"Ezra, stop. Please this isn't you" Sabine yelled as she fought Saber to Saber with the man she had once loved so long ago. "that name means nothing to me, the name will mean nothing to me as it hasn't for the past 15 years I am Darth Ares the 12th brother" He Snapped. As she fought with him she back peddled towards the location of the ship, aware of how much of a one-sided fight this was in favour of Ezra. "Ezra please" begging that he would snap out of trance, but she knew he wouldn't, he was consumed 15 years ago by the Dark Side after the ill fate of his master and farther figure Kanan Jarrus. In desperation, she pulled out he blaster and aimed at him knowing full well that it would do no damage in a blind bid to buy herself time. As she turned the corner a lone masked figure in colourful Mandalorian Armour ran to her aid.

Sabine's POV

"Mira No" I yelled as she approached I held out my hand backwards to push her away from him, "but... but his gonna…" she stuttered "no buts Mira, back to the ship…". "oh come now, aren't you going to introduce me to the young lady. Ms Wren" Ezra Sarcastically stated. Squinting my eyes, I bared my own into his, taking in the ever-present yellow that had replaced the electric blue that I had adored about him when I was younger "she's my daughter Ezra". A deafening silence followed the reveal. I was unsure of what scared me more, the fact that he now knew my secret or the fact that he made no motion to attack. I looked at his face for answers but only found a blank and emotionless gaze. "and who is the unlucky father" he chuckled as he swung the red blade down towards my head. Barely deflecting it and the following blow I tried to hold my ground but to no avail Breathlessly I tried to answer "she's…" but before I could finish I blocked his blow only to be pushed a few meters back and stumbled to the ground. As I lay on the ground he approached and by using the force he pulled the DarkSaber towards himself.

As he reactivated it holding his red inquisitor blade in his right and the Dark Saber in his left he slowly approached me as he got ready to swing down with the killing blow I closed my eyes unable to watch my own death and screamed "she's your daughter Ezra" and braced for the blackness of death. But it never came. I didn't feel the short pain in my body, or the cry of my daughter instead all I heard was the snap as the two sabers deactivated and what sounded like a mumbled "what" from Ezra.

Ezra's POV

"she's your daughter Ezra!" Sabine cried. I mumbled out a silent "what" as I tried to collect my thoughts. "you lie" I yell at her as she starts to open her eyes and stare up at me from her knew slanted position. "Ezra… I" she starts to whisper but I cut her off "you lie. You lie I-I can't have a daughter. She can't be my daughter. As if to prove to myself I glance up at the figure and point at her "she can't be my daughter!" the figure jumps and takes an awkward half step back in shock, as if she had not heard the conversation.

Slowly the figure who I assumed to be named Mira. Moved her hands to her head and started to remove her mask. Taking in her facial features I realise that she is indeed my daughter or at least the daughter of a Lothalian with similar features to me. Soaking in the latest information I start to process what I see, the girl looks to be no older than 13 years old, she has the same electric blue eyes as me or at least on her right side as her eyes are brown on her left. She also has the same dark shade of blue that although not uncommon on Lothal, it is extremely rare for people from other planets to have. Staring at the young girl in front of me I drop both the lightsabers in shock.

Sabines POV

I heard a loud thud and look down from Ezra to realise that he had dropped both weapons, glancing back up I notice that he has redirected his gaze from Mira to his hands "im-impossible" I hear him stutter as he collapses to the ground now resting on both of his knees. Still not looking away from his hands "Sabine… what have I done", I only now notice that his eyes have turned from the frighting yellow orbs to his static blue. He falls forward now on all fours staring at the ground he starts to tear up and continues to mutter a cycle of "I have a daughter" or "what have I done".

"Ezra. I" but before I could continue he cuts me off. "Sabine. I'm a monster". I truly start to take in his weak form, he is stuttering, shivering and a small puddle of tears has started to form underneath him. Rushing forward I embrace him in a deathly tight hug and feel the crock of my neck and shoulder starting to dampen as his head collapses. We stay there for what felt like an eternity before I hear the all too familiar beats of multiple feet hitting the ground as stormtroopers start to approach our position. Mira starts to shake my free shoulder whispering into my ear "mum we need to go the buckets heads are coming". Ezra moves his head up to face mine and cups my cheek, I grasp his hand longing to feel his warmth there for years. And I knew what he was say.

"Sabine, you need to leave". Just because I knew he was going to say it doesn't mean I had to accept it. I vigorously shake my head at him "no. No we can't leave. You can't leave me, not now", he moved his hand down to my chin and moved my head so he could look into my eyes. His kisses my forehead before returning to meet my gaze. "honey, I forgot how much I loved you, how much I missed your presence every moment we were separated, I was consumed by the darkness inside of me, my hatred and need for revenge dismayed me from how much you meant to me, please leave, live for me, live to protect our beautiful little girl, teach her right from wrong, I will make it back to you. I promise. But can you do that for me until that time?" I stare at him in awe "y-yes I can, I will do it, for you… I- I love you", he stares at me one last time. "good" he reaches up and kisses my forehead again before he presses my forehead against my own, we stay there for a few moments until Mira pulls on my shoulders and forces me to get up and run. As I flee I take one last glance back and he is facing away from us but has his head cocked towards us "I love you. may the force be with you" he yells after us. As we reach the blast doors as they start to close my last image of him is with his back towards us and him ripping his lightsaber from his left hip into his right hand and the blade activating at a downwards slope as the stormtroopers fill up the hallway and begin to fire.