So i hope you all enjoy this first chapter. I really wanted to make this kind of tie-in to "Lincoln's origin"as well as answer some things about that.

1. It will have a happy ending. Don't get me wrong things will get rough and their definetly be some carry on into more stories, but things will definitely finish good.

2. I saw a lot of people had a problem with the way Lincoln's sisters were in the latest chapter. I meant to portray it more as them not wanting to not have someone who would do their stuff with them and always be their to help them out but I guess I messed up when I wrote it. Still Like I said just wait till next chapter.

3.I saw a review was left by Yellowpickman88 and I have to say...I'm a fan. Loud house woodshock was one of the fics that inspired me to write Loud house fanfiction and i'm glad to see the review.

Disclaimer: The loud house is owned by Chris Savino and Nickelodeon. I own none of the properties, characters, or ideas, described in this story. Any references to any other characters or media in this story are attributed to their creators and not owned by me. I own nothing. This story is solely for entertainment and should not be treated as canon.

In a small city, people were peacefully walking down the streets. Cars were honking, the sun was shining and everyone was just enjoying their day.

"Royal Woods Michigan. A nice small town. Low crime rate, good schools, and pretty much just a good place to live."

BOOM! Out of nowhere a massive explosion occurred. The entire street was bathed in dust and smoke. As the smoke cleared, a massive shadow grow over top of the people. Looming above them was a gargantuan black humanoid lizard creature. It roared at the ground, terrifying the people below and making them flee in fear.

"Except for that."

The creature began to walk down the street, crushing cars beneath its mighty feet. The people within quickly evacuated their vehicles lest they be crushed inside their flimsy machines.

"Ever since a massive explosion of energy from space, this city has gone from being a nice place to live to being voted "Weirdest city in America". Giant monsters, super villains, and just general insanity have just become everyday in this city."

Inside one car was a small child struggling to remove her seat belt. Tears began to flow from her eyes as she saw the approaching sight of the creatures enormous foot. She tugged and pulled at her seat belt with all her might but she couldn't manage to remove it from the clip. Suddenly, all the light in the car was eclipsed by the beast's foot. The little girl looked up and closed her eyes, fearing this was the end.

Then BAM! Faster then the eye could see, a streak of pure white light smashed straight into the monster's chest, knocking it backwards and preventing it from crushing the car.

"Luckily this city has something that most others don't.

Levitating in an aura of the white energy was a child no older than 6 with her hands on her hips and a wide grin on her face. She had short blonde hair and was wearing a pink bodysuit covered in shiny gems, with a pink and white cape. Atop her head sat a shining tiara and across her waist was a white belt with a pink uppercase L at the center. With the smile on her face it could be clearly seen she was missing her two front teeth.

"Never fear, Princess is here!" She proclaimed proudly.

"That's right. We've got superheroes."

Angry at being hit the beast rose to it's feet and tried to repeatedly swat away the sparkly super heroine but she simply dodged out the way, a trail of light following her when she flew.

"Little miss glitter up there is Princess AKA Lola Loud. She's basically a tiny energy generator. Flight, super-speed, energy bursts, the whole package. But don't let the catchphrase and the shiny costume fool you. She's not very modest. She's been practicing her superhero pose for weeks."

While the titanic monstrosity attempted to stomp the hero, the little girl sat in the car, focused on the fight taking place over her head. She was startled when she felt the car suddenly begin to rise and feared another beast had arrived. Looking down she saw another superhero lifting the vehicle. This one was much older, around 13, with brown hair in a ponytail. She wore a red and white suit with armored pads on her elbows and knees, a helmet with a chin strap, and an L belt, only her L was red.

"Don't worry kid I've got you." Said the hero. She held up the car and carried it in the opposite direction from the battle.

"Lynn Loud AKA Athlete. Powers are pretty simple. Superhuman strength, speed, and endurance. She's basically a super jock. If it requires being strong or hitting something, she's your girl."

Up in the air, Princess was zipping around the monsters mighty paws as she bombarded the beast with energy blasts. Enraged, the beast slapped it's hands together creating a shockwave that flung her miles away.

