Adrien stood patiently in the hallway. His mother told him that she was going to take him to this place with her.

Mother came storming out of Father's study.

"Adrien, come on we're leaving." She told him, her green eyes shining like she was a locked up animal.

"Yes Mother."

"You can't take him away! He is the face of the Company! Adele!" Father yelled standing on the staircase.

"Shut up Gabriel. He is leaving." Mother snapped, blond hair swishing as she walked.

Adrien furrowed his eyebrows, but before he could speak, Mother had grabbed his arm and dragged him to her car, Adrien's suitcase in tow.

Adrien put his suitcase in the trunk and noticed that Mother didn't have hers. He got in the shotgun seat.

"Mother . . .?" Adrien asked.

"Gabriel does not care for you. I'm taking you someplace where you will be cared for. No it's not the orphanage or a family relative. It's a camp. Camp Miraculous." Mother told him, handing Adrien a ring with green paw in the center, after driving out of the driveway.

"What is this?" Adrien asked.

"A present from your real father. Gabriel isn't your real father. Your real father wanted you to have this. He had insisted on going to this camp since the minute you opened your eyes." Mother said.

"Father isn't my . . ." Adrien

"Don't call Gabriel that."

"Gabriel isn't my father. Who is?" Adrien asked.

"It's not my place to say."


"Master Fu will tell you. He is the Camp's director."

Adrien sat back and tried to process this information.

They passed the outskirts of Paris quickly.

Adrien stared at the ring confused. "Honey I want you to PUT that ring on once you're in camp." Mother said.

"Why didn't Dad stay with us? Didn't he love us?" Adrien asked. "Oh Adrien. He loved us very much. But your fatfathDr always had bad luck. One day I got a phone call. It was the hospital. He had been in a car crash, and died." Mother said tearing up.

"And why are you taking me to this place now?"

"Because I was stubborn. Selfish. I wanted to keep you close and look where that left us. With a man who only tolerates my son for his looks." Mother laughed bitterly.

Adrien nodded, not quite understanding.

Adrien played with the ring for about five seconds when a bone shaking explosion erupted, and then everything went black with his mother's and his own screams in his ears.

A/N- I love cliffhangers if you haven't noticed. will post chapter two next Saturday. sorry for it being short, but not sorry for the cliffhanger