A/N: Okay, so this is my first time writing a self-insert fanfiction and my first time delving into the Young Justice universe. I hope this story is good and ya'll enjoy it! I will try very hard not to make a Mary Sue character but if she starts going that way, please let me know! I will definitely make the necessary adjustments where needed.

Also, just so it's in the open and everyone knows this right off the bat, I am a full-time worker and usually get a lot of overtime as well. I love to write but I also love my job so while I promise to continue updating it may not be as regular as other writers on this site. I just ask for you to please stick with me!

And finally, I own nothing recognizable in this story, I'm just playing around for a little while.

For the first sixteen years of my life, I was happy. I had friends, a loving family, a job and I never went hungry or homeless. I wasn't rich or very popular but I was old enough by that point to understand none of that mattered as long as I was happy. And I was. Truly.

I loved and laughed and found things I was passionate about. One of those things –and please, don't laugh –was Batman. Yes, I was a total nerd and absolutely obsessed with the Caped Crusader and his "Bat Family" as many so affectionately called the many Robins and Batgirls who joined the crusade. One member of this family in particular was my absolute favorite though. Richard Grayson. The first Robin. Later called Nightwing, son of the late Mary and John Grayson of the Flying Grayson's in Haley's Circus. Both were killed by a mobster, Tony Zuco, because he wanted money the circus wouldn't provide. Anyway, his story and his character were always so…amazing. His parents were killed, in front of him, and he still managed to be a sassy, optimistic hero as he grew up. It was astounding. And the way he made Batman more human, well it was fantastic. So yeah, I had a bit of a fangirl crush on him. It helped that he was rather attractive in every version of him I found.

Anyway, I'm getting slightly off topic here but knowing about my obsession will make all of this a little easier to understand. You're probably starting to wonder why my story even matters at this point. Well, I'll tell you: I died. That's right, you heard me, I died. It was a freak accident. I was coming home from work and a wrong way driver slammed into my car and well, there goes my life and everything I've ever known. Poof.

Growing up, I always believed in Heaven and an afterlife and seeing all my lost loved ones again. I mean, it just made sense to me. But…that's not what happened and my dying is actually where this story starts. So buckle up, because there's a lot to cover.

It's short, I know. But it's just a prologue and I promise the other chapters won't be as short. I should have the next one up pretty soon though, I have about a chapter and a half written already! Please, reviews are welcome and I'm more than open to a little constructive criticism. I know there's always room to improve, so please, let me know what you think!

Until next time,
