See Soon enough the Longbottom family excused themselves. Hermione knew they were trusted but she couldn't bring herself to talk about her memory in front of everyone mainly because it was only about Harry. Maybe it was her magic telling her this . She didn't know but it felt right to speak the James , Lily and Sirius first.

They all stood to bid the Longbottom's goodbye and it was unspoken to take care and set the wards.

Hermione said," there is something I need to speak about. It is a vivid memory that resurfaced while I was sleeping .it was from my past .. I mean the future."

Hermione sat down to explain the memory about the shop and the lady's words. It was so very real. The pain was evident on the faces of the three present. The implication that Harry was the Lady Magic's own. He was her gift to the mortals.

Lily felt her heart break for her little boy who had to suffer in the future but she was thankful to every deity for letting Mia undo every wrong and write it again.

Beyond everything her son had to suffer it was the knowledge that her own sister's treatment toward her child. Like that saying the straw that broke the camel's back , this knowledge marked the end of any relationship she wanted with the last surviving member of her family. She made up her mind about the course of action she intended to take.

Slowly she spoke" I think we should go into Diagon Alley and see if we can locate the place, if it's meant to be , we will find it. But other than that, I need to do something urgently , call it insurance but I need to ward my sister's house in such a way no magical being can find her or that lard she calls husband.

Even if something happened to us in the near future, I will not have my baby put in her care."

James was ready to protest , he had no interest in interacting with Lily's sister and her husband, but like she said they needed to make sure no one knew where they were.,so he nodded slowly.

Lily said" I can take Sirius with me because I need some help in make the ward perfect , he is the warding expert. Meanwhile, I think you and Mia can go down to Diagon Alley. I don't think taking Harry out would be a good idea. So once you come back i can have everything ready and go there."

Hermione said" sounds perfect Lily. Even I think it's best Harry stays behind the wards in Potter Manor. Also I feel a modification on fidulius charm will work for you. It's a Black variant which essentially makes you forget where the warded property is. Even if someone uses the address or locate charm it won't work . I learned it for warding the tent in the 7th year,while we were on the run."

Sirius looked at her wide eyed and said" that is extremely difficult and exhausting to cast alone. I had suggested it to Dumbledore for the Potter cottage for them to hide , but he said it was too dark as it required blood,"

James felt angry " of course , he would reject the idea because he preferred the useless version which essentially would help his plans."

Lily said "I think that's the best one then. Sirius can you help me . How much time would you need to create it ?"

"Not much we would required four ward stones and magical siphon to recharge the stone in order to charge the stone ove the course of years . I should have some crystals in my vaults which we can use but will have to get some ward stone."

Lily nodded and said " I am sure we can do it and complete the initial work here and use the ambient magic to charge the stone intially and since Tuney is a squib it will be charge in her house albeit slower than if was near a magic person."

Lily bit her lips in thought and continued " Could you pick up the items while you are in the Alley James , I rather someone is always with Harry . I trust the eleves but I will not be able to concentrate if I leave him alone here."

James nodded and said " Yes it's not safe to take him out there, especially when Dumbledore has this weird interest in taking him away . Also I think I will stay here with you. Mia can you go with Padfoot. He needs to check the bank too."

Hermione nodded. Her heart was beating like crazy. She chided herself "now is not the time to play out your fancy for Harry's godfather."

Hermione started to get up " I will get ready and meet you in the foyer." She nodded to James and Lily and prayed to every deity that they won't notice her blush .

Once she left James turned to Sirius and said " I trust you with my life but if you hurt my sister, I will be your worst nightmare."

Sirius just nodded and replied "marauder's honor prongs. She is you sister I agree but she is more to me than that . I don't know exactly how to explain this but she is my chosen one. My soulmate..!! Or at least that's what can be inferred from the reaction of the family magics. I felt my magic flare from the minute I met her. She hold mine and my families future in her hands at this moment. I promise you that I intend to do right by her."

James looked shocked by his heartfelt speech. Lily simply smiled and got up and hugged him and said " Never thought I would say this, but I am proud of you Sirius. It take lot of courage to take up your family name and bring it back to the place of honour which you want and as you friend I will stand behind you."

Sirius hugged her back and smiled at James . Their lives had changed dramatically over the period of 48 hours and it was finally time to grow up and accept the reality. They were responsible of their names and families magics. They were the deciding factors of their legacy and prestige. The black family legacy of Always Pure , he was going to take it back and mould it for purity of magic and honor not just blood. Determined he stood up and said " well Prongs it time to make our ancestors proud of us. Like Augusta Longbottom said our families were the pillars of the society, it's high time we put those back in place."

James smiled and stood up "well said Padfoot . It is surely time."

Hermione watched this from the door and smiled to herself, her being here had changed a lot of things. She promised herself that she will work hard to help her brother and his best friend to achieve their aims and in all this she will have her revenge against Dumbledore, Snape and the Weasley bitch.


Sirius walked up to her and offered his arm and said " Shall we, My Lady."

She laughed and replied " Yes, dear sir."

James rolled his eyes while Lily giggled at the sight, soon Sirius and Hermione were on the way out.

James asked Lily if Harry was sleeping and she replied that she was in the nursery and his nanny elf was with him.

"Well my lily flower , what do you want to do ?"

