A/N: Hello, sorry that this isn't a proper chapter after so long. I wanted to inform you guys that 'Tainted by Filth' has been discontinued and that I'm currently rewriting it as part of my NaNoWriMo project for 2018. The rewritten version is called, 'Afflicted with Filth' and the first chapter is currently up, if any of you are interested in following it. The chapters will be shorter and a little more rough, but you're more likely to get new chapters since I'm supposed to write every day.

I'm sorry about my tendency of rewriting shit. I would've just revised this version if it weren't for the fact that Tom disliking muggle-borns and seeing Hem as an 'exception' was such a large factor. At the point that the story has begun with, he shouldn't really have much of a reason to generally dislike muggle-borns. In hindsight, that really bothered me.

That's all from me. Again, sorry to disappoint you, but I appreciate all of you who have stuck around and enjoyed what I've written.

Reviews are love. Reviews are life. It's never ogre. Thank you for reading.