Chapter 7 (Epilogue)

It had been two days since the camping trip and Diana was walking across Luna Nova's campus on the way back to her room from Potion Creation Class. She had a stop to make before heading back, though. Diana knocked on the door to Akko's dorm room. She was surprised to see Akko herself answer the door. Diana spent a second wondering why Lotte and Sucy weren't in the room, but remembered that they were most likely eating breakfast in the dining hall.

"You aren't sleeping, Akko?"

"Nah. I went to bed early last night. I didn't feel like going to class today. I'm feeling pretty anxious about yesterday's test, you know?"

"That's actually why I'm here earlier than usual. We didn't take any notes in class today, so I didn't have to make a copy for you. We just received our tests and looked over the material. The professor wanted me to give you your test back."

"What?! No, that's alright, Diana! I really don't think that's a good idea…"

Akko closed her eyes and hid them behind her hands. To counter this action, Diana took Akko's test in her hands and tapped the few sheets of paper against her shoulder.

"Hey, come on, Akko! You should at least look at your test before judging how you did!

Akko peeked through her fingers to see Diana holding her test in front of her. Enhancing the sight with a smile and a slight blush, Diana was proud to present Akko with a score that made her shout with joy.

"No way! 95 percent?! That's the highest grade I've ever gotten on a test here!" Akko continued to express her excited celebration by jumping around the dorm room and shouting "Yay!" After a few seconds, Akko turned her attention to Diana. She didn't calm down, though. She hugged Diana with an enthusiasm as if she hadn't seen her in years. The act of affection caused Diana's blush to intensify once again. She didn't mind, though. In fact, she had become quite fond of Akko's hugs. Not really knowing how else to praise Akko, Diana decided to be formal about her next words.

"I'm so proud of you, Akko! I knew you had it in you!" Diana said.

Suddenly, it appeared as if a light bulb lit up in Akko's mind, because she presented Diana with a very important question.

"Hey, Diana...thanks so much for helping me study for this test. This may be asking a lot, but...can you help me study material for a few other classes?"

Akko's request made Diana so happy, she thought that she was going to burst with joy.

"I would be delighted, Akko!" Diana said with a grin. "I, uh...also wanted to thank you for consoling me during the camping trip. It really meant a lot to me that you helped me out."

"No problem, Diana!" Akko replied, keeping her smile as strong as it was before. "Thanks for comforting me after we all told ghost stories. That meant a lot to me too!"

"So, I'll see you tomorrow afternoon for more studying?" Diana asked.

"Yeah!" Akko answered.

"Ok, see you later!" Diana said as she left the dorm room to return to her own.

The camping trip that Diana had taken with Akko and her friends was more of a vacation than a necessary part of Luna Nova education. However, a camping trip was something that Diana had always wanted to go on, and she was glad that she was able to accompany Akko of all people. There was some unexpected hardship during the excursion, but Diana and Akko feel that they became better people and closer friends because of it. The trip didn't put them any closer to graduation, but that didn't matter. All that mattered to the two witches at the moment was the fact that they were wearing smiles that shone brighter than the sun.

-The Luna Nova Camping Trip: The End.

Author's Note: Hey, thank you so much for reading this story! This is the first fan fiction I've written, and I'm honestly surprised that I wrote as much as I did! I hope the story was cute enough! I'm definitely in the mood to write some more, so look out for another story in the future!