After leaving the restaurant, Lee and TenTen turned to head toward the cemetery.

On their way there, they spotted Naruto and Sakura, who were arguing loudly.

"Nar-ru-tooo," Sakura growled, glaring at him dangerously, "You know better than to encourage him. Teaching Konohamaru to be a pervert just like you isn't very becoming of a future leader of Konoha."

"Yeah, yeah…" said Naruto, rubbing the back of his head and scrunching up in face in annoyance. "I was just enjoying myself, for once."

"What the heck is that supposed to—"

"Hey, Sakura, Naruto," yelled Rock Lee, waving at them.

Relieved to be free of Sakura's scolding, Naruto waved back excitedly, exclaiming, "Bushy-Brow! TenTen! How's it goin'?!" And hurriedly walked over to them, leaving Sakura behind to watch him with an annoyed look on her face.

She soon followed after him, and smiled at Lee and TenTen, grabbing TenTen's hand and asking her more directly how she's been. TenTen nodded and smiled appreciatively.

"So, what are…you two…up to…" said Naruto, peering back and forth between the two, deviously, and peering down at the flowers in TenTen's hands.

Totally oblivious, Lee said, "We just came back from lunch and now we are heading over to the cemetery to visit Neji."

Naruto's face straightened, and he said very seriously, "Yes, today is the anniversary of his death. Hinata and I went by to see him earlier this morning."

TenTen and Sakura looked at one another benevolently, then Sakura said, "So, are those flowers for him, then?"

"Yes, Hinata said his favorite flowers were sunflowers," said TenTen, smiling sadly, looking down at the arrangement in her hands.

"TenTen picked out that arrangement. I think Neji will like it very much - it's very beautiful," said Lee with a crinkled smile in her direction.

Sakura considered him for a moment, smiling, and said, "yes, it's very beautiful."

"So…um…Sakura," said Lee, trying to ease the tension. "How is Sasuke?"

Sakura immediately blushed, and Naruto rolled his eyes slightly, but smiled in her direction. "Oh, he's Sasuke, you know. Last time he wrote me, he was somewhere over in Kusa, in a small village helping them rebuild homes."

"Really? I never pegged him as the kind of guy who would do something like that," said TenTen, smirking.

"He has changed," said Sakura, looking off toward Naruto for confirmation, who nodded firmly.

"Did he say anything about what he plans to do next," asked Lee.

"Well, he…"

As Sakura continued, TenTen peered over at Lee from the corner of her eye. She watched the way he looked at Sakura, nodding politely and occasionally commenting.

I wonder if he still loves her, she thought.

In the middle of her talk about Sasuke's advertures, Sakura noticed TenTen's eyes start to wander toward Lee. He didn't notice it, but Sakura did. She saw the way that TenTen looked at him, and couldn't help but smile inwardly as she thought, Ino was right, they do like each other…

"Well, Naruto, Sakura, it was a pleasure talking with you both. Sakura, when you write Sasuke again, tell him I said hello. TenTen, shall we continue onward," said Lee, smiling down at her softly.

"Sure, Lee. Naruto, Sakura, see you around," said TenTen, waving goodbye.

As they walk off, Sakura turns slightly to look in their direction, and sees Lee look at TenTen with that soft smile again. Sakura chuckled, causing Naruto to ask her what was funny.

"Oh, nothing. I was just thinking that those two ought to get together. They would make a cute couple," said Sakura, smiling contently.

Naruto snorted with laughter. "That's pretty much obvious to everyone, Sakura. I thought you might be laughing because you were thinking about what their kids might look like."

Sakura's eyes widened, then she bit her lower lip, trying not to laugh. "Oh, shut up, Naruto, that's not funny," she said, looking at him with half-hearted annoyance.

"You know it is, Sakura. But what I don't get," said Naruto, face screwing up in frustration, "is why would a girl like TenTen fall for an idiot like him? I mean, she could probably have any guy she wanted. She's pretty…strong…smart…she seems to do well financially…"

"I think, in TenTen's case, she's attracted to Lee because he's always motivated her to be her best self. To always strive to do better, become stronger, and persevere. And they share a deep bond because they both have made doing so their mantra," said Sakura, smirking at him. "That sounds a little familiar, doesn't it?"

Naruto stared at her with a confused look. "Huh," he said, eyebrow raising. "Sakura, what the heck are you talkin' about?"

"You're an idiot, Naruto," said Sakura, sighing with exhaustion.