
Kagari "Akko" Atsuko - A witch robbed of her magic

Lotte "Perkele" Jansonn - A finn particular of her Salmiakki

Sucy "Shrooms" Manbavaran - A youth deprived of good mushrooms

Diana "Shashalashka" Cavendish - She's pretty good

Directed by : Hideo Kojima

A/N: Oh look! a Metal Gear reference (ftw)! Jokes aside, this is the FIRST TIME I'm writing ANYTHING! and English isn't my native tongue so expect a lot of errors. This is literally just a spur of the moment (I wrote a whole story outline as a result of that lol). So yeah, that means the story is a actually finished (in my head, that is)

Edit: Yep .. I've messed up the formatting.. damn it (fixed it somehow)

Chapter 1

Vacation Time!

"… and that's all for today! Enjoy your vacation everyone!...
but, uhh, please don't forget your homework"

Today's a day for the students of Luna Nova Academy to enjoy.
Their vacation has officially started and the little witches have been dying
to feel the freedom they've been lacking ever since they've set foot there.

Akko shouted excitingly, startling some of her classmates

"Shhh! Akko – keep it down"
Lotte replied, trying to appease the overly-excited Akko.

Not that anyone would get angry at her,
since everyone is pretty much used to Akko's antics by now.

The classroom is buzzing with chatter from eager students,
exchanging their plans on how to spend their summer vacation.
Some students want to go back to their homes,
others want adventure…
and some…
some doesn't have any particular plan
and is contented with staying in their dorms.

But that's not the case with Akko!
She has plans, BIG plans for her vacation!

"Judging by that energy, you have some plans for this vacation, yes?"
"Let's just hope this isn't something stupid… again"

Sucy asked, gloomy as ever, fearing that her plans might be
another one of her stupid ideas…
which usually ends up with a face-to-face, meet & greet
with their beloved Finneran-sensei.

"What?! Stupid?! NOO!
I was just thinking of slacking a bit…maybe a bit more!"

In the brunette's defense, she did promise herself that
she'd use her free time to improve her magic.

The most she can do for now is to float with her broom…
a few inches from the ground…
for only a couple of seconds...

For some, that can't be seen as progress at all

But for Akko? Progress is progress!

it means she's a step closer towards her dream! …
even though that step is miniscule in scale, microscopic even… heh

On their way to their room,
the three crossed paths with
no other than Luna Nova's star student,
and Akko's rival (?)

"Lively aren't we? You three"
Diana spoke, with her usual condescending stare

"Ueghh – Diana ?! what are you doing here?"

"Oh my, it seems like you're not in the mood to see me…"
"This is a hallway so I suppose I am allowed to use it as I see fit"
Diana retorts with her overly serious tone

The other two exchanged greetings with Diana,
and with that, the four engaged in small conversations.

Before leaving, Diana asked Akko about her improvements in magic,
in which Akko replied "ehehehehe", resulting in a nice facepalm reaction
from a somewhat disappointed Diana.

She might act cold from time to time,
but past her facade lies a very caring personality,
in easier terms...
her tsun tsun level is unreasonably high... hah!

The trio have finally arrived at their room.

As if on cue, the three went to their
respective stations right after entering the door
- Akko dives straight to her bed, picking up and playing with shiny rod
- Lotte sits down on her desk and picks up her favorite novel
- Sucy… well Sucy does what she does best… messing around with poison

It's a surprisingly normal day for the three.
Not much is happening around the campus.
You can hear the students walk the hallways,
packing up stuff for their trips,
random conversations about things.

Compared to fighting Dragons, reviving lost words,
or chasing an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile
(which they usually find themselves doing,
mostly because of Akko's impulsive ideas)...

this is normal… TOO DAMN NORMAL!

As the three continue to slack about,
while listening to Akko whine about pretty much everything
Lotte interrupted her
and speaks with a soft, almost sorry tone...

"Hey Akko, I… I might not be able spend my vacation here"

Akko stops talking, mouth agape

"You see, papa told me our family got invited to join
the town festival and… uh… I want to use that chance
to promote our kiosk so… uh… I might have to go home…
It'll be only for a couple of weeks though!"

"EHHHH?! You're going home?!"
Akko replied, disappointment clearly showing on her face

"I was planning to ask your help for my practice,
but I guess it can't be helped"

Forcing a smile on her face,
despite knowing that she won't be able to see Lotte for quite some time...

She still tried to cheer up! ...but today's not her lucky day

"Oh, me too"
Sucy intervened, draining Akko all her remaining hope for humanity

"Well it's summer time, and there's that rare mushroom"
"I heard it only appears during summer… can't miss it… never"

"Sucy, you too?!"
Akko released a long sigh, still in disbelief about the fact that she has to
spend her summer time alone

An awkward silence suddenly
enveloped their once noisy room.

Unbeknownst to the other two,
Akko has been making plans... lot's of them!, for her summer vacation
but those plans involved spending time with Lotte and Sucy

The devastation she felt was all too understable

But knowing Akko, this won't stop her from doing what she wants to do,
so she stood up from her bed,
regains her YAY,and says

"A minor change of plans, is all! You two enjoy your vacation"
"I know It's selfish for me to hog you two since you surely miss your families too so… I'll be fine!"

"And oh… don't bring back something poisonous… like that pie… ughhh"

Horrifying memories flashes back as Akko reminisces
about the Hapansilakka pie they once had at Lotte's house

"Akko, are you sure you'll be fine alone?"

Lotte questions her brunette friend,
frightful of what can happen in their absence

"Geez Lotte, you worrywart… I'll be fine!"
"Now go enjoy the outside world, while I wallow in self-pity
in this lonely abyss filled with sadness, oh how cruel the world is"

Akko replied as she jokingly imitates a theatrical performance

"I promise I'll behave… like a good girl… yes yes!"
Akko pushes the two out the door as they exchanged their farewells


Sucy puts in one last warning
as she gets unwillingly pushed out the door

"As if I'd touch those… those icky stuff, just go now! FLY YOU FOOLS!"

And with that, the two left…
leaving only a quiet room, and a silent Akko

Hours have already passed, yet Akko is still unmovingly seated on her bed.
A trace of sadness still visible on her face.

"Ahhh this sucks! it's so quiet here it's irritating"

She then finally stood up off her fluffy throne,
thinking of something to do

First, she tried playing with her Shiny Chariot cards by herself,
but to no avail

After she got bored of it,
she then stood up again,

pacing back and forth looking like an old grumpy man.

It was then when she saw the golden
legendary chariot card Diana gave her.

It was placed inside a metallic casing, adorned with expensive-looking, aesthetically pleasing jewelry.

"Oh yeah! Diana!"

Akko remembered Diana,
whom she selfishly labeled as a comrade-in-arms in Chariot-related stuff, after learning about her past

"Oh wait, she might be out too… oh well! Nothing ventured, nothing gained!"

As soon as she finished mumbling to herself,
she then marched out of her room, gleaming with hope!
to see Diana.

Akko skips gleefully in the hallways
(well there's no one to see her violating the no running in the hallways policy so why not?).

The paleness of her face from earlier finally dissipated without a trace.
She giggled a bit as she remembered Diana's embarrassed face
after learning about her chariot fan history.

"hehehe , I can't believe she tried to hide it from me~"
"I'm chariot's number one fan after all! Nothing escapes my sight!"

Feeling so proud about what she just said,
she continued her journey until she arrived at Diana's door





There she stands…






Doors are locked…



Not a single furniture in sight.

Disclaimer: Little Witch Academia is owned by whoever owns it, not me

PS: I don't even know why I'm writing fanfictions now... I don't even write