No longer burdened by the small pest, the creature turned around and found itself slammed in the face by one of the few intact cars. Hurt and confused, it looked around until it spotted a small figure on the ground. This one was another blonde, about 17, wearing a light blue suit and unlike the other two wore a sleek ovular mask around her eyes. On her waist was an L belt with her corresponding color.

"Big mistake freakshow. Nobody hurts my sibling but me!" She turned to look at another surviving car and held out her palm. Both her hand and the car glowed with light blue light as she hurled the vehicle at the beasts face. She began pelting the monster with cars.

"Lori Loud AKA Control freak. Just don't call her that to her face because she hates it. She tried to get people to call her telekimistress, but when your super bossy and your super powers telekinesis it's just not gonna happen."

Annoyed by the hail of cars, the monster raised its foot to stomp the human into paste, but when its foot was an inch from the heroe's head, it found it couldn't manage to get its foot all the way down. Upon closer observation, a yard of what appeared to be a white and black striped rope was tied around its foot. Following the rope, the source was revealed to be the arm of another browned haired girl, this one was about 14, standing on the roof of a building. She wore a yellow suit with a black and white ruffle around her neck, a line of buttons going down her chest, a big red fake nose on hers, and black and white stripes on her arms and legs, one of her arms was now stretched like rubber around the monsters foot. On her waist her L was a bright banana yellow.

"Oops, sorry for trying to wrap this up, but I saw you were trying to end this show with a SQUISH instead of a BANG! HAHAHAHAHA Get it?"

"The living rubberband is Luan Loud AKA The April Fool. Super Stretchy body, super rubbery limbs, and super Lame puns."

The monster raised its fist to smash the jokester, but once again found its limb restrained, this time from a length of string. On the opposite building was another blonde hero, her arms outstretched commanding the fabric that was being pulled from the multicolored spools of thread that hung on her belt in two rows surrounding her Cyan L. Her suit was essentially the same as the others.

"Don't worry Lori, we've got you." She called down to the Control Freak.

"Leni, I keep telling you not to use our real names!"

"But you just used mine."

"Dang it!"

"That is Leni Loud AKA Tailor. I gotta admit, the power to control fabrics is way less lame then I thought it would be. While Leni might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, with that power she might as well be a genius."

Angered at being bound, the monster pulled with all it's might, tugging both heroines off their respective buildings to the ground into Control Freak. All three became tangled in a mix of Fool's limbs and Tailors strings.

"Guess we got a bit tied up huh?" The Fool nervously joked. The other two groaned.

Finally free from the humans attempting to stop it, the beast once again attempted to stomp the bound heroines into the ground, but found its foot colliding with nothing but the ground. Confused, the beast looked and saw the ball of super beings getting dragged away by what appeared to be a clawed hand made of pure darkness. As it followed it didn't notice an 8 year old girl hiding in an ally directing the hand with her own hand covered in pure shadows. She was wrapped in a black cloak and hood with a skull clasp, underneath of which she wore a black bodysuit just like the others with a black L belt.

"Lucy Loud AKA Night. Lucy's power to manipulate shadows was basically her dream-or should I say nightmare-come true. She originally wanted to be the princess of darkness, but Lola made sure everyone knew there was only one princess on the team."

Following the orb of captured supers, the beast attempted to grab it with its jaw when it was assaulted by a by a blast of high powered sound. The source was a sixteen year old browned haired girl standing on the sidewalk bearing a guitar. She wore a black leather jacket decorated with spikes over her purple suit and bruise colored L belt. Around her neck was what looked like a mix between a spiked dog collar and a high tech microphone.

"Aw, whats the matter mate? Not Liken' me song? Well have a listen to this!" She shredded her guitar while at the same time letting out a high note which came out as a hypersonic shriek. The monster found itself pinned to the ground by the waves of noise.

"Luna Loud AKA Rocker. Luna and her power fit like a glove. She loves music and with the power to manipulate sound I can definitely say her music has never sounded the same."

Trembling, the creature attempted to pull itself off the ground and attack when it saw its body was slowly becoming encased in a metallic liquid covered in green circuitry lines. It struggled to escape but eventually found itself encased in the now hardening substance up to it's head.

