So here is a little of the beginning of the journal. I'm sorry this took a little longer than I had anticipated, but here it is. I also wanted to thank all of you for the follows, favorites, and comments. I appreciate them greatly!

Chapter 20

Journal Entry 1

Dear Diary!

Right, like I am a teenager again! Well, I did it, I bought my dream house. It's on a decent size of land and I have a pond! I still can't believe it is happening!

It is a few hours from my sister, but she told me not to worry and to follow my dream. She also told me she's pregnant and Emma will have a sibling! It's early still so it's very hush-hush, but I am really happy for her. I know she never thought she would be able to conceive and she was prepared to adopt again, but ever since we were little girls in Sunday school, it's been her dream to carry a child. She always volunteered to watch the babies for the women bible study.

And speaking of my niece, Emma is perfect. She has gained a little weight and doesn't look as scrappy, but still is. Her hair is so shiny now, it has lost the dullness and is now healthy. Her teachers told my sis, that for having such a rough start she is excelling in all of her subjects. She is also the first in her class to read a whole book.

I don't want to toot my own horn, but all of my tutor sessions have paid off, plus she is just a superiorly bright child.

Back to the house, I will give my landlord my thirty-day notice at the end of the month and then it's bye-bye apartment living! No more inconsiderate neighbors hosting after parties at 3 A.M. I am so excited!

Journal Entry #12

The move was not easy. My small apartment fills the living room. I have plenty of space to grow and who knows if I find the right person we could have a couple of cousins for Emma and the new baby.

Emma still has trust issues from her previous foster families abuse. I am really worried about how my move will affect Emma's progress. My sister has even delayed telling Emma of the baby since it is a big trigger for her. I am just going to have to call her several times a week till I pick her up for summer. I hope she forgives me quickly.

It was so hard leaving Emma. My sis brought her to breakfast at our favorite little hole in the wall diner. Emma cried, then I cried, and then Cindy lost it. I promised her as soon as school was out, I would be back to pick her up.

Emma was so angry when I got into the car. She refused to hug me and tell me bye. I was devastated, my heart hurts so much for that little girl, I wish I could make her see that I would move mountains for her. I got halfway down the street when I saw her little face in my rear view mirror. I stopped the car, jumped out, and scooped her up. She is such a tender soul.

I think around hour 2 of my drive I was temporarily cried out. I didn't take into account how quiet and lonely it can be out here. Here's hoping the next few months go by fast. Can't wait for summer.

Journal Entry #31

It's been one week since Emma has arrived. I introduced her to Granny's Diner. She loves the Apple Flapjacks and the One-Eyed Jacks, (an egg in the middle of a pancake.) We have had a blast. I was a little worried being away from her that it would take a while to re-connect, but I worried for nothing. She loves helping out. We spend most mornings in the garden and she just soaks up everything I tell her.

I love seeing the world around us through her eyes! I love this little girl so incredibly much. I feel like we're both old souls. I pray my sister and brother-in-law realize how special and precious Emma is. I'm almost jealous of Cindy, but I get called the Best Aunt in the World! She told me last night that she has had many"Mommies and Daddies", but she's never had an Auntie before. I'll admit my heart about burst. God, I love that girl.

Oh, I almost forgot, Emma already made a new friend Granny's granddaughter, Regina. Granny was picking up a new batch of jams for the diner. It's a new partnership with the diner, to incorporate the local co-op. The diner purchases all of its needs from the community and in the process having extras on hand for the community to purchase. It cuts down on the need to rely on the bigger grocery stores. I am ecstatic, I have increased my sales by 50% and with my bookkeeping for a couple of smaller companies, I am doing very well.

Granny brought the cutest little brunette, who also happens to be the same age as Emma. Regina's had a hard couple of years too. Her mother just up and left one day. She chased a movie producer back to Los Angeles. He was scouting the town for a movie location but ended up filming in Canada where it was cheaper. Henry, Regina's father has taken it quite hard. Eugenia or Granny moved them both in to keep tabs on the little family.

Emma unloaded the groceries from her car and made her way into the house. She could hear a saw whirring through wood somewhere outside the house. This was the new window installation week, which meant Regina was up on the second floor.

She put the last of the food away and ventured up the stairs to get a peek at the windows. She could tell the same windows remained in Ingrid's room so she checked the next closed door. The bathroom window was sparkling and new. It was a beveled stain glass window that Emma had been able to have custom made. No one could see in, but the sun would light up the room with its rays and prismatic rainbows. It was framed by a fresh unpainted and aromatic wood frame.

"Cool," Emma shut the door and crossed the hall to open her bedroom door.

"Emma!" Regina flung the red leather bound book across Emma's bed, "this isn't what it looks like!" Regina covered her eyes with her hand, bowing her head in shame.

"It looks like you got caught reading my Aunt's journal," Emma chuckled.

"Ok," Regina looked up at Emma, redness spreading across her face, "maybe it does look like what it looks like."

Emma walked in front of Regina and leaned against the dresser. She crossed her arms and fixed Regina with a raised eyebrow, "alright, explain."

"I promise, I just came in here to double check the measurements. The window company sent a couple of wrong windows and I knew I didn't make a mistake so I... Anyway, I saw Ingrid's journal lying here and... I really miss her." She looked up catch Emma relaxing her arms and sitting down beside her to listen.

"Ingrid told me that she would write in her journal when she was lonely. It gave her a sense of grounding and made her feel more connected. I wanted to be connected to her again," a silent tear trailed down Regina's cheek. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to pry or snoop."

"Hey, don't worry about it. You can read her journal anytime. I just got a kick out of your, "Oh, shit!" face." Emma pulled Regina into a hug, "I actually just came across it, myself."

"Um, how far have you read?" Regina asked drying her tears.

"Oh, well, not very far. Why?"

Regina shook her head, "I was just curious. If you ever want to talk about anything you read or really anything, I'm here."

"Thanks, Regina. I really appreciate that. It's been a long time since I have had a friend."

"Emma," Regina said chuckling and grabbing Emma's hand, " your friends have always been here, just waiting for you to let us in again."