Hey guys, thanks for the reviews, favs, follows, 40 followers woohoo! I'm sorry for the delays in updating again, idk if I will ever maintain a consistent writing/posting schedule. 2018 is here so yay! I hope you guys enjoy ;)

Harry had a night full of peaceful rest. He did not care about his work at that moment. He was perfectly content where he was. Draco took in a breath and Harry watched as he started to slowly stir. The rays of sunshine, from Harry's bedroom windows, shined down upon Draco's already blonde hair and made it dazzle in the most attractive way possible. Draco's long eyelashes parted as he turned onto his other side to face Harry. Draco let out a yawn. He was still a little disoriented, but happy. Harry smiled at the man he still had in his arms. He would have never imagined himself so blissful with the a man who he had thought was an enemy for so long. Draco looked at Harry's face lit up as if it were Christmas Day. His lips curled up in a shy, but fitting smirk.

"Morning Beautiful," Harry said in a deeper then usual tone. Draco could not hide the blush that crept up from his neck to his cheeks. Instead of responding with words Draco snuggled closer to Harry. He knew it must have came across unlike his usual domeanor and Malfoy routine, but Harry was warm and comfortable. Draco felt safe with Harry's arms around him. Their legs intertwined and Draco lay his head on Harry's chest. He took deep breathes and tried to mentally memorize Harry's scent. They stayed like that for a few minutes before Draco's stomach let out an upset rumble. Harry smiled once again.

"I'll go make breakfast, the bathroom is down the hall to the right," Harry got out of the bed and placed a kiss on Draco's forehead before he headed for the kitchen. He did not turn to see Draco's reaction. Once in the kitchen he realized he did not have anything to offer besides Teddy's favorite cereal and some toast. quickly thinking he decided to stop at the coffee shop before Draco was out of the shower. He waited till he heard the water running before he apperated.

Draco sat up in the bed and stretched before he untangled himself from the sheets. He cast a quick spell that remade the bed as if no one had slept in it. He followed Harry's directions and found the cozy bathroom. There were towels and clothes set out for him. He wondered when Harry would of had time to set it up. The wondering was paused as Draco undressed and turned the water on. The shower nosle was trickier then the one at his place and so at first he blasted himself with frigid ice water. Once the water was at a reasonable temperature, he spotted the shampoo that was left in there. No wonder Harry's hair was a mess his shampoo was cheap, Draco mentally commented. Draco cast a spell on the bottle to make the liquid more luxurious for his head. When he was done he dried himself off with the fresh towel left for him and searched around the bathroom for any colone or hair gel. He found a musk he was familar with Harry wearing and applied it to himself. The search for hair products was to no avail. The shirt was a loose white botton down with a simple tie, and muggle, but nice black slacks. Draco looked over himself in the mirror. It was not his choice of a look, but not bad either. He made his way to the kitchen with a glance into the now empty bedroom. He found a cup of tea with a note beside it on the table.

"Thought you'd like some tea, I didn't have anything to offer, but I'll be back shortly with goodies from Dan

- Harry"

Draco smiled and took the tea into his hands. He sat down and looked around the place. It was definately exactly and at the same time the opposite of what he had expected. The small treasures and pictures from friends and family were scattered around the house. It was a small place, but was very open, with the exception of the secluded bathroom and bedrooms. That gave Draco an idea. He had not seen Teddy's bedroom and all his pets. By process of elimination he determined that the only other bedroom besides Harry's must be Teddy's. The door was unlocked, so Draco quietly opened it and peered within. Many eyes looked back at Draco in curiousity. He then pushed the door completely open. Just as Draco had stepped in and was about to investigate further, he heard a 'pop' from the other room. Quickly, he closed the door and made his way back expecting Harry with food. Instead of Harry, he was greeted with Hermione and Teddy.

"Draccyyyyyy" Teddy squealed and wrapped his arms around Draco's leg. Teddy started to shout out questions at rapid speed. "You're here! Why are you here? Where's Hawy? You smell like Hawy! Why do you smell like him? Are you and Hawy together? Have you seen my animals?! You won't guess what me and Auntie 'Mione got to do today!"

"Hey there Teddy. Take a breath, so I can answer will ya?" Draco tossled Teddy's hair and looked up to meet Hermione's quizzical look. "Hello Granger" he said.

"Hi Draco, I'm sure it's safe to assume you slept well last night." She gave him a smile. "I have my own questions too like are you wearing Harry's clothes and where is he?" She was polite, but went straight to the point.

"Well yes they are his clothes. You smell his colone Teddy. Harry is out getting breakfast, but will be back soon. I'm here cause I stayed the night and I saw some of your pets Teddy, but not all. I'm going to guess you went to the library with Hermione." Draco took a breath after answering the interrogators. Hermione rolled her eyes at the library guess, but smiled at the appearance of Draco and Harry being a thing. Teddy looked back and forth between the adults. He was still a little perplexed.

"So you and Hawy had a sleepover!" then in a more suspicious tone Teddy asked "did you sleep in my bed?" Draco let out a short laugh at Teddy's concerns and innocence.

