"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."

-Marilyn Monroe


First off, I am SO sorry it took so long for me to post anything. School and work have been a total bitch and I've been so overwhelmed that I completely forgot about this chapter until just now. I hope you guys can be understanding of that. If I post a chapter and it's been sometime before an ACTUAL chapter is up, then don't take it as me trying to troll you guys. I thought I could get a chapter in but I got sidetracked by more important things. So, to make up for the wait I put you guys through, I'm allowing you guys to give some truth on what you think of the story so far. It can be whatever you think needs improvement, what you think should be added - whatever! I don't care! My brain's totally fried.

MCU isn't mine. I own my characters and the plots I put in.

For any of you who've seen THOR: RAGNAROK, what'd you think of it? I thought it was very refreshing, compared to the first two THOR movies. Definitely funnier than I thought it'd be. Leave your thoughts on whether you liked it or not or if you're going to see it and you're excited.

I'll wrap this up.

Thanks guys.
