Hello hello lovelies!

I can't even start to express how sorry I am that this is so late coming! To be honest with all of you I had a lot of stuff happen… and if I were to have written my story then with all of the stress it wasn't going to be the best I could make it. The stress is dying down immensely for me and I find myself newly inspired to continue this story. I hope you all enjoy the Sequel to the Queen of Hearts… I love this story more than I can say and hope you all enjoy the second one! I have a lot in store for this one, even better than the first I think, so if I'm lucky enough to have all of my followers still following me I'll be ever grateful.

IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE QUEEN OF HEARTS THEN THIS MIGHT NOT MAKE SENSE. Please go back and read it for a full understanding of this story! =)

Lastly, please enjoy and leave a review… I thrive off of them and they encourage me! Let me know what you're thinking?

(Chloe's POV)

Consciousness catches up with me again. The taste of dry metallic lingers in the back of my throat, making me want to cough, but I don't have the strength. I can't move my body. My arms and legs are still strapped down to an uncomfortable metal table. My body involuntarily shivers as the cold lingers on my skin. How long will they keep me here? I'm losing track of time. I would sob intensely at random moments and others would laugh like a mad woman. This time, I keep my eyes closed as my brain tries to catch up on what has just happened for the tenth time. It was like a bad movie rerun playing in my head. I was in a fountain of water. Blood starting to surround me. My baby. Not just mine.. Joker. Jack. Our baby. It's gone… and so is J. A image of his brilliant blue eyes flash through my mind. They held anger – no – hate. Amusing hate, he was laughing but his entire stance told a different story. I should have known better than to have hope of him and I ever being more than just … 'Shut the fuck up, Chloe! He's gone forever, he hates you, you're weak!' I bite my bottom lip as my internal voice shouts at me again, she won't leave me alone! I shut my eyelids tighter together trying to prevent tears from starting again.

My entire body stills as I hear footsteps approaching my bed. I hadn't opened my eyes prior so I wasn't aware I had company. The footsteps were distinct, high heels on a hard floor, followed by some quieter footsteps. My eyes flutter open and I find myself looking up at Dr. Leland. Her face seems to soften a bit when she takes inventory of the state I'm in. That's when I take note of where I'm at. I'm no longer in the hospital ward. It's dimly lit and dank smelling.

"Welcome to Arkham Asylum Ms. Patton. You're finally awake. You were transported here 10 hours ago and we didn't think the sedation would last that long." Her voice is a mindless babble of noise. How does she know my last name? When I signed into Arkham as a visitor I used a fake name…

"Remove her restraints," As she orders this two guards usher forward and start to unstrap me from the table. I sit up wobbly, not remembering the last time I actually sat upright. A wave of dizziness rushes through my head and I have to steady myself with my hands clutching onto the bed frame. "Take it slow." She orders me gently.

I slide off the bed and it's taken out of the room. I glance around, no window, cold white walls, cold white linoleum floors, a single bed with a single sheet and pillow, and a toilet/sink set in the corner of the opposite wall. I swallow hard, my reality fully setting in, and as I turn back to Dr. Leland she thrusts an orange jumpsuit, fresh clean underwear, and a sports bra into my hands.

"Get dressed," She averts her eyes away from me and I take it she wont leave until I do as I'm told. I play along, wanting to get into something warmer than a hospital gown. I put on the clothes, the jumpsuit is a little baggy for my body. "Do you have any questions?" I glance at her again, my eyes scanning her, I have nothing to say. With a heavy sigh, she adds, "we'll have our first appointment tomorrow." And just like that, she's gone. The door to my cell shuts with a loud clank. The only light coming into my room is from the light bulb from the ceiling and the small window on the door of my cell. I walk over to the small window and glance out, only able to see a little bit of the hallway in each direction and a cell that's open and cleaned out in front of me. Once again, I'm alone. I lay down on the single bed and start my training right away, I begin small, doing crunches. My stomach aches and I'm too weak to complete a full crunch. 'Weak girl, no wonder Joker hasn't come for you...' Determination courses throughout me and I find the strength to keep pushing myself up. I will become strong. With or without any man.

The next morning, I was woken up rather rudely by a guardsman pushing my shoulder roughly. "Let's go, girl!" He growled and I sat up out of bed, not fully aware of when I fell asleep. He cuffed my hands together, leading me down a long hallway. As soon as we cleared the hallway with all of the cell doors there was another hallway that had a long window looking out at what seems to be outside. If you look more carefully you can clearly see that it's not truly outside, simply an illusion. There was fake grass, a few picnic tables, and if you looked up you could see a ceiling painted blue. I couldn't help but smile at the thought. A recess room for the inmates to play. The guard snapped his fingers, getting my attention again and finally leads me into a better lit room. I sat down in the chair as he cuffed my ankles to the chair legs. There was a silver metal table in front of me and another empty chair. The guard left and not soon after Dr. Leland sauntered in with a folder in one hand and a to-go coffee cup in the other. She places the items down on the table and sits before even looking my direction.

When her eyes do settle on me they examine me for a good few moments before speaking. "How are you feeling today, Ms. Patton?" She asks cautiously, gauging the waters I assume. I sit there, staring at her, what am I supposed to say? I slept shitty, woke up shitty, and now have to be cuffed to a chair watching you drink coffee… I look down at my hands.

