Her mother always knew where to look for food.

When she was very young, her mother would take her into the back allies and she would lead them to what the people called, 'garbage'. But to them, it was gold. A feast for all their senses. She was one of the only ones to survive this long, so although she wasn't fully grown yet, she was still worth her salt. Besides, this 'garbage' tasted delicious! Oh, was that salami!?

But her mother knew much more than just that! She was the smartest mother in the world!

She knew which back allies for her and her siblings to take to avoid people, where the best sleeping spots where. And more importantly, how to fight. Nothing like the people who were called shinobi, but enough to defend yourself.

If a hostile male attacked her when her mother was searching for food, they could jump up and take him on! One time he went whimpering away with his tale between his legs! Like those bad ass shinobi.

She wondered if she could be a shinobi.

Her mother knew a lot and she knew something was on her mind.

"What is it?" She asked when all her siblings were asleep. They had found shelter under a bridge, and there was an alcove where they spread out rags stolen from a women's clothes line.

"Mother, can I be a Shinobi!? Please!"

He mother was silent for a long time.

"I do not know everything, but, I know the odds are against you. " She kissed her goodnight, nuzzling her head.

Another time, she asked why they were so different from other creatures like them.

"I cannot speak the language the people here speak, as I only have so much ninja in my blood. You however, you're father was a full fledged ninja of our kind."

"Mother, is that why you said there was still a chance for me?"

"A small one, but yes. Firstly, you need to survive that long."

The other day, two more of her siblings had died. The winter freeze had come back with a vengeance, and the ground had barely thawed enough in order for them to bury them.

"Mother why did they die? I promised to play chase with them tomorrow."

Still mourning her lost little ones, it took Mother awhile to respond.

"Because they were hurting. But you need not worry anymore, they will be playing chase to their hearts desire."

It was her, her mother, and her brother. A few weeks had passed and then even he left them.

He had not died, goodness no! But he had grown big enough to venture by himself.

"I will miss you, brother!"

"We will meet again." He kissed her goodbye, and dissappeared in the foilage.

She happened to think that was a great idea. Going out on your own, seeing the world. She was just as old as him and it was no secret she was the strongest and smartest out of all her siblings, thinking quickly to avoid people and fighting off others her siblings couldn't. The world was all one great big adventure just waiting to be explored!

But then she heard a tiny cough. It was barely audible-as if someone tried to muffle it. She turned and sniffed. Sickness. The same frost that had killed some of her siblings had also made her mother sick, and even though it was warm season now, it had still not gone away.

She was weak from birth then from taking care of them all.

She would repay the favor, and then move on.

So she took over the role of caregiver, finding food and shelter, leading her mother there, avoiding people, and fighting off hostiles. They were always blessed with plentiful garbage, many empty sheds, ponds in yards with fishes in them, and warmness.

She loved the sun. It warmed and hugged you like an embrace, setting her golden coat on fire. Back when her siblings were almost newborns and just beginning to speak, they called her goldy, because of her coat and because she was always looking on the bright side. Even then, she had always been a bit of a mother hen herself, caring for her siblings when her mother was away.

Speaking of her mother, she was curled up into a ball. The sun had warmed her, but something inside her had broken.

She was curled up into a ball, breathing raspy and uneven. She had stopped talking days ago and had stopped getting up yesterday.

"Mother the sun is so beautiful today-just like you!"

" Everything is so fresh and lovely today mother, lean on me and I'll show you!"


"...Mother, it's like with my sisters and chase isn't it? You are hurting."

Her mother twitched in acknowledgement. She didn't know things like her mom, but she had seen enough to know what this was.

"Well, then you'll stop hurting too! But, can I just ask one thing? Can you play chase with them? For me in my place? I can't because I'm here. Thank you."

She curled up to her mother, hoping to share some of her warmth. When she woke up in the morning, with the sun in her face, she felt as if it was to greet and welcome her mother.

"...Child." She rasped.

She perked up, tearing her eyes away from the gray sky.


"Listen to me, child. Against all odds, you survived when the others did not. And against all odds, I know you can achieve your dreams."

"Yes mother I will!"

The sun rose in that moment, the first rays reaching their spot under the pine trees. Mothers head turned towards the sun, knowing her daughter always loved it.

And knowing, that she always loved her daughter.

Nothing more needed to be said. Right now, her job was to dig her mother a very comfy forever sleeping spot and so she shifted her to the side and got to work. She encountered some pine roots, but nothing she couldn't gnaw through and finally when it was deep enough, she pushed her mother in and covered her. She would be happy in the sky, playing chase with her siblings.

It was time for her to explore the world.