Quite the Pair

Robert could hear the most gorgeous laughter coming from the foyer and coupled with the happy little barks and licking sounds it appeared he was right in his assumption his sweet chap Pharaoh had made a friend. He descends the stairs slowly, finding himself somewhat hypnotised by the dark- haired beauty with radiant blue eyes that was currently fussing his excitable little pup. "Oh hello." "Hello there puppy." "Oh! you're much more exciting than the party." She coos, stroking his face as he licks her. "And far more handsome than any of my suitors." "Oh! Hello lovely boy. I'm Cora."

She is wearing a midnight blue ball-gown with the softest looking velvet gloves, he has never felt envious of a dog but, now… Oh you lucky devil. Pharaoh. Robert grins before Pharaoh's barking at his presence gives him away and the beautiful woman looks up at him and smiles like she has caught him in the pantry scoffing biscuits. He feels his cheeks redden, he's blushing like a naughty schoolboy! "I see you've met Pharaoh." Robert chuckles warmly, when he reaches them giving the silly pup a scratch behind the ears for his good work, which gives the beautiful and bemused woman Cora a much-needed opportunity to straighten her gown which she does in barely a moment before grinning. "I have, but I don't think I've been introduced to his master." Cora says charmingly, extending a hand, Robert feels utterly captivated as she shakes it. "That's because his master was hiding." He grins, trying not to think about how soft her fingers feel as he introduces himself. "I'm Robert, Robert Crawley."

"Cora." She says with a gentle ease as their hands stop and drop to their prospective sides. "Cora Levinson." But, before he can add what a pleasure it is she surprises him completely by saying: "Can I let you boys in on a little secret?"

"Of course." Robert promises, already intrigued and amused by this stunning enigma of a woman. "We'll be the sole of discretion. Won't we my dearest little chap?" Cora sighs internally at the duos adorableness as she watches as Pharaoh absentmindedly weaves between his intrigued master and her, seemingly content to play cupid while eyeing the friendly butler who he knows will play with him when no one is around.

"I'm hiding as well." She gasps, as if relieved to get it all out. "I couldn't stand it in there. All these men, talking to me as if I'm a prize cow at the county fair. I told my mother I needed some air."

Robert feels awful for her, instinctively taking her arm as they walk in no particular direction, neither of them in a hurry to enter the ball-room yet, knowing they must at some point. "Well, I am glad Pharaoh and I could be of some assistance." He smiles, as the pup follows lazily behind. "You were perfect gentlemen."

Her face quirks curiously making her cheeks blush ever so sweetly, for a moment he wonders if he'd ever be lucky enough to kiss them. "So, Robert…" "You know my secret, now tell me yours." He knows her voice is playful but it is no less captivating. "It seems Miss Levinson, we had the same idea though, I suspect that seeing as Mama has thrown this entire affair in the hopes that I will marry the first woman I see to make pretty little heirs, I think I'll be in considerably more trouble than you." Robert laughs but, it gives her an idea and she turns to him.

"So, come in with me. You will have a naive, rich American on your arm and your mother can dream of our pretty babies as much as she likes." Cora teases, and he suddenly can't quite get the notion of how gorgeous their children might be out of his mind.

"And what about you?" Robert asks. "How would you benefit from this?"

"My mother would faint at seeing me with a handsome lord." Cora says humorously before continuing thoughtfully. "And I… would get to dance with the nicest man in the room."

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather dance with Pharaoh?" Robert near whispers, feeling his heart quicken at the thought. "Positive, besides, from the looks of it he is ready for bed." They turn to see Carson scooping up the tired white ball of wonder. "I'll put him on your bed Master Robert."

"Thank you, Carson. But not a word to Lady Grantham." Robert instructs kindly. "Mums the word Master Robert. Come on little fellow let's get you to bed hmm?" They watch them disappear up the stairs before Robert whispers. "Mama insists I get a basket but he insists on my bed for now." "Heaven help my poor wife when I do marry." Robert despairs playfully as they enter the ball-room. "Trust me Robert, whoever she is she'll love you and she'll love your dog."

"Really? How can you be so sure?" She's such a marvel to him. "Because she'd be a fool not to." Cora says without a trace of doubt. And Robert is sure he'd be a fool if he didn't ask this marvellous woman to dance.

They seem to have fallen into an easy rhythm, and Cora finds that her partner despite, several protestations to the contrary is quite the dancer, waltzing her quite effortlessly across the room, she catches her mother who looks as if she is about to burst with pride at seeing the two of them together. As for Lady Grantham well, she looks like she is sucking on a lemon but, Cora says nothing far too comfortable in Robert's arms.

"So," Robert's melodic voice calls her back to him. "How long will you and your mother be staying in England?"

"For the season, my brother is gallivanting around the world doing as he pleases so I must be the sensible one."

"You would like to travel one day then?" Robert's intrigue makes her light up. "Of course. Wouldn't any woman love to see the world?"

"Not every woman, Mama goes faint at the mention of boats. Were you terribly ill during your crossing?"

Cora nods embarrassed, "Yes, my stomach felt like it had been on a Ferris Wheel. But I'm hoping it will improve over time."

"I'm not too clever on boats either. It seems we'd make quite the pair." Robert says as they spin around the floor, noticing how happy she looks and knowing he feels the same. "Yes." Cora breathes out, wonderfully. "Quite the pair."

I hope you enjoyed. Please feel free to review.