On the ground, the three heroines, with the help of Night and Athlete who had returned after getting the car to safety, had managed to get themselves untangled and now stood united to face the beast. When they saw the threat was encased in the metallic substance, they looked around until they saw an intelligent looking 4-year old riding down the street on a hover scooter made of the same substance. She wore a labcoat over a green bodysuit and L belt. On her face was a green clear visor and on her wrists were gauntlets that were dispensing the nano machines.

"Lisa Loud AKA Brainy. Lisa was the one most against us being supeheroes, saying "these abilities should be studied for science" but now look at her. Her powers just made her smarter than she already was but with her super-super smarts she ended up inventing that nano ooze. It can become pretty much anything she can think of and with a brain as big as hers, that's a lot of stuff.

"Now that you escaped you're entrapment perhaps we can defeat this colossal reptile and protect our home?"

The team all bore blank looks.

"Let's kick that things butt already!" She gestured behind the team. "Pet, if you would be so kind?"

The person she was referring to was another 6 year old. She looked exactly like princess but her suit and L were blue, lacked sparkles, her hands were covered in thick brown gloves, she had on a red cap, and around her waist was a utility belt. She was surrounded by a black cat, a black and white dog, a frog, a canary, and a hamster in a clear ball, all wearing blue suits. Cliff, Charles, Hops, Walt, and Geo.

"It would be my pleasure." She growled. She was going to pound this thing for what it had done to her twin. She removed her glove and placed her bare hand on the dogs back. There was a flash of light and the dog grew to the size of a small truck with his fangs and claws much longer and sharper. The girl climbed onto his back and mushed him forward. The dog bound to the monster, still on the ground being hit by rockers blast, and launched itself into the monsters face with a roar.

"Lana Loud AKA Housepet. Of all of us, I think Lana enjoys her powers the most. She can make her pets as big and strong as she want's and together they kick serious butt."

Control freak pressed a device in her ear. "Link you ready?" She asked.

"You bet Lori"

The team glared up the beast currently contending with their younger sister and pet canine.


With that the team charged, prepared to battle this beast for their city.

" Together they are the L Force. The greatest super team the world has ever seen."

"And then there's me"

In a metal room was a circle of computers, screens, and high tech devices. Sitting in the middle was an 11-year old in an orange T-shirt and blue jeans. He was currently looking at a monitor bearing the video feed of the battle downtown. To the rest of the world these people were superheroes, but to him they were just his sisters.

"Okay guys, let's do this." He said excitedly.

"Yep, that's me. Lincoln Loud AKA Link. I know real creative, but when you're basically a talking voice in someone's ear a codename isn't all that important. And before you even ask, yes I have powers too. Just not the stopping robbers or fighting monsters kind."

Observing the battle his brain began to calculate powers, battle strategy, and team tactics which he saw as being green arrows pointing towards different places and people

"Okay Lisa, keep that thing encased in nano goo as long as you can. Luna keep it down! Don't let him get up and make sure the others have plenty of opportunity to attack! Lana..."

"Lisa says my power is a kind of Enhanced perception. I can see and plan ahead for all sorts of stuff but since my power can't help punch monsters in the face I'm here doing this.

Control Freak threw another car. Athlete grabbed a manhole and slammed it into the monsters nose. Brainy created a ram with her nano tech and smashed it into the creatures face. Fool blew her fist to the size of a boat and socked the beast. Tailor lashed it with whips of fabric. Houseper and Charles tore into it, and Rocker kept blasting waves of sound.

"So yeah, this is pretty much my job. Lori may be the leader but I am the man with the plan. And my plan's always come through."

On the screen, the creature gave a mighty roar and shattered Brainy's barrier. It grabbed Housepet and Charles and threw them into Rocker. it once again pounded its hand together to create a shockwave that sent the team flying

"Except when they don't"

"Link, what do we do." Athlete asked worriedly.

Lincoln scrambled. He looked around trying to think of anything they could do to stop the monster when he noticed something on a sonar scanner. Something was quickly approaching the battle. Something fast. Something small.

Lincoln smirked.

"Luan, Leni use your powers and tie up that things legs as tight as you can!"

"What'll that do?" Asked Control Freak.

"Just trust me!"

He watched as Fool and Tailor wound their arm and thread respectively around the creatures legs. The beast's motions became much more jerky and clumsy.