"Look, in order for me to help you – you must speak to me." She emphasized the word 'speak' and that's when I realized I haven't spoken to anyone since…

I glance up at her, nothing comes to me. No thoughts that I convey to her will help me. I need help training and tracking down the Bat once I'm ready. I need help find Joker… even if that means potentially walking to his house out of town. I need to see him again. A pang of hurt clenches down in my chest. 'He'll laugh at you.' She taunts me.

Dr. Leland sighs, "Is it true that you're a Joker accomplice? You claimed to be his client here in Arkham when he was locked up and then was his hostage… twice." My stomach starts to knot in on itself. She gave me a few moments to respond and when I didn't she continued, "The tattoo on your lower left torso area is clearly a copycat tattoo of the same one the Joker has on his neck. Well, almost copycat. The letter J in place of the A, so essentially you have his Joker card on your skin. The banner is blank. It makes me curious, did you not have the time to get it filled in or were you not sure what you wanted it to say?" This woman has no idea what she's talking about… it wasn't my choice. A memory flashes through my mind, a nice one…

"You'll mess me up, stay put." I open my eyes at the voice I know all too well. Joker was kneeling at the side of the bed with a tattoo gun in hand. My heart suddenly started to race as nervousness and weird excitement rushed through me.

"What is it?" I tried to ask curiously but the fact that I didn't even know the design being marked on my body made me nervous.

He flashed his eyes towards me, looking at me through his lashes. "No. Questions." He continues, the same vibrating uncomfortable itch pulsating through the part he was marking, "You'll see when I'm done."

I drew in a deep breath and stayed still. If I was going to show him I trusted him then this was a good start… allowing him to mark my body permanently with something he wanted. I shut my eyes tight as he rounded in on a spot that shot a sting through my body.

"Mmmmmmm…" I whimpered out in pain.

"There is always pleasure in pain you just have to push through the barrier." His low voice is sultry, washing over me…

It was Jokers choice… and I'm still proud of his mark on me. My heart squeezes… I miss him… 'He doesn't miss you.' I shake my head, trying to force the voice out.

When I look up at her again her eyes seem to be trying to pry my skull open. She opens the folder she brought in and retrieves a pen from her white jacket pocket. "Ok so we'll start with the basics for today then, give you more time to think. What's your full legal name?"

Knock knock knock

We both glance over at the door, seemingly irritated she goes to answer it, only cracking it open. "I'm in session, what's up?" After an unknown person responded in a hushed tone, she leaves the room without explanation. Great, just great. I glance up at the clock on the wall, 3:15 pm, just as the door opens again my heart begins to race. He was the last person I expected to see before me. Memories of my lonely childhood flood through my mind as my father sits down in the chair now instead of Dr. Leland. For a brief moment, I wonder if I'm hallucinating.

"Chloe…" His voice is small, gentle, caring even? The last I heard my father was in Europe. He was a fashion photographer and the moment I graduated he pursued his dreams, leaving me in the dust with a Christmas card here, a trinket for a birthday present there. I stare at him in disbelief. He came down here, for me? "I tried to see you sooner but they wouldn't allow me. You were sedated in the hospital most of the times I tried, I've been down here two weeks trying to get some legal action started." Legal action? I must look like a deer in headlights right now because he rephrased, "I'm trying to get you a defense attorney. When they transferred you to Arkham I knew you must at least be more awake.. Honey, what is going on? What have you got mixed up in?" So now he wants to go all 'fatherly' on me. He'll be seen as the helpful dad come to his daughters side, to rescue her…

"After all this time, now is the time you pick to come and be a father?" My voice cracks as I speak for the first time in apparently two weeks. It's small and it feels weak. I've caught him off guard, he sits there like I've slapped him. "I have a daddy… and it's not you." I glare at him and resolve to not speak again, my heart is pounding. I'm furious. How dare he want to come back here now and try to look like the hero. Everyone is such a fucking hypocrite.

"Chloe, I am here to help you honey. I know you've been through a lot. You're safe to talk to me. I will help you get through anything, baby girl, you know that." I can't help the forceful laugh that comes from me, oh how laughable. It sounds so alien and I'm sure it startled him because he jumps.

"Oh yea, you're here to help me now… but not when I was being beat and raped almost daily by Thomas!" I continue to glare at him, "You might have noticed something was wrong with me if you would have stuck around or for fucks sake if you called!" I feel myself going into hysterics. "You have no right!" I try to stand up, slamming my knees on the table, reaching for my father wanting nothing more than to smack the shit out of him. The door bursts open and a guard accompanied by Dr. Leland rush in, a sharp pinch enters my neck and I start to slowly calm down. They uncuff my legs and force me onto a stand up table that they strap me to.

"You better go, she needs more time to recover. We're not sure what she's been through. We think it's brainwashing, we're doing the best we can." Dr. Leland reassures my father, "She'll be just fine, we'll take care of her."

"That's my kid, I know she's not ok, I can see it! She's never acted like this before… if she could just come home with me. I could help her. She'd be better in her own bed and not a damn prison…" and they roll me off. Down the hallway we pass the same courtyard area, this time there are other inmates in there. Recess time I guess. My vision is starting to blur… but not before I see him. His tall stature, only the orange jumpsuit bottoms are on, his muscular frame, pale skin adorned with his tattoos, his green hair is wild unlike his normal slicked back look, his face is perfection… blue eyes meeting mine with a look I cannot read. Anger? No… his eyes were soft looking… shock? Darkness…

And there, ladies and gentlemen, is Chapter 1 of the sequel! Please review and let me know your thoughts? Thank you and I hope you all liked it!