreal. I was about to lose my virginity in a public bathroom." Yuuri was thankful that at least he didn't remember anything.


Days after what happened, at school, Maiko tried to 'apologize' while insisting that she was drunk and asked Yuuri don't to tell anyone what happened. Yuuri agreed, but not because he had forgiven her or believed in her lie, but because he simply wanted to forget about the matter and also to avoid his family and his boyfriend the shame of being the center of attention for something like that. And before quitting talking to the brunette girl forever, he warned her seriously not to come near him again.

Yuuri was afraid of the outside for a while, especially if Viktor wasn't around, having to put up with the taunts of Phichit and Takeshi who asked him if he was on a diet because he avoided eating and drinking in public places. The dark-haired boy had decided not to tell them about the incident, because he knew that Phichit, due to his innate thirst for justice (and because he was a minor), wouldn't be silent about it and would do something imprudent against Maiko, and because surely Takeshi and Yuuko would try to go to the girl's house to slap her (Mari had already taken care of that); Chris being the only one of his friends who kept the secret until Yuuri himself would tell it years later.

Shortly before turning 18, when his confidence had returned enough, Yuuri had sex for the first time with Viktor, being the oldest one who let the Japanese boy take as long as he wanted to explore his body, slowly entering it in a rhythmic oscillation until came inside him. Both enjoyed it enough, and in their next experiences they would exchange positions.


When Yuuri turned 18 he already had more or less an idea of what to do with his future by the time he graduated from high school. He had the option of not going to university and instead helping with his family's onsen, as well as the option of being a full-time ballet or skating instructor. He still wasn't sure which option to choose. But ge knew that Viktor would be there to support him, because Yuuri would always be there for Viktor.

Yay, this is the end! But don't worry, this is only the first part. Now that Viktor and Yuuri are both adults, the next part of the story will have more mature themes (still not porn, I don't write smut e_e).

I still don't know when I'll going to start publish the second part, but since chapter one I spoiled they will married, so don't worry xD

Thank you all for following my fic, I hope you liked it :3

Yay, this is the end! But don't worry, this is only the first part. Now that Viktor and Yuuri are both adults, the next part of the story will have more mature themes (still not porn, I don't write smut e_e).

I still don't know when I'll going to start publish the second part, but since chapter one I spoiled they will married, so don't worry xD

Thank you all for following my fic, I hope you liked it :3

Facebook: rhapeseuhansface
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