"No I didn't. Don't you worry," Draco told Teddy in a convincing tone. Hermione looked at Draco questioning.

"So did you have to sleep on the floor or couch then?" Teddy asked. He was not putting two and two together. Draco started to feel uncomfortable with the conversation. He did not want Hermione to get the wrong impression.

"Well no I slept in his bed... with him" Draco clarified. Teddy's face lit up like a lightbulb.

"So you guys snuggled! I knew Hawy liked you, but just so you know he told me I was the best snuggle buddy ever and no body could beat me." Then like nothing Teddy switched the topic again. "Comon' meet Virgil!" He grabbed Draco's hand and had begun to lead him to his room when Harry walked through the front door. He had a bag in his hands. He took in the scene. Draco sent him a look, only he would understand.

"Hello 'Mione, Teddy. I was not expecting you but I am so happy to see you." Harry gave Hermione a hug and Teddy ran to him and wrapped himself onto Harry's legs instead. Harry then walked over to Draco, wrapped an arm around his waist, pulled him close, placed a kiss on his cheek, and whispered in Draco's ear "you look good." Draco blushed and Hermione let out a *cough *cough to get Harry's attention.

"Harry I must be off, but Teddy has books from the library and Ron is waiting for you at the Ministry. By the looks of it I'll be leaving you in good hands." She gave Harry a wink and said her goodbyes to Teddy and Draco before she left. The three left sat in the kitchen and ate the biscuits and pastries Harry had brought. After observing Harry and Draco's new closeness and various hand brushing, shoulder and or knee bumping, Teddy piped up and asked the obvious question.

"Are you two going to get married?" Draco nearly choked on his tea and Harry's face became tomato red.

"What would make you ask that?" Harry asked calmly. Teddy shook his head and acted as if it was obvious.

"Well Draco said you slept together," Draco began to cough and Harry looked at him with amusement and curiousity. He had not expected him to tell his godson that they had slept togethed when they had not "slept together." "you guys like each other, and you are all snuggly now, I was just curious." Teddy finished with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Teddy, Draco and me are a... um.. well we are a couple, but that does not automatically mean we are going to marry, this is new for us and we are just trying it out, okay." Harry took Draco's hand and looked at him for confirmation. Warmth spread thoughout Draco's body at Harry's simple and sweet touch. He wanted to try this new relationship and wanted it to work too. Draco nodded and gave Harry a quick kiss on the lips. Or at least he meant it to be quick before Harry kissed back. The two broke apart from the passionate kiss that had begun when they heard Teddy say "Eww" before his footsteps ran to the bedroom. Harry was amused and Draco was embarrassed, but still grinned against his better judegment

"I think you should finish what you started," Harry said in a low tone. Draco smirked and took a bite of a tart and replied with "my breakfast?." Harry pulled Draco in for another kiss. Harry was not phased by it being another guy that he kissed, but he could sense that Draco was much more hesitant. His hands had roamed to playing with Draco's soft hair. He slowed the kissing to a crawl. "What's wrong Draco?" he asked, concerned he had done something. Draco looked down, almost ashamed. Harry waited patiently. Draco looked back towards Teddy's room and saw the door was closed

"It's just... I've never.. you know done this kind of thing with a guy before.." He mumbled. He had never felt insecure about that fact in his life until that moment. He wanted to have Harry, but did not want to turn him away with his lack of experience. Harry nodded. He understood, even though he had seen a few men, this really was new for Draco. Harry lifted Draco's face and gently turned it to look at him properly.

"Draco," he looked up at Harry and saw the emerald eyes full of so much compassion he had never recieved from the owner until most recently. "Can you answer me a question?" Draco slowly nodded once. "At the Burrow yesterday, was that the first time you've ever kissed a bloke?"

"... yeah it was Harry" Draco wanted to leave, he did not like being in a situation where he was the less experienced or even vulnerable. He had been put into one too many of those when he was younger.

"You know what Draco?" Harry waited for a reponse.

"What Potter?" he asked. He held Harry's look and was quiet.

"I told you already and I meant it. That was the best kiss I have ever had, from a guy or girl, it was perfect. So don't worry, just tell me if I am moving to fast. Also call me Harry not Potter" He said gently. Draco had no words so he leaned into Harry for a sweet kiss. He could taste the pastries and tea from that morning and smell Harry's perfect scent. Harry let Draco be in charge. Harry let him explore his mouth and without knowing moved onto his lap. Draco started to trail kisses along Harry's jawline and down his neck and back. He found a sweet spot just below Harry's ear and Harry let out a soft moan. Draco became aware of something hard against him and stopped trailing kisses, before the two got too caught up. Harry grinned "See you are perfect, I just wish we could continue this elsewhere," he wriggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"We've got work, that we are already late for," Draco reminded him before he slid off his lap and took the dishes to the sink. He turned back to look at Harry's dissapointed face. "Teddy is here and you had better take me out before you take me to bed," he said. Before Harry could respond Teddy's door slammed open and he started to jump up and down.