Lincoln gulped. Just a few more seconds...

Back at the fight, the team was panicking. They were mostly standing back letting Tailor and Fool do their thing, but none of them could understand Lincoln's plan. The monster was beginning to snap Leni's thread and Luan's arms were beginning to weaken.

The monster bent over, preparing to swipe at the team-.

And for the second time that day was smashed into by Princess!

The titanic lizard fell to the ground and before it could recover was hit by a massive energy burst!

Had it been able to turn around it would have seen a disheveled Lola glaring at it in anger, her eyes pure white and sparking off energy.

"YOU...MESSED UP...MY COSTUME!" Fueled by anger, she released a blinding column of energy! When it cleared, the first thing anyone saw was Princess standing triumphantly over the downed monster.

Slowly people gathered around and cheered at yet another victory for the L force.

The team gathered around the creature, Brainy preparing the injured beast for transport, basking in the glory of having won the day again.

Back in the room Lincoln simply stared at the screen, watching his sisters soak up the glory and be congratulated on their heroics.

"And again The L Force has saved the day. Awesome."

Okay time for the superfluous authors notes that give tons of unnecessary details. For each loud I wanted a name and powers that suited them and their style kinda like hero academia.

Lola-Princess-I wanted Lola's power to be really big and flashy. The idea is that she manipulates starlight for energy bursts and super-speed but that comes up later. The gems on her suit are made to contain all her destructive energy powers. The cape is just to add flash and look cool. Just for reference, she doesn't have super strength. She just hit the monster going crazy fast covered in radiation.

Lynn-Athlete-For Lynn I saw a captain america type character. Her powers aren't super complex but she might use them in ways people don't see coming. The helmet and pads are basically to cushion her cause being the strong one means she takes a ton of big hits.

Lori-Control Freak-When I was coming up with Lori's name I envisioned scenes were she reads the comic and gets annoyed at her characters superhero name so I thought it would be fun to do that in-universe too. The mask around her face is made to help focus her telekinesis. Much like a real control freak she has trouble controlling what she can't see.

Luan-April Fool- I at first thought of Luan being a Joker type character with lots of joke gadgets but then I realized that would make the origin too complicate, so I just gave her the funniest sounding superpower. I see her as being a spiderman like character who is constantly making bad jokes.

Leni-Tailor-Leni's power are of the "Heart" Variety or their more useful for a specific person than just anyone. Fashion is the one thing Leni knows best and the spools of thread around her waist have all sorts of different uses from being fireproof to having high tensile strength. I also have the headcannon that Leni and Lisa work together to make all the costumes and Leni makes them look good and be useful to their siblings whereas Lisa provides the necessary supplies.

Lucy-Night- No deep explenation here. Lucy's whole thing is darkness. Like that guy from Hero academia her cloak helps prevent too much sunlight because too much light makes it difficult to use her powers.

Luna-Rocker-Luna's power is sound, sound blasts and Screech attacks. She could probably use it to remove sound in an area but that's just not her style. She has a high tech rock choker to focus her power and though it wasn't mentioned, ear buds to protect her ears from her powers.

Lisa-Brainy-For the name I couldn't think of anything that original. Lisa's power is she is just even smarter than in the show and while that doesn't sound impressive it basically means instead of being Einstein she's now more Hank Pym minus the insanity. The nano goo she uses is because I wanted all the younger Louds to have really offense based powers to make up for the fact that their just little girls. I also like the idea that they have a kind of forcefield tech in the suits that reduces damage. The goo would look sorta like a silver version of Upgrade from Ben 10.

Lana-Housepet- I wanted Lana to have a power related to animals and I felt like talking to them was too cliche. I once again got the idea from ben 10, its sorta like what doctor animo does but less disturbing. The gloves are so she doesn't effect any animal she touches.

Lincoln-Link- I originally had him planned out to have no powers to represent his lack of a talent but then i realized that's unfair. Lincoln has skills their just not as showy as his sisters and I wanted his power to reflect that. At this point he's just mission control, the guy who handles their computers and stuff.

In-universe instead of their names, Lincoln will probably put fake names for their characters, but I didn't want to do that. This is basically how it would be.