Lily raised one eyebrow at the tone. " well dear husband , I have work to complete and research to do, why don't you run outside and make your self busy."

" or maybe we can do some research together, what do you think ??" He asked as he walked towards her.

Lily moved back till she quickly broke into a run .

James laughed and ran behind her straight into the library.

He caught her and apprated with her directly to the master bedroom.

" now you are trapped." He said

" or maybe I am exactly where I want to be." She said hugging him.

They were soon lost in their love and need to lost in one other.

Meanwhile , Hermione was clinging to dear life on the motorcycle sitting behind Sirius . Her fear of heights had returned and she was litterally stuck to Sirius. She just prayed they would reach soon.

He quickly parked the bike in the alley near the entrance and hit the shrink button and pocketed his bike..

Hermione was watching him through all this. She could help but admire the image he was putting forward. He well built man and was mainly muscles than fat and his face had an aristocratic charm to it. And she couldn't help pity the women who swooned after him because his grey eyes were to die for . All this while she saw him he always dressed in leather and T-shirt's and some statement accessories like a ringlet bracelet with a "M" and had a dog, wolf and stag around it. He did made a amazing view.

She was lost in thought when he asked " enjoying the view kitten, I know I am." He gave her a rakish smile which did funny things to her inside.

She just smiled and turn toward the entrance.

He walked quickly toward her ignoring the staring and whispers .. he did expect it .. he asked her in a low voice "do you know where we need to go."

She shook her head saying no , she felt a shimmer of magic, a pull " I think magic is guiding me right now, we should go."

She started walking forward like in a trance and Sirius went along with his hand on the small of her back . She get the warmth of his hand and felt a sense of comfort and safety.

As she made a turn near Gringotts she saw the shop and broke into a run with Sirius in pursuit. Once they entered they looked around the shop filled with books from top to bottom. It was just as dusty and dingy as she saw in her dream.

" ahhh.. you have returned ..!!!!"

Both of jumped a mile and turned with their wands raised.

The old lady smiled at their expressions and stance.

" you don't need to worry about your safety her my star and raven."

Hermione and Sirius looked at each other and shrugged and lowered the wand , Sirius held it out anyways.

Hermione said " I saw a dream ... I think it was a dream or rather a memory .. about ..."

The lady smiled " My dear, it's is a memory and a dream .. you may call it whatever you need , it's not the nature but what the message it contained should be considered important."

" come along ,we can have a spot of tea and speak."

The lady walked through a door and the two of them followed her to a simple kitchen with a well worn table and three chairs .

Sirius asked " ehhh.. what do we call you ??"

The lady smirks and says " my name is of no importantance , you may call me Zelda for now. You need to listen to me patiently and ask me all your question after I finish speaking. I will start if you are agreeable."

Both of them nodded to the lady's suggestion.

"Harry , he is a very sweet boy . All his life's he has been pure, courageous, loyal and a warrior. He choose to be fate's hand on earth. His soul took the burden of being the light in this world for a long time. He swore to take the pain and suffering from the world on his person and pledged his happiness for other. Fate , magic , time and even death are humbled by his sacrifices and courage. He had been tortured, maimed and betrayed , yet never once has he complained , he continued with his destiny to make life better for everyone."

Hermione could feel the tears rolling down her cheeks ,every word the women said matched her Harry. He was always selfless and never asked for anything in return.

Hermione wanted to scream and rant about why he had to suffer . It was not fair.

The lady took a drink and continued, " yes my dear, it is not fair. Everyone knows that, and I think his last life with you was the straw that broke the camels back."

Smiling she said " Fate and Hecakte decided that he had suffered enough and need to be rewarded for his virtues and thus this life he will have everything he ever yearned for ."

Hermione nodded in understanding, " a family"

"Yes , my dear, that's all he has ever wished for. All I ask is , be his family , teach him, love him and help him achieve greatness, as much as I regret , he has many foes , who want to use him for his money, fame or his legacy."

Hermione and Sirius nodded.

The lady continued " now I leave you with 7 books. It's all the knowledge you require and the things you need to teach him. You can branch out from these . But this the core knowledge."

She extended a pack toward them, which they accepted and Sirius slipped it into his jacket's pocket.

Hermione raised an eyebrow in question and got a smile in return.

" my time here is done almost , I have one more thing to say my dears. The plans you are making will see fruit. Extend your hold across all avenues , for the real

enemies are strong and influential."

Hermione nodded in understanding and asked " is riddle really gone or is he in Albania."

The lady thought for a while and said " he is connected to this world through the vessels only, the sword did the trick as you assumed. It will be hard to retrieve them but you have enough resources to get it undetected."

Hermione frowned at that " what resources?"

The lady just smiled " now , I think I have said everything you need to know. Be careful and plan well. If you make a mistake , regroup and plan better. The future depends on you and what you do now."

Sirius just said " that's simple. No pressure."

" Now I think it's time you take your leave. May the Lady bless you and support you in all your tasks."

Sirius bowed to the lady , Hermione followed him and walked towards the door and just turned back to say a final goodbye but she was shocked to see that the lady was not there anymore.

Sirius turned and took her hand and pulled her lightly along . Their minds were full of the things they were informed about.

Once they left the shop , they could feel the magic shimmering out.

We should get the other purchases and go back before Prongs sends out a search party.

She smiled at him and nodded.