"Come look! Now look! Somethings happening to Virgil!" Both Harry and Draco followed the very excited Teddy.

"Virgil is shedding his skin Teddy. When it falls off a new one will replace the old," Draco informed him. Teddy pressed his face against the glass and inspected the snake closer without touching. Harry stepped behind Draco and wrapped his arms around his waist and placed his chin against his shoulder. Draco leaned back into Harry, knowing he was real and feeling his intentions were true as well.

"So you and me... it's a.. a thing" Draco whispered to Harry. Harry gave Draco three almost unnoticable kisses along his neck before whispering back "yeah." "You know Ron won't be happy and it'll be bad for your image" Draco warned. At that Harry chuckled softly.

"When have I ever cared about my image? You mean more to me" Harry soothed. Draco was touched beyond belief. He knew Harry from years of *stalking* observing and most recent their new friendship. He wanted to mean something to him, but he would have never asked for that kind of statement so early. It only showed that Harry had an amazing amount of compassion even towards people who had hurt him. Draco laced his fingers with Harry's.

"Teddy please feed your friends, we gotta leave soon and I know Grandma Adromena will be very excited to see you," Harry intructed. Teddy started to bustle around the room talking to his pets and feeding them accordingly. Harry led them out of the room and back to his bedroom. Draco sat on the edge of the bed and watched as Harry walked around the room gathering things. Harry paused in his tracks and looked at Draco.

"Did you make the bed?" he asked. Draco looked at the bed he was sitting on and then back at Harry.

"yeah was I not suppost to?" Draco tried to read Harry's face. Harry face went from unreadable to a goofy smile.

"Thanks, most mornings I don't bother since I rush out of here" Harry left the room and made his way to the bathroom. Draco heard the water start, but did not join Harry. Instead, he went back to Teddy's room. Teddy gladly told Draco what all the pets names were, what they were, their best traits, when he got them, where they were from, etc. Harry joined them about 15 minutes later. His hair was unruly as usual. "Was I just imagining things or was the shampoo different?" Harry asked as he combed his fingers through his hair. Draco stood and felt the improved hair that was even better then before, if that was possible.

"I might have tampered with it a little, but isn't it an improvement?" Draco raised an eyebrow to have Harry challenge him.

"I like it," he said simply. Harry then turned to Teddy. "You ready to go?"

"Mhm, but are you sure Virgil will be okay? Can I take him with me just in case? Grandma Adromena loves snakes and I could show her the Parseltongue you've taught me!"

"Teddy, Virgil needs to stay in a familar environment and he is very warm where he is. Grandma Adromena will be even more excited to see him after he has new scales. Maybe next time," Draco eased Teddy out of the room. Harry drove Teddy over to his grandma's while Draco stopped at his flat before he made his way to work, rather late.

. . .

At Draco's Flat

As soon as Draco appeared at his flat Misty greeted him with a puunce. Draco scooped her up before she could shed her hair on his, ahem Harry's, black slacks. She nipped at him until he scratched the special spot behind her ears. She then began to purr. Draco replaced her water with fresh water and then gave her food. He then proceeded to do the same for his owl, before he opened the cage and a window to allow her to stretch her wings. She hooted and flew out the window and did a few circles in the air. Draco went to his bathroom and proceeded to add a few products to his hair.

. . .

At Grandma's

"Hello Harry. How have you been?" Adromena greeted before she gave Teddy a hug. Harry gave her a hug as well.

"It've been well. I was actually going to tell you," Harry was interrupted by the excited Teddy.

"Guess wwhat grandma! Hawy and Dracyy slept together last night and this morning they kept kissing and Hawy says they are a couple, but I think they are going to get married, cause they reallyyy like each other! Isn't that awesome! Oh!!!!! And Virgil, he's he's getting new scales and I wasn't allowed to bring him, but I can next time to show you!" When Teddy had let that all out he was beaming and practically bouncing. Harry covered his face with his hands and took a deep breath. That was not how he had wanted to tell Adromena.

"Adromena I can explain," Harry was cut off by the grandma. She was smiling and she pulled Harry into a big hug.

"Oh, I have been waiting for this day!, much longer then you could have realized, all that built up sexual tension between you two was getting out of hand, everyone could tell you guys were head over heels in love with each other. It's about time," Adromena gave him another hug. Harry was embarrassed and shocked to a point he could not respond to her words. He gave Teddy a kiss on the head and apperated to his work.

. . .

At the Ministry

Sally was sitting on Draco's desk. beginning to get annoyed. She tapped her recently manicured nails against the wood. It was very unlike him to be late let alone this late. She wanted to get paid, but to do that you need to do work. She stood and put her coat on. If Draco was going to skip work with no explanation she was going to go home with no explanation. She pulled open the door and there stood "Mr. I'm very late, but have a goofy grin on my face".

"Well look who decided to finally show up at work. Where have you been? Why aree you smiling like that?" she demanded.