Well...hi guys...please don't hate me. I've been gone for a long time, I know. The first time I tried to write this fic, I got so pumped to, that I didn't think it out well enough and got burnt out when things weren't really flowing. The second time when I decided to rewrite it...well. to be honest I don't really know what happened and I just lost touch with it. HOWEVER I went to see FFH last week and it made me want to pick this up again. So, with the help of bookwriter123456, I am going to be continuing this story...again. Third times the charm, right? ...right?

I can't promise there won't be itty bitty gaps in uploads here and there (life happens okay), but I can promise that I'm gonna try to keep my uploads more consistent.

Now because of the way this website works, if you leave a review on this chapter and then I delete/replace it with a chapter of the revised version of my fic, you won't be able to comment again because you can't "review" more than once on the same chapter. Therefore (lol fancy wow) I'm gonna have to re-post it as a whole new story...(again)

I'll add another chapter to this "old" version to let you know when I post the "new" one, (which will probably be up sometime this week.) (Ooh look more parenthesis)

Anywho, if you're still interested in this story (which if you are...like, why? Bless your sweet little heart lol), look out for that!

Seriously though, you guys are great, thanks for all the support. I hope you're interesting in seeing what I've got planned for my OCs...cause there